path: root/elm/Reviews/Edit.elm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elm/Reviews/Edit.elm')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/elm/Reviews/Edit.elm b/elm/Reviews/Edit.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b122d1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/Reviews/Edit.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+module Reviews.Edit exposing (main)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.TextPreview as TP
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Lib.RDate as RDate
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.ReviewsEdit as GRE
+import Gen.ReviewsDelete as GRD
+main : Program GRE.Recv Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ , subscriptions = always Sub.none
+ }
+type alias Model =
+ { state : Api.State
+ , id : Maybe String
+ , vid : String
+ , vntitle : String
+ , rid : Maybe String
+ , spoiler : Bool
+ , locked : Bool
+ , isfull : Bool
+ , modnote : String
+ , text : TP.Model
+ , releases : List GRE.RecvReleases
+ , delete : Bool
+ , delState : Api.State
+ , mod : Bool
+ }
+init : GRE.Recv -> Model
+init d =
+ { state = Api.Normal
+ , id =
+ , vid = d.vid
+ , vntitle = d.vntitle
+ , rid = d.rid
+ , spoiler = d.spoiler
+ , locked = d.locked
+ , isfull = d.isfull
+ , modnote = d.modnote
+ , text = TP.bbcode d.text
+ , releases = d.releases
+ , delete = False
+ , delState = Api.Normal
+ , mod = d.mod
+ }
+encode : Model -> GRE.Send
+encode m =
+ { id =
+ , vid = m.vid
+ , rid = m.rid
+ , spoiler = m.spoiler
+ , locked = m.locked
+ , modnote = m.modnote
+ , isfull = m.isfull
+ , text =
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Release (Maybe String)
+ | Full Bool
+ | Spoiler Bool
+ | Locked Bool
+ | Modnote String
+ | Text TP.Msg
+ | Submit
+ | Submitted GApi.Response
+ | Delete Bool
+ | DoDelete
+ | Deleted GApi.Response
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Release i -> ({ model | rid = i }, Cmd.none)
+ Full b -> ({ model | isfull = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Spoiler b -> ({ model | spoiler = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Locked b -> ({ model | locked = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Modnote s -> ({ model | modnote = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Text m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.text in ({ model | text = nm }, Text nc)
+ Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GRE.send (encode model) Submitted)
+ Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> (model, load s)
+ Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+ Delete b -> ({ model | delete = b }, Cmd.none)
+ DoDelete -> ({ model | delState = Api.Loading }, GRD.send ({ id = Maybe.withDefault "" }) Deleted)
+ Deleted GApi.Success -> (model, load <| "/" ++ model.vid)
+ Deleted r -> ({ model | delState = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model =
+ let minChars = if model.isfull then 1000 else 200
+ maxChars = if model.isfull then 100000 else 800
+ len = String.length
+ in
+ form_ "" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ [ article []
+ [ h1 [] [ text <| if == Nothing then "Submit a review" else "Edit review" ]
+ , p [] [ strong [] [ text "Rules" ] ]
+ , ul []
+ [ li [] [ text "Submit only reviews you have written yourself!" ]
+ , li [] [ text "Reviews must be in English." ]
+ , li [] [ text "Try to be as objective as possible." ]
+ , li [] [ text "If you have published the review elsewhere (e.g. a personal blog), feel free to include a link at the end of the review. Formatting tip: ", em [] [ text "[Originally published at <link>]" ] ]
+ , li [] [ text "Your vote (if any) will be displayed alongside the review, even if you have marked your list as private." ]
+ ]
+ , br [] []
+ ]
+ , article []
+ [ table [ class "formtable" ]
+ [ formField "Subject" [ a [ href <| "/"++model.vid ] [ text model.vntitle ] ]
+ , formField ""
+ [ inputSelect "" model.rid Release [style "width" "500px" ] <|
+ (Nothing, "No release selected")
+ :: (\r -> (Just, RDate.showrel r)) model.releases
+ ++ if model.rid == Nothing || List.any (\r -> Just == model.rid) model.releases then [] else [(model.rid, "Deleted or moved release: r"++Maybe.withDefault "" model.rid)]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "You do not have to select a release, but indicating which release your review is based on gives more context."
+ ]
+ , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ]
+ , formField "Review type"
+ [ label [] [ inputRadio "type" (model.isfull == False) (\_ -> Full False), strong [] [ text " Mini review" ]
+ , text <| " - Recommendation-style, maximum 800 characters." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , label [] [ inputRadio "type" (model.isfull == True ) (\_ -> Full True ), strong [] [ text " Full review" ]
+ , text " - Longer, more detailed." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , small [] [ text "You can always switch between review types later." ]
+ ]
+ , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ]
+ , formField ""
+ [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.spoiler Spoiler, text " This review contains spoilers." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , small [] [ text "You do not have to check this option if all spoilers in your review are marked with [spoiler] tags." ]
+ ]
+ , if not model.mod then text "" else
+ formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.locked Locked, text " Locked for commenting." ] ]
+ , if not model.mod then text "" else
+ formField "modnote::Mod note"
+ [ inputText "modnote" model.modnote Modnote (style "width" "500px" :: GRE.valModnote)
+ , br [] [], text "Moderation note intended to inform readers of the review that its author may be biased and failed to disclose that." ]
+ , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ]
+ , formField "text::Review"
+ [ TP.view "sum" model.text Text 700 ([rows (if model.isfull then 30 else 10), cols 50] ++ GRE.valText)
+ [ a [ href "/d9#4" ] [ text "BBCode formatting supported" ] ]
+ , div [ style "width" "700px", style "text-align" "right" ] <|
+ let num c s = if c then b [] [ text s ] else text s
+ in
+ [ num (len < minChars) (String.fromInt minChars)
+ , text " / "
+ , strong [] [ text (String.fromInt len) ]
+ , text " / "
+ , num (len > maxChars) (if model.isfull then "∞" else String.fromInt maxChars)
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , article [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state (len <= maxChars && len >= minChars) ]
+ , if == Nothing then text "" else
+ article []
+ [ h1 [] [ text "Delete review" ]
+ , table [ class "formtable" ] [ formField ""
+ [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.delete Delete, text " Delete this review." ]
+ , if not model.delete then text "" else span []
+ [ br [] []
+ , b [] [ text "WARNING:" ]
+ , text " Deleting this review is a permanent action and can not be reverted!"
+ , br [] []
+ , br [] []
+ , inputButton "Confirm delete" DoDelete []
+ , case model.delState of
+ Api.Loading -> span [ class "spinner" ] []
+ Api.Error e -> b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ]
+ Api.Normal -> text ""
+ ]
+ ] ]
+ ]
+ ]