path: root/elm3/VNEdit/Screenshots.elm
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Diffstat (limited to 'elm3/VNEdit/Screenshots.elm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/elm3/VNEdit/Screenshots.elm b/elm3/VNEdit/Screenshots.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index f0888c8e..00000000
--- a/elm3/VNEdit/Screenshots.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-module VNEdit.Screenshots exposing (Model, Msg, loading, init, update, view)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import File exposing (File)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.Util exposing (..)
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Lib.Gen as Gen
-import Lib.Util exposing (lookup, isJust)
-type alias Model =
- { screenshots : List Gen.VNEditScreenshots
- , releases : List Gen.VNEditReleases
- , state : List Api.State
- , id : Int -- Temporary negative internal screenshot identifier, until the image has been uploaded and the actual ID is known
- , rel : Int
- , nsfw : Bool
- , files : List File
- }
-init : List Gen.VNEditScreenshots -> List Gen.VNEditReleases -> Model
-init scr rels =
- { screenshots = scr
- , releases = rels
- , state = (always Api.Normal) scr
- , id = -1
- , rel = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| .id <| List.head rels
- , nsfw = False
- , files = []
- }
-loading : Model -> Bool
-loading model = List.any (\s -> s /= Api.Normal) model.state
-type Msg
- = Del Int
- | SetNSFW Int Bool
- | SetRel Int String
- | DefNSFW Bool
- | DefRel String
- | DefFiles (List File)
- | Upload
- | Done Int Api.Response
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Del i -> ({ model | screenshots = delidx i model.screenshots, state = delidx i model.state }, Cmd.none)
- SetNSFW i b -> ({ model | screenshots = modidx i (\e -> { e | nsfw = b }) model.screenshots }, Cmd.none)
- SetRel i s -> ({ model | screenshots = modidx i (\e -> { e | rid = Maybe.withDefault e.rid (String.toInt s) }) model.screenshots }, Cmd.none)
- DefNSFW b -> ({ model | nsfw = b }, Cmd.none)
- DefRel s -> ({ model | rel = Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
- DefFiles l -> ({ model | files = l }, Cmd.none)
- Upload ->
- let
- st = model.state ++ (always Api.Loading) model.files
- scr i _ = { scr = - i, rid = model.rel, nsfw = model.nsfw, width = 0, height = 0 }
- alst = List.indexedMap scr model.files
- lst = model.screenshots ++ alst
- nid = - List.length model.files
- cmd f i = Api.postImage Api.Sf f (Done i.scr)
- cmds = List.map2 cmd model.files alst
- in ({ model | screenshots = lst, id = nid, state = st, files = [] }, Cmd.batch cmds)
- Done id r ->
- case List.head <| List.filter (\(_,i) -> i.scr == id) <| List.indexedMap (\a b -> (a,b)) model.screenshots of
- Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none)
- Just (n,_) ->
- let
- st _ = case r of
- Gen.Image _ _ _ -> Api.Normal
- re -> Api.Error re
- scr s = case r of
- Gen.Image nid width height -> { s | scr = nid, width = width, height = height }
- _ -> s
- in ({ model | screenshots = modidx n scr model.screenshots, state = modidx n st model.state }, Cmd.none)
-view : Model -> Maybe Int -> Html Msg
-view model vid =
- let
- row image remove titl opts after = div [class "screenshot-edit__row"]
- [ div [ class "screenshot-edit__screenshot" ] [ image ]
- , div [ class "screenshot-edit__fields" ] <|
- [ remove
- , div [ class "screenshot-edit__title" ] [ text titl ]
- , div [ class "screenshot-edit__options" ] opts
- ] ++ after
- ]
- rm n = div [ class "screenshot-edit__remove" ] [ removeButton (Del n) ]
- img n f = dbImg "st" n [class "vn-image-placeholder--wide"] f
- commonRes res =
- -- NDS resolution, not in the database
- res == "256x384" || isJust (lookup res Gen.resolutions)
- resWarn e =
- let res = String.fromInt e.width ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt e.height
- in case List.filter (\r -> == e.rid) model.releases |> List.head of
- Nothing -> text "" -- Shouldn't happen
- Just r ->
- -- If the release resolution is known and does *not* match the image resolution, warn about that
- if r.resolution /= "unknown" && r.resolution /= "nonstandard" && r.resolution /= res
- then div [ class "invalid-feedback" ]
- [ text <| "Screenshot resolution is not the same as that of the selected release (" ++ r.resolution ++ "). Please make sure take screenshots in that *exact* resolution!" ]
- -- Otherwise, if this isn't a non-standard resolution, check for common ones
- else if r.resolution == "nonstandard" || commonRes res
- then text ""
- else div [ class "invalid-feedback" ]
- [ text <| "Odd screenshot resolution. Please make sure take screenshots in the correct resolution!" ]
- entry n (s,e) = case s of
- Api.Loading -> row (img -1 Nothing) (rm n) "Uploading screenshot" [] []
- Api.Error r -> row
- (img 0 Nothing) (rm n) "Upload failed"
- [ div [ class "invalid-feedback" ] [ text <| Api.showResponse r ] ]
- []
- Api.Normal -> row
- (img e.scr <| Just { width = e.width, height = e.height, id = "scr" })
- (rm n) ("Screenshot #" ++ String.fromInt e.scr)
- [ span [ class "muted" ] [ text <| String.fromInt e.width ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt e.height ]
- , label [ class "checkbox" ]
- [ inputCheck "" e.nsfw (SetNSFW n)
- , text " Not safe for work"
- ]
- ]
- [ resWarn e
- , releaseSelect e.rid (SetRel n) ]
- add = if List.length model.screenshots == 10 then text "" else row
- (text "")
- (text "")
- "Add screenshot"
- [ span [ class "muted" ] [ text "Image must be smaller than 5MB and in PNG or JPEG format. No more than 10 screenshots can be uploaded." ] ]
- [ releaseSelect model.rel DefRel
- , div [ class "screenshot-edit__upload-options" ]
- [ div [ class "screenshot-edit__upload-option" ] [ input [ type_ "file", id "addscr", tabindex 10, multiple True, Api.onFileChange DefFiles ] [] ]
- , div [ class "screenshot-edit__upload-option" ]
- [ label [ class "checkbox screenshot-edit__upload-nsfw-label" ]
- [ inputCheck "" model.nsfw DefNSFW
- , text " Not safe for work" ] ]
- , div [ class "flex-expand" ] []
- , div [ class "screenshot-edit__upload-option" ]
- [ button
- [ type_ "button", class "btn screenshot-edit__upload-btn", tabindex 10, onClick Upload
- , disabled <| List.isEmpty model.files || (List.length model.files + List.length model.screenshots) > 10
- ] [ text "Upload!" ] ]
- ]
- ]
- releaseSelect rid msg = inputSelect [onInput msg] (String.fromInt rid)
- <| (\s -> (String.fromInt, s.display)) model.releases
- norel =
- case vid of
- Nothing -> [ text "Screenshots can be uploaded after adding releases to this visual novel." ]
- Just i ->
- [ text "Screenshots can be added after "
- , a [ href <| "/v" ++ (String.fromInt i) ++ "/add", target "_blank" ] [ text "adding a release entry" ]
- , text "."
- ]
- in if List.isEmpty model.releases
- then card "screenshots" "Screenshots" [ div [class "card__subheading"] norel ] []
- else card "screenshots" "Screenshots"
- [ div [class "card__subheading"]
- [ text "Keep in mind that all screenshots must conform to "
- , a [href "/d2#6", target "blank"] [ text "strict guidelines" ]
- , text ", read those carefully!"
- ]
- ]
- [ div [class "screenshot-edit"] <| List.indexedMap entry (List.map2 (\a b -> (a,b)) model.state model.screenshots) ++ [ add ] ]