path: root/elm/Lib/Api.elm
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Diffstat (limited to 'elm/Lib/Api.elm')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/elm/Lib/Api.elm b/elm/Lib/Api.elm
index 4af28ea6..5b1bf583 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/Api.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/Api.elm
@@ -23,37 +23,37 @@ showResponse res =
in case res of
HTTPError (Http.Timeout) -> "Network timeout, please try again later."
HTTPError (Http.NetworkError) -> "Network error, please try again later."
+ HTTPError (Http.BadStatus 403) -> "Permission denied. Your session may have expired, try reloading the page."
+ HTTPError (Http.BadStatus 413) -> "File upload too large."
+ HTTPError (Http.BadStatus 429) -> "Action throttled, please try again later."
HTTPError (Http.BadStatus r) -> "Server error " ++ String.fromInt r ++ ", please try again later or report an issue if this persists."
HTTPError (Http.BadBody r) -> "Invalid response from the server, please report a bug (debug info: " ++ r ++")."
HTTPError (Http.BadUrl _) -> unexp
Success -> unexp
Redirect _ -> unexp
- CSRF -> "Invalid CSRF token, please refresh the page and try again."
Invalid -> "Invalid form data, please report a bug."
Editsum -> "Invalid edit summary."
Unauth -> "You do not have the permission to perform this action."
Unchanged -> "No changes"
Content _ -> unexp
- BadLogin -> "Invalid username or password."
- LoginThrottle -> "Action throttled, too many failed login attempts."
- InsecurePass -> "Your chosen password is in a database of leaked passwords, please choose another one."
- BadEmail -> "Unknown email address."
- Bot -> "Invalid answer to the anti-bot question."
- Taken -> "Username already taken, please choose a different name."
- DoubleEmail -> "Email address already used for another account."
- DoubleIP -> "You can only register one account from the same IP within 24 hours."
- BadCurPass -> "Current password is invalid."
- MailChange -> unexp
- ImgFormat -> "Unrecognized image format, only JPEG and PNG are accepted."
- Image _ _ _ -> unexp
+ ImgFormat -> "Unrecognized image format, only JPEG, PNG and WebP are accepted."
+ LabelId _ -> unexp
+ DupNames _ -> "Name or alias already in the database."
Releases _ -> unexp
+ Resolutions _ -> unexp
+ Engines _ -> unexp
+ DRM _ -> unexp
BoardResult _ -> unexp
TagResult _ -> unexp
TraitResult _ -> unexp
VNResult _ -> unexp
ProducerResult _ -> unexp
+ StaffResult _ -> unexp
CharResult _ -> unexp
+ AnimeResult _ -> unexp
ImageResult _ -> unexp
+ UListWidget _ -> unexp
+ AdvSearchQuery _ -> unexp
expectResponse : (Response -> msg) -> Http.Expect msg