path: root/elm3/VNEdit/Staff.elm
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Diffstat (limited to 'elm3/VNEdit/Staff.elm')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/elm3/VNEdit/Staff.elm b/elm3/VNEdit/Staff.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..589475b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm3/VNEdit/Staff.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+module VNEdit.Staff exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Gen exposing (VNEditStaff, staffRoles)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Lib.Api exposing (Staff)
+type alias Model =
+ { staff : List VNEditStaff
+ , search : A.Model Staff
+ , duplicates : Bool
+ }
+init : List VNEditStaff -> Model
+init l =
+ { staff = l
+ , search = A.init
+ , duplicates = False
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Del Int
+ | SetNote Int String
+ | SetRole Int String
+ | Search (A.Msg Staff)
+searchConfig : A.Config Msg Staff
+searchConfig = { wrap = Search, id = "add-staff", source = A.staffSource }
+validate : Model -> Model
+validate model = { model | duplicates = hasDuplicates <| (\e -> (e.aid,e.role)) model.staff }
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Del i -> (validate { model | staff = delidx i model.staff }, Cmd.none)
+ SetNote i s -> (validate { model | staff = modidx i (\e -> { e | note = s }) model.staff }, Cmd.none)
+ SetRole i s -> (validate { model | staff = modidx i (\e -> { e | role = s }) model.staff }, Cmd.none)
+ Search m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update searchConfig m
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> ({ model | search = nm }, c)
+ Just r ->
+ let
+ role = List.head staffRoles |> Tuple.first |> Maybe.withDefault ""
+ nrow = { aid = r.aid, id =, name =, role = role, note = "" }
+ in (validate { model | search = A.clear nm, staff = model.staff ++ [nrow] }, c)
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model =
+ let
+ entry n e = editListRow ""
+ [ editListField 1 "col-form-label single-line"
+ [ a [href <| "/s" ++ String.fromInt, target "_blank" ] [text ] ]
+ , editListField 1 ""
+ [ inputSelect [onInput (SetRole n)] e.role staffRoles ]
+ , editListField 2 ""
+ [ inputText "" e.note (SetNote n) [placeholder "Note", maxlength 250] ]
+ , editListField 0 "" [ removeButton (Del n) ]
+ ]
+ in card "staff" "Staff"
+ [ div [class "card__subheading"]
+ [ text "For information, check the "
+ , a [href "/d2#3", target "_blank"] [text "staff editing guidelines"]
+ , text ". You can "
+ , a [href "/s/new", target "_blank"] [text "create a new staff entry"]
+ , text " if it is not in the database yet, but please "
+ , a [href "/s/all", target "_blank"] [text "check for aliases first"]
+ , text "."
+ ]
+ ] <|
+ editList (List.indexedMap entry model.staff)
+ ++ formGroups (
+ (if model.duplicates
+ then [ [ div [ class "invalid-feedback" ]
+ [ text "The staff list contains duplicates. Make sure that each person is only listed at most once with the same role" ] ] ]
+ else []
+ ) ++
+ [ label [for "add-staff"] [text "Add staff"]
+ :: A.view searchConfig [placeholder "Staff name", style "max-width" "400px"]
+ ]
+ )