path: root/elm3/RelEdit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elm3/RelEdit')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 597 deletions
diff --git a/elm3/RelEdit/General.elm b/elm3/RelEdit/General.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 698c9f99..00000000
--- a/elm3/RelEdit/General.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-module RelEdit.General exposing (..)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.Gen exposing (..)
-import Lib.Util exposing (..)
-import Lib.RDate as RDate
-type alias Model =
- { aniEro : Int
- , aniStory : Int
- , catalog : String
- , doujin : Bool
- , freeware : Bool
- , gtinInput : String
- , gtinVal : Maybe Int
- , lang : List { lang : String }
- , media : List { medium : String, qty : Int }
- , minage : Maybe Int
- , notes : String
- , original : String
- , patch : Bool
- , platforms : List { platform : String }
- , released : RDate.RDate
- , resolution : String
- , rtype : String
- , title : String
- , uncensored : Bool
- , voiced : Int
- , website : String
- }
-init : RelEdit -> Model
-init d =
- { aniEro = d.ani_ero
- , aniStory = d.ani_story
- , catalog = d.catalog
- , doujin = d.doujin
- , freeware = d.freeware
- , gtinInput = formatGtin d.gtin
- , gtinVal = Just d.gtin
- , lang = d.lang
- , media =
- , minage = d.minage
- , notes = d.notes
- , original = d.original
- , patch = d.patch
- , platforms = d.platforms
- , released = d.released
- , resolution = d.resolution
- , rtype = d.rtype
- , title = d.title
- , uncensored = d.uncensored
- , voiced = d.voiced
- , website =
- }
-new : String -> String -> Model
-new title orig =
- { aniEro = 0
- , aniStory = 0
- , catalog = ""
- , doujin = False
- , freeware = False
- , gtinInput = ""
- , gtinVal = Just 0
- , lang = [{lang = "ja"}]
- , media = []
- , minage = Nothing
- , notes = ""
- , original = orig
- , patch = False
- , platforms = []
- , released = 99999999
- , resolution = "unknown"
- , rtype = "complete"
- , title = title
- , uncensored = False
- , voiced = 0
- , website = ""
- }
-type Msg
- = Title String
- | Original String
- | RType String
- | Patch Bool
- | Freeware Bool
- | Doujin Bool
- | LangDel Int
- | LangAdd String
- | Notes String
- | Released RDate.Msg
- | Gtin String
- | Catalog String
- | Website String
- | Minage String
- | Uncensored Bool
- | Resolution String
- | Voiced String
- | AniStory String
- | AniEro String
- | PlatDel Int
- | PlatAdd String
- | MedDel Int
- | MedQty Int String
- | MedAdd String
-update : Msg -> Model -> Model
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Title s -> { model | title = s }
- Original s -> { model | original = s }
- RType s -> { model | rtype = s }
- Patch b -> { model | patch = b }
- Freeware b -> { model | freeware = b }
- Doujin b -> { model | doujin = b }
- LangDel n -> { model | lang = delidx n model.lang }
- LangAdd s -> if s == "" then model else { model | lang = model.lang ++ [{ lang = s }] }
- Notes s -> { model | notes = s }
- Released m -> { model | released = RDate.update m model.released }
- Gtin s -> { model | gtinInput= s, gtinVal = if s == "" then Just 0 else validateGtin s }
- Catalog s -> { model | catalog = s }
- Website s -> { model | website = s }
- Minage s -> { model | minage = String.toInt s }
- Uncensored b -> { model | uncensored = b }
- Resolution s -> { model | resolution = s }
- Voiced s -> { model | voiced = Maybe.withDefault model.voiced <| String.toInt s }
- AniStory s -> { model | aniStory = Maybe.withDefault model.aniStory <| String.toInt s }
- AniEro s -> { model | aniEro = Maybe.withDefault model.aniEro <| String.toInt s }
- PlatDel n -> { model | platforms = delidx n model.platforms }
- PlatAdd s -> if s == "" then model else { model | platforms = model.platforms ++ [{ platform = s }] }
- MedDel n -> { model | media = delidx n }
- MedQty i s -> { model | media = modidx i (\e -> { e | qty = Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt s) }) }
- MedAdd s -> if s == "" then model else { model | media = ++ [{ medium = s, qty = 1 }] }
-general : Model -> Html Msg
-general model = card "general" "General info" []
- [ cardRow "Title" Nothing <| formGroups
- [ [ label [for "title"] [text "Title (romaji)"]
- , inputText "title" model.title Title [required True, maxlength 250]
- ]
- , [ label [for "original"] [text "Original"]
- , inputText "original" model.original Original [maxlength 250]
- , div [class "form-group__help"] [text "The original title of this release, leave blank if it already is in the Latin alphabet."]
- ]
- ]
- , cardRow "Type" Nothing <| formGroups <|
- [ [ inputSelect [id "type", onInput RType] model.rtype <| (\s -> (s, toUpperFirst s)) releaseTypes ]
- , [ label [class "checkbox"] [ inputCheck "" model.patch Patch , text " This release is a patch to another release" ] ]
- , [ label [class "checkbox"] [ inputCheck "" model.freeware Freeware, text " Freeware (i.e. available at no cost)" ] ]
- ] ++ if model.patch
- then []
- else [ [ label [class "checkbox"] [ inputCheck "" model.doujin Doujin, text " Doujin (self-published, not by a company)" ] ] ]
- , cardRow "Languages" Nothing <| formGroups
- [ editList <| List.indexedMap (\n l ->
- editListRow ""
- [ editListField 3 "" [ iconLanguage l.lang, text <| " " ++ (Maybe.withDefault l.lang <| lookup l.lang languages) ]
- , editListField 0 "" [ removeButton (LangDel n) ]
- ]
- ) model.lang
- , [ if List.isEmpty model.lang
- then div [class "invalid-feedback"] [ text "No language selected." ]
- else text ""
- , label [for "addlang"] [ text "Add language" ]
- -- TODO: Move selection back to "" when a new language has been added
- , inputSelect [id "addlang", onInput LangAdd] ""
- <| ("", "-- Add language --")
- :: List.filter (\(n,_) -> not <| List.any (\l -> l.lang == n) model.lang) languages
- ]
- ]
- , cardRow "Meta" Nothing <| formGroups <|
- [ [ label [for "released"] [text "Release date"]
- , Released <| RDate.view model.released False
- , div [class "form-group__help"] [text "Leave month or day blank if they are unknown"]
- ]
- , [ label [for "gtin"] [text "JAN/EAN/UPC"]
- , inputText "gtin" model.gtinInput Gtin [pattern "[0-9]+"]
- , if model.gtinVal == Nothing
- then div [class "invalid-feedback"] [ text "Invalid bar code." ]
- else text ""
- ]
- , [ label [for "catalog"] [text "Catalog number"]
- , inputText "catalog" model.catalog Catalog [maxlength 50]
- ]
- , [ label [for "website"] [text "Official website"]
- , inputText "website" Website [pattern weburlPattern]
- ]
- , [ label [for "minage"] [text "Age rating"]
- , inputSelect [id "minage", onInput Minage] (Maybe.withDefault "" ( String.fromInt model.minage)) ( (\(a,b) -> (String.fromInt a, b)) minAges)
- ]
- ] ++ if model.minage /= Just 18
- then []
- else [ [ label [class "checkbox"] [ inputCheck "" model.uncensored Uncensored, text " No mosaic or other optical censoring (only check if this release has erotic content)" ] ] ]
- , cardRow "Notes" (Just "English please!") <| formGroup
- [ inputTextArea "" model.notes Notes [rows 5, maxlength 10240]
- , div [class "form-group__help"]
- [ text "Miscellaneous notes/comments, information that does not fit in the other fields."
- , text " For example, types of censoring or for which other releases this patch applies."
- ]
- ]
- ]
-format : Model -> Html Msg
-format model = card "format" "Format" [] <|
- (if model.patch then [] else [ cardRow "Technical" Nothing <| formGroups
- [ [ label [for "resolution"] [text "Native screen resolution"]
- , inputSelect [id "resolution", onInput Resolution] model.resolution resolutions
- ]
- , [ label [for "voiced"] [text "Voiced"]
- , inputSelect [id "voiced", onInput Voiced] (String.fromInt model.voiced) <| (\(a,b) -> (String.fromInt a, b)) voiced
- ]
- , [ label [for "ani_story"] [text "Story animation"]
- , inputSelect [id "ani_story", onInput AniStory] (String.fromInt model.aniStory) <| (\(a,b) -> (String.fromInt a, b)) animated
- ]
- , [ label [for "ani_ero"] [text "Ere scene animation"]
- , inputSelect [id "ani_ero", onInput AniEro] (String.fromInt model.aniEro) <| (\(a,b) -> (String.fromInt a, if a == 0 then "Unknown / no ero scenes" else b)) animated
- ]
- ]
- ]) ++
- [ cardRow "Platforms" Nothing <| formGroups
- [ editList <| List.indexedMap (\n p ->
- editListRow ""
- [ editListField 3 "" [ iconPlatform p.platform, text <| " " ++ (Maybe.withDefault p.platform <| lookup p.platform platforms) ]
- , editListField 0 "" [ removeButton (PlatDel n) ]
- ]
- ) model.platforms
- , [ label [for "addplat"] [ text "Add platform" ]
- -- TODO: Move selection back to "" when a new platform has been added
- , inputSelect [id "addplat", onInput PlatAdd] ""
- <| ("", "-- Add platform --")
- :: List.filter (\(n,_) -> not <| List.any (\p -> p.platform == n) model.platforms) platforms
- ]
- ]
- , cardRow "Media" Nothing <| formGroups
- [ editList <| List.indexedMap (\n m ->
- let md = Maybe.withDefault { qty = False, single = "", plural = "" } <| lookup m.medium
- in editListRow ""
- [ editListField 2 "" [ text md.single ] -- TODO: Add icon
- , editListField 2 ""
- [ if md.qty
- then inputSelect [ onInput (MedQty n) ] (String.fromInt m.qty) <| (\i -> (String.fromInt i, String.fromInt i)) <| List.range 1 20
- else text ""
- ]
- , editListField 0 "" [ removeButton (MedDel n) ]
- ]
- )
- , [ label [for "addmed"] [ text "Add medium" ]
- -- TODO: Move selection back to "" when a new medium has been added
- , inputSelect [id "addmed", onInput MedAdd] ""
- <| ("", "-- Add medium --")
- :: (\(n,m) -> (n,m.single))
- ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm3/RelEdit/Main.elm b/elm3/RelEdit/Main.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 16e317f0..00000000
--- a/elm3/RelEdit/Main.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-module RelEdit.Main exposing (..)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.Gen as Gen
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Lib.Editsum as Editsum
-import RelEdit.General as General
-import RelEdit.Producers as Producers
-import RelEdit.Vn as Vn
-main : Program Gen.RelEdit Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
- , view = view
- , update = update
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- }
-type alias Model =
- { state : Api.State
- , editsum : Editsum.Model
- , general : General.Model
- , producers : Producers.Model
- , vn : Vn.Model
- , id : Maybe Int
- }
-init : Gen.RelEdit -> Model
-init d =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , editsum = { authmod = d.authmod, editsum = d.editsum, locked = d.locked, hidden = d.hidden }
- , general = General.init d
- , producers = Producers.init d.producers
- , vn = Vn.init
- , id =
- }
-new : Int -> String -> String -> Model
-new vid title orig =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , editsum =
- , general = title orig
- , producers = Producers.init []
- , vn = Vn.init [{vid = vid, title = title}]
- , id = Nothing
- }
-encode : Model -> Gen.RelEditSend
-encode model =
- { editsum = model.editsum.editsum
- , hidden = model.editsum.hidden
- , locked = model.editsum.locked
- , catalog = model.general.catalog
- , doujin = model.general.doujin
- , freeware = model.general.freeware
- , gtin = Maybe.withDefault 0 model.general.gtinVal
- , lang = model.general.lang
- , minage = model.general.minage
- , notes = model.general.notes
- , original = model.general.original
- , patch = model.general.patch
- , rtype = model.general.rtype
- , released = model.general.released
- , title = model.general.title
- , uncensored = model.general.uncensored
- , website =
- , resolution = model.general.resolution
- , voiced = model.general.voiced
- , ani_story = model.general.aniStory
- , ani_ero = model.general.aniEro
- , platforms = model.general.platforms
- , media =
- , producers = (\e -> { pid =, developer = e.developer, publisher = e.publisher }) model.producers.producers
- , vn = (\e -> { vid = e.vid })
- }
-type Msg
- = Editsum Editsum.Msg
- | General General.Msg
- | Producers Producers.Msg
- | Vn Vn.Msg
- | Submit
- | Submitted Api.Response
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Editsum m -> ({ model | editsum = Editsum.update m model.editsum }, Cmd.none)
- General m -> ({ model | general = General.update m model.general }, Cmd.none)
- Producers m -> let (nm, c) = Producers.update m model.producers in ({ model | producers = nm }, Producers c)
- Vn m -> let (nm, c) = Vn.update m in ({ model | vn = nm }, Vn c)
- Submit ->
- let
- path =
- case of
- Just id -> "/r" ++ String.fromInt id ++ "/edit"
- Nothing -> "/r/add"
- body = Gen.releditSendEncode (encode model)
- in ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, path body Submitted)
- Submitted (Gen.Changed id rev) -> (model, load <| "/r" ++ String.fromInt id ++ "." ++ String.fromInt rev)
- Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
-isValid : Model -> Bool
-isValid model = not
- ( List.isEmpty model.general.lang
- || model.general.gtinVal == Nothing
- || model.producers.duplicates
- ||
- || List.isEmpty
- )
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ General <| General.general model.general
- , General <| General.format model.general
- , card "relations" "Relations" []
- [ Producers <| Producers.view model.producers
- , Vn <| Vn.view
- ]
- , Editsum <| Editsum.view model.editsum
- , submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model) False
- ]
diff --git a/elm3/RelEdit/New.elm b/elm3/RelEdit/New.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 699e3c29..00000000
--- a/elm3/RelEdit/New.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-module RelEdit.New exposing (main)
-import Browser
-import RelEdit.Main as Main
-type alias Flags =
- { id : Int
- , title : String
- , original : String
- }
-main : Program Flags Main.Model Main.Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \f -> ( f.title f.original, Cmd.none)
- , view = Main.view
- , update = Main.update
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- }
diff --git a/elm3/RelEdit/Producers.elm b/elm3/RelEdit/Producers.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1af1f2ba..00000000
--- a/elm3/RelEdit/Producers.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-module RelEdit.Producers exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.Autocomplete as A
-import Lib.Gen as Gen
-import Lib.Util exposing (..)
-type alias Model =
- { producers : List Gen.RelEditProducers
- , search : A.Model Gen.ApiProducerResult
- , duplicates : Bool
- }
-init : List Gen.RelEditProducers -> Model
-init l =
- { producers = l
- , search = A.init
- , duplicates = False
- }
-type Msg
- = Del Int
- | SetRole Int String
- | Search (A.Msg Gen.ApiProducerResult)
-searchConfig : A.Config Msg Gen.ApiProducerResult
-searchConfig = { wrap = Search, id = "add-producer", source = A.producerSource }
-validate : Model -> Model
-validate model = { model | duplicates = hasDuplicates <| .pid model.producers }
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Del i -> (validate { model | producers = delidx i model.producers }, Cmd.none)
- SetRole i s -> (validate { model | producers = modidx i (\e -> { e | developer = s == "d" || s == "b", publisher = s == "p" || s == "b" }) model.producers }
- , Cmd.none )
- Search m ->
- let (nm, c, res) = A.update searchConfig m
- in case res of
- Nothing -> ({ model | search = nm }, c)
- Just r ->
- let nrow = { pid =, name =, developer = False, publisher = True }
- in (validate { model | search = A.clear nm, producers = model.producers ++ [nrow] }, c)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- let
- role e =
- case (e.developer, e.publisher) of
- (True, False) -> "d"
- (False, True) -> "p"
- _ -> "b"
- roles =
- [ ("d", "Developer")
- , ("p", "Publisher")
- , ("b", "Both")
- ]
- entry n e = editListRow ""
- [ editListField 1 "col-form-label single-line"
- [ a [href <| "/p" ++ String.fromInt, title, target "_blank" ] [text ] ]
- , editListField 1 ""
- [ inputSelect [onInput (SetRole n)] (role e) roles ]
- , editListField 0 "" [ removeButton (Del n) ]
- ]
- in cardRow "Producers" Nothing
- <| editList (List.indexedMap entry model.producers)
- ++ formGroups (
- (if model.duplicates
- then [ [ div [ class "invalid-feedback" ]
- [ text "The producers list contains duplicates." ] ] ]
- else []
- ) ++
- [ label [for "add-producer"] [text "Add producer"]
- :: A.view searchConfig [placeholder "Producer", style "max-width" "400px"]
- ]
- )
diff --git a/elm3/RelEdit/Vn.elm b/elm3/RelEdit/Vn.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f32aff4..00000000
--- a/elm3/RelEdit/Vn.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-module RelEdit.Vn exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.Gen as Gen
-import Lib.Util exposing (..)
-import Lib.Autocomplete as A
-type alias Model =
- { vn : List Gen.RelEditVn
- , search : A.Model Gen.ApiVNResult
- , duplicates : Bool
- }
-init : List Gen.RelEditVn -> Model
-init l =
- { vn = l
- , search = A.init
- , duplicates = False
- }
-type Msg
- = Del Int
- | Search (A.Msg Gen.ApiVNResult)
-searchConfig : A.Config Msg Gen.ApiVNResult
-searchConfig = { wrap = Search, id = "add-vn", source = A.vnSource }
-validate : Model -> Model
-validate model = { model | duplicates = hasDuplicates <| .vid }
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Del i -> (validate { model | vn = delidx i }, Cmd.none)
- Search m ->
- let (nm, c, res) = A.update searchConfig m
- in case res of
- Nothing -> ({ model | search = nm }, c)
- Just r ->
- let nrow = { vid =, title = r.title }
- in (validate { model | search = A.clear nm, vn = ++ [nrow] }, c)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- let
- entry n e = editListRow "row--ai-center"
- [ editListField 1 "col-form-label single-line"
- [ a [href <| "/v" ++ String.fromInt e.vid, title e.title, target "_blank" ] [text e.title ] ]
- , editListField 0 "" [ removeButton (Del n) ]
- ]
- in cardRow "Visual Novels" Nothing
- <| editList (List.indexedMap entry
- ++ formGroups (
- (if model.duplicates
- then [ [ div [ class "invalid-feedback" ]
- [ text "The list contains duplicates. Make sure that the same visual novel is not listed multiple times." ] ] ]
- else []
- ) ++
- (if List.isEmpty
- then [ [ div [ class "invalid-feedback" ]
- [ text "Please make sure that at least one visual novel is selected." ] ] ]
- else []
- ) ++
- [ label [for "add-vn"] [text "Add visual novel"]
- :: A.view searchConfig [placeholder "Visual Novel...", style "max-width" "400px"]
- ]
- )