path: root/data/js/vnstaff.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/js/vnstaff.js')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/js/vnstaff.js b/data/js/vnstaff.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4fa012f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/js/vnstaff.js
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// vnsStaffData maps alias id to staff data { NNN: { id: ..., aid: NNN, name: ...} }
+// used to fill form fields instead of ajax queries in vnsLoad() and vncLoad()
+var vnsStaffData = {};
+function vnsLoad() {
+ vnsStaffData = jsonParse(getText(byId('staffdata')||{})) || {};
+ var credits = jsonParse(byId('credits').value) || [];
+ for(var i = 0; i < credits.length; i++) {
+ var aid = credits[i].aid;
+ if(vnsStaffData[aid])
+ vnsAdd(vnsStaffData[aid], credits[i].role, credits[i].note);
+ }
+ vnsEmpty();
+ onSubmit(byName(byId('maincontent'), 'form')[0], vnsSerialize);
+ // dropdown search
+ dsInit(byId('credit_input'), '/xml/staff.xml?q=', function(item, tr) {
+ tr.appendChild(tag('td', { style: 'text-align: right; padding-right: 5px'}, 's'+item.getAttribute('id')));
+ tr.appendChild(tag('td', item.firstChild.nodeValue));
+ }, vnsFormAdd);
+function vnsAdd(staff, role, note) {
+ var tbl = byId('credits_tbl');
+ var rlist = tag('select', {onchange:vnsSerialize});
+ var r = VARS.staff_roles;
+ for (var i = 0; i<r.length; i++)
+ rlist.appendChild(tag('option', {value:r[i][0], selected:r[i][0]==role}, r[i][1]));
+ tbl.appendChild(tag('tr', {id:'vns_a'+staff.aid},
+ tag('td', {'class':'tc_name'},
+ tag('input', {type:'hidden', value:staff.aid}),
+ tag('a', {href:'/s'},,
+ tag('td', {'class':'tc_role'}, rlist),
+ tag('td', {'class':'tc_note'}, tag('input', {type:'text', 'class':'text', value:note})),
+ tag('td', {'class':'tc_del'}, tag('a', {href:'#', onclick:vnsDel}, mt('_js_remove')))
+ ));
+ vnsEmpty();
+ vnsSerialize();
+function vnsEmpty() {
+ var x = byId('credits_loading');
+ var tbody = byId('credits_tbl');
+ var tbl = tbody.parentNode;
+ var thead = byName(tbl, 'thead');
+ if(x)
+ tbody.removeChild(x);
+ if(byName(tbody, 'tr').length < 1) {
+ tbody.appendChild(tag('tr', {id:'credits_tr_none'},
+ tag('td', {colspan:4}, mt('_vnstaffe_none'))));
+ if (thead.length)
+ tbl.removeChild(thead[0]);
+ } else {
+ if(byId('credits_tr_none'))
+ tbody.removeChild(byId('credits_tr_none'));
+ if (thead.length < 1) {
+ thead = tag('thead', tag('tr',
+ tag('td', {'class':'tc_name'}, mt('_vnstaffe_form_staff')),
+ tag('td', {'class':'tc_role'}, mt('_vnstaffe_form_role')),
+ tag('td', {'class':'tc_note'}, mt('_vnstaffe_form_note')),
+ tag('td', '')));
+ tbl.insertBefore(thead, tbody);
+ }
+ }
+function vnsSerialize() {
+ var l = byName(byId('credits_tbl'), 'tr');
+ var c = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
+ if(l[i].id == 'credits_tr_none')
+ continue;
+ var aid = byName(byClass(l[i], 'tc_name')[0], 'input')[0];
+ var role = byName(byClass(l[i], 'tc_role')[0], 'select')[0];
+ var note = byName(byClass(l[i], 'tc_note')[0], 'input')[0];
+ c.push({ aid:Number(aid.value), role:role.value, note:note.value });
+ }
+ byId('credits').value = JSON.stringify(c);
+ return true;
+function vnsDel() {
+ var tr = this;
+ while (tr.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'tr')
+ tr = tr.parentNode;
+ byId('credits_tbl').removeChild(tr);
+ vnsEmpty();
+ vnsSerialize();
+ return false;
+function vnsFormAdd(item) {
+ var s = { id:item.getAttribute('id'), aid:item.getAttribute('aid'), name:item.firstChild.nodeValue };
+ vnsAdd(s, 'staff', '');
+ return '';
+ vnsLoad();