path: root/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
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1 files changed, 45 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/elm/Lib/RDate.elm b/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
index 67888114..3eca4cfa 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-- Utility module and UI widget for handling release dates.
--- Release dates are integers with the following format: 0 or yyyymmdd
+-- Release dates are integers with the following format: 0, 1 or yyyymmdd
-- Special values
--- 0 -> unknown
+-- 0 -> unknown
+-- 1 -> "today" (only used as filter)
-- 99999999 -> TBA
-- yyyy9999 -> year known, month & day unknown
-- yyyymm99 -> year & month known, day unknown
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Date
import Lib.Html exposing (..)
import Gen.Types as GT
+import Gen.Api as GApi
type alias RDate = Int
@@ -44,18 +46,23 @@ fromDate d =
, d = d
+maxDayInMonth : Int -> Int -> Int
+maxDayInMonth y m = Date.fromCalendarDate y (Date.numberToMonth m) 1 |> Date.add Date.Months 1 |> Date.add Date.Days -1 |>
normalize : RDateComp -> RDateComp
normalize r =
- if r.y == 0 then { y = 0, m = 0, d = 0 }
+ if r.y == 0 then { y = 0, m = 0, d = clamp 0 1 r.d }
else if r.y == 9999 then { y = 9999, m = 99, d = 99 }
- else if r.m == 99 then { y = r.y, m = 99, d = 99 }
+ else if r.m == 0 || r.m == 99 then { y = r.y, m = 99, d = 99 }
+ else if r.d == 0 then { r | d = 99 }
+ else if r.d /= 99 && r.d > 28 then { r | d = Basics.min r.d (maxDayInMonth r.y r.m) } -- Make sure the day field is in range
else r
format : RDateComp -> String
format date =
case (date.y, date.m, date.d) of
+ ( 0, 0, 1) -> "today"
( 0, _, _) -> "unknown"
(9999, _, _) -> "TBA"
( y, 99, 99) -> String.fromInt y
@@ -70,24 +77,45 @@ display today d =
in if future then b [ class "future" ] [ text fmt ] else text fmt
+monthList : List String
+monthList =
+ [ "Jan"
+ , "Feb"
+ , "Mar"
+ , "Apr"
+ , "May"
+ , "Jun"
+ , "Jul"
+ , "Aug"
+ , "Sep"
+ , "Oct"
+ , "Nov"
+ , "Dec"
+ ]
+monthSelect : List (Int, String)
+monthSelect = List.indexedMap (\m s -> (m+1, String.fromInt (m+1) ++ " (" ++ s ++ ")")) monthList
-- Input widget.
--- BUG: Changing the month or year fields when day 30-31 is selected but no
--- longer valid results in an invalid RDate. It also causes the "-day-" option
--- to be selected (which is good), so I don't expect that many people will try
--- to submit the form without changing it.
-view : RDate -> Bool -> (RDate -> msg) -> Html msg
-view ro permitUnknown msg =
+view : RDate -> Bool -> Bool -> (RDate -> msg) -> Html msg
+view ro permitUnknown permitToday msg =
let r = expand ro
range from to f = List.range from to |> (\n -> (f n |> normalize |> compact, String.fromInt n))
- yl = (if permitUnknown then [(0, "Unknown")] else [])
- ++ [(99999999, "TBA")]
- ++ List.reverse (range 1980 (GT.curYear + 5) (\n -> {r|y=n}))
- ml = ({r|m=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- month -") :: range 1 12 (\n -> {r|m=n})
- maxDay = Date.fromCalendarDate r.y (Date.numberToMonth r.m) 1 |> Date.add Date.Months 1 |> Date.add Date.Days -1 |>
- dl = ({r|d=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- day -") :: range 1 maxDay (\n -> {r|d=n})
+ yl = (if permitToday then [(1, "Today" )] else [])
+ ++ (if permitUnknown then [(0, "Unknown")] else [])
+ ++ [(99999999, "TBA")]
+ ++ List.reverse (range 1980 (GT.curYear + 5) (\n -> {r|y=n}))
+ ml = ({r|m=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- month -") :: (\(m,s) -> (compact (normalize {r|m=m}), s)) monthSelect
+ dl = ({r|d=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- day -") :: range 1 (maxDayInMonth r.y r.m) (\n -> {r|d=n})
in div []
[ inputSelect "" ro msg [ style "width" "100px" ] yl
, if r.y == 0 || r.y == 9999 then text "" else inputSelect "" ro msg [ style "width" "90px" ] ml
, if r.m == 0 || r.m == 99 then text "" else inputSelect "" ro msg [ style "width" "90px" ] dl
+-- Handy function for formatting release info as a string
+-- (Typically used in selection boxes)
+-- (Why is that in this module, you ask? Well, where else do I put it?)
+showrel : GApi.ApiReleases -> String
+showrel r = "[" ++ (format (expand r.released)) ++ " " ++ (String.join "," r.lang) ++ "] " ++ r.title ++ " (" ++ ++ ")"