path: root/elm3/Lib/Autocomplete.elm
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Diffstat (limited to 'elm3/Lib/Autocomplete.elm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/elm3/Lib/Autocomplete.elm b/elm3/Lib/Autocomplete.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index facbb8d2..00000000
--- a/elm3/Lib/Autocomplete.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-module Lib.Autocomplete exposing
- ( Config
- , SourceConfig
- , Model
- , Msg
- , staffSource
- , vnSource
- , producerSource
- , charSource
- , traitSource
- , init
- , clear
- , update
- , view
- )
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Keyed as Keyed
-import Json.Encode as JE
-import Json.Decode as JD
-import Task
-import Process
-import Browser.Dom as Dom
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Lib.Gen as Gen
-type alias Config m a =
- -- How to wrap a Msg from this model into a Msg of the using model
- { wrap : Msg a -> m
- -- A unique 'id' of the input box (necessary for the blur/focus events)
- , id : String
- -- The source defines where to get autocomplete results from and how to display them
- , source : SourceConfig m a
- }
-type alias SourceConfig m a =
- -- API path to query for completion results.
- -- (The API must accept POST requests with {"search":".."} as body)
- { path : String
- -- How to decode results from the API
- , decode : Api.Response -> Maybe (List a)
- -- How to display the decoded results
- , view : a -> List (Html m)
- -- Unique ID of an item (must not be an empty string).
- -- This is used to remember selection across data refreshes and to optimize
- -- HTML generation.
- , key : a -> String
- }
-staffSource : SourceConfig m Gen.ApiStaffResult
-staffSource =
- { path = "/js/staff.json"
- , decode = \x -> case x of
- Gen.StaffResult e -> Just e
- _ -> Nothing
- , view = (\i -> [ div [ class "row row-compact" ]
- [ div [ class "col single-line muted" ] [ text <| "s" ++ String.fromInt ]
- , div [ class "col col--2 single-line semi-bold" ] [ text ]
- , div [ class "col col--2 single-line" ] [ text i.original ]
- ] ] )
- , key = .aid >> String.fromInt
- }
-vnSource : SourceConfig m Gen.ApiVNResult
-vnSource =
- { path = "/js/vn.json"
- , decode = \x -> case x of
- Gen.VNResult e -> Just e
- _ -> Nothing
- , view = (\i -> [ div [ class "row row-compact" ]
- [ div [ class "col single-line muted" ] [ text <| "v" ++ String.fromInt ]
- , div [ class "col col--4 single-line semi-bold" ] [ text i.title ]
- ] ] )
- , key = .id >> String.fromInt
- }
-producerSource : SourceConfig m Gen.ApiProducerResult
-producerSource =
- { path = "/js/producer.json"
- , decode = \x -> case x of
- Gen.ProducerResult e -> Just e
- _ -> Nothing
- , view = (\i -> [ div [ class "row row-compact" ]
- [ div [ class "col single-line muted" ] [ text <| "p" ++ String.fromInt ]
- , div [ class "col col--4 single-line semi-bold" ] [ text ]
- ] ] )
- , key = .id >> String.fromInt
- }
-charSource : SourceConfig m Gen.ApiCharResult
-charSource =
- { path = "/js/char.json"
- , decode = \x -> case x of
- Gen.CharResult e -> Just e
- _ -> Nothing
- , view = (\i -> [ div [ class "row row-compact" ]
- [ div [ class "col single-line muted" ] [ text <| "c" ++ String.fromInt ]
- , div [ class "col col--2 single-line semi-bold" ] [ text ]
- , div [ class "col col--2 single-line" ] [ text i.original ]
- ] ] )
- , key = .id >> String.fromInt
- }
-traitSource : SourceConfig m Gen.ApiTraitResult
-traitSource =
- { path = "/js/trait.json"
- , decode = \x -> case x of
- Gen.TraitResult e -> Just e
- _ -> Nothing
- , view = (\i -> [ div [ class "row row-compact" ]
- [ div [ class "col single-line muted" ] [ text <| "i" ++ String.fromInt ]
- , div [ class "col col--4 single-line" ]
- [ span [ class "muted" ] [ text <| (Maybe.withDefault "" ++ " / " ]
- , span [ class "semi-bold" ] [ text ]
- ]
- ] ] )
- , key = .id >> String.fromInt
- }
-type alias Model a =
- { position : Maybe Dom.Element
- , value : String
- , results : List a
- , sel : String
- , loading : Bool
- , wait : Int
- }
-init : Model a
-init =
- { position = Nothing
- , value = ""
- , results = []
- , sel = ""
- , loading = False
- , wait = 0
- }
-clear : Model a -> Model a
-clear m = { m
- | value = ""
- , results = []
- , sel = ""
- , loading = False
- }
-type Msg a
- = Noop
- | Focus
- | Blur
- | Pos (Result Dom.Error Dom.Element)
- | Input String
- | Search Int
- | Key String
- | Sel String
- | Enter a
- | Results String Api.Response
-select : Config m a -> Int -> Model a -> Model a
-select cfg offset model =
- let
- get n = List.drop n model.results |> List.head
- count = List.length model.results
- find (n,i) = if cfg.source.key i == model.sel then Just n else Nothing
- curidx = List.indexedMap (\a b -> (a,b)) model.results |> List.filterMap find |> List.head
- nextidx = (Maybe.withDefault -1 curidx) + offset
- nextsel = if nextidx < 0 then 0 else if nextidx >= count then count-1 else nextidx
- in
- { model | sel = Maybe.withDefault "" <| cfg.source.key <| get nextsel }
-update : Config m a -> Msg a -> Model a -> (Model a, Cmd m, Maybe a)
-update cfg msg model =
- let
- mod m = (m, Cmd.none, Nothing)
- -- Ugly hack: blur and focus the input on enter. This does two things:
- -- 1. If the user clicked on an entry (resulting in the 'Enter' message),
- -- then this will cause the input to be focussed again. This is
- -- convenient when adding multiple entries.
- -- 2. If, as a result of the enter key ('Key Enter' message), the input box
- -- position was moved (likely, because the input box is usually below
- -- the data being added), then this blur + focus causes the 'Focus'
- -- message to be triggered again, updating the position of the dropdown
- -- div. Without this hack the div positioning will be incorrect.
- -- (This hack does rely on the view being updated before these tasks
- -- are executed - but the Dom package seems to guarantee this)
- refocus = Dom.blur
- |> Task.andThen (always (Dom.focus
- |> Task.attempt (always (cfg.wrap Noop))
- in
- case msg of
- Noop -> mod model
- Blur -> mod { model | position = Nothing }
- Focus -> ({ model | loading = False }, Task.attempt (cfg.wrap << Pos) (Dom.getElement, Nothing)
- Pos (Ok p) -> mod { model | position = Just p }
- Pos _ -> mod model
- Sel s -> mod { model | sel = s }
- Enter r -> (model, refocus, Just r)
- Key "Enter" -> (model, refocus, List.filter (\i -> cfg.source.key i == model.sel) model.results |> List.head)
- Key "ArrowUp" -> mod <| select cfg -1 model
- Key "ArrowDown" -> mod <| select cfg 1 model
- Key _ -> mod model
- Input s ->
- if s == ""
- then mod { model | value = s, loading = False, results = [] }
- else ( { model | value = s, loading = True, wait = model.wait + 1 }
- , Task.perform (always <| cfg.wrap <| Search <| model.wait + 1) (Process.sleep 500)
- , Nothing )
- Search i ->
- if model.value == "" || model.wait /= i
- then mod model
- else ( model
- , cfg.source.path (JE.object [("search", JE.string model.value)]) (cfg.wrap << Results model.value)
- , Nothing )
- Results s r -> mod <|
- if s == model.value
- then { model | loading = False, results = cfg.source.decode r |> Maybe.withDefault [] }
- else model -- Discard stale results
-view : Config m a -> Model a -> List (Attribute m) -> List (Html m)
-view cfg model attrs =
- let
- input =
- inputText model.value (cfg.wrap << Input)
- [ onFocus <| cfg.wrap Focus
- , onBlur <| cfg.wrap Blur
- , custom "keydown" <| (\c ->
- if c == "Enter" || c == "ArrowUp" || c == "ArrowDown"
- then { preventDefault = True, stopPropagation = True, message = cfg.wrap (Key c) }
- else { preventDefault = False, stopPropagation = False, message = cfg.wrap (Key c) }
- ) <| JD.field "key" JD.string
- ]
- inputDiv = div
- (classList [("form-control-wrap",True), ("form-control-wrap--loading",model.loading)] :: attrs)
- [ input ]
- msg = [("",
- if List.isEmpty model.results
- then b [] [text "No results"]
- else text ""
- )]
- box p =
- Keyed.node "div"
- [ style "top" <| String.fromFloat (p.element.y + p.element.height) ++ "px"
- , style "left" <| String.fromFloat p.element.x ++ "px"
- , style "width" <| String.fromFloat p.element.width ++ "px"
- , class "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu--open"
- ] <| msg ++ item model.results
- item i =
- ( cfg.source.key i
- , a
- [ href "#"
- , classList [("dropdown-menu__item", True), ("dropdown-menu__item--active", cfg.source.key i == model.sel) ]
- , onMouseOver <| cfg.wrap <| Sel <| cfg.source.key i
- , onMouseDown <| cfg.wrap <| Enter i
- ] <| cfg.source.view i
- )
- in
- [ inputDiv
- , case model.position of
- Nothing -> text ""
- Just p ->
- if model.value == "" || (model.loading && List.isEmpty model.results)
- then text ""
- else box p
- ]