path: root/elm/User/Edit.elm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elm/User/Edit.elm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/elm/User/Edit.elm b/elm/User/Edit.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 78598aee..00000000
--- a/elm/User/Edit.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-module User.Edit exposing (main)
-import Bitwise exposing (..)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Html.Keyed as K
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.Types as GT
-import Gen.UserEdit as GUE
-main : Program GUE.Recv Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
- , view = view
- , update = update
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- }
-type alias PassData =
- { cpass : Bool
- , pass1 : String
- , pass2 : String
- , opass : String
- }
-type alias Model =
- { state : Api.State
- , id : String
- , title : String
- , username : String
- , opts : GUE.RecvOpts
- , admin : Maybe GUE.SendAdmin
- , prefs : Maybe GUE.SendPrefs
- , pass : Maybe PassData
- , passNeq : Bool
- , mailConfirm : Bool
- }
-init : GUE.Recv -> Model
-init d =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , id =
- , title = d.title
- , username = d.username
- , opts = d.opts
- , admin = d.admin
- , prefs = d.prefs
- , pass = (always { cpass = False, pass1 = "", pass2 = "", opass = "" }) d.prefs
- , passNeq = False
- , mailConfirm = False
- }
-type AdminMsg
- = PermBoard Bool
- | PermReview Bool
- | PermBoardmod Bool
- | PermEdit Bool
- | PermImgvote Bool
- | PermLengthvote Bool
- | PermTag Bool
- | PermDbmod Bool
- | PermTagmod Bool
- | PermUsermod Bool
- | IgnVotes Bool
- | PermNone
- | PermDefault
-type PrefMsg
- = EMail String
- | MaxSexual Int
- | MaxViolence Int
- | TraitsSexual Bool
- | Spoilers Int
- | TagsAll Bool
- | TagsCont Bool
- | TagsEro Bool
- | TagsTech Bool
- | Skin String
- | Css String
- | NoAds Bool
- | NoFancy Bool
- | Support Bool
- | PubSkin Bool
- | Uniname String
-type PassMsg
- = CPass Bool
- | OPass String
- | Pass1 String
- | Pass2 String
-type Msg
- = Username String
- | Admin AdminMsg
- | Prefs PrefMsg
- | Pass PassMsg
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
-updateAdmin : AdminMsg -> GUE.SendAdmin -> GUE.SendAdmin
-updateAdmin msg model =
- case msg of
- PermBoard b -> { model | perm_board = b }
- PermReview b -> { model | perm_review = b }
- PermBoardmod b -> { model | perm_boardmod = b }
- PermEdit b -> { model | perm_edit = b }
- PermImgvote b -> { model | perm_imgvote = b }
- PermLengthvote b->{ model | perm_lengthvote=b }
- PermTag b -> { model | perm_tag = b }
- PermDbmod b -> { model | perm_dbmod = b }
- PermTagmod b -> { model | perm_tagmod = b }
- PermUsermod b -> { model | perm_usermod = b }
- IgnVotes b -> { model | ign_votes = b }
- PermNone ->
- { perm_board = False
- , perm_review = False
- , perm_boardmod = False
- , perm_edit = False
- , perm_imgvote = False
- , perm_lengthvote=False
- , perm_tag = False
- , perm_dbmod = False
- , perm_tagmod = False
- , perm_usermod = False
- , ign_votes = model.ign_votes
- }
- PermDefault ->
- { perm_board = True
- , perm_review = True
- , perm_boardmod = False
- , perm_edit = True
- , perm_imgvote = True
- , perm_lengthvote=True
- , perm_tag = True
- , perm_dbmod = False
- , perm_tagmod = False
- , perm_usermod = False
- , ign_votes = model.ign_votes
- }
-updatePrefs : PrefMsg -> GUE.SendPrefs -> GUE.SendPrefs
-updatePrefs msg model =
- case msg of
- EMail n -> { model | email = n }
- MaxSexual n-> { model | max_sexual = n }
- MaxViolence n -> { model | max_violence = n }
- TraitsSexual b -> { model | traits_sexual = b }
- Spoilers n -> { model | spoilers = n }
- TagsAll b -> { model | tags_all = b }
- TagsCont b -> { model | tags_cont = b }
- TagsEro b -> { model | tags_ero = b }
- TagsTech b -> { model | tags_tech = b }
- Skin n -> { model | skin = n }
- Css n -> { model | customcss = n }
- NoAds b -> { model | nodistract_noads = b }
- NoFancy b -> { model | nodistract_nofancy = b }
- Support b -> { model | support_enabled = b }
- PubSkin b -> { model | pubskin_enabled = b }
- Uniname n -> { model | uniname = n }
-updatePass : PassMsg -> PassData -> PassData
-updatePass msg model =
- case msg of
- CPass b -> { model | cpass = b }
- OPass n -> { model | opass = n }
- Pass1 n -> { model | pass1 = n }
- Pass2 n -> { model | pass2 = n }
-encode : Model -> GUE.Send
-encode model =
- { id =
- , username = model.username
- , admin = model.admin
- , prefs = model.prefs
- , password = Maybe.andThen (\p -> if p.cpass && p.pass1 == p.pass2 then Just { old = p.opass, new = p.pass1 } else Nothing) model.pass
- }
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Admin m -> ({ model | admin = (updateAdmin m) model.admin }, Cmd.none)
- Prefs m -> ({ model | prefs = (updatePrefs m) model.prefs }, Cmd.none)
- Pass m -> ({ model | pass = (updatePass m) model.pass, passNeq = False }, Cmd.none)
- Username s -> ({ model | username = s }, Cmd.none)
- Submit ->
- if Maybe.withDefault False ( (\p -> p.cpass && p.pass1 /= p.pass2) model.pass)
- then ({ model | passNeq = True }, Cmd.none )
- else ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GUE.send (encode model) Submitted)
- -- TODO: This reload is only necessary for the skin and customcss options to apply, but it's nicer to do that directly from JS.
- Submitted GApi.Success -> (model, load <| "/" ++ ++ "/edit")
- Submitted GApi.MailChange -> ({ model | mailConfirm = True, state = Api.Normal }, Cmd.none)
- Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- let
- opts = model.opts
- perm b f = if opts.perm_usermod || b then f else text ""
- adminform m =
- [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Admin options" ] ]
- , perm False <| formField "username::Username" [ inputText "username" model.username Username GUE.valUsername ]
- , formField "Permissions"
- [ text "Fields marked with * indicate permissions assigned to new users by default", br_ 1
- , perm False <| span [] [ inputButton "None" (Admin PermNone) [], inputButton "Default" (Admin PermDefault) [], br_ 1 ]
- , perm opts.perm_boardmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_board (Admin << PermBoard), text " board*", br_ 1 ]
- , perm opts.perm_boardmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_review (Admin << PermReview), text " review*", br_ 1 ]
- , perm False <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_boardmod (Admin << PermBoardmod), text " boardmod", br_ 1 ]
- , perm opts.perm_dbmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_edit (Admin << PermEdit), text " edit*", br_ 1 ]
- , perm opts.perm_dbmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_imgvote (Admin << PermImgvote), text " imgvote* (existing votes will stop counting when unset)", br_ 1 ]
- , perm opts.perm_dbmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_lengthvote(Admin<< PermLengthvote),text " lengthvote* (existing votes will stop counting when unset)", br_ 1 ]
- , perm opts.perm_tagmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_tag (Admin << PermTag), text " tag* (existing tag votes will stop counting when unset)", br_ 1 ]
- , perm False <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_dbmod (Admin << PermDbmod), text " dbmod", br_ 1 ]
- , perm False <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_tagmod (Admin << PermTagmod), text " tagmod", br_ 1 ]
- , perm False <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_usermod (Admin << PermUsermod), text " usermod", br_ 1 ]
- ]
- , perm False <| formField "Other" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.ign_votes (Admin << IgnVotes), text " Ignore votes in VN statistics" ] ]
- ]
- passform m =
- [ formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.cpass (Pass << CPass), text " Change password" ] ]
- ] ++ if not m.cpass then [] else
- [ tr [] [ K.node "td" [colspan 2] [("pass_change", table []
- [ formField "opass::Old password" [ inputPassword "opass" m.opass (Pass << OPass) GUE.valPasswordOld ]
- , formField "pass1::New password" [ inputPassword "pass1" m.pass1 (Pass << Pass1) GUE.valPasswordNew ]
- , formField "pass2::Repeat"
- [ inputPassword "pass2" m.pass2 (Pass << Pass2) GUE.valPasswordNew
- , br_ 1
- , if model.passNeq
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Passwords do not match" ]
- else text ""
- ]
- ])]]
- ]
- supportform m =
- if not (opts.perm_usermod || opts.nodistract_can || opts.support_can || opts.uniname_can || opts.pubskin_can) then [] else
- [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Supporter optionsā­" ] ]
- , perm opts.nodistract_can <| formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.nodistract_noads (Prefs << NoAds), text " Disable advertising and other distractions (only hides the support icons for the moment)" ] ]
- , perm opts.nodistract_can <| formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.nodistract_nofancy (Prefs << NoFancy), text " Disable supporters badges, custom display names and profile skins" ] ]
- , perm opts.support_can <| formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.support_enabled (Prefs << Support), text " Display my supporters badge" ] ]
- , perm opts.pubskin_can <| formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.pubskin_enabled (Prefs << PubSkin), text " Apply my skin and custom CSS when others visit my profile" ] ]
- , perm opts.uniname_can <| formField "uniname::Display name" [ inputText "uniname" (if m.uniname == "" then model.username else m.uniname) (Prefs << Uniname) GUE.valPrefsUniname ]
- ]
- prefsform m =
- [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Preferences" ] ]
- , formField "NSFW"
- [ inputSelect "" m.max_sexual (Prefs << MaxSexual) [style "width" "400px"]
- [ (-1,"Hide all images")
- , (0, "Hide sexually suggestive or explicit images")
- , (1, "Hide only sexually explicit images")
- , (2, "Don't hide suggestive or explicit images")
- ]
- , br [] []
- , if m.max_sexual == -1 then text "" else
- inputSelect "" m.max_violence (Prefs << MaxViolence) [style "width" "400px"]
- [ (0, "Hide violent or brutal images")
- , (1, "Hide only brutal images")
- , (2, "Don't hide violent or brutal images")
- ]
- ]
- , formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.traits_sexual (Prefs << TraitsSexual), text " Show sexual traits by default on character pages" ], br_ 2 ]
- , formField "Tags" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.tags_all (Prefs << TagsAll), text " Show all tags by default on visual novel pages (don't summarize)" ] ]
- , formField ""
- [ text "Default tag categories on visual novel pages:", br_ 1
- , label [] [ inputCheck "" m.tags_cont (Prefs << TagsCont), text " Content" ], br_ 1
- , label [] [ inputCheck "" m.tags_ero (Prefs << TagsEro ), text " Sexual content" ], br_ 1
- , label [] [ inputCheck "" m.tags_tech (Prefs << TagsTech), text " Technical" ]
- ]
- , formField "spoil::Spoiler level"
- [ inputSelect "spoil" m.spoilers (Prefs << Spoilers) []
- [ (0, "Hide spoilers")
- , (1, "Show only minor spoilers")
- , (2, "Show all spoilers")
- ]
- ]
- , formField "skin::Skin" [ inputSelect "skin" (Prefs << Skin) [ style "width" "300px" ] GT.skins ]
- , formField "css::Custom CSS" [ inputTextArea "css" m.customcss (Prefs << Css) ([ rows 5, cols 60 ] ++ GUE.valPrefsCustomcss) ]
- ]
- in form_ "" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text model.title ]
- , table [ class "formtable" ] <|
- [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Account settings" ] ]
- , formField "Username" [ text model.username ]
- , Maybe.withDefault (text "") <| (\m ->
- formField "email::E-Mail" [ inputText "email" (Prefs << EMail) GUE.valPrefsEmail ]
- ) model.prefs
- ]
- ++ (Maybe.withDefault [] ( passform model.pass))
- ++ (Maybe.withDefault [] ( adminform model.admin))
- ++ (Maybe.withDefault [] ( supportform model.prefs))
- ++ (Maybe.withDefault [] ( prefsform model.prefs))
- ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state (not model.passNeq) ]
- , if not model.mailConfirm then text "" else
- div [ class "notice" ]
- [ text "A confirmation email has been sent to your new address. Your address will be updated after following the instructions in that mail." ]
- ]
- ]