path: root/elm3/CharEdit/General.elm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elm3/CharEdit/General.elm')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/elm3/CharEdit/General.elm b/elm3/CharEdit/General.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43379afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm3/CharEdit/General.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+module CharEdit.General exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import File exposing (File)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Gen exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Lib.Api as Api
+type alias Model =
+ { alias : String
+ , aliasDuplicates : Bool
+ , bDay : Int
+ , bMonth : Int
+ , bloodt : String
+ , desc : String
+ , gender : String
+ , height : Int
+ , image : Int
+ , imgState : Api.State
+ , name : String
+ , original : String
+ , sBust : Int
+ , sHip : Int
+ , sWaist : Int
+ , weight : Maybe Int
+ , mainIs : Bool
+ , mainInstance : Bool
+ , mainId : Int
+ , mainSpoil : Int
+ , mainName : String
+ , mainSearch : A.Model Api.Char
+ }
+init : CharEdit -> Model
+init d =
+ { alias = d.alias
+ , aliasDuplicates = False
+ , bDay = d.b_day
+ , bMonth = d.b_month
+ , bloodt = d.bloodt
+ , desc = d.desc
+ , gender = d.gender
+ , height = d.height
+ , image = d.image
+ , imgState = Api.Normal
+ , name =
+ , original = d.original
+ , sBust = d.s_bust
+ , sHip = d.s_hip
+ , sWaist = d.s_waist
+ , weight = d.weight
+ , mainIs = d.main_is
+ , mainInstance = isJust d.main
+ , mainId = Maybe.withDefault 0 d.main
+ , mainSpoil = d.main_spoil
+ , mainName = d.main_name
+ , mainSearch = A.init
+ }
+new : Model
+new =
+ { alias = ""
+ , aliasDuplicates = False
+ , bDay = 0
+ , bMonth = 0
+ , bloodt = "unknown"
+ , desc = ""
+ , gender = "unknown"
+ , height = 0
+ , image = 0
+ , imgState = Api.Normal
+ , name = ""
+ , original = ""
+ , sBust = 0
+ , sHip = 0
+ , sWaist = 0
+ , weight = Nothing
+ , mainIs = False
+ , mainInstance = False
+ , mainId = 0
+ , mainSpoil = 0
+ , mainName = ""
+ , mainSearch = A.init
+ }
+searchConfig : A.Config Msg Api.Char
+searchConfig = { wrap = MainSearch, id = "add-main", source = A.charSource }
+type Msg
+ = Name String
+ | Original String
+ | Alias String
+ | Desc String
+ | Image String
+ | Gender String
+ | Bloodt String
+ | BMonth String
+ | BDay String
+ | SBust String
+ | SWaist String
+ | SHip String
+ | Height String
+ | Weight String
+ | MainInstance Bool
+ | MainSpoil String
+ | MainSearch (A.Msg Api.Char)
+ | ImgUpload (List File)
+ | ImgDone Api.Response
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Name s -> ({ model | name = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Original s -> ({ model | original = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Alias s -> ({ model | alias = s, aliasDuplicates = hasDuplicates ( :: model.original :: splitLn s) }, Cmd.none)
+ Desc s -> ({ model | desc = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Image s -> ({ model | image = if s == "" then 0 else Maybe.withDefault model.image (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
+ Gender s -> ({ model | gender = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Bloodt s -> ({ model | bloodt = s }, Cmd.none)
+ BMonth s -> ({ model | bMonth = if s == "" then 0 else Maybe.withDefault model.bMonth (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
+ BDay s -> ({ model | bDay = if s == "" then 0 else Maybe.withDefault model.bDay (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
+ SBust s -> ({ model | sBust = if s == "" then 0 else Maybe.withDefault model.sBust (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
+ SWaist s -> ({ model | sWaist = if s == "" then 0 else Maybe.withDefault model.sWaist (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
+ SHip s -> ({ model | sHip = if s == "" then 0 else Maybe.withDefault model.sHip (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
+ Height s -> ({ model | height = if s == "" then 0 else Maybe.withDefault model.height (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
+ Weight s -> ({ model | weight = String.toInt s }, Cmd.none)
+ MainInstance b->({ model | mainInstance = b }, Cmd.none)
+ MainSpoil s -> ({ model | mainSpoil = Maybe.withDefault model.mainSpoil (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
+ MainSearch m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update searchConfig m model.mainSearch
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> ({ model | mainSearch = nm }, c)
+ Just r ->
+ -- If the selected char has a main, automatically select that as our main
+ let chr = Maybe.withDefault {id =, name =} r.main
+ in ({ model | mainId =, mainName =, mainSearch = A.clear nm }, c)
+ ImgUpload [i] -> ({ model | imgState = Api.Loading }, Api.postImage Api.Ch i ImgDone)
+ ImgUpload _ -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ ImgDone (Api.Image id _ _) -> ({ model | image = id, imgState = Api.Normal }, Cmd.none)
+ ImgDone r -> ({ model | image = 0, imgState = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+zeroEmpty : Int -> String
+zeroEmpty i = if i == 0 then "" else String.fromInt i
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model = card "general" "General info" []
+ [ cardRow "Name" Nothing <| formGroups
+ [ [ label [for "name"] [text "Name (romaji)"]
+ , inputText "name" Name [required True, maxlength 200]
+ ]
+ , [ label [for "original"] [text "Original"]
+ , inputText "original" model.original Original [maxlength 200]
+ , div [class "form-group__help"] [text "The character's name in the language of the visual novel, leave blank if it already is in the Latin alphabet."]
+ ]
+ , [ inputTextArea "aliases" model.alias Alias
+ [ rows 4, maxlength 500
+ , classList [("is-invalid", model.aliasDuplicates)]
+ ]
+ , if model.aliasDuplicates
+ then div [class "invalid-feedback"]
+ [ text "There are duplicate aliases." ]
+ else text ""
+ , div [class "form-group__help"] [ text "(Un)official aliases, separated by a newline." ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , cardRow "Description" (Just "English please!") <| formGroup
+ [ inputTextArea "desc" model.desc Desc [rows 8] ]
+ , cardRow "Image" Nothing
+ [ div [class "row"]
+ [ div [class "col-md col-md--1"]
+ [ div [style "max-width" "200px", style "margin-bottom" "8px"]
+ [ dbImg "ch" (if model.imgState == Api.Loading then -1 else model.image) [] Nothing ]
+ ]
+ , div [class "col-md col-md--2"] <| formGroups
+ [ [ label [for "img"] [ text "Upload new image" ]
+ , input [type_ "file", class "text", name "img", id "img", Api.onFileChange ImgUpload, disabled (model.imgState == Api.Loading) ] []
+ , case model.imgState of
+ Api.Error r -> div [class "invalid-feedback"] [text <| Api.showResponse r]
+ _ -> text ""
+ , div [class "form-group__help"]
+ [ text "Image must be in JPEG or PNG format and at most 1MiB. Images larger than 256x300 will be resized automatically. Image must be safe for work!" ]
+ ]
+ , [ label [for "img_id"] [ text "Image ID" ]
+ , inputText "img_id" (String.fromInt model.image) Image [pattern "^[0-9]+$", disabled (model.imgState == Api.Loading)]
+ , div [class "form-group__help"]
+ [ text "Use a character image that is already on the server. Set to '0' to remove the current image." ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , cardRow "Meta" Nothing <| formGroups
+ [ [ label [for "sex"] [text "Sex"]
+ , inputSelect [id "sex", onInput Gender] model.gender genders
+ ]
+ , [ label [for "bloodt"] [text "Blood type"]
+ , inputSelect [id "bloodt", onInput Bloodt] model.bloodt bloodTypes
+ ]
+ -- TODO: Enforce that both or neither are set
+ , [ label [for "b_month"] [text "Birthday"]
+ , inputSelect [id "b_month", onInput BMonth, class "form-control--inline"] (String.fromInt model.bMonth)
+ <| ("0", "--month--") :: (\i -> (String.fromInt i, String.fromInt i)) (List.range 1 12)
+ , inputSelect [id "b_day", onInput BDay, class "form-control--inline"] (String.fromInt model.bDay)
+ <| ("0", "--day--" ) :: (\i -> (String.fromInt i, String.fromInt i)) (List.range 1 31)
+ ]
+ -- XXX: This looks messy
+ , [ label [] [ text "Measurements" ]
+ , p []
+ [ text "Bust (cm): ", inputText "s_bust" (zeroEmpty model.sBust ) SBust [class "form-control--inline", style "width" "4em", pattern "^[0-9]{0,5}$"]
+ , text " Waist (cm): ", inputText "s_waist" (zeroEmpty model.sWaist) SWaist [class "form-control--inline", style "width" "4em", pattern "^[0-9]{0,5}$"]
+ , text " Hip (cm): ", inputText "s_hip" (zeroEmpty model.sHip ) SHip [class "form-control--inline", style "width" "4em", pattern "^[0-9]{0,5}$"]
+ ]
+ , p []
+ [ text "Height (cm): ", inputText "height" (zeroEmpty model.height) Height [class "form-control--inline", style "width" "5em", pattern "^[0-9]{0,5}$"]
+ , text " Weight (kg): ",inputText "weight" (Maybe.withDefault "" <| String.fromInt model.weight) Weight [class "form-control--inline", style "width" "5em", pattern "^[0-9]{0,5}$"]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , cardRow "Instance" Nothing <|
+ if model.mainIs
+ then formGroup [ div [class "form-group__help"]
+ [ text "This character is already referenced as \"main\" from another character entry."
+ , text " If you want link this entry to another character, please edit that other character instead."
+ ]
+ ]
+ else formGroups <|
+ [ label [class "checkbox"] [ inputCheck "" model.mainInstance MainInstance, text " This character is an instance of another character" ] ]
+ :: if not model.mainInstance then [] else
+ [ [ if model.mainId == 0
+ then div [] [ text "No character selected." ]
+ else div []
+ [ text "Main character: "
+ , span [class "muted"] [ text <| "c" ++ String.fromInt model.mainId ++ ":" ]
+ , a [href <| "/c" ++ String.fromInt model.mainId, target "_blank"] [ text model.mainName ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , if model.mainId == 0 then [] else
+ [ inputSelect [id "mainspoil", onInput MainSpoil, class "form-control--inline"] (String.fromInt model.mainSpoil) spoilLevels ]
+ , A.view searchConfig model.mainSearch [placeholder "Character name...", style "max-width" "400px"]
+ ]
+ ]