path: root/elm/AdvSearch/Range.elm
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1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Range.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Range.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89ab3a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Range.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+module AdvSearch.Range exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Array
+import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
+import Gen.Types as GT
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+type alias Model a =
+ { op : Op
+ , val : Int
+ , unk : Bool
+ , lst : Array.Array a
+ }
+type Msg
+ = MOp Op
+ | Val String
+ | Unknown Bool
+update : Msg -> Model a -> Model a
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ MOp o -> { model | op = o }
+ Val n -> { model | val = Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt n) }
+ Unknown b -> { model | unk = b, op = if b && model.op /= Ne && model.op /= Eq then Eq else model.op }
+fromQuery : (Data, Model comparable) -> Op -> comparable -> Maybe (Data, Model comparable)
+fromQuery (dat,m) op v = Array.foldl (\v2 (i,r) -> (i+1, if v2 == v then Just i else r)) (0,Nothing) m.lst |> Tuple.second |> (\i -> (dat,{ m | val = i, op = op, unk = False }))
+fromQueryUnk : (Data, Model comparable) -> Op -> Maybe (Data, Model comparable)
+fromQueryUnk (dat,m) op = Just (dat, { m | unk = True, op = if op == Eq then Eq else Ne })
+toQuery : (Op -> a -> Query) -> (Op -> String -> Query) -> Model a -> Maybe Query
+toQuery k u m = if m.unk then Just (u m.op "") else Array.get m.val m.lst |> (\v -> k m.op v)
+view : Bool -> String -> (a -> String) -> Model a -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view canUnk lbl fmt model =
+ let val n = Array.get n model.lst |> fmt |> Maybe.withDefault ""
+ in
+ ( span [ class "nowrap" ] [ text <| lbl ++ " " ++ showOp model.op ++ " " ++ if model.unk then "Unknown" else val model.val ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader", style "width" "290px" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text lbl ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ inputOp model.unk model.op MOp
+ , if canUnk then linkRadio model.unk Unknown [text "Unknown"] else text ""
+ ]
+ ]
+ , if model.unk
+ then p [ class "center" ] [ text <| lbl ++ " is " ++ (if model.op /= Eq then "known/set." else "unknown/unset.") ]
+ else
+ div [ style "display" "flex", style "justify-content" "space-between", style "margin-top" "5px" ]
+ [ small [] [ text (val 0) ]
+ , strong [] [ text (val model.val) ]
+ , small [] [ text (val (Array.length model.lst - 1)) ]
+ ]
+ , if model.unk then text "" else
+ input
+ [ type_ "range"
+ , Html.Attributes.min "0"
+ , Html.Attributes.max (String.fromInt (Array.length model.lst - 1))
+ , value (String.fromInt model.val)
+ , onInput Val
+ , style "width" "290px"
+ ] []
+ ]
+ )
+heightInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 150, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 300 (\n -> n+1) })
+heightFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 6 op v -> fromQuery (heightInit d) op v
+ QStr 6 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (heightInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+heightView = view True "Height" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "cm")
+weightInit dat = (dat, { op= Ge, val = 60, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 401 identity })
+weightFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 7 op v -> fromQuery (weightInit d) op v
+ QStr 7 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (weightInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+weightView = view True "Weight" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "kg")
+bustInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 40, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 101 (\n -> n+20) })
+bustFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 8 op v -> fromQuery (bustInit d) op v
+ QStr 8 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (bustInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+bustView = view True "Bust" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "cm")
+waistInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 40, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 101 (\n -> n+20) })
+waistFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 9 op v -> fromQuery (waistInit d) op v
+ QStr 9 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (waistInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+waistView = view True "Waist" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "cm")
+hipsInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 40, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 101 (\n -> n+20) })
+hipsFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 10 op v -> fromQuery (hipsInit d) op v
+ QStr 10 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (hipsInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+hipsView = view True "Hips" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "cm")
+cupInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 3, unk = False, lst = Array.fromList ( Tuple.first (List.drop 1 GT.cupSizes)) })
+cupFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QStr 11 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (cupInit d) op
+ QStr 11 op v -> fromQuery (cupInit d) op v
+ _ -> Nothing
+cupView = view True "Cup size" identity
+ageInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 17, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 121 identity })
+ageFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 12 op v -> fromQuery (ageInit d) op v
+ QStr 12 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (ageInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+ageView = view True "Age" (\v -> if v == 1 then "1 year" else String.fromInt v ++ " years")
+popularityInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 10, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 101 identity })
+popularityFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 9 op v -> fromQuery (popularityInit d) op v
+ _ -> Nothing
+popularityView = view False "Popularity" String.fromInt
+ratingInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 40, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 91 (\v -> v+10) })
+ratingFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 10 op v -> fromQuery (ratingInit d) op v
+ _ -> Nothing
+ratingView = view False "Rating" (\v -> Ffi.fmtFloat (toFloat v / 10) 1)
+votecountInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 10, unk = False, lst = Array.fromList [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 ] })
+votecountFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 11 op v -> fromQuery (votecountInit d) op v
+ _ -> Nothing
+votecountView = view False "# Votes" String.fromInt
+minageInit dat = (dat, { op = Lt, val = 13, unk = False, lst = Array.fromList <| Tuple.first GT.ageRatings })
+minageFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 10 op v -> fromQuery (minageInit d) op v
+ QStr 10 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (minageInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+minageView = view True "Age rating" <| \v -> Maybe.withDefault "" <| List.head <| String.split " (" <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup v GT.ageRatings