path: root/data/js/dropdownsearch.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'data/js/dropdownsearch.js')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/js/dropdownsearch.js b/data/js/dropdownsearch.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35bd1443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/js/dropdownsearch.js
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+/* Interactive drop-down search widget. Usage:
+ *
+ * dsInit(obj, url, trfunc, serfunc, retfunc);
+ *
+ * obj: An <input type="text"> object.
+ *
+ * url: The base URL of the XML API, e.g. "/xml/tags.xml?q=", the search query is appended to this URL.
+ * The resource at the URL should return an XML document with a
+ * <item id="something" ..>..</item>
+ * element for each result.
+ *
+ * trfunc(item, tr): Function that is given an <item> object given by the XML
+ * document and an empty <tr> object. The function should format the data of
+ * the item to be shown in the tr.
+ *
+ * serfunc(item, obj): Called whenever a user selects an item from the search
+ * results. Should return a string, which will be used as the new value of the
+ * input object.
+ *
+ * retfunc(obj): Called whenever the user selects an item from the search
+ * results (after setfunc()) or when enter is pressed (even if nothing is
+ * selected).
+ *
+ * setfunc and retfunc can be null.
+ *
+ * TODO: Some users of this widget consider serfunc() as their final "apply
+ * this selection" function, whereas others use retfunc() for this. Might be
+ * worth investigating whether the additional flexibility offered by
+ * retfunc() is actually necessary, and remove the callback if not.
+ */
+var boxobj;
+function box() {
+ if(!boxobj) {
+ boxobj = tag('div', {id: 'ds_box', 'class':'hidden'}, tag('b', mt('_js_loading')));
+ addBody(boxobj);
+ }
+ return boxobj;
+function init(obj, url, trfunc, serfunc, retfunc) {
+ obj.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
+ obj.onkeydown = keydown;
+ obj.onblur = blur;
+ obj.ds_returnFunc = retfunc;
+ obj.ds_trFunc = trfunc;
+ obj.ds_serFunc = serfunc;
+ obj.ds_searchURL = url;
+ obj.ds_selectedId = 0;
+ obj.ds_dosearch = null;
+function blur() {
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ setClass(box(), 'hidden', true)
+ }, 500)
+function setselected(obj, id) {
+ obj.ds_selectedId = id;
+ var l = byName(box(), 'tr');
+ for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++)
+ setClass(l[i], 'selected', id && l[i].id == 'ds_box_'+id);
+function setvalue(obj) {
+ if(obj.ds_selectedId != 0)
+ obj.value = obj.ds_serFunc(byId('ds_box_'+obj.ds_selectedId).ds_itemData, obj);
+ if(obj.ds_returnFunc)
+ obj.ds_returnFunc(obj);
+ setClass(box(), 'hidden', true);
+ setContent(box(), tag('b', mt('_js_loading')));
+ setselected(obj, 0);
+ if(obj.ds_dosearch) {
+ clearTimeout(obj.ds_dosearch);
+ obj.ds_dosearch = null;
+ }
+function enter(obj) {
+ // Make sure the form doesn't submit when enter is pressed.
+ // This solution is a hack, but it's simple and reliable.
+ var frm = obj;
+ while(frm && frm.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form')
+ frm = frm.parentNode;
+ if(frm) {
+ var oldsubmit = frm.onsubmit;
+ frm.onsubmit = function() { return false };
+ setTimeout(function() { frm.onsubmit = oldsubmit }, 100);
+ }
+ setvalue(obj);
+ return false;
+function updown(obj, up) {
+ var i, sel, l = byName(box(), 'tr');
+ if(l.length < 1)
+ return true;
+ if(obj.ds_selectedId == 0)
+ sel = up ? l.length-1 : 0;
+ else
+ for(i=0; i<l.length; i++)
+ if(l[i].id == 'ds_box_'+obj.ds_selectedId)
+ sel = up ? (i>0 ? i-1 : l.length-1) : (l[i+1] ? i+1 : 0);
+ setselected(obj, l[sel].id.substr(7));
+ return false;
+function keydown(ev) {
+ var c = document.layers ? ev.which : document.all ? event.keyCode : ev.keyCode;
+ var obj = this;
+ if(c == 9) // tab
+ return true;
+ if(c == 13) // enter
+ return enter(obj);
+ if(c == 38 || c == 40) // up / down
+ return updown(obj, c == 38);
+ // perform search after a timeout
+ if(obj.ds_dosearch)
+ clearTimeout(obj.ds_dosearch);
+ obj.ds_dosearch = setTimeout(function() {
+ search(obj);
+ }, 500);
+ return true;
+function search(obj) {
+ var b = box();
+ var val = obj.value;
+ clearTimeout(obj.ds_dosearch);
+ obj.ds_dosearch = null;
+ // hide the ds_box div if the search string is too short
+ if(val.length < 2) {
+ setClass(b, 'hidden', true);
+ setContent(b, tag('b', mt('_js_loading')));
+ setselected(obj, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ // position the div
+ var ddx=0;
+ var ddy=obj.offsetHeight;
+ var o = obj;
+ do {
+ ddx += o.offsetLeft;
+ ddy += o.offsetTop;
+ } while(o = o.offsetParent);
+ = 'absolute';
+ = ddx+'px';
+ = ddy+'px';
+ = obj.offsetWidth+'px';
+ setClass(b, 'hidden', false);
+ // perform search
+ ajax(obj.ds_searchURL + encodeURIComponent(val), function(hr) { results(hr, obj) });
+function results(hr, obj) {
+ var lst = hr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('item');
+ var b = box();
+ if(lst.length < 1) {
+ setContent(b, tag('b', mt('_js_ds_noresults')));
+ setselected(obj, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ var tb = tag('tbody', null);
+ for(var i=0; i<lst.length; i++) {
+ var id = lst[i].getAttribute('id');
+ var tr = tag('tr', {id: 'ds_box_'+id, ds_itemData: lst[i]} );
+ tr.onmouseover = function() { setselected(obj, };
+ tr.onmousedown = function() { setselected(obj,; setvalue(obj) };
+ obj.ds_trFunc(lst[i], tr);
+ tb.appendChild(tr);
+ }
+ setContent(b, tag('table', tb));
+ setselected(obj, obj.ds_selectedId != 0 && !byId('ds_box_'+obj.ds_selectedId) ? 0 : obj.ds_selectedId);
+window.dsInit = init;