path: root/elm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elm')
70 files changed, 5540 insertions, 2892 deletions
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Anime.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Anime.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d0882dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Anime.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+module AdvSearch.Anime exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Set
+import Dict
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import AdvSearch.Set as S
+type alias Model =
+ { sel : S.Model Int
+ , conf : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiAnimeResult
+ , search : A.Model GApi.ApiAnimeResult
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Sel (S.Msg Int)
+ | Search (A.Msg GApi.ApiAnimeResult)
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat =
+ let (ndat, sel) = S.init dat
+ in ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid + 1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_anime" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.animeSource True }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ )
+update : Data -> Msg -> Model -> (Data, Model, Cmd Msg)
+update dat msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Sel m -> (dat, { model | sel = S.update m model.sel }, Cmd.none)
+ Search m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update model.conf m
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ Just s ->
+ if Set.member model.sel.sel then (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ else ( { dat | anime = Dict.insert s dat.anime }
+ , { model | search = A.clear nm "", sel = S.update (S.Sel True) model.sel }
+ , c )
+toQuery m = S.toQuery (QInt 13) m.sel
+fromQuery dat qf = S.fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QInt 13 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing) dat qf
+ |> (\(ndat,sel) ->
+ ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid+1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_anime" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.animeSource True }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ ))
+view : Data -> Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view dat model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Anime" ]
+ [s] -> span [ class "nowrap" ]
+ [ S.lblPrefix model.sel
+ , small [] [ text <| "a" ++ String.fromInt s ++ ":" ]
+ , Dict.get s dat.anime |> (\e -> e.title) |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> text
+ ]
+ l -> span [] [ S.lblPrefix model.sel, text <| "Anime (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Anime" ]
+ , Sel (S.opts model.sel True True)
+ ]
+ , ul [] <| (\s ->
+ li [ style "overflow" "hidden", style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ]
+ [ inputButton "X" (Sel (S.Sel s False)) []
+ , small [] [ text <| " a" ++ String.fromInt s ++ ": " ]
+ , Dict.get s dat.anime |> (\e -> e.title) |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> text
+ ]
+ ) (Set.toList model.sel.sel)
+ , A.view model.conf [ placeholder "Search..." ]
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Birthday.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Birthday.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a03b124f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Birthday.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+module AdvSearch.Birthday exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.RDate as RDate
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+type alias Model =
+ { op : Op
+ , month : Int
+ , day : Int
+ }
+type Msg
+ = MOp Op
+ | Month Int
+ | Day Int
+update : Msg -> Model -> Model
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ MOp o -> { model | op = o }
+ Month m -> { model | month = m, day = if m == 0 then 0 else }
+ Day d -> { model | day = d }
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat = (dat,
+ { op = Eq
+ , month = 0
+ , day = 0
+ })
+toQuery : Model -> Maybe Query
+toQuery model = Just <| QTuple 14 model.op model.month
+fromQuery : Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, Model)
+fromQuery dat q =
+ case q of
+ QTuple 14 o m d -> Just (dat, { op = o, month = m, day = d })
+ _ -> Nothing
+view : Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view model =
+ ( text <| showOp model.op ++ " "
+ ++ (if model.month == 0 then "Unknown"
+ else List.drop (model.month-1) RDate.monthList |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault "")
+ ++ (if == 0 then "" else " " ++ String.fromInt
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader", style "width" "290px" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Birthday" ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ] [ inputOp True model.op MOp ]
+ ]
+ , inputSelect "" model.month Month [style "width" "128px"] <| (0, "Unknown") :: RDate.monthSelect
+ , if model.month == 0 then text ""
+ else inputSelect "" Day [style "width" "70px"]
+ <| (0, "- day -") :: (\i -> (i, String.fromInt i)) (List.range 1 31)
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/DRM.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/DRM.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccf64328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/DRM.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+module AdvSearch.DRM exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Set
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import AdvSearch.Set as S
+type alias Model =
+ { sel : S.Model String
+ , conf : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiDRM
+ , search : A.Model GApi.ApiDRM
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Sel (S.Msg String)
+ | Search (A.Msg GApi.ApiDRM)
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat =
+ let (ndat, sel) = S.init dat
+ in ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid + 1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_drm" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.drmSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ )
+update : Data -> Msg -> Model -> (Data, Model, Cmd Msg)
+update dat msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Sel m -> (dat, { model | sel = S.update m model.sel }, Cmd.none)
+ Search m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update model.conf m
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ Just e -> (dat, { model | search = A.clear nm "", sel = S.update (S.Sel True) model.sel }, c)
+toQuery m = S.toQuery (QStr 20) m.sel
+fromQuery dat q =
+ let f q2 = case q2 of
+ QStr 20 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ in S.fromQuery f dat q |> (\(ndat,sel) ->
+ ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid+1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_drm" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.drmSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ ))
+view : Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "DRM implementation" ]
+ [s] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ S.lblPrefix model.sel, text s ]
+ l -> span [] [ S.lblPrefix model.sel, text <| "DRM (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "DRM implementation" ]
+ , Sel (S.opts model.sel False False)
+ ]
+ , ul [] <| (\s ->
+ li [] [ inputButton "X" (Sel (S.Sel s False)) [], text " ", text s ]
+ ) <| List.filter (\x -> x /= "") <| Set.toList model.sel.sel
+ , A.view model.conf [ placeholder "Search..." ]
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Engine.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Engine.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8214cae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Engine.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+module AdvSearch.Engine exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Set
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import AdvSearch.Set as S
+type alias Model =
+ { sel : S.Model String
+ , conf : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiEngines
+ , search : A.Model GApi.ApiEngines
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Sel (S.Msg String)
+ | Search (A.Msg GApi.ApiEngines)
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat =
+ let (ndat, sel) = S.init dat
+ in ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid + 1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_eng" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.engineSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ )
+update : Data -> Msg -> Model -> (Data, Model, Cmd Msg)
+update dat msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Sel m -> (dat, { model | sel = S.update m model.sel }, Cmd.none)
+ Search m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update model.conf m
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ Just e -> (dat, { model | search = A.clear nm "", sel = S.update (S.Sel e.engine True) model.sel }, c)
+toQuery m = S.toQuery (QStr 15) m.sel
+fromQuery dat q =
+ let f q2 = case q2 of
+ QStr 15 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ in S.fromQuery f dat q |> (\(ndat,sel) ->
+ ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid+1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_eng" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.engineSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ ))
+view : Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Engine" ]
+ [s] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ S.lblPrefix model.sel, text (if s == "" then "Unknown engine" else s) ]
+ l -> span [] [ S.lblPrefix model.sel, text <| "Engines (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Engine" ]
+ , Sel (S.opts model.sel False False)
+ ]
+ , ul [] <| (\s ->
+ li [] [ inputButton "X" (Sel (S.Sel s False)) [], text " ", text s ]
+ ) <| List.filter (\x -> x /= "") <| Set.toList model.sel.sel
+ , A.view model.conf [ placeholder "Search..." ]
+ , label [] [ inputCheck "" (Set.member "" model.sel.sel) (Sel << S.Sel ""), text " Unknown" ]
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ec6e205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+module AdvSearch.Fields exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Array
+import Set
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.DropDown as DD
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import AdvSearch.Anime as AA
+import AdvSearch.Set as AS
+import AdvSearch.Producers as AP
+import AdvSearch.Staff as AT
+import AdvSearch.Tags as AG
+import AdvSearch.Traits as AI
+import AdvSearch.RDate as AD
+import AdvSearch.Range as AR
+import AdvSearch.Resolution as AE
+import AdvSearch.Engine as AEng
+import AdvSearch.DRM as ADRM
+import AdvSearch.Birthday as AB
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import Gen.ExtLinks as GEL
+-- "Nested" fields are a container for other fields.
+-- The code for nested fields is tightly coupled with the generic 'Field' abstraction below.
+type alias NestModel =
+ { ptype : QType -- type of the parent field
+ , qtype : QType -- type of the child fields
+ , fields : List Field
+ , and : Bool
+ , andDd : DD.Config FieldMsg
+ , addDd : DD.Config FieldMsg
+ , addtype : List QType
+ , neg : Bool -- only if ptype /= qtype
+ }
+type NestMsg
+ = NAndToggle Bool
+ | NAnd Bool Bool
+ | NAddToggle Bool
+ | NAdd Int
+ | NAddType (List QType)
+ | NField Int FieldMsg
+ | NNeg Bool Bool
+nestInit : Bool -> QType -> QType -> List Field -> Data -> (Data, NestModel)
+nestInit and ptype qtype list dat =
+ ( { dat | objid = dat.objid+2 }
+ , { ptype = ptype
+ , qtype = qtype
+ , fields = list
+ , and = and
+ , andDd = DD.init ("xsearch_field"++String.fromInt (dat.objid+0)) (FSNest << NAndToggle)
+ , addDd = DD.init ("xsearch_field"++String.fromInt (dat.objid+1)) (FSNest << NAddToggle)
+ , addtype = [qtype]
+ , neg = False
+ }
+ )
+nestUpdate : Data -> NestMsg -> NestModel -> (Data, NestModel, Cmd NestMsg)
+nestUpdate dat msg model =
+ case msg of
+ NAndToggle b -> (dat, { model | andDd = DD.toggle model.andDd b, addtype = [model.qtype] }, Cmd.none)
+ NAnd b _ -> (dat, { model | and = b, andDd = DD.toggle model.andDd False }, Cmd.none)
+ NAddToggle b -> (dat, { model | addDd = DD.toggle model.addDd b, addtype = [model.qtype] }, Cmd.none)
+ NAdd n ->
+ let addPar lst (ndat,f) =
+ case lst of
+ (a::b::xs) ->
+ -- Don't add the child field if it's an And/Or, the parent field covers that already.
+ let nf = case f of
+ (_,_,FMNest m) -> if m.ptype == m.qtype then [] else [f]
+ _ -> [f]
+ in addPar (b::xs) (nestInit True b a nf ndat |> Tuple.mapSecond FMNest |> fieldCreate -1)
+ _ -> (ndat,f)
+ (ndat2,f2) = addPar model.addtype (fieldInit n dat)
+ nestMsg lst i =
+ case lst of
+ (a::xs) -> NField i (FSNest (nestMsg xs 0))
+ _ -> NField i (FToggle True)
+ in (ndat2, { model | addDd = DD.toggle model.addDd False, addtype = [model.qtype], fields = model.fields ++ [f2] }
+ , selfCmd (nestMsg (List.drop 1 model.addtype) (List.length model.fields)))
+ NAddType t -> (dat, { model | addtype = t }, Cmd.none)
+ NField n FDel -> (dat, { model | fields = delidx n model.fields }, Cmd.none)
+ NField n FMoveSub ->
+ let subfields = List.drop n model.fields |> List.take 1 |> (\(fid,fdd,fm) -> (fid, DD.toggle fdd False, fm))
+ (ndat,subm) = nestInit (not model.and) model.qtype model.qtype subfields dat
+ (ndat2,subf) = fieldCreate -1 (ndat, FMNest subm)
+ in (ndat2, { model | fields = modidx n (always subf) model.fields }, Cmd.none)
+ NField n m ->
+ case List.head (List.drop n model.fields) of
+ Nothing -> (dat, model, Cmd.none)
+ Just f ->
+ let (ndat, nf, nc) = fieldUpdate dat m f
+ in (ndat, { model | fields = modidx n (always nf) model.fields }, (NField n) nc)
+ NNeg b _ -> (dat, { model | neg = b }, Cmd.none)
+nestToQuery : Data -> NestModel -> Maybe Query
+nestToQuery dat model =
+ let op = if model.neg then Ne else Eq
+ com = if model.and then QAnd else QOr
+ wrap f =
+ case List.filterMap (fieldToQuery dat) model.fields of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ [x] -> Just (f x)
+ xs -> Just (f (com xs))
+ in case (model.ptype, model.qtype) of
+ (V, R) -> wrap (QQuery 50 op)
+ (V, C) -> wrap (QQuery 51 op)
+ (V, S) -> wrap (QQuery 52 op)
+ (V, P) -> wrap (QQuery 55 op)
+ (C, S) -> wrap (QQuery 52 op)
+ (C, V) -> wrap (QQuery 53 op)
+ (R, V) -> wrap (QQuery 53 op)
+ (R, P) -> wrap (QQuery 55 op)
+ _ -> wrap identity
+nestFromQuery : QType -> QType -> Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, NestModel)
+nestFromQuery ptype qtype dat q =
+ let init and l =
+ let (ndat,fl) = List.foldr (\f (d,a) -> let (nd,fm) = fieldFromQuery qtype d f in (nd,(fm::a))) (dat,[]) l
+ in nestInit and ptype qtype fl ndat
+ initSub op val = if op /= Eq && op /= Ne then Nothing else Just <|
+ let (ndat,f) = fieldFromQuery qtype dat val
+ (ndat2,m) = nestInit True ptype qtype [f] ndat
+ -- If there is only a single nested query and it's an and/or nest, merge it into this node.
+ m2 = case m.fields of
+ [(_,_,FMNest cm)] -> if cm.ptype == cm.qtype then { m | fields = cm.fields, and = cm.and } else m
+ _ -> m
+ in (ndat2, { m2 | neg = op == Ne })
+ in case (ptype, qtype, q) of
+ (V, R, QQuery 50 op r) -> initSub op r
+ (V, C, QQuery 51 op r) -> initSub op r
+ (V, S, QQuery 52 op r) -> initSub op r
+ (V, P, QQuery 55 op r) -> initSub op r
+ (C, S, QQuery 52 op r) -> initSub op r
+ (C, V, QQuery 53 op r) -> initSub op r
+ (R, V, QQuery 53 op r) -> initSub op r
+ (R, P, QQuery 55 op r) -> initSub op r
+ (_, _, QAnd l) -> if ptype == qtype then Just (init True l) else Nothing
+ (_, _, QOr l) -> if ptype == qtype then Just (init False l) else Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
+nestView : Data -> DD.Config FieldMsg -> NestModel -> Html FieldMsg
+nestView dat dd model =
+ let
+ isNest (_,_,f) =
+ case f of
+ FMNest _ -> True
+ _ -> False
+ hasNest = List.any isNest model.fields
+ filterDat =
+ { dat
+ | level = if model.ptype /= model.qtype then 1 else dat.level+1
+ , parentTypes = if model.ptype /= model.qtype then Set.insert (showQType model.ptype) dat.parentTypes else dat.parentTypes
+ }
+ filters = List.indexedMap (\i f ->
+ (FSNest << NField i) <| fieldView filterDat f
+ ) model.fields
+ add =
+ let parents = Set.union filterDat.parentTypes <| Set.fromList <| showQType <| List.drop 1 model.addtype
+ lst = Array.toIndexedList fields |> List.filter (\(_,f) ->
+ Just f.ptype == List.head model.addtype
+ && f.title /= ""
+ && (dat.uid /= Nothing || f.title /= "My Labels")
+ && (dat.uid /= Nothing || f.title /= "My List")
+ && (f.title /= "Name" || not (Set.isEmpty parents))
+ && not (f.title == "Role" && (List.head (List.drop 1 model.addtype)) == Just C) -- No "role" filter for character seiyuu (the seiyuu role is implied, after all)
+ && not (Set.member (showQType f.qtype) parents))
+ showT par t =
+ case (par,t) of
+ (_,V) -> "VN"
+ (_,R) -> "Release"
+ (_,C) -> "Character"
+ (C,S) -> "VA"
+ (_,S) -> "Staff"
+ (V,P) -> "Developer"
+ (_,P) -> "Producer"
+ breads pre par l =
+ case l of
+ [] -> []
+ [x] -> [ strong [] [ text (showT par x) ] ]
+ (x::xs) -> a [ href "#", onClickD (FSNest (NAddType (x::pre))) ] [ text (showT par x) ] :: text " » " :: breads (x::pre) x xs
+ in
+ div [ class "elm_dd_input elm_dd_noarrow short" ]
+ [ DD.view model.addDd Api.Normal (text "+") <| \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader", style "min-width" "200px" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Add filter" ]
+ , if List.length model.addtype <= 1 then text "" else
+ div [] <| breads [] model.qtype (List.reverse model.addtype)
+ ]
+ , ul (if List.length lst > 6 then [ style "columns" "2" ] else []) <|
+ (\(n,f) ->
+ li [] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (FSNest <| if f.qtype /= f.ptype then NAddType (f.qtype :: model.addtype) else NAdd n)] [ text f.title ] ]
+ ) lst
+ ]
+ ]
+ andcont () = [ ul []
+ [ li [] [ linkRadio ( model.and) (FSNest << NAnd True ) [ text "And: All filters must match" ] ]
+ , li [] [ linkRadio (not model.and) (FSNest << NAnd False) [ text "Or: At least one filter must match" ] ]
+ ] ]
+ andlbl = text <| if model.and then "And" else "Or"
+ and = div [ class "elm_dd_input short" ] [ DD.view model.andDd Api.Normal andlbl andcont ]
+ negcont () =
+ let (a,b) =
+ case (model.ptype, model.qtype) of
+ (_, C) -> ("Has a character that matches these filters", "Does not have a character that matches these filters")
+ (_, R) -> ("Has a release that matches these filters", "Does not have a release that matches these filters")
+ (_, V) -> ("Linked to a visual novel that matches these filters", "Not linked to a visual novel that matches these filters")
+ (V, S) -> ("Has staff that matches these filters", "Does not have staff that matches these filters")
+ (V, P) -> ("Has a developer that matches these filters", "Does not have a developer that matches these filters")
+ (C, S) -> ("Has a voice actor that matches these filters", "Does not have a voice actor that matches these filters")
+ (R, P) -> ("Has a producer that matches these filters", "Does not have a producer that matches these filters")
+ _ -> ("","")
+ in [ ul []
+ [ li [] [ linkRadio (not model.neg) (FSNest << NNeg False) [ text a ] ]
+ , li [] [ linkRadio ( model.neg) (FSNest << NNeg True ) [ text b ] ]
+ ] ]
+ neglbl = text <| (if model.neg then "¬" else "") ++
+ case (model.ptype, model.qtype) of
+ (_, C) -> "Char"
+ (_, R) -> "Rel"
+ (_, V) -> "VN"
+ (V, S) -> "Staff"
+ (V, P) -> "Developer"
+ (R, P) -> "Producer"
+ (C, S) -> "VA"
+ _ -> ""
+ ourdd =
+ if model.qtype == model.ptype
+ then fieldViewDd dat dd andlbl andcont
+ else fieldViewDd dat dd neglbl negcont
+ initialdd = if model.ptype == model.qtype || List.length model.fields == 1 then [ ourdd ] else [ ourdd, and ]
+ in
+ if hasNest
+ then table [ class "advnest" ] <| List.indexedMap (\i f -> tr []
+ [ td [] <| if i == 0 then initialdd else []
+ , td [ class (if i == 0 then "start" else "mid") ] [ div [] [], span [] [] ]
+ , td [] [ f ]
+ ]) filters
+ ++ [ tr []
+ [ td [] []
+ , td [ class "end" ] [ div [] [], span [] [] ]
+ , td [] [ add ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ else table [ class "advrow" ] [ tr []
+ [ td [] (initialdd ++ [small [] [ text " → " ]])
+ , td [] (filters ++ [add]) ] ]
+-- Generic field abstraction.
+-- (this is where typeclasses would have been *awesome*)
+-- The following functions and definitions are only intended to provide field
+-- listings and function dispatchers, if the implementation of anything in here
+-- is longer than a single line, it should get its own definition near where
+-- the rest of that field is defined.
+type alias Field = (Int, DD.Config FieldMsg, FieldModel) -- The Int is the index into 'fields'
+type alias ListModel =
+ { val : Int
+ , lst : List (Query, String)
+ }
+type FieldModel
+ = FMCustom Query -- A read-only placeholder for Query values that failed to parse into a Field
+ | FMNest NestModel
+ | FMList ListModel
+ | FMLang AS.LangModel
+ | FMRPlatform (AS.Model String)
+ | FMVPlatform (AS.Model String)
+ | FMLength (AS.Model Int)
+ | FMDevStatus (AS.Model Int)
+ | FMRole (AS.Model String)
+ | FMBlood (AS.Model String)
+ | FMSex (AS.SexModel)
+ | FMGender (AS.Model String)
+ | FMMedium (AS.Model String)
+ | FMVoiced (AS.Model Int)
+ | FMAniEro (AS.Model Int)
+ | FMAniStory (AS.Model Int)
+ | FMRType (AS.Model String)
+ | FMLabel (AS.Model Int)
+ | FMRList (AS.Model Int)
+ | FMSRole (AS.Model String)
+ | FMPType (AS.Model String)
+ | FMRExtLinks (AS.Model String)
+ | FMSExtLinks (AS.Model String)
+ | FMHeight (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMWeight (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMBust (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMWaist (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMHips (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMCup (AR.Model String)
+ | FMAge (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMPopularity (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMRating (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMVotecount (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMMinAge (AR.Model Int)
+ | FMProdId AP.Model
+ | FMProducer AP.Model
+ | FMDeveloper AP.Model
+ | FMStaff AT.Model
+ | FMAnime AA.Model
+ | FMRDate AD.Model
+ | FMResolution AE.Model
+ | FMEngine AEng.Model
+ | FMDRMType ADRM.Model
+ | FMTag AG.Model
+ | FMTrait AI.Model
+ | FMBirthday AB.Model
+type FieldMsg
+ = FSCustom () -- Not actually used at the moment
+ | FSNest NestMsg
+ | FSList Int
+ | FSLang (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSRPlatform (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSVPlatform (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSLength (AS.Msg Int)
+ | FSDevStatus (AS.Msg Int)
+ | FSRole (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSBlood (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSSex AS.SexMsg
+ | FSGender (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSMedium (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSVoiced (AS.Msg Int)
+ | FSAniEro (AS.Msg Int)
+ | FSAniStory (AS.Msg Int)
+ | FSRType (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSLabel (AS.Msg Int)
+ | FSRList (AS.Msg Int)
+ | FSSRole (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSPType (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSRExtLinks (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSSExtLinks (AS.Msg String)
+ | FSHeight AR.Msg
+ | FSWeight AR.Msg
+ | FSBust AR.Msg
+ | FSWaist AR.Msg
+ | FSHips AR.Msg
+ | FSCup AR.Msg
+ | FSAge AR.Msg
+ | FSPopularity AR.Msg
+ | FSRating AR.Msg
+ | FSVotecount AR.Msg
+ | FSMinAge AR.Msg
+ | FSProdId AP.Msg
+ | FSProducer AP.Msg
+ | FSDeveloper AP.Msg
+ | FSStaff AT.Msg
+ | FSAnime AA.Msg
+ | FSRDate AD.Msg
+ | FSResolution AE.Msg
+ | FSEngine AEng.Msg
+ | FSDRMType ADRM.Msg
+ | FSTag AG.Msg
+ | FSTrait AI.Msg
+ | FSBirthday AB.Msg
+ | FToggle Bool
+ | FDel -- intercepted in nestUpdate
+ | FMoveSub -- intercepted in nestUpdate
+ | FMovePar
+type alias FieldDesc =
+ { qtype : QType
+ , ptype : QType
+ , title : String -- How it's listed in the field selection menu.
+ , quick : Int -- Whether it should be included in the default set of fields (>0) ("quick mode") and in which order.
+ , init : Data -> (Data, FieldModel) -- How to initialize an empty field
+ , fromQuery : Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, FieldModel) -- How to initialize the field from a query
+ }
+-- XXX: Should this be lazily initialized instead? May impact JS load time like this.
+fields : Array.Array FieldDesc
+fields =
+ let f qtype title quick wrap init fromq =
+ { qtype = qtype
+ , ptype = qtype
+ , title = title
+ , quick = quick
+ , init = \d -> (Tuple.mapSecond wrap (init d))
+ , fromQuery = \d q -> (Tuple.mapSecond wrap) (fromq d q)
+ }
+ -- List type queries are fully defined here for convenience
+ l qtype title quick lst =
+ f qtype title quick FMList (\d -> (d, { val = 0, lst = lst }))
+ (\d q -> List.indexedMap (\i (k,v) -> (i,k,v)) lst |> List.filter (\(i,k,_) -> k == q) |> List.head |> (\(i,_,_) -> (d, { val = i, lst = lst })))
+ -- Nested queries
+ n ptype qtype title =
+ { qtype = qtype
+ , ptype = ptype
+ , title = title
+ , quick = 0
+ , init = nestInit True ptype qtype [] >> Tuple.mapSecond FMNest
+ , fromQuery = \d -> nestFromQuery ptype qtype d >> (Tuple.mapSecond FMNest)
+ }
+ in Array.fromList
+ -- IMPORTANT: This list is processed in reverse order when reading a Query
+ -- into Fields, so "catch all" fields must be listed first. In particular,
+ -- FMNest with qtype == ptype go before everything else.
+ [ n V V "And/Or"
+ , n V R "Release »"
+ , n V S "Staff »"
+ , n V C "Character »"
+ , n V P "Developer »"
+ , f V "Language" 1 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangVN) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangVN)
+ , f V "Original language" 2 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangVNO) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangVNO)
+ , f V "Platform" 3 FMVPlatform AS.init AS.platformFromQuery
+ , f V "Tags" 4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery -1 True False)
+ , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 0 True False)
+ , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 1 True False)
+ , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 2 True False)
+ , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 2 True True )
+ , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 0 False False)
+ , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 1 False False)
+ , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 2 False False)
+ , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 2 False True )
+ , f V "My Labels" 0 FMLabel AS.init AS.labelFromQuery
+ , l V "My List" 0 [(QInt 65 Eq 1, "On my list"), (QInt 65 Ne 1, "Not on my list")]
+ , f V "Length" 0 FMLength AS.init AS.lengthFromQuery
+ , f V "Development status" 0 FMDevStatus AS.init AS.devStatusFromQuery
+ , f V "Release date" 0 FMRDate AD.init AD.fromQuery
+ , f V "" -1 FMPopularity AR.popularityInit AR.popularityFromQuery
+ , f V "Rating" 0 FMRating AR.ratingInit AR.ratingFromQuery
+ , f V "Number of votes" 0 FMVotecount AR.votecountInit AR.votecountFromQuery
+ , f V "Anime" 0 FMAnime AA.init AA.fromQuery
+ , l V "Has description" 0 [(QInt 61 Eq 1, "Has description"), (QInt 61 Ne 1, "No description")]
+ , l V "Has anime" 0 [(QInt 62 Eq 1, "Has anime relation"), (QInt 62 Ne 1, "No anime relation")]
+ , l V "Has screenshot" 0 [(QInt 63 Eq 1, "Has screenshot(s)"), (QInt 63 Ne 1, "No screenshot(s)")]
+ , l V "Has review" 0 [(QInt 64 Eq 1, "Has review(s)"), (QInt 64 Ne 1, "No review(s)")]
+ -- Deprecated
+ , f V "" 0 FMDeveloper AP.init (AP.fromQuery 6)
+ , n R R "And/Or"
+ , n R V "Visual Novel »"
+ , n R P "Producer »"
+ , f R "Language" 1 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangRel) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangRel)
+ , f R "Platform" 2 FMRPlatform AS.init AS.platformFromQuery
+ , f R "Type" 3 FMRType AS.init AS.rtypeFromQuery
+ , l R "Patch" 0 [(QInt 61 Eq 1, "Patch to another release"),(QInt 61 Ne 1, "Standalone release")]
+ , l R "Freeware" 0 [(QInt 62 Eq 1, "Freeware"), (QInt 62 Ne 1, "Non-free")]
+ , l R "Erotic scenes" 0 [(QInt 66 Eq 1, "Has erotic scenes"), (QInt 66 Ne 1, "No erotic scenes")]
+ , l R "Uncensored" 0 [(QInt 64 Eq 1, "Uncensored (no mosaic)"), (QInt 64 Ne 1, "Censored (or no erotic content to censor)")]
+ , l R "Official" 0 [(QInt 65 Eq 1, "Official"), (QInt 65 Ne 1, "Unofficial")]
+ , f R "Release date" 0 FMRDate AD.init AD.fromQuery
+ , f R "Resolution" 0 FMResolution AE.init AE.fromQuery
+ , f R "Age rating" 0 FMMinAge AR.minageInit AR.minageFromQuery
+ , f R "Medium" 0 FMMedium AS.init AS.mediumFromQuery
+ , f R "Voiced" 0 FMVoiced AS.init AS.voicedFromQuery
+ , f R "Ero animation" 0 FMAniEro AS.init (AS.animatedFromQuery False)
+ , f R "Story animation" 0 FMAniStory AS.init (AS.animatedFromQuery True)
+ , f R "Engine" 0 FMEngine AEng.init AEng.fromQuery
+ , f R "DRM implementation" 0 FMDRMType ADRM.init ADRM.fromQuery
+ , f R "External links" 0 FMRExtLinks AS.init (AS.extlinkFromQuery 19)
+ , f R "My List" 0 FMRList AS.init AS.rlistFromQuery
+ -- Deprecated
+ , f R "" 0 FMDeveloper AP.init (AP.fromQuery 6)
+ , f R "" 0 FMProducer AP.init (AP.fromQuery 17)
+ , n C C "And/Or"
+ , n C S "Voice Actor »"
+ , n C V "Visual Novel »"
+ , f C "Role" 1 FMRole AS.init AS.roleFromQuery
+ , f C "Age" 0 FMAge AR.ageInit AR.ageFromQuery
+ , f C "Birthday" 0 FMBirthday AB.init AB.fromQuery
+ , f C "Sex" 2 FMSex (AS.sexInit False) (AS.sexFromQuery False)
+ , f C "" 0 FMSex (AS.sexInit True) (AS.sexFromQuery True)
+ , f C "Traits" 3 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery -1 True False)
+ , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 0 True False)
+ , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 1 True False)
+ , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 2 True False)
+ , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 2 True True)
+ , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 0 False False)
+ , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 1 False False)
+ , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 2 False False)
+ , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 2 False True)
+ , f C "Blood type" 0 FMBlood AS.init AS.bloodFromQuery
+ , f C "Height" 0 FMHeight AR.heightInit AR.heightFromQuery
+ , f C "Weight" 0 FMWeight AR.weightInit AR.weightFromQuery
+ , f C "Bust" 0 FMBust AR.bustInit AR.bustFromQuery
+ , f C "Waist" 0 FMWaist AR.waistInit AR.waistFromQuery
+ , f C "Hips" 0 FMHips AR.hipsInit AR.hipsFromQuery
+ , f C "Cup size" 0 FMCup AR.cupInit AR.cupFromQuery
+ , n S S "And/Or"
+ , f S "Name" 0 FMStaff AT.init AT.fromQuery
+ , f S "Language" 1 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangStaff) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangStaff)
+ , f S "Gender" 2 FMGender AS.init AS.genderFromQuery
+ , f S "Role" 3 FMSRole AS.init AS.sroleFromQuery
+ , f S "External links" 0 FMSExtLinks AS.init (AS.extlinkFromQuery 6)
+ , n P P "And/Or"
+ , f P "Name" 0 FMProdId AP.init (AP.fromQuery 3)
+ , f P "Language" 1 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangProd) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangProd)
+ , f P "Type" 2 FMPType AS.init AS.ptypeFromQuery
+ ]
+fieldUpdate : Data -> FieldMsg -> Field -> (Data, Field, Cmd FieldMsg)
+fieldUpdate dat msg_ (num, dd, model) =
+ let maps f m = (dat, (num, dd, f m), Cmd.none) -- Simple version: update function returns a Model
+ mapf fm fc (d,m,c) = (d, (num, dd, fm m), fc c) -- Full version: update function returns (Data, Model, Cmd)
+ mapc fm fc (d,m,c) = (d, (num, DD.toggle dd False, fm m), fc c) -- Full version that also closes the DD (Ugly hack...)
+ noop = (dat, (num, dd, model), Cmd.none)
+ -- Called when opening a dropdown, can be used to focus an input element
+ focus =
+ case model of
+ FMTag m -> FSTag (A.refocus m.conf)
+ FMTrait m -> FSTrait (A.refocus m.conf)
+ FMProdId m -> FSProdId (A.refocus m.conf)
+ FMProducer m -> FSProducer (A.refocus m.conf)
+ FMDeveloper m -> FSDeveloper (A.refocus m.conf)
+ FMStaff m -> FSStaff (A.refocus m.conf)
+ FMAnime m -> FSAnime (A.refocus m.conf)
+ FMResolution m -> FSResolution (A.refocus m.conf)
+ FMEngine m -> FSEngine (A.refocus m.conf)
+ FMDRMType m -> FSDRMType (A.refocus m.conf)
+ _ -> Cmd.none
+ in case (msg_, model) of
+ -- Move to parent node is tricky, needs to be intercepted at this point so that we can access the parent NestModel.
+ (FSNest (NField parentNum (FSNest (NField fieldNum FMovePar))), FMNest grandModel) ->
+ case List.head <| List.drop parentNum grandModel.fields of
+ Just (_,_,FMNest parentModel) ->
+ let fieldField = List.drop fieldNum parentModel.fields |> List.take 1
+ newFields = (\(fid,fdd,fm) -> (fid, DD.toggle fdd False, fm)) fieldField
+ newParentModel = { parentModel | fields = delidx fieldNum parentModel.fields }
+ addGrandFields = List.take parentNum grandModel.fields ++ newFields ++ List.drop parentNum grandModel.fields
+ newGrandFields =
+ if List.isEmpty newParentModel.fields
+ then delidx (parentNum+1) addGrandFields
+ else modidx (parentNum+1) (\(pid,pdd,_) -> (pid,pdd,FMNest newParentModel)) addGrandFields
+ newGrandModel = { grandModel | fields = newGrandFields }
+ in (dat, (num,dd,FMNest newGrandModel), Cmd.none)
+ _ -> noop
+ -- Move root node to sub; for child nodes this is handled in nestUpdate, but the root node must be handled separately
+ (FMoveSub, FMNest m) ->
+ let subfields = [(num,DD.toggle dd False,model)]
+ (ndat,subm) = nestInit True m.qtype m.qtype subfields dat
+ (ndat2,subf) = fieldCreate -1 (ndat, FMNest subm)
+ in (ndat2, subf, Cmd.none)
+ (FSNest (NAnd a b), FMNest m) -> mapc FMNest FSNest (nestUpdate dat (NAnd a b) m)
+ (FSNest (NNeg a b), FMNest m) -> mapc FMNest FSNest (nestUpdate dat (NNeg a b) m)
+ (FSNest msg, FMNest m) -> mapf FMNest FSNest (nestUpdate dat msg m)
+ (FSList msg, FMList m) -> (dat, (num,DD.toggle dd False,FMList { m | val = msg }), Cmd.none)
+ (FSLang msg, FMLang m) -> maps FMLang (AS.langUpdate msg m)
+ (FSRPlatform msg,FMRPlatform m)-> maps FMRPlatform(AS.update msg m)
+ (FSVPlatform msg,FMVPlatform m)-> maps FMVPlatform(AS.update msg m)
+ (FSLength msg, FMLength m) -> maps FMLength (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSDevStatus msg,FMDevStatus m)-> maps FMDevStatus(AS.update msg m)
+ (FSRole msg, FMRole m) -> maps FMRole (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSBlood msg, FMBlood m) -> maps FMBlood (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSSex msg, FMSex m) -> maps FMSex (AS.sexUpdate msg m)
+ (FSGender msg, FMGender m) -> maps FMGender (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSMedium msg, FMMedium m) -> maps FMMedium (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSVoiced msg, FMVoiced m) -> maps FMVoiced (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSAniEro msg, FMAniEro m) -> maps FMAniEro (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSAniStory msg, FMAniStory m) -> maps FMAniStory (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSRType msg, FMRType m) -> maps FMRType (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSLabel msg, FMLabel m) -> maps FMLabel (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSRList msg, FMRList m) -> maps FMRList (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSSRole msg, FMSRole m) -> maps FMSRole (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSPType msg, FMPType m) -> maps FMPType (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSRExtLinks msg,FMRExtLinks m)-> maps FMRExtLinks (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSSExtLinks msg,FMSExtLinks m)-> maps FMSExtLinks (AS.update msg m)
+ (FSHeight msg, FMHeight m) -> maps FMHeight (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSWeight msg, FMWeight m) -> maps FMWeight (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSBust msg, FMBust m) -> maps FMBust (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSWaist msg, FMWaist m) -> maps FMWaist (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSHips msg, FMHips m) -> maps FMHips (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSCup msg, FMCup m) -> maps FMCup (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSAge msg, FMAge m) -> maps FMAge (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSPopularity msg,FMPopularity m)->maps FMPopularity (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSRating msg, FMRating m) -> maps FMRating (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSVotecount msg,FMVotecount m)-> maps FMVotecount (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSMinAge msg ,FMMinAge m) -> maps FMMinAge (AR.update msg m)
+ (FSProdId msg, FMProdId m) -> mapf FMProdId FSProdId (AP.update dat msg m)
+ (FSProducer msg, FMProducer m) -> mapf FMProducer FSProducer (AP.update dat msg m)
+ (FSDeveloper msg,FMDeveloper m)-> mapf FMDeveloper FSDeveloper (AP.update dat msg m)
+ (FSStaff msg, FMStaff m) -> mapf FMStaff FSStaff (AT.update dat msg m)
+ (FSAnime msg, FMAnime m) -> mapf FMAnime FSAnime (AA.update dat msg m)
+ (FSRDate msg, FMRDate m) -> maps FMRDate (AD.update msg m)
+ (FSResolution msg,FMResolution m)->mapf FMResolution FSResolution (AE.update dat msg m)
+ (FSEngine msg, FMEngine m) -> mapf FMEngine FSEngine (AEng.update dat msg m)
+ (FSDRMType msg, FMDRMType m) -> mapf FMDRMType FSDRMType (ADRM.update dat msg m)
+ (FSTag msg, FMTag m) -> mapf FMTag FSTag (AG.update dat msg m)
+ (FSTrait msg, FMTrait m) -> mapf FMTrait FSTrait (AI.update dat msg m)
+ (FSBirthday msg, FMBirthday m) -> maps FMBirthday (AB.update msg m)
+ (FToggle b, _) -> (dat, (num, DD.toggle dd b, model), if b then focus else Cmd.none)
+ _ -> noop
+fieldViewDd : Data -> DD.Config FieldMsg -> Html FieldMsg -> (() -> List (Html FieldMsg)) -> Html FieldMsg
+fieldViewDd dat dd lbl cont =
+ div [ class "elm_dd_input" ]
+ [ DD.view dd Api.Normal lbl <| \() ->
+ div [ class "advbut" ]
+ [ if dat.level == 0
+ then small [ title "Can't delete the top-level filter" ] [ text "⊗" ]
+ else a [ href "#", onClickD FDel, title "Delete this filter" ] [ text "⊗" ]
+ , if dat.level <= 1
+ then small [ title "Can't move this filter to parent branch" ] [ text "↰" ]
+ else a [ href "#", onClickD FMovePar, title "Move this filter to parent branch" ] [ text "↰" ]
+ , a [ href "#", onClickD FMoveSub, title "Create new branch for this filter" ] [ text "↳" ]
+ ] :: cont ()
+ ]
+fieldView : Data -> Field -> Html FieldMsg
+fieldView dat (_, dd, model) =
+ let f wrap (lbl,cont) = fieldViewDd dat dd ( wrap lbl) <| \() -> ( wrap) (cont ())
+ l m = ( span [ class "nowrap" ] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| Tuple.second <| List.head <| List.drop m.val m.lst ]
+ , \() -> [ ul [] <| List.indexedMap (\n (_,v) -> li [] [ linkRadio (n == m.val) (\_ -> n) [ text v ] ]) m.lst ]
+ )
+ in case model of
+ FMCustom m -> f FSCustom (text "Unrecognized query", \() -> [text ""]) -- TODO: Display the Query
+ FMList m -> f FSList (l m)
+ FMLang m -> f FSLang (AS.langView m)
+ FMVPlatform m -> f FSVPlatform (AS.platformView False m)
+ FMRPlatform m -> f FSRPlatform (AS.platformView True m)
+ FMLength m -> f FSLength (AS.lengthView m)
+ FMDevStatus m -> f FSDevStatus (AS.devStatusView m)
+ FMRole m -> f FSRole (AS.roleView m)
+ FMBlood m -> f FSBlood (AS.bloodView m)
+ FMSex m -> f FSSex (AS.sexView m)
+ FMGender m -> f FSGender (AS.genderView m)
+ FMMedium m -> f FSMedium (AS.mediumView m)
+ FMVoiced m -> f FSVoiced (AS.voicedView m)
+ FMAniEro m -> f FSAniEro (AS.animatedView False m)
+ FMAniStory m -> f FSAniStory (AS.animatedView True m)
+ FMRType m -> f FSRType (AS.rtypeView m)
+ FMLabel m -> f FSLabel (AS.labelView dat m)
+ FMRList m -> f FSRList (AS.rlistView m)
+ FMSRole m -> f FSSRole (AS.sroleView m)
+ FMPType m -> f FSPType (AS.ptypeView m)
+ FMRExtLinks m -> f FSRExtLinks (AS.extlinkView GEL.releaseSites m)
+ FMSExtLinks m -> f FSSExtLinks (AS.extlinkView GEL.staffSites m)
+ FMHeight m -> f FSHeight (AR.heightView m)
+ FMWeight m -> f FSWeight (AR.weightView m)
+ FMBust m -> f FSBust (AR.bustView m)
+ FMWaist m -> f FSWaist (AR.waistView m)
+ FMHips m -> f FSHips (AR.hipsView m)
+ FMCup m -> f FSCup (AR.cupView m)
+ FMAge m -> f FSAge (AR.ageView m)
+ FMPopularity m -> f FSPopularity (AR.popularityView m)
+ FMRating m -> f FSRating (AR.ratingView m)
+ FMVotecount m -> f FSVotecount (AR.votecountView m)
+ FMMinAge m -> f FSMinAge (AR.minageView m)
+ FMProdId m -> f FSProdId (AP.view "Name" dat m)
+ FMProducer m -> f FSProducer (AP.view "Producer" dat m)
+ FMDeveloper m -> f FSDeveloper (AP.view "Developer" dat m)
+ FMStaff m -> f FSStaff (AT.view dat m)
+ FMAnime m -> f FSAnime (AA.view dat m)
+ FMRDate m -> f FSRDate (AD.view m)
+ FMResolution m -> f FSResolution (AE.view m)
+ FMEngine m -> f FSEngine (AEng.view m)
+ FMDRMType m -> f FSDRMType (ADRM.view m)
+ FMTag m -> f FSTag (AG.view dat m)
+ FMTrait m -> f FSTrait (AI.view dat m)
+ FMBirthday m -> f FSBirthday (AB.view m)
+ FMNest m -> nestView dat dd m
+fieldToQuery : Data -> Field -> Maybe Query
+fieldToQuery dat (_, _, model) =
+ case model of
+ FMCustom m -> Just m
+ FMList m -> List.drop m.val m.lst |> List.head |> Tuple.first
+ FMNest m -> nestToQuery dat m
+ FMLang m -> AS.langToQuery m
+ FMRPlatform m-> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m
+ FMVPlatform m-> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m
+ FMLength m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 5) m
+ FMDevStatus m-> AS.toQuery (QInt 66) m
+ FMRole m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 2) m
+ FMBlood m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 3) m
+ FMSex (s,m) -> AS.toQuery (QStr (if s then 5 else 4)) m
+ FMGender m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m
+ FMMedium m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 11) m
+ FMVoiced m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 12) m
+ FMAniEro m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 13) m
+ FMAniStory m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 14) m
+ FMRType m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 16) m
+ FMLabel m -> AS.toQuery (\op v -> QTuple 12 op (Maybe.withDefault 0 ( vndbidNum dat.uid)) v) m
+ FMRList m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 18) m
+ FMSRole m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 5) m
+ FMPType m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m
+ FMRExtLinks m-> AS.toQuery (QStr 19) m
+ FMSExtLinks m-> AS.toQuery (QStr 6) m
+ FMHeight m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 6) (QStr 6) m
+ FMWeight m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 7) (QStr 7) m
+ FMBust m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 8) (QStr 8) m
+ FMWaist m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 9) (QStr 9) m
+ FMHips m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 10) (QStr 10) m
+ FMCup m -> AR.toQuery (QStr 11) (QStr 11) m
+ FMAge m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 12) (QStr 12) m
+ FMPopularity m->AR.toQuery (QInt 9) (QStr 9) m
+ FMRating m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 10) (QStr 10) m
+ FMVotecount m-> AR.toQuery (QInt 11) (QStr 11) m
+ FMMinAge m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 10) (QStr 10) m
+ FMProdId m -> AP.toQuery 3 m
+ FMProducer m -> AP.toQuery 17 m
+ FMDeveloper m-> AP.toQuery 6 m
+ FMStaff m -> AT.toQuery m
+ FMAnime m -> AA.toQuery m
+ FMRDate m -> AD.toQuery m
+ FMResolution m-> AE.toQuery m
+ FMEngine m -> AEng.toQuery m
+ FMDRMType m -> ADRM.toQuery m
+ FMTag m -> AG.toQuery m
+ FMTrait m -> AI.toQuery m
+ FMBirthday m -> AB.toQuery m
+fieldCreate : Int -> (Data,FieldModel) -> (Data,Field)
+fieldCreate fid (dat,fm) =
+ ( {dat | objid = dat.objid + 1}
+ , (fid, DD.init ("xsearch_field" ++ String.fromInt dat.objid) FToggle, fm)
+ )
+fieldInit : Int -> Data -> (Data,Field)
+fieldInit n dat =
+ case Array.get n fields of
+ Just f -> fieldCreate n (f.init dat)
+ Nothing -> fieldCreate -1 (dat, FMCustom (QAnd [])) -- Shouldn't happen.
+fieldFromQuery : QType -> Data -> Query -> (Data,Field)
+fieldFromQuery qtype dat q =
+ let (field, _) =
+ Array.foldr (\f (af,n) ->
+ case (if af /= Nothing || f.ptype /= qtype then Nothing else f.fromQuery dat q) of
+ Nothing -> (af,n-1)
+ Just ret -> (Just (fieldCreate n ret), 0)
+ ) (Nothing,Array.length fields-1) fields
+ in case field of
+ Just ret -> ret
+ Nothing -> fieldCreate -1 (dat, FMCustom q)
+fieldSub : Field -> Sub FieldMsg
+fieldSub (_,dd,fm) =
+ case fm of
+ FMNest m ->
+ Sub.batch
+ <| DD.sub dd
+ :: DD.sub m.addDd
+ :: DD.sub m.andDd
+ :: List.indexedMap (\i -> (FSNest << NField i) << fieldSub) m.fields
+ _ -> DD.sub dd
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Lib.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Lib.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2841acce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Lib.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+module AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import Json.Encode as JE
+import Json.Decode as JD
+import Html
+import Html.Attributes
+import Lib.Html
+import Dict
+import Set
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+-- Generic dynamically typed representation of a query.
+-- Used only as an intermediate format to help with encoding/decoding.
+-- Corresponds to the compact JSON form.
+type QType = V | R | C | S | P
+type Op = Eq | Ne | Ge | Gt | Le | Lt
+type Query
+ = QAnd (List Query)
+ | QOr (List Query)
+ | QInt Int Op Int
+ | QStr Int Op String
+ | QQuery Int Op Query
+ | QTuple Int Op Int Int
+encodeOp : Op -> JE.Value
+encodeOp o = JE.string <|
+ case o of
+ Eq -> "="
+ Ne -> "!="
+ Ge -> ">="
+ Gt -> ">"
+ Le -> "<="
+ Lt -> "<"
+encodeQuery : Query -> JE.Value
+encodeQuery q =
+ case q of
+ QAnd l -> JE.list identity ( 0 :: encodeQuery l)
+ QOr l -> JE.list identity ( 1 :: encodeQuery l)
+ QInt s o a -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, a]
+ QStr s o a -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, JE.string a]
+ QQuery s o a -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, encodeQuery a]
+ QTuple s o a b -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, a, b]
+-- Drops the first item in the list, decodes the rest
+decodeQList : JD.Decoder (List Query)
+decodeQList =
+ let dec l = (JD.decodeValue decodeQuery) (List.drop 1 l) -- [Result Query]
+ f v r = Result.andThen (\a -> (\e -> (e::a)) v) r -- Result Query -> Result [Query] -> Result [Query]
+ res l = case List.foldr f (Ok []) (dec l) of -- Decoder [Query]
+ Err e -> (JD.errorToString e)
+ Ok v -> JD.succeed v
+ in JD.list JD.value |> JD.andThen res -- [Value]
+decodeOp : JD.Decoder Op
+decodeOp = JD.string |> JD.andThen (\s ->
+ case s of
+ "=" -> JD.succeed Eq
+ "!=" -> JD.succeed Ne
+ ">=" -> JD.succeed Ge
+ ">" -> JD.succeed Gt
+ "<=" -> JD.succeed Le
+ "<" -> JD.succeed Lt
+ _ -> "Invalid operator")
+decodeQuery : JD.Decoder Query
+decodeQuery = JD.index 0 |> JD.andThen (\s ->
+ case s of
+ 0 -> QAnd decodeQList
+ 1 -> QOr decodeQList
+ _ -> JD.oneOf
+ [ JD.map2 (QInt s ) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) (JD.index 2
+ , JD.map2 (QStr s ) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) (JD.index 2 JD.string)
+ , JD.map2 (QQuery s) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) (JD.index 2 decodeQuery)
+ , JD.map2 (\o (a,b) -> QTuple s o a b) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) <| JD.index 2 <| JD.map2 (\a b -> (a,b)) (JD.index 0 (JD.index 1
+ ]
+ )
+-- Encode a Query to the compact query format. See lib/VNWeb/ for details.
+encIntAlpha : Int -> String
+encIntAlpha n = String.slice n (n+1) "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-"
+encIntRaw : Int -> Int -> String
+encIntRaw len n = (if len > 1 then encIntRaw (len-1) (n//64) else "") ++ encIntAlpha (modBy 64 n)
+encInt : Int -> Maybe String
+encInt n = if n < 0 then Nothing
+ else if n < 49 then Just <| encIntAlpha n
+ else if n < 689 then Just <| encIntAlpha (49 + (n-49)//64) ++ encIntAlpha (modBy 64 (n-49))
+ else if n < 4785 then Just <| "X" ++ encIntRaw 2 (n-689)
+ else if n < 266929 then Just <| "Y" ++ encIntRaw 3 (n-4785)
+ else if n < 17044145 then Just <| "Z" ++ encIntRaw 4 (n-266929)
+ else if n < 1090785969 then Just <| "_" ++ encIntRaw 5 (n-17044145)
+ else if n < 69810262705 then Just <| "-" ++ encIntRaw 6 (n-1090785969)
+ else Nothing
+encStrMap : Dict.Dict Char String
+encStrMap = Dict.fromList <| List.indexedMap (\n c -> (c,"_"++Maybe.withDefault "" (encInt n))) <| String.toList " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
+encStr : String -> String
+encStr = String.foldl (\c s -> s ++ Maybe.withDefault (String.fromChar c) (Dict.get c encStrMap)) ""
+encQuery : Query -> String
+encQuery query =
+ let fint n = Maybe.withDefault "" (encInt n)
+ lst n l = let nl = encQuery l in fint n ++ fint (List.length nl) ++ String.concat nl
+ encOp o =
+ case o of
+ Eq -> 0
+ Ne -> 1
+ Ge -> 2
+ Gt -> 3
+ Le -> 4
+ Lt -> 5
+ encTypeOp o t = fint (encOp o + 8*t)
+ encStrField n o v =
+ let s = encStr v
+ f l = fint n ++ encTypeOp o l ++ s
+ in case String.length s of
+ 2 -> f 2
+ 3 -> f 3
+ l -> f 4 ++ "-"
+ in case query of
+ QAnd l -> lst 0 l
+ QOr l -> lst 1 l
+ QInt n o v ->
+ case encInt v of -- Integers that can't be represented in encoded form will be encoded as strings
+ Just s -> fint n ++ encTypeOp o 0 ++ s
+ Nothing -> encStrField n o (String.fromInt v)
+ QStr n o v -> encStrField n o v
+ QQuery n o q -> fint n ++ encTypeOp o 1 ++ encQuery q
+ QTuple n o a b -> fint n ++ encTypeOp o 5 ++ fint a ++ fint b
+showQType : QType -> String
+showQType q =
+ case q of
+ V -> "v"
+ R -> "r"
+ C -> "c"
+ S -> "s"
+ P -> "p"
+showOp : Op -> String
+showOp op =
+ case op of
+ Eq -> "="
+ Ne -> "≠"
+ Le -> "≤"
+ Lt -> "<"
+ Ge -> "≥"
+ Gt -> ">"
+inputOp : Bool -> Op -> (Op -> a) -> Html.Html a
+inputOp onlyEq val msg =
+ Html.div [ Html.Attributes.class "opselect" ] <|
+ (\op ->
+ if val == op then Html.strong [] [ Html.text (showOp op) ] else Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href "#", Lib.Html.onClickD (msg op) ] [ Html.text (showOp op) ]
+ ) <| if onlyEq then [Eq, Ne] else [Eq, Ne, Ge, Gt, Le, Lt]
+-- Global data that's passed around for Fields
+type alias Data =
+ { objid : Int -- Incremental integer for global identifiers
+ , level : Int -- Nesting level of the field being processed
+ , parentTypes : Set.Set String -- Only used for 'view' functions: query types that the current field is a subquery of
+ , uid : Maybe String
+ , labels : List (Int, String)
+ , defaultSpoil : Int
+ , producers : Dict.Dict String GApi.ApiProducerResult
+ , staff : Dict.Dict String GApi.ApiStaffResult
+ , tags : Dict.Dict String GApi.ApiTagResult
+ , traits : Dict.Dict String GApi.ApiTraitResult
+ , anime : Dict.Dict Int GApi.ApiAnimeResult
+ }
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31331692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+module AdvSearch.Main exposing (main)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Set
+import Dict
+import Task
+import Browser.Dom as Dom
+import Array as Array
+import Json.Encode as JE
+import Json.Decode as JD
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.AdvSearchSave as GASS
+import Gen.AdvSearchDel as GASD
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
+import Lib.DropDown as DD
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import AdvSearch.Fields exposing (..)
+main : Program Recv Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ , subscriptions = \m -> Sub.batch [ DD.sub m.saveDd, Field (fieldSub m.query) ]
+ }
+type alias SQuery = { name: String, query: String }
+type alias Recv =
+ { uid : Maybe String
+ , labels : List { id: Int, label: String }
+ , defaultSpoil : Int
+ , saved : List SQuery
+ , error : Bool
+ , query : GApi.ApiAdvSearchQuery
+ }
+type SaveAct = Save | Load | Delete | Default
+type alias Model =
+ { query : Field
+ , qtype : QType
+ , data : Data
+ , error : Bool
+ , saved : List SQuery
+ , saveState : Api.State
+ , saveDd : DD.Config Msg
+ , saveAct : SaveAct
+ , saveName : String
+ , saveDel : Set.Set String
+ , loadQuery : Maybe String
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Noop
+ | Field FieldMsg
+ | SaveToggle Bool
+ | SaveAct SaveAct
+ | SaveName String
+ | SaveSave String
+ | SaveSaved SQuery GApi.Response
+ | SaveLoad String
+ | SaveDelSel String
+ | SaveDel (Set.Set String)
+ | SaveDeleted (Set.Set String) GApi.Response
+-- If the query only contains "quick" selection fields, add the remaining quick fields and sort them.
+normalize : QType -> Field -> Data -> (Field, Data)
+normalize qtype query odat =
+ let quickFromId (n,_,_) = Array.get n fields |> (\f -> abs f.quick) |> Maybe.withDefault 0
+ present = List.foldl (\f a -> Set.insert (quickFromId f) a) Set.empty
+ defaults pres = Array.foldl (\f (al,dat,an) ->
+ if f.qtype == qtype && f.quick > 0 && not (Set.member (abs f.quick) pres)
+ then let (ndat, nf) = fieldInit an dat
+ in (nf::al, ndat, an+1)
+ else (al,dat,an+1)
+ ) ([],odat,0) fields
+ cmp a b = compare (quickFromId a) (quickFromId b)
+ in case query of
+ (qid, qdd, FMNest qm) ->
+ let pres = present qm.fields
+ (nl, ndat, _) = defaults pres
+ nqm = { qm | fields = List.sortWith cmp (nl++qm.fields) }
+ in if Set.member 0 pres || List.length nqm.fields > 4 then (query, odat) else ((qid, qdd, FMNest nqm), ndat)
+ _ -> (query, odat)
+loadQuery : Data -> GApi.ApiAdvSearchQuery -> (QType, Field, Data)
+loadQuery odat arg =
+ let dat = { objid = 0
+ , level = 0
+ , parentTypes = Set.empty
+ , uid = odat.uid
+ , labels = odat.labels
+ , defaultSpoil = odat.defaultSpoil
+ , producers = Dict.union (Dict.fromList <| (\p -> (,p)) <| arg.producers) odat.producers
+ , staff = Dict.union (Dict.fromList <| (\s -> (,s)) <| arg.staff ) odat.staff
+ , tags = Dict.union (Dict.fromList <| (\t -> (,t)) <| arg.tags ) odat.tags
+ , traits = Dict.union (Dict.fromList <| (\t -> (,t)) <| arg.traits ) odat.traits
+ , anime = Dict.union (Dict.fromList <| (\a -> (,a)) <| arg.anime ) odat.anime
+ }
+ qtype =
+ case arg.qtype of
+ "v" -> V
+ "c" -> C
+ "s" -> S
+ "p" -> P
+ _ -> R
+ (dat2, query) = JD.decodeValue decodeQuery arg.query |> Result.toMaybe |> Maybe.withDefault (QAnd []) |> fieldFromQuery qtype dat
+ -- We always want the top-level query to be a Nest type.
+ addtoplvl = let (_,m) = fieldCreate -1 (Tuple.mapSecond FMNest (nestInit True qtype qtype [query] dat2)) in m
+ query2 = case query of
+ (_,_,FMNest m) -> if m.qtype == qtype then query else addtoplvl
+ _ -> addtoplvl
+ dat3 = { dat2 | objid = dat2.objid + 5 } -- +5 for the creation of query2
+ (query3, dat4) = normalize qtype query2 dat3
+ in (qtype, query3, dat4)
+init : Recv -> Model
+init arg =
+ let dat = { objid = 0
+ , level = 0
+ , parentTypes = Set.empty
+ , uid = arg.uid
+ , labels = (0, "Unlabeled") :: (\e -> (, e.label)) arg.labels
+ , defaultSpoil = arg.defaultSpoil
+ , producers = Dict.empty
+ , staff = Dict.empty
+ , tags = Dict.empty
+ , traits = Dict.empty
+ , anime = Dict.empty
+ }
+ (qtype, query, ndat) = loadQuery dat arg.query
+ in { query = query
+ , qtype = qtype
+ , data = ndat
+ , error = arg.error
+ , saved = arg.saved
+ , saveState = Api.Normal
+ , saveDd = DD.init "xsearch_save" SaveToggle
+ , saveAct = Save
+ , saveName = ""
+ , saveDel = Set.empty
+ , loadQuery = Nothing
+ }
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Noop -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ Field m ->
+ let (ndat, nm, nc) = fieldUpdate m model.query
+ in ({ model | data = ndat, query = nm, error = False }, Field nc)
+ SaveToggle b ->
+ let act = if model.saveAct == Save && not (List.isEmpty model.saved) && fieldToQuery model.query == Nothing then Load else model.saveAct
+ in ( { model | saveDd = DD.toggle model.saveDd b, saveAct = act, saveDel = Set.empty }
+ , if b && act == Save then Task.attempt (always Noop) (Dom.focus "xsearch_saveinput") else Cmd.none)
+ SaveAct n -> ({ model | saveAct = n, saveDel = Set.empty }, Cmd.none)
+ SaveName n -> ({ model | saveName = n }, Cmd.none)
+ SaveSave s ->
+ case encQuery (fieldToQuery model.query) of
+ Just q -> ({ model | saveState = Api.Loading }, GASS.send { name = s, qtype = showQType model.qtype, query = q } (SaveSaved { name = s, query = q }) )
+ Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ SaveSaved q GApi.Success ->
+ let f rep lst = case lst of
+ (x::xs) ->
+ if == then q :: f True xs
+ else if not rep && > then q :: x :: f True xs
+ else x :: f rep xs
+ [] -> if rep then [] else [q]
+ in ({ model | saveState = Api.Normal, saveDd = DD.toggle model.saveDd False, saved = f False model.saved }, Cmd.none)
+ SaveSaved _ e -> ({ model | saveState = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
+ SaveLoad q -> ({ model | saveState = Api.Loading, saveDd = DD.toggle model.saveDd False, loadQuery = Just q }, Task.attempt (always Noop) (Ffi.elemCall "click" "advsubmit"))
+ SaveDelSel s -> ({ model | saveDel = (if Set.member s model.saveDel then Set.remove else Set.insert) s model.saveDel }, Cmd.none)
+ SaveDel d -> ({ model | saveState = Api.Loading }, GASD.send { qtype = showQType model.qtype, name = Set.toList d } (SaveDeleted d))
+ SaveDeleted d GApi.Success -> ({ model | saveState = Api.Normal, saveDel = Set.empty, saved = List.filter (\e -> not (Set.member d)) model.saved }, Cmd.none)
+ SaveDeleted _ e -> ({ model | saveState = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
+saveIcon = "<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"><g fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentColor\" stroke-width=\"2\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"><path d=\"M19 21H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h11l5 5v11a2 2 0 0 1-2 2z\"></path><polyline points=\"17 21 17 13 7 13 7 21\"></polyline><polyline points=\"7 3 7 8 15 8\"></polyline></g></svg>"
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model = div [ class "xsearch" ] <|
+ let encQ = Maybe.withDefault "" <| encQuery (fieldToQuery model.query)
+ in
+ [ input [ type_ "hidden", id "f", name "f", value (Maybe.withDefault encQ model.loadQuery) ] []
+ , input [ type_ "submit", id "advsubmit", class "hidden" ] []
+ , if == Nothing then text "" else div [ class "elm_dd_input elm_dd_noarrow elm_dd_rightish short" ]
+ [ DD.view model.saveDd model.saveState (span [ Ffi.innerHtml saveIcon ] []) <| \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader", style "min-width" "300px" ]
+ [ div [ class "opts", style "margin-bottom" "5px" ]
+ [ if model.saveAct == Save then strong [] [ text "Save" ] else a [ href "#", onClickD (SaveAct Save ) ] [ text "Save" ]
+ , if model.saveAct == Load then strong [] [ text "Load" ] else a [ href "#", onClickD (SaveAct Load ) ] [ text "Load" ]
+ , if model.saveAct == Delete then strong [] [ text "Delete" ] else a [ href "#", onClickD (SaveAct Delete ) ] [ text "Delete" ]
+ , if model.saveAct == Default then strong [] [ text "Default"] else a [ href "#", onClickD (SaveAct Default) ] [ text "Default" ]
+ ]
+ , h3 [] [ text <| case model.saveAct of
+ Save -> "Save current filter"
+ Load -> "Load filter"
+ Delete -> "Delete saved filter"
+ Default -> "Default filter" ]
+ ]
+ , case (List.filter (\e -> /= "") model.saved, model.saveAct) of
+ (_, Save) ->
+ if encQ == "" then text "Nothing to save." else
+ form_ "" (SaveSave model.saveName) False
+ [ inputText "xsearch_saveinput" model.saveName SaveName [ required True, maxlength 50, placeholder "Name...", style "width" "290px" ]
+ , if model.saveName /= "" && List.any (\e -> == model.saveName) model.saved
+ then text "You already have a filter by that name, click save to overwrite it."
+ else text ""
+ , submitButton "Save" model.saveState True
+ ]
+ (_, Default) ->
+ div []
+ [ p [ class "center", style "padding" "0px 5px" ] <|
+ case model.qtype of
+ V -> [ text "You can set a default filter that will be applied automatically to most listings on the site,"
+ , text " this includes the \"Random visual novel\" button, lists on the homepage, tag pages, etc."
+ , text " This feature is mainly useful to filter out tags, languages or platforms that you are not interested in seeing."
+ ]
+ R -> [ text "You can set a default filter that will be applied automatically to this release browser and the listings on the homepage."
+ , text " This feature is mainly useful to filter out tags, languages or platforms that you are not interested in seeing."
+ ]
+ _ -> [ text "You can set a default filter that will be applied automatically when you open this listing." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , case List.filter (\e -> == "") model.saved of
+ [d] -> span []
+ [ inputButton "Load my default filters" (SaveLoad d.query) [style "width" "100%"]
+ , br [] []
+ , br [] []
+ , inputButton "Delete my default filters" (SaveDel (Set.fromList [""])) [style "width" "100%"]
+ ]
+ _ -> text "You don't have a default filter set."
+ , if encQ /= "" then inputButton "Save current filters as default" (SaveSave "") [ style "width" "100%" ] else text ""
+ ]
+ ([], _) -> text "You don't have any saved queries."
+ (l, Load) ->
+ div []
+ [ if encQ == "" || List.any (\e -> encQ == e.query) l
+ then text "" else text "Unsaved changes will be lost when loading a saved filter."
+ , ul [] <| (\e -> li [ style "overflow" "hidden", style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (SaveLoad e.query) ] [ text ] ]) l
+ ]
+ (l, Delete) ->
+ div []
+ [ ul [] <| (\e -> li [ style "overflow" "hidden", style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ] [ linkRadio (Set.member model.saveDel) (always (SaveDelSel [ text ] ]) l
+ , inputButton "Delete selected" (SaveDel model.saveDel) [ disabled (Set.isEmpty model.saveDel) ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Field (fieldView model.query)
+ , if model.error
+ then b [] [ text "Error parsing search query. The URL was probably corrupted in some way. "
+ , text "Please report a bug if you opened this page from VNDB (as opposed to getting here from an external site)." ]
+ else text ""
+ ]
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Producers.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Producers.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d34aeb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Producers.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+module AdvSearch.Producers exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Set
+import Dict
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import AdvSearch.Set as S
+type alias Model =
+ { sel : S.Model Int
+ , conf : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiProducerResult
+ , search : A.Model GApi.ApiProducerResult
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Sel (S.Msg Int)
+ | Search (A.Msg GApi.ApiProducerResult)
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat =
+ let (ndat, sel) = S.init dat
+ in ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid + 1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_prod" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.producerSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ )
+update : Data -> Msg -> Model -> (Data, Model, Cmd Msg)
+update dat msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Sel m -> (dat, { model | sel = S.update m model.sel }, Cmd.none)
+ Search m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update model.conf m
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ Just p ->
+ if Set.member (vndbidNum model.sel.sel then (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ else ( { dat | producers = Dict.insert p dat.producers }
+ , { model | search = A.clear nm "", sel = S.update (S.Sel (vndbidNum True) model.sel }
+ , c )
+toQuery n m = S.toQuery (QInt n) m.sel
+fromQuery n dat qf = S.fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QInt id op v -> if id == n then Just (op, v) else Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing) dat qf
+ |> (\(ndat,sel) ->
+ ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid+1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_prod" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.producerSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ ))
+view : String -> Data -> Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view lbl dat model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text lbl ]
+ [s] -> span [ class "nowrap" ]
+ [ S.lblPrefix model.sel
+ , small [] [ text <| "p" ++ String.fromInt s ++ ":" ]
+ , Dict.get (vndbid 'p' s) dat.producers |> (\p -> |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> text
+ ]
+ l -> span [] [ S.lblPrefix model.sel, text <| lbl ++ "s (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Producer identifier" ]
+ , Sel (S.opts model.sel False True)
+ ]
+ , ul [] <| (\s ->
+ li [ style "overflow" "hidden", style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ]
+ [ inputButton "X" (Sel (S.Sel s False)) []
+ , small [] [ text <| " p" ++ String.fromInt s ++ ": " ]
+ , Dict.get (vndbid 'p' s) dat.producers |> (\p -> a [ href ("/" ++, target "_blank", style "display" "inline" ] [ text ]) |> Maybe.withDefault (text "")
+ ]
+ ) (Set.toList model.sel.sel)
+ , A.view model.conf [ placeholder "Search..." ]
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/RDate.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/RDate.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dc6f88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/RDate.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+module AdvSearch.RDate exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.RDate as R
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+type alias Model =
+ { op : Op
+ , fuzzy : Bool
+ , date : R.RDate
+ }
+type Msg
+ = MOp Op
+ | Fuzzy Bool
+ | Date R.RDate
+onlyEq : Int -> Bool
+onlyEq d = d == 99999999 || d == 0
+update : Msg -> Model -> Model
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ MOp o -> { model | op = o }
+ Fuzzy f -> { model | fuzzy = f }
+ Date d -> { model | op = if onlyEq d && model.op /= Eq && model.op /= Ne then Eq else model.op, date = d }
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat = (dat,
+ { op = Le
+ , fuzzy = True
+ , date = 1
+ })
+toQuery : Model -> Maybe Query
+toQuery model = Just <|
+ let f o date = QInt 7 o date
+ e = R.expand
+ ystart = R.compact { y=e.y, m= 1, d= 1 }
+ mstart = R.compact { y=e.y, m=e.m, d= 1 }
+ in
+ if not model.fuzzy || e.y == 0 || e.y == 9999 then f model.op else
+ case (model.op, e.m, e.d) of
+ -- Fuzzy (in)equality turns into a date range
+ (Eq, 99, 99) -> QAnd [ f Ge ystart, f Le ]
+ (Eq, _, 99) -> QAnd [ f Ge mstart, f Le ]
+ (Ne, 99, 99) -> QOr [ f Lt ystart, f Gt ]
+ (Ne, _, 99) -> QOr [ f Lt mstart, f Gt ]
+ -- Fuzzy Ge and Lt just need the date adjusted to the correct boundary
+ (Ge, 99, 99) -> f Ge ystart
+ (Ge, _, 99) -> f Ge mstart
+ (Lt, 99, 99) -> f Lt ystart
+ (Lt, _, 99) -> f Lt mstart
+ _ -> f model.op
+fromQuery : Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, Model)
+fromQuery dat q =
+ let m op fuzzy date = Just (dat, { op = op, fuzzy = fuzzy, date = date })
+ fuzzyNeq op start end =
+ let se = R.expand start
+ ee = R.expand end
+ in if se.y == ee.y && (ee.m < 99 || se.m == 1) && se.d == 1 && ee.d == 99 then m op True end else Nothing
+ canFuzzy o e = e.y == 0 || e.y == 9999 || e.d /= 99 || o == Gt || o == Le
+ in
+ case q of
+ QAnd [QInt 7 Ge start, QInt 7 Le end] -> fuzzyNeq Eq start end
+ QOr [QInt 7 Lt start, QInt 7 Gt end] -> fuzzyNeq Ne start end
+ QInt 7 o v -> m o (canFuzzy o (R.expand v)) v
+ _ -> Nothing
+view : Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view model =
+ ( text <| showOp model.op ++ " " ++ R.format (R.expand
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader", style "width" "290px" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Release date" ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ inputOp (onlyEq model.op MOp
+ , if (R.expand /= 99 || == 99999999 then text "" else
+ linkRadio model.fuzzy Fuzzy [ span [ title
+ <| "Without fuzzy matching, partial dates will always match after the last date of the chosen time period, "
+ ++ "e.g. \"< 2010-10\" would also match anything released in 2010-10 and \"= 2010-10\" would only match releases for which we don't know the exact date."
+ ++ "\n\nFuzzy match will adjust the query to do what you mean."
+ ] [ text "fuzzy" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , R.view True True Date
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Range.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Range.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89ab3a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Range.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+module AdvSearch.Range exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Array
+import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
+import Gen.Types as GT
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+type alias Model a =
+ { op : Op
+ , val : Int
+ , unk : Bool
+ , lst : Array.Array a
+ }
+type Msg
+ = MOp Op
+ | Val String
+ | Unknown Bool
+update : Msg -> Model a -> Model a
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ MOp o -> { model | op = o }
+ Val n -> { model | val = Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt n) }
+ Unknown b -> { model | unk = b, op = if b && model.op /= Ne && model.op /= Eq then Eq else model.op }
+fromQuery : (Data, Model comparable) -> Op -> comparable -> Maybe (Data, Model comparable)
+fromQuery (dat,m) op v = Array.foldl (\v2 (i,r) -> (i+1, if v2 == v then Just i else r)) (0,Nothing) m.lst |> Tuple.second |> (\i -> (dat,{ m | val = i, op = op, unk = False }))
+fromQueryUnk : (Data, Model comparable) -> Op -> Maybe (Data, Model comparable)
+fromQueryUnk (dat,m) op = Just (dat, { m | unk = True, op = if op == Eq then Eq else Ne })
+toQuery : (Op -> a -> Query) -> (Op -> String -> Query) -> Model a -> Maybe Query
+toQuery k u m = if m.unk then Just (u m.op "") else Array.get m.val m.lst |> (\v -> k m.op v)
+view : Bool -> String -> (a -> String) -> Model a -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view canUnk lbl fmt model =
+ let val n = Array.get n model.lst |> fmt |> Maybe.withDefault ""
+ in
+ ( span [ class "nowrap" ] [ text <| lbl ++ " " ++ showOp model.op ++ " " ++ if model.unk then "Unknown" else val model.val ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader", style "width" "290px" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text lbl ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ inputOp model.unk model.op MOp
+ , if canUnk then linkRadio model.unk Unknown [text "Unknown"] else text ""
+ ]
+ ]
+ , if model.unk
+ then p [ class "center" ] [ text <| lbl ++ " is " ++ (if model.op /= Eq then "known/set." else "unknown/unset.") ]
+ else
+ div [ style "display" "flex", style "justify-content" "space-between", style "margin-top" "5px" ]
+ [ small [] [ text (val 0) ]
+ , strong [] [ text (val model.val) ]
+ , small [] [ text (val (Array.length model.lst - 1)) ]
+ ]
+ , if model.unk then text "" else
+ input
+ [ type_ "range"
+ , Html.Attributes.min "0"
+ , Html.Attributes.max (String.fromInt (Array.length model.lst - 1))
+ , value (String.fromInt model.val)
+ , onInput Val
+ , style "width" "290px"
+ ] []
+ ]
+ )
+heightInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 150, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 300 (\n -> n+1) })
+heightFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 6 op v -> fromQuery (heightInit d) op v
+ QStr 6 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (heightInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+heightView = view True "Height" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "cm")
+weightInit dat = (dat, { op= Ge, val = 60, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 401 identity })
+weightFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 7 op v -> fromQuery (weightInit d) op v
+ QStr 7 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (weightInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+weightView = view True "Weight" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "kg")
+bustInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 40, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 101 (\n -> n+20) })
+bustFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 8 op v -> fromQuery (bustInit d) op v
+ QStr 8 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (bustInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+bustView = view True "Bust" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "cm")
+waistInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 40, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 101 (\n -> n+20) })
+waistFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 9 op v -> fromQuery (waistInit d) op v
+ QStr 9 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (waistInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+waistView = view True "Waist" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "cm")
+hipsInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 40, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 101 (\n -> n+20) })
+hipsFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 10 op v -> fromQuery (hipsInit d) op v
+ QStr 10 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (hipsInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+hipsView = view True "Hips" (\v -> String.fromInt v ++ "cm")
+cupInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 3, unk = False, lst = Array.fromList ( Tuple.first (List.drop 1 GT.cupSizes)) })
+cupFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QStr 11 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (cupInit d) op
+ QStr 11 op v -> fromQuery (cupInit d) op v
+ _ -> Nothing
+cupView = view True "Cup size" identity
+ageInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 17, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 121 identity })
+ageFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 12 op v -> fromQuery (ageInit d) op v
+ QStr 12 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (ageInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+ageView = view True "Age" (\v -> if v == 1 then "1 year" else String.fromInt v ++ " years")
+popularityInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 10, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 101 identity })
+popularityFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 9 op v -> fromQuery (popularityInit d) op v
+ _ -> Nothing
+popularityView = view False "Popularity" String.fromInt
+ratingInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 40, unk = False, lst = Array.initialize 91 (\v -> v+10) })
+ratingFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 10 op v -> fromQuery (ratingInit d) op v
+ _ -> Nothing
+ratingView = view False "Rating" (\v -> Ffi.fmtFloat (toFloat v / 10) 1)
+votecountInit dat = (dat, { op = Ge, val = 10, unk = False, lst = Array.fromList [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 ] })
+votecountFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 11 op v -> fromQuery (votecountInit d) op v
+ _ -> Nothing
+votecountView = view False "# Votes" String.fromInt
+minageInit dat = (dat, { op = Lt, val = 13, unk = False, lst = Array.fromList <| Tuple.first GT.ageRatings })
+minageFromQuery d q =
+ case q of
+ QInt 10 op v -> fromQuery (minageInit d) op v
+ QStr 10 op "" -> fromQueryUnk (minageInit d) op
+ _ -> Nothing
+minageView = view True "Age rating" <| \v -> Maybe.withDefault "" <| List.head <| String.split " (" <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup v GT.ageRatings
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Resolution.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Resolution.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7617d02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Resolution.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+module AdvSearch.Resolution exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+type alias Model =
+ { op : Op
+ , reso : Maybe (Int,Int)
+ , conf : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiResolutions
+ , search : A.Model GApi.ApiResolutions
+ , aspect : Bool
+ }
+type Msg
+ = MOp Op
+ | Search (A.Msg GApi.ApiResolutions)
+ | Aspect Bool
+onlyEq : Maybe (Int,Int) -> Bool
+onlyEq reso = reso == Just (0,0) || reso == Just (0,1)
+update : Data -> Msg -> Model -> (Data, Model, Cmd Msg)
+update dat msg model =
+ case msg of
+ MOp o -> (dat, { model | op = o, aspect = o /= Eq && o /= Ne && model.aspect }, Cmd.none)
+ Aspect b -> (dat, { model | aspect = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Search m ->
+ let (nm, c, en) = A.update model.conf m
+ search = Maybe.withDefault nm <| (\e -> A.clear nm e.resolution) en
+ reso = resoParse True search.value
+ op = if onlyEq reso && model.op /= Eq && model.op /= Ne then Eq else model.op
+ in (dat, { model | search = search, reso = reso, op = op, aspect = op /= Eq && op /= Ne && model.aspect }, c)
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat =
+ ( { dat | objid = dat.objid+1 }
+ , { op = Ge
+ , reso = Nothing
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_reso" ++ String.fromInt dat.objid, source = A.resolutionSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ , aspect = False
+ }
+ )
+toQuery : Model -> Maybe Query
+toQuery model = (\(x,y) -> QTuple (if model.aspect then 9 else 8) model.op x y) model.reso
+fromQuery : Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, Model)
+fromQuery dat q =
+ let m op x y aspect = Just <| Tuple.mapSecond (\mod -> { mod | op = op, reso = Just (x,y), search = A.init (resoFmt False x y), aspect = aspect }) <| init dat
+ in
+ case q of
+ QTuple 8 op x y -> m op x y False
+ QTuple 9 op x y -> m op x y True
+ _ -> Nothing
+view : Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view model =
+ ( case model.reso of
+ Nothing -> small [] [ text "Resolution" ]
+ Just (x,y) -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ text <| (if x > 0 && model.aspect then "A " else "R ") ++ showOp model.op ++ " " ++ resoFmt False x y ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Resolution" ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ div [ class "opselect" ] [ inputOp (onlyEq model.reso) model.op MOp ]
+ , if model.op == Eq || model.op == Ne then text "" else
+ linkRadio model.aspect Aspect [ span [ title "Aspect ratio must be the same" ] [ text "aspect" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , A.view model.conf [ placeholder "width x height" ]
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Set.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Set.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5f2897c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Set.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+module AdvSearch.Set exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Set
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Gen.Types as GT
+import Gen.ExtLinks as GEL
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+type alias Model a =
+ { sel : Set.Set a
+ , single : Bool
+ , and : Bool
+ , neg : Bool
+ , last : Set.Set a -- Last selection before switching to single mode, if there were multiple items selected
+ }
+type Msg a
+ = Sel a Bool
+ | Neg Bool
+ | And Bool
+ | Single Bool
+ | Mode -- Toggle between single / multi (or) / multi (and)
+init : Data -> (Data, Model a)
+init dat = (dat, { sel = Set.empty, single = True, and = False, neg = False, last = Set.empty })
+update : Msg comparable -> Model comparable -> Model comparable
+update msg model =
+ let singleMode m =
+ { m | sel = if m.single then Set.fromList <| List.take 1 <| Set.toList m.sel
+ else if model.single && not m.single && not (Set.isEmpty model.last) then m.last
+ else m.sel
+ , last = if m.single && not model.single && Set.size m.sel > 1 then m.sel else Set.empty }
+ in
+ case msg of
+ Sel v b -> { model | last = Set.empty, sel = if not b then Set.remove v model.sel else if model.single then Set.fromList [v] else Set.insert v model.sel }
+ Neg b -> { model | neg = b }
+ And b -> { model | and = b }
+ Single b -> singleMode { model | single = b }
+ Mode -> singleMode { model | single = not model.single && model.and, and = not model.single && not model.and }
+toQuery : (Op -> a -> Query) -> Model a -> Maybe Query
+toQuery f m =
+ case (m.neg, m.and, Set.toList m.sel) of
+ (_,_,[]) -> Nothing
+ (n,_,[v]) -> Just (f (if n then Ne else Eq) v)
+ (False, False, l) -> Just <| QOr <| (\v -> f Eq v) l
+ (True , False, l) -> Just <| QAnd <| (\v -> f Ne v) l
+ (False, True , l) -> Just <| QAnd <| (\v -> f Eq v) l
+ (True , True , l) -> Just <| QOr <| (\v -> f Ne v) l
+-- Only recognizes queries generated by setToQuery, doesn't handle alternative query structures.
+-- Usage:
+-- setFromQuery (\q -> case q of
+-- QStr 2 op v -> Just (op, v)
+-- _ -> Nothing) model
+fromQuery : (Query -> Maybe (Op,comparable)) -> Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, Model comparable)
+fromQuery f dat q =
+ let single qs = f qs |> Maybe.andThen (\(op,v) ->
+ if op /= Ne && op /= Eq
+ then Nothing
+ else Just (dat, { sel = Set.fromList [v], and = False, neg = (op == Ne), single = True, last = Set.empty }))
+ lst and mm xqs =
+ case (mm, xqs) of
+ (Nothing, _) -> Nothing
+ (_, []) -> mm
+ (Just (_,m), x :: xs) -> f x |> Maybe.andThen (\(op,v) ->
+ if (op /= Ne && op /= Eq) || (op == Ne) /= m.neg
+ then Nothing
+ else lst and (Just (dat, {m | and = xor and (op == Ne), single = False, sel = Set.insert v m.sel})) xs)
+ in case q of
+ QAnd (x::xs) -> lst True (single x) xs
+ QOr (x::xs) -> lst False (single x) xs
+ _ -> single q
+lblPrefix m = text <| (if m.neg then "¬" else "") ++ (if m.single || Set.size m.sel == 1 then "" else if m.and then "∀ " else "∃ ")
+optsMode m canAnd canSingle =
+ if not canAnd && not canSingle then span [] [] else
+ a [ href "#"
+ , onClickD (if canAnd && canSingle then Mode else if canSingle then Single (not m.single) else And (not m.and))
+ , title <| if m.single then "Single-selection mode" else if m.and then "Entry must match all selected items" else "Entry must match at least one item"
+ ] [ text <| "Mode:" ++ if m.single then "single" else if m.and then "all" else "any" ]
+opts m canAnd canSingle = div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ optsMode m canAnd canSingle
+ , linkRadio m.neg Neg [ text "invert" ]
+ ]
+-- Language
+type LangField
+ = LangVN
+ | LangVNO
+ | LangRel
+ | LangProd
+ | LangStaff
+type alias LangModel = (LangField, Model String)
+langInit field dat = init dat |> Tuple.mapSecond (\m -> (field,m))
+langUpdate msg (field, model) = (field, update msg model)
+langView (field, model) =
+ let tprefix = if field == LangVNO then "O " else "L "
+ label = if field == LangVNO then "Orig language" else "Language"
+ msg = case field of
+ LangVN -> "Language(s) in which the visual novel is available."
+ LangVNO -> "Language the visual novel has been originally written in."
+ LangRel -> "Language(s) in which the release is available."
+ LangProd -> "Primary language of the producer."
+ LangStaff -> "Primary language of the staff."
+ canAnd = case field of
+ LangVN -> True
+ LangVNO -> False
+ LangRel -> True
+ LangProd -> False
+ LangStaff -> False
+ lst = case field of
+ LangVN -> scriptLangs
+ LangVNO -> scriptLangs
+ LangRel -> scriptLangs
+ LangProd -> locLangs
+ LangStaff -> locLangs
+ in
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text label ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ text tprefix, lblPrefix model, langIcon v, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.languages) ]
+ l -> span [ class "nowrap" ] <| text tprefix :: lblPrefix model :: List.intersperse (text "") ( langIcon l)
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text msg ]
+ , opts model canAnd True
+ ]
+ , ul [ style "columns" "2"] <| (\(l,t) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member l model.sel) (Sel l) [ langIcon l, text t ] ]) lst
+ ]
+ )
+langFromQuery field dat qs = (\(d,m) -> (d,(field,m))) <| fromQuery (\q ->
+ case (field, q) of
+ (LangVNO, QStr 3 op v) -> Just (op, v)
+ (LangVNO, _) -> Nothing
+ (_, QStr 2 op v) -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing) dat qs
+langToQuery (field, model) = toQuery (QStr (if field == LangVNO then 3 else 2)) model
+-- Platform
+platformView unk model =
+ let lst = if unk then ("", "Unknown") :: GT.platforms else GT.platforms
+ fmt p t = [ if p == "" then text "" else platformIcon p, text t ]
+ in
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Platform" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] <| lblPrefix model :: fmt v (Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v lst))
+ l -> span [ class "nowrap" ] <| lblPrefix model :: List.intersperse (text "") ( platformIcon l)
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Platforms for which the visual novel is available." ]
+ , opts model True True
+ ]
+ , ul [ style "columns" "2"] <| (\(p,t) ->
+ li [classList [("separator", p == "web")]] [ linkRadio (Set.member p model.sel) (Sel p) (fmt p t) ]
+ ) lst
+ ]
+ )
+platformFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QStr 4 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Length
+lengthView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Length" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.vnLengths) ]
+ l -> span [] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Length (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Length (estimated play time)" ]
+ , opts model False True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(l,t) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member l model.sel) (Sel l) [ text t ] ]) GT.vnLengths
+ ]
+ )
+lengthFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QInt 5 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Development status
+devStatusView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Status" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.devStatus) ]
+ l -> span [] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Dev Status (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Development status" ]
+ , opts model False True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(l,t) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member l model.sel) (Sel l) [ text t ] ]) GT.devStatus
+ ]
+ )
+devStatusFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QInt 66 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Character role
+roleView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Role" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.charRoles) ]
+ l -> span [] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Role (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Role" ]
+ , opts model True True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(l,t) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member l model.sel) (Sel l) [ text t ] ]) GT.charRoles
+ ]
+ )
+roleFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QStr 2 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Blood type
+bloodView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Blood type" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Blood type " ++ Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.bloodTypes) ]
+ l -> span [] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Blood type (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Blood type" ]
+ , opts model False True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(l,t) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member l model.sel) (Sel l) [ text t ] ]) GT.bloodTypes
+ ]
+ )
+bloodFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QStr 3 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Character sex
+type alias SexModel = (Bool, Model String)
+type SexMsg = SexSpoil | SexSel (Msg String)
+sexInit spoil dat = init dat |> Tuple.mapSecond (\m -> (spoil,m))
+sexFromQuery spoil dat qf = (Tuple.mapSecond (\m -> (spoil,m))) <| fromQuery (\q ->
+ case (spoil, q) of
+ (False, QStr 4 op v) -> Just (op, v)
+ (True, QStr 5 op v) -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing) dat qf
+sexUpdate msg (spoil,model) =
+ case msg of
+ SexSpoil -> (not spoil, model)
+ SexSel m -> (spoil, update m model)
+sexView (spoil,model) =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Sex" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Sex: " ++ Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.genders) ]
+ l -> span [] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Sex (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader", style "width" "280px" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Sex" ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ SexSel (optsMode model False True)
+ , a [ href "#", onClickD SexSpoil ] [ text <| if spoil then "spoilers" else "no spoilers" ]
+ , linkRadio model.neg (SexSel << Neg) [ text "invert" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(l,t) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member l model.sel) (SexSel << Sel l) [ text t ] ]) GT.genders
+ ]
+ )
+-- Staff gender
+genderView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Gender" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.genders) ]
+ l -> span [] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Gender (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Gender" ]
+ , opts model False True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(k,l) -> li [] [ if k == "b" then text "" else linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ]) GT.genders
+ ]
+ )
+genderFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QStr 4 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Release medium
+mediumView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Medium" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ]
+ [ lblPrefix model
+ , text <| if v == "" then "Medium: Unknown" else
+ Maybe.withDefault "" <| List.head <| List.filterMap (\(k,l,_) -> if v == k then Just l else Nothing)
+ ]
+ l -> span [] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Media (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Medium" ]
+ , opts model True True ]
+ , ul [] <|
+ (\(k,l,_) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ])
+ (("", "Unknown", True) ::
+ ]
+ )
+mediumFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QStr 11 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Release voiced
+voicedView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Voiced" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.voiced) ]
+ l -> span [] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Voiced (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Voiced" ]
+ , opts model False True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(k,l) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ]) GT.voiced
+ ]
+ )
+voicedFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QInt 12 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Release animation
+animatedView story model =
+ let lbl = (if story then "Story" else "Ero") ++ " animation"
+ in
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text lbl ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| (if story then "S " else "E ") ++ Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.animated) ]
+ l -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| lbl ++ " (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text lbl ]
+ , opts model False True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(k,l) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ]) GT.animated
+ ]
+ )
+animatedFromQuery story = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QInt 13 op v -> if not story then Just (op, v) else Nothing
+ QInt 14 op v -> if story then Just (op, v) else Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Release type
+rtypeView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Type" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.releaseTypes) ]
+ l -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Types (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Release type" ]
+ , opts model False True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(k,l) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ]) GT.releaseTypes
+ ]
+ )
+rtypeFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QStr 16 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Labels
+-- TODO: Do something with labels from other users - if only to display them correctly.
+labelView dat model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Labels" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v dat.labels) ]
+ l -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Labels (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "VN labels" ]
+ , opts model True True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(k,l) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ]) dat.labels
+ ]
+ )
+labelFromQuery dat q =
+ fromQuery (\qs ->
+ case qs of
+ QTuple 12 op uid l -> if Just (vndbid 'u' uid) == dat.uid then Just (op, l) else Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing) dat q
+-- Staff role
+sroleView model =
+ let lst = ("seiyuu","Voice actor") :: GT.creditTypes
+ in
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Role" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup v lst ]
+ l -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Roles (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Role" ]
+ , opts model True True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(k,l) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ]) lst
+ ]
+ )
+sroleFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QStr 5 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Release list status
+rlistView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "List status" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup v GT.rlistStatus ]
+ l -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "List (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "List status" ]
+ , opts model False True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(k,l) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ]) GT.rlistStatus
+ ]
+ )
+rlistFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QInt 18 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Producer type
+ptypeView model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Type" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v GT.producerTypes) ]
+ l -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Types (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Producer type" ]
+ , opts model False True ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(k,l) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ]) GT.producerTypes
+ ]
+ )
+ptypeFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QStr 4 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing)
+-- Extlinks (releases only, for now)
+extlinkView links model =
+ let lst = (\l -> (l.advid, links
+ in
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "External links" ]
+ [v] -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup v lst) ]
+ l -> span [ class "nowrap" ] [ lblPrefix model, text <| "Links (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "External links" ]
+ , opts model True True ]
+ , ul [ style "columns" "2" ] <| (\(k,l) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member k model.sel) (Sel k) [ text l ] ]) lst
+ ]
+ )
+extlinkFromQuery num = fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QStr n op v -> if n == num then Just (op, v) else Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing)
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Staff.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Staff.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7365419e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Staff.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+module AdvSearch.Staff exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Set
+import Dict
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import AdvSearch.Set as S
+type alias Model =
+ { sel : S.Model Int
+ , conf : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiStaffResult
+ , search : A.Model GApi.ApiStaffResult
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Sel (S.Msg Int)
+ | Search (A.Msg GApi.ApiStaffResult)
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat =
+ let (ndat, sel) = S.init dat
+ in ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid + 1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_staff" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.staffSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ )
+update : Data -> Msg -> Model -> (Data, Model, Cmd Msg)
+update dat msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Sel m -> (dat, { model | sel = S.update m model.sel }, Cmd.none)
+ Search m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update model.conf m
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ Just s ->
+ if Set.member (vndbidNum model.sel.sel then (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ else ( { dat | staff = Dict.insert s dat.staff }
+ , { model | search = A.clear nm "", sel = S.update (S.Sel (vndbidNum True) model.sel }
+ , c )
+toQuery m = S.toQuery (QInt 3) m.sel
+fromQuery dat qf = S.fromQuery (\q ->
+ case q of
+ QInt 3 op v -> Just (op, v)
+ _ -> Nothing) dat qf
+ |> (\(ndat,sel) ->
+ ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid+1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_staff" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.staffSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ }
+ ))
+view : Data -> Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view dat model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Name" ]
+ [s] -> span [ class "nowrap" ]
+ [ S.lblPrefix model.sel
+ , small [] [ text <| "s" ++ String.fromInt s ++ ":" ]
+ , Dict.get (vndbid 's' s) dat.staff |> (\e -> e.title) |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> text
+ ]
+ l -> span [] [ S.lblPrefix model.sel, text <| "Names (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Staff identifier" ]
+ , Sel (S.opts model.sel False True)
+ ]
+ , ul [] <| (\s ->
+ li [ style "overflow" "hidden", style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ]
+ [ inputButton "X" (Sel (S.Sel s False)) []
+ , small [] [ text <| " s" ++ String.fromInt s ++ ": " ]
+ , Dict.get (vndbid 's' s) dat.staff |> (\e -> a [ href ("/" ++, target "_blank", style "display" "inline" ] [ text e.title ]) |> Maybe.withDefault (text "")
+ ]
+ ) (Set.toList model.sel.sel)
+ , A.view model.conf [ placeholder "Search..." ]
+ , small [] [ text "All aliases of the selected staff entries are searched, not just the names you specified." ]
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Tags.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Tags.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..001890ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Tags.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+module AdvSearch.Tags exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Set
+import Dict
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import AdvSearch.Set as S
+type alias Model =
+ { sel : S.Model (Int,Int) -- Tag, Level
+ , conf : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiTagResult
+ , search : A.Model GApi.ApiTagResult
+ , spoiler : Int
+ , inherit : Bool
+ , exclie : Bool
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Sel (S.Msg (Int,Int))
+ | Level (Int,Int) Int
+ | Spoiler
+ | Inherit Bool
+ | ExcLie Bool
+ | Search (A.Msg GApi.ApiTagResult)
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat =
+ let (ndat, sel) = S.init dat
+ in ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid + 1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False, and = True }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_tag" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.tagSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ , spoiler = dat.defaultSpoil
+ , inherit = True
+ , exclie = False
+ }
+ )
+update : Data -> Msg -> Model -> (Data, Model, Cmd Msg)
+update dat msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Sel m -> (dat, { model | sel = S.update m model.sel }, Cmd.none)
+ Level (t,ol) nl -> (dat, { model | sel = S.update (S.Sel (t,ol) False) model.sel |> S.update (S.Sel (t,nl) True) }, Cmd.none)
+ Spoiler -> (dat, { model | spoiler = if model.spoiler < 2 then model.spoiler + 1 else 0, exclie = False }, Cmd.none)
+ Inherit b -> (dat, { model | inherit = b }, Cmd.none)
+ ExcLie b -> (dat, { model | exclie = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Search m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update model.conf m
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ Just t ->
+ ( { dat | tags = Dict.insert t dat.tags }
+ , { model | search = A.clear nm "", sel = S.update (S.Sel (vndbidNum,0) True) model.sel }
+ , c )
+toQuery m = S.toQuery (\o (t,l) ->
+ let id = if m.inherit then 8 else 14
+ in if m.spoiler == 0 && not m.exclie && l == 0 then QInt id o t else QTuple id o t ((if m.exclie then 16*3 else 0) + l*3 + m.spoiler)) m.sel
+fromQuery spoil inherit exclie dat q =
+ let id = if inherit then 8 else 14
+ f qr = case qr of
+ QInt x op t -> if id == x && spoil == 0 && not exclie then Just (op, (t,0)) else Nothing
+ QTuple x op t v -> if id == x && modBy 3 v == spoil && exclie == ((v // (16*3)) == 1) then Just (op, (t, modBy 16 (v//3))) else Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
+ in
+ S.fromQuery f dat q |> (\(ndat,sel) ->
+ ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid+1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False, and = sel.and || Set.size sel.sel == 1 }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_tag" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.tagSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ , spoiler = spoil
+ , inherit = inherit
+ , exclie = exclie
+ }
+ ))
+view : Data -> Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view dat model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Tags" ]
+ [(s,_)] -> span [ class "nowrap" ]
+ [ S.lblPrefix model.sel
+ , small [] [ text <| "g" ++ String.fromInt s ++ ":" ]
+ , Dict.get (vndbid 'g' s) dat.tags |> (\t -> |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> text
+ ]
+ l -> span [] [ S.lblPrefix model.sel, text <| "Tags (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Tags" ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ Sel (S.optsMode model.sel True False)
+ , a [ href "#", onClickD Spoiler ]
+ [ text <| if model.spoiler == 0 then "no spoilers" else if model.spoiler == 1 then "minor spoilers" else "major spoilers" ]
+ , linkRadio model.sel.neg (Sel << S.Neg) [ text "invert" ]
+ ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ if model.spoiler < 2 then span [] [] else
+ linkRadio model.exclie ExcLie [ text "exclude lies" ]
+ , linkRadio model.inherit Inherit [ text "child tags" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , ul [] <| (\(t,l) ->
+ li [ style "overflow" "hidden", style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ]
+ [ inputButton "X" (Sel (S.Sel (t,l) False)) []
+ , inputSelect "" l (Level (t,l)) [style "width" "60px"] <|
+ (0, "any")
+ :: (\i -> (i, String.fromInt (i//5) ++ "." ++ String.fromInt (2*(modBy 5 i)) ++ "+")) (List.range 1 14)
+ ++ [(15, "3.0")]
+ , small [] [ text <| " g" ++ String.fromInt t ++ ": " ]
+ , Dict.get (vndbid 'g' t) dat.tags |> (\e -> a [ href ("/" ++, target "_blank", style "display" "inline" ] [ text ]) |> Maybe.withDefault (text "")
+ ]
+ ) (Set.toList model.sel.sel)
+ , A.view model.conf [ placeholder "Search..." ]
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Traits.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Traits.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db9b5f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Traits.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+module AdvSearch.Traits exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Set
+import Dict
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..)
+import AdvSearch.Set as S
+type alias Model =
+ { sel : S.Model Int
+ , conf : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiTraitResult
+ , search : A.Model GApi.ApiTraitResult
+ , spoiler : Int
+ , inherit : Bool
+ , exclie : Bool
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Sel (S.Msg Int)
+ | Spoiler
+ | Inherit Bool
+ | ExcLie Bool
+ | Search (A.Msg GApi.ApiTraitResult)
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat =
+ let (ndat, sel) = S.init dat
+ in ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid + 1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False, and = True }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_trait" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.traitSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ , spoiler = dat.defaultSpoil
+ , inherit = True
+ , exclie = False
+ }
+ )
+update : Data -> Msg -> Model -> (Data, Model, Cmd Msg)
+update dat msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Sel m -> (dat, { model | sel = S.update m model.sel }, Cmd.none)
+ Spoiler -> (dat, { model | spoiler = if model.spoiler < 2 then model.spoiler + 1 else 0, exclie = False }, Cmd.none)
+ Inherit b -> (dat, { model | inherit = b }, Cmd.none)
+ ExcLie b -> (dat, { model | exclie = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Search m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update model.conf m
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> (dat, { model | search = nm }, c)
+ Just t ->
+ ( { dat | traits = Dict.insert t dat.traits }
+ , { model | search = A.clear nm "", sel = S.update (S.Sel (vndbidNum True) model.sel }
+ , c )
+toQuery m = S.toQuery (\o t ->
+ let id = if m.inherit then 13 else 15
+ in if m.spoiler == 0 && not m.exclie then QInt id o t else QTuple id o t ((if m.exclie then 3 else 0) + m.spoiler)) m.sel
+fromQuery spoil inherit exclie dat q =
+ let id = if inherit then 13 else 15
+ f qr = case qr of
+ QInt x op t -> if id == x && spoil == 0 then Just (op, t) else Nothing
+ QTuple x op t v -> if id == x && modBy 3 v == spoil && exclie == ((v // 3) == 1) then Just (op, t) else Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
+ in
+ S.fromQuery f dat q |> (\(ndat,sel) ->
+ ( { ndat | objid = ndat.objid+1 }
+ , { sel = { sel | single = False, and = sel.and || Set.size sel.sel == 1 }
+ , conf = { wrap = Search, id = "xsearch_trait" ++ String.fromInt ndat.objid, source = A.traitSource }
+ , search = A.init ""
+ , spoiler = spoil
+ , inherit = inherit
+ , exclie = exclie
+ }
+ ))
+view : Data -> Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view dat model =
+ ( case Set.toList model.sel.sel of
+ [] -> small [] [ text "Traits" ]
+ [s] -> span [ class "nowrap" ]
+ [ S.lblPrefix model.sel
+ , small [] [ text <| "i" ++ String.fromInt s ++ ":" ]
+ , Dict.get (vndbid 'i' s) dat.traits |> (\t -> |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> text
+ ]
+ l -> span [] [ S.lblPrefix model.sel, text <| "Traits (" ++ String.fromInt (List.length l) ++ ")" ]
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Traits" ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ Sel (S.optsMode model.sel True False)
+ , a [ href "#", onClickD Spoiler ]
+ [ text <| if model.spoiler == 0 then "no spoilers" else if model.spoiler == 1 then "minor spoilers" else "major spoilers" ]
+ , linkRadio model.sel.neg (Sel << S.Neg) [ text "invert" ]
+ ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ if model.spoiler < 2 then span [] [] else
+ linkRadio model.exclie ExcLie [ text "exclude lies" ]
+ , linkRadio model.inherit Inherit [ text "child traits" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , ul [] <| (\t ->
+ li [ style "overflow" "hidden", style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ]
+ [ inputButton "X" (Sel (S.Sel t False)) []
+ , small [] [ text <| " i" ++ String.fromInt t ++ ": " ]
+ , Dict.get (vndbid 'i' t) dat.traits |> (\e -> span []
+ [ Maybe.withDefault (text "") <| (\g -> small [] [ text (g ++ " / ") ]) e.group_name
+ , a [ href ("/" ++, target "_blank", style "display" "inline" ] [ text ] ]) |> Maybe.withDefault (text "")
+ ]
+ ) (Set.toList model.sel.sel)
+ , A.view model.conf [ placeholder "Search..." ]
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/CharEdit.elm b/elm/CharEdit.elm
index 0f75a357..e8b8d420 100644
--- a/elm/CharEdit.elm
+++ b/elm/CharEdit.elm
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ import Browser
import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
import Dict
import Set
+import Task
+import Process
import File exposing (File)
import File.Select as FSel
+import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
import Lib.Util exposing (..)
import Lib.Html exposing (..)
import Lib.TextPreview as TP
@@ -17,6 +20,7 @@ import Lib.Autocomplete as A
import Lib.Api as Api
import Lib.Editsum as Editsum
import Lib.RDate as RDate
+import Lib.Image as Img
import Gen.Release as GR
import Gen.CharEdit as GCE
import Gen.Types as GT
@@ -39,14 +43,17 @@ type Tab
| VNs
| All
+type SelOpt = Spoil Int | Lie
type alias Model =
{ state : Api.State
, tab : Tab
+ , invalidDis : Bool
, editsum : Editsum.Model
, name : String
- , original : String
+ , latin : Maybe String
, alias : String
- , desc : TP.Model
+ , description : TP.Model
, gender : String
, spoilGender : Maybe String
, bMonth : Int
@@ -59,25 +66,20 @@ type alias Model =
, weight : Maybe Int
, bloodt : String
, cupSize : String
- , main : Maybe Int
+ , main : Maybe String
, mainRef : Bool
, mainHas : Bool
, mainName : String
, mainSearch : A.Model GApi.ApiCharResult
, mainSpoil : Int
- , image : Maybe String
- , imageState : Api.State
- , imageNew : Set.Set String
- , imageSex : Maybe Int
- , imageVio : Maybe Int
+ , image : Img.Image
, traits : List GCE.RecvTraits
, traitSearch : A.Model GApi.ApiTraitResult
- , traitSelId : Int
- , traitSelSpl : Int
+ , traitSel : (String, SelOpt)
, vns : List GCE.RecvVns
, vnSearch : A.Model GApi.ApiVNResult
- , releases : Dict.Dict Int (List GCE.RecvReleasesRels) -- vid -> list of releases
- , id : Maybe Int
+ , releases : Dict.Dict String (List GCE.RecvReleasesRels) -- vid -> list of releases
+ , id : Maybe String
@@ -85,11 +87,12 @@ init : GCE.Recv -> Model
init d =
{ state = Api.Normal
, tab = General
- , editsum = { authmod = d.authmod, editsum = TP.bbcode d.editsum, locked = d.locked, hidden = d.hidden }
+ , invalidDis = False
+ , editsum = { authmod = d.authmod, editsum = TP.bbcode d.editsum, locked = d.locked, hidden = d.hidden, hasawait = False }
, name =
- , original = d.original
+ , latin = d.latin
, alias = d.alias
- , desc = TP.bbcode d.desc
+ , description = TP.bbcode d.description
, gender = d.gender
, spoilGender = d.spoil_gender
, bMonth = d.b_month
@@ -108,15 +111,10 @@ init d =
, mainName = d.main_name
, mainSearch = A.init ""
, mainSpoil = d.main_spoil
- , image = d.image
- , imageState = Api.Normal
- , imageNew = Set.empty
- , imageSex = d.image_sex
- , imageVio = d.image_vio
+ , image = d.image_info
, traits = d.traits
, traitSearch = A.init ""
- , traitSelId = 0
- , traitSelSpl = 0
+ , traitSel = ("", Spoil 0)
, vns = d.vns
, vnSearch = A.init ""
, releases = Dict.fromList <| (\v -> (, v.rels)) d.releases
@@ -131,9 +129,9 @@ encode model =
, hidden = model.editsum.hidden
, locked = model.editsum.locked
, name =
- , original = model.original
+ , latin = model.latin
, alias = model.alias
- , desc =
+ , description =
, gender = model.gender
, spoil_gender= model.spoilGender
, b_month = model.bMonth
@@ -148,10 +146,8 @@ encode model =
, cup_size = model.cupSize
, main = if model.mainHas then model.main else Nothing
, main_spoil = model.mainSpoil
- , image = model.image
- , image_sex = model.imageSex
- , image_vio = model.imageVio
- , traits = (\t -> { tid = t.tid, spoil = t.spoil }) model.traits
+ , image =
+ , traits = (\t -> { tid = t.tid, spoil = t.spoil, lie = t.lie }) model.traits
, vns = (\v -> { vid = v.vid, rid = v.rid, spoil = v.spoil, role = v.role }) model.vns
@@ -167,10 +163,12 @@ vnConfig = { wrap = VnSearch, id = "vnadd", source = A.vnSource }
type Msg
= Editsum Editsum.Msg
| Tab Tab
+ | Invalid Tab
+ | InvalidEnable
| Submit
| Submitted GApi.Response
| Name String
- | Original String
+ | Latin String
| Alias String
| Desc TP.Msg
| Gender String
@@ -188,23 +186,22 @@ type Msg
| MainHas Bool
| MainSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiCharResult)
| MainSpoil Int
- | ImageSet String
+ | ImageSet String Bool
| ImageSelect
| ImageSelected File
- | ImageLoaded GApi.Response
- | ImageSex Int Bool
- | ImageVio Int Bool
+ | ImageMsg Img.Msg
| TraitDel Int
- | TraitSel Int Int
+ | TraitSel String SelOpt
| TraitSpoil Int Int
+ | TraitLie Int Bool
| TraitSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiTraitResult)
- | VnRel Int (Maybe Int)
+ | VnRel Int (Maybe String)
| VnRole Int String
| VnSpoil Int Int
| VnDel Int
- | VnRelAdd Int String
+ | VnRelAdd String String
| VnSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiVNResult)
- | VnRelGet Int GApi.Response
+ | VnRelGet String GApi.Response
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
@@ -212,10 +209,13 @@ update msg model =
case msg of
Editsum m -> let (nm,nc) = Editsum.update m model.editsum in ({ model | editsum = nm }, Editsum nc)
Tab t -> ({ model | tab = t }, Cmd.none)
+ Invalid t -> if model.invalidDis || == All || == t then (model, Cmd.none) else
+ ({ model | tab = t, invalidDis = True }, Task.attempt (always InvalidEnable) (Ffi.elemCall "reportValidity" "mainform" |> Task.andThen (\_ -> Process.sleep 100)))
+ InvalidEnable -> ({ model | invalidDis = False }, Cmd.none)
Name s -> ({ model | name = s }, Cmd.none)
- Original s -> ({ model | original = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Latin s -> ({ model | latin = if s == "" then Nothing else Just s }, Cmd.none)
Alias s -> ({ model | alias = s }, Cmd.none)
- Desc m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.desc in ({ model | desc = nm }, Desc nc)
+ Desc m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.description in ({ model | description = nm }, Desc nc)
Gender s -> ({ model | gender = s }, Cmd.none)
SpoilGender s->({model | spoilGender = s }, Cmd.none)
BMonth n -> ({ model | bMonth = n }, Cmd.none)
@@ -236,29 +236,31 @@ update msg model =
Nothing -> ({ model | mainSearch = nm }, c)
Just m1 ->
case m1.main of
- Just m2 -> ({ model | mainSearch = A.clear nm "", main = Just, mainName = }, c)
- Nothing -> ({ model | mainSearch = A.clear nm "", main = Just, mainName = }, c)
+ Just m2 -> ({ model | mainSearch = A.clear nm "", main = Just, mainName = m2.title }, c)
+ Nothing -> ({ model | mainSearch = A.clear nm "", main = Just, mainName = m1.title }, c)
MainSpoil n -> ({ model | mainSpoil = n }, Cmd.none)
- ImageSet s -> ({ model | image = if s == "" then Nothing else Just s}, Cmd.none)
- ImageSelect -> (model, FSel.file ["image/png", "image/jpg"] ImageSelected)
- ImageSelected f -> ({ model | imageState = Api.Loading }, Api.postImage Api.Ch f ImageLoaded)
- ImageLoaded (GApi.Image i _ _) -> ({ model | image = Just i, imageNew = Set.insert i model.imageNew, imageState = Api.Normal }, Cmd.none)
- ImageLoaded e -> ({ model | imageState = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
- ImageSex i _ -> ({ model | imageSex = Just i }, Cmd.none)
- ImageVio i _ -> ({ model | imageVio = Just i }, Cmd.none)
+ ImageSet s b -> let (nm, nc) = b s in ({ model | image = nm }, ImageMsg nc)
+ ImageSelect -> (model, FSel.file ["image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/webp", "image/avif", "image/jxl"] ImageSelected)
+ ImageSelected f -> let (nm, nc) = Img.upload Api.Ch f in ({ model | image = nm }, ImageMsg nc)
+ ImageMsg m -> let (nm, nc) = Img.update m model.image in ({ model | image = nm }, ImageMsg nc)
TraitDel idx -> ({ model | traits = delidx idx model.traits }, Cmd.none)
- TraitSel id spl -> ({ model | traitSelId = id, traitSelSpl = spl }, Cmd.none)
+ TraitSel id opt -> ({ model | traitSel = (id, opt) }, Cmd.none)
TraitSpoil idx spl -> ({ model | traits = modidx idx (\t -> { t | spoil = spl }) model.traits }, Cmd.none)
+ TraitLie idx v -> ({ model | traits = modidx idx (\t -> { t | lie = v }) model.traits }, Cmd.none)
TraitSearch m ->
let (nm, c, res) = A.update traitConfig m model.traitSearch
in case res of
Nothing -> ({ model | traitSearch = nm }, c)
Just t ->
- if not t.applicable || t.state /= 2 || List.any (\l -> l.tid == model.traits
- then ({ model | traitSearch = A.clear nm "" }, c)
- else ({ model | traitSearch = A.clear nm "", traits = model.traits ++ [{ tid =, spoil = t.defaultspoil, name =, group = t.group_name, applicable = t.applicable, new = True }] }, Cmd.none)
+ let n = { tid =, spoil = t.defaultspoil, lie = False, new = True
+ , name =, group = t.group_name
+ , hidden = t.hidden, locked = t.locked, applicable = t.applicable }
+ in
+ if not t.applicable || t.hidden || List.any (\l -> l.tid == model.traits
+ then ({ model | traitSearch = A.clear nm "" }, c)
+ else ({ model | traitSearch = A.clear nm "", traits = model.traits ++ [n] }, c)
VnRel idx r -> ({ model | vns = modidx idx (\v -> { v | rid = r }) model.vns }, Cmd.none)
VnRole idx s -> ({ model | vns = modidx idx (\v -> { v | role = s }) model.vns }, Cmd.none)
@@ -275,7 +277,7 @@ update msg model =
if List.any (\v -> v.vid == model.vns
then ({ model | vnSearch = A.clear nm "" }, c)
else ({ model | vnSearch = A.clear nm "", vns = model.vns ++ [{ vid =, title = vn.title, rid = Nothing, spoil = 0, role = "primary" }] }
- , if Dict.member model.releases then Cmd.none else GR.send { vid = } (VnRelGet
+ , Cmd.batch [c, if Dict.member model.releases then Cmd.none else GR.send { vid = } (VnRelGet])
VnRelGet vid (GApi.Releases r) -> ({ model | releases = Dict.insert vid r model.releases }, Cmd.none)
VnRelGet _ r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none) -- XXX
@@ -286,8 +288,10 @@ update msg model =
isValid : Model -> Bool
isValid model = not
- ( ( /= "" && == model.original)
- || hasDuplicates ( (\v -> (v.vid, Maybe.withDefault 0 v.rid)) model.vns)
+ ( ( /= "" && Just == model.latin)
+ || hasDuplicates ( (\v -> (v.vid, Maybe.withDefault "" v.rid)) model.vns)
+ || not (Img.isValid model.image)
+ || (model.mainHas && model.main /= Nothing && model.main ==
@@ -302,39 +306,28 @@ view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
geninfo =
- [ formField "name::Name (romaji)" [ inputText "name" Name GCE.valName ]
- , formField "original::Original name"
- [ inputText "original" model.original Original GCE.valOriginal
- , if /= "" && == model.original
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ br [] [], text "Should not be the same as the Name (romaji). Leave blank is the original name is already in the latin alphabet" ]
- else text ""
+ [ formField "name::Name (original)" [ inputText "name" Name (onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GCE.valName) ]
+ , if not (model.latin /= Nothing || containsNonLatin then text "" else
+ formField "latin::Name (latin)"
+ [ inputText "latin" (Maybe.withDefault "" model.latin) Latin (onInvalid (Invalid General) :: required True :: placeholder "Romanization" :: GCE.valLatin)
+ , case model.latin of
+ Just s -> if containsNonLatin s
+ then b [] [ br [] [], text "Romanization should only consist of characters in the latin alphabet." ] else text ""
+ Nothing -> text ""
, formField "alias::Aliases"
- [ inputTextArea "alias" model.alias Alias (rows 3 :: GCE.valAlias)
+ [ inputTextArea "alias" model.alias Alias (rows 3 :: onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GCE.valAlias)
, br [] []
, text "(Un)official aliases, separated by a newline. Must not include spoilers!"
- , formField "desc::Description" [ TP.view "desc" model.desc Desc 600 (style "height" "150px" :: GCE.valDesc) [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "English please!" ] ] ]
+ , formField "desc::Description" [ TP.view "desc" model.description Desc 600 (style "height" "150px" :: onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GCE.valDescription)
+ [ b [] [ text "English please!" ] ] ]
, formField "bmonth::Birthday"
- [ inputSelect "bmonth" model.bMonth BMonth [style "width" "128px"]
- [ ( 0, "Unknown")
- , ( 1, "January")
- , ( 2, "February")
- , ( 3, "March")
- , ( 4, "April")
- , ( 5, "May")
- , ( 6, "June")
- , ( 7, "July")
- , ( 8, "August")
- , ( 9, "September")
- , (10, "October")
- , (11, "November")
- , (12, "December")
- ]
+ [ inputSelect "bmonth" model.bMonth BMonth [style "width" "128px"] <| (0, "Unknown") :: RDate.monthSelect
, if model.bMonth == 0 then text ""
else inputSelect "" model.bDay BDay [style "width" "70px"] <| (\i -> (i, String.fromInt i)) <| List.range 1 31
- , formField "age::Age" [ inputNumber "age" model.age Age GCE.valAge, text " years" ]
+ , formField "age::Age" [ inputNumber "age" model.age Age (onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GCE.valAge), text " years" ]
, tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Body" ] ]
, formField "gender::Sex"
@@ -351,13 +344,13 @@ view model =
, inputSelect "" gen (\s -> SpoilGender (Just s)) [] GT.genders
- , formField "sbust::Bust" [ inputNumber "sbust" (if model.sBust == 0 then Nothing else Just model.sBust ) SBust GCE.valS_Bust, text " cm" ]
- , formField "swaist::Waist" [ inputNumber "swiast" (if model.sWaist == 0 then Nothing else Just model.sWaist) SWaist GCE.valS_Waist,text " cm" ]
- , formField "ship::Hips" [ inputNumber "ship" (if model.sHip == 0 then Nothing else Just model.sHip ) SHip GCE.valS_Hip, text " cm" ]
- , formField "height::Height" [ inputNumber "height" (if model.height == 0 then Nothing else Just model.height) Height GCE.valHeight, text " cm" ]
- , formField "weight::Weight" [ inputNumber "weight" model.weight Weight GCE.valWeight, text " kg" ]
- , formField "bloodt::Blood type" [ inputSelect "bloodt" model.bloodt BloodT [] GT.bloodTypes ]
- , formField "cupsize::Cup size" [ inputSelect "cupsize" model.cupSize CupSize [] GT.cupSizes ]
+ , formField "sbust::Bust" [ inputNumber "sbust" (if model.sBust == 0 then Nothing else Just model.sBust ) SBust (onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GCE.valS_Bust), text " cm" ]
+ , formField "swaist::Waist" [ inputNumber "swiast" (if model.sWaist == 0 then Nothing else Just model.sWaist) SWaist (onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GCE.valS_Waist),text " cm" ]
+ , formField "ship::Hips" [ inputNumber "ship" (if model.sHip == 0 then Nothing else Just model.sHip ) SHip (onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GCE.valS_Hip), text " cm" ]
+ , formField "height::Height" [ inputNumber "height" (if model.height == 0 then Nothing else Just model.height) Height (onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GCE.valHeight), text " cm" ]
+ , formField "weight::Weight" [ inputNumber "weight" model.weight Weight (onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GCE.valWeight), text " kg" ]
+ , formField "bloodt::Blood type" [ inputSelect "bloodt" model.bloodt BloodT [onInvalid (Invalid General)] GT.bloodTypes ]
+ , formField "cupsize::Cup size" [ inputSelect "cupsize" model.cupSize CupSize [onInvalid (Invalid General)] GT.cupSizes ]
, tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Instance" ] ]
] ++ if model.mainRef
@@ -370,8 +363,9 @@ view model =
, br_ 2
, Maybe.withDefault (text "No character selected") <| (\m -> span []
[ text "Selected character: "
- , b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| "c" ++ String.fromInt m ++ ": " ]
- , a [ href <| "/c" ++ String.fromInt m ] [ text model.mainName ]
+ , small [] [ text <| m ++ ": " ]
+ , a [ href <| "/" ++ m ] [ text model.mainName ]
+ , if Just m == then b [] [ br [] [], text "A character can't be an instance of itself. Please select another character or disable the above checkbox to remove the instance." ] else text ""
]) model.main
, br [] []
, A.view mainConfig model.mainSearch [placeholder "Set character..."]
@@ -379,69 +373,63 @@ view model =
image =
- div [ class "formimage" ]
- [ div [] [
- case model.image of
- Nothing -> text "No image."
- Just id -> img [ src (imageUrl id) ] []
- ]
- , div []
+ table [ class "formimage" ] [ tr []
+ [ td [] [ Img.viewImg model.image ]
+ , td []
[ h2 [] [ text "Image ID" ]
- , inputText "" (Maybe.withDefault "" model.image) ImageSet GCE.valImage
- , Maybe.withDefault (text "") <| (\i -> a [ href <| "/img/"++i ] [ text " (flagging)" ]) model.image
+ , input ([ type_ "text", class "text", tabindex 10, value (Maybe.withDefault "", onInvalid (Invalid Image), onInputValidation ImageSet ] ++ GCE.valImage) []
, br [] []
, text "Use an image that already exists on the server or empty to remove the current image."
, br_ 2
, h2 [] [ text "Upload new image" ]
, inputButton "Browse image" ImageSelect []
- , case model.imageState of
- Api.Normal -> text ""
- Api.Loading -> span [ class "spinner" ] []
- Api.Error e -> b [ class "standout" ] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ]
, br [] []
- , text "Image must be in JPEG or PNG format and at most 10 MiB. Images larger than 256x300 will automatically be resized."
- , if not (Set.member (Maybe.withDefault "" model.image) model.imageNew) then text "" else div []
- [ br [] []
- , text "Please flag this image: (see the ", a [ href "/d19" ] [ text "image flagging guidelines" ], text " for guidance)"
- , table []
- [ thead [] [ tr [] [ td [] [ text "Sexual" ], td [] [ text "Violence" ] ] ]
- , tr []
- [ td []
- [ label [] [ inputRadio "" (model.imageSex == Just 0) (ImageSex 0), text " Safe" ], br [] []
- , label [] [ inputRadio "" (model.imageSex == Just 1) (ImageSex 1), text " Suggestive" ], br [] []
- , label [] [ inputRadio "" (model.imageSex == Just 2) (ImageSex 2), text " Explicit" ]
- ]
- , td []
- [ label [] [ inputRadio "" (model.imageVio == Just 0) (ImageVio 0), text " Tame" ], br [] []
- , label [] [ inputRadio "" (model.imageVio == Just 1) (ImageVio 1), text " Violent" ], br [] []
- , label [] [ inputRadio "" (model.imageVio == Just 2) (ImageVio 2), text " Brutal" ]
- ]
+ , text "Supported file types: JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF or JXL, at most 10 MiB."
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Images larger than 256x300 are automatically resized."
+ , case Img.viewVote model.image ImageMsg (Invalid Image) of
+ Nothing -> text ""
+ Just v ->
+ div []
+ [ br [] []
+ , text "Please flag this image: (see the ", a [ href "/d19" ] [ text "image flagging guidelines" ], text " for guidance)"
+ , v
- ]
- ]
- ]
+ ] ]
traits =
old = List.filter (\(_,t) -> not <| List.indexedMap (\i t -> (i,t)) model.traits
new = List.filter (\(_,t) -> <| List.indexedMap (\i t -> (i,t)) model.traits
- spoil t = if t.tid == model.traitSelId then model.traitSelSpl else t.spoil
- trait (i,t) = (String.fromInt t.tid,
+ spoil t = case model.traitSel of
+ (x,Spoil s) -> if t.tid == x then s else t.spoil
+ _ -> t.spoil
+ lie t = case model.traitSel of
+ (x,Lie) -> if t.tid == x then True else t.lie
+ _ -> t.lie
+ trait (i,t) = (t.tid,
tr []
- [ td [ style "padding" "0 0 0 10px", style "text-decoration" (if t.applicable then "none" else "line-through") ]
- [ Maybe.withDefault (text "") <| (\g -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| g ++ " / " ])
- , a [ href <| "/i" ++ String.fromInt t.tid ] [ text ]
- , if t.applicable then text "" else b [ class "standout" ] [ text " (not applicable)" ]
+ [ td [ style "padding" "0 0 0 10px", style "text-decoration" (if t.applicable && not t.hidden then "none" else "line-through") ]
+ [ Maybe.withDefault (text "") <| (\g -> small [] [ text <| g ++ " / " ])
+ , a [ href <| "/" ++ t.tid ] [ text ]
+ , if t.hidden && not t.locked then b [] [ text " (awaiting moderation)" ]
+ else if t.hidden then b [] [ text " (deleted)" ]
+ else if not t.applicable then b [] [ text " (not applicable)" ]
+ else text ""
, td [ class "buts" ]
- [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (TraitSel t.tid 0), onMouseOut (TraitSel 0 0), onClickD (TraitSpoil i 0), classList [("s0", spoil t == 0 )], title "Not a spoiler" ] []
- , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (TraitSel t.tid 1), onMouseOut (TraitSel 0 0), onClickD (TraitSpoil i 1), classList [("s1", spoil t == 1 )], title "Minor spoiler" ] []
- , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (TraitSel t.tid 2), onMouseOut (TraitSel 0 0), onClickD (TraitSpoil i 2), classList [("s2", spoil t == 2 )], title "Major spoiler" ] []
+ [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (TraitSel t.tid (Spoil 0)), onMouseOut (TraitSel "" (Spoil 0)), onClickD (TraitSpoil i 0), classList [("s0", spoil t == 0 )], title "Not a spoiler" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (TraitSel t.tid (Spoil 1)), onMouseOut (TraitSel "" (Spoil 0)), onClickD (TraitSpoil i 1), classList [("s1", spoil t == 1 )], title "Minor spoiler" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (TraitSel t.tid (Spoil 2)), onMouseOut (TraitSel "" (Spoil 0)), onClickD (TraitSpoil i 2), classList [("s2", spoil t == 2 )], title "Major spoiler" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (TraitSel t.tid Lie), onMouseOut (TraitSel "" (Spoil 0)), onClickD (TraitLie i (not t.lie)), classList [("sl", lie t)], title "Lie" ] []
- , td []
- [ case (t.tid == model.traitSelId, lookup model.traitSelSpl spoilOpts) of
- (True, Just s) -> text s
+ , td [ style "width" "150px", style "white-space" "nowrap" ]
+ [ case (t.tid == Tuple.first model.traitSel, Tuple.second model.traitSel) of
+ (True, Spoil 0) -> text "Not a spoiler"
+ (True, Spoil 1) -> text "Minor spoiler"
+ (True, Spoil 2) -> text "Major spoiler"
+ (True, Lie) -> text "This turns out to be false"
_ -> a [ href "#", onClickD (TraitDel i)] [ text "remove" ]
@@ -463,24 +451,23 @@ view model =
case lst of
(x::xs) -> if Set.member x set then uniq xs set else x :: uniq xs (Set.insert x set)
[] -> []
- showrel r = "[" ++ (RDate.format (RDate.expand r.released)) ++ " " ++ (String.join "," r.lang) ++ "] " ++ r.title ++ " (r" ++ String.fromInt ++ ")"
vn vid lst rels =
let title = Maybe.withDefault "<unknown>" <| (\(_,v) -> v.title) <| List.head lst
- [ ( String.fromInt vid
+ [ ( vid
, tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 4, style "padding-bottom" "5px" ]
- [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| "v" ++ String.fromInt vid ++ ":" ]
- , a [ href <| "/v" ++ String.fromInt vid ] [ text title ]
+ [ small [] [ text <| vid ++ ":" ]
+ , a [ href <| "/" ++ vid ] [ text title ]
] ++ (\(idx,item) ->
- ( String.fromInt vid ++ "i" ++ String.fromInt (Maybe.withDefault 0 item.rid)
+ ( vid ++ "i" ++ Maybe.withDefault "r0" item.rid
, tr []
[ td [] [ inputSelect "" item.rid (VnRel idx) [ style "width" "400px", style "margin" "0 15px" ] <|
(Nothing, if List.length lst == 1 then "All (full) releases" else "Other releases")
- :: (\r -> (Just, showrel r)) rels
+ :: (\r -> (Just, RDate.showrel r)) rels
++ if isJust item.rid && List.isEmpty (List.filter (\r -> Just == item.rid) rels)
- then [(item.rid, "Deleted release: r" ++ String.fromInt (Maybe.withDefault 0 item.rid))] else []
+ then [(item.rid, "Deleted release: " ++ Maybe.withDefault "" item.rid)] else []
, td [] [ inputSelect "" item.role (VnRole idx) [] GT.charRoles ]
, td [] [ inputSelect "" item.spoil (VnSpoil idx) [ style "width" "130px", style "margin" "0 5px" ] spoilOpts ]
@@ -488,22 +475,22 @@ view model =
) lst
- ++ (if (\(_,r) -> Maybe.withDefault 0 r.rid) lst |> hasDuplicates |> not then [] else [
- ( String.fromInt vid ++ "dup"
- , td [] [ td [ colspan 4, style "padding" "0 15px" ] [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "List contains duplicate releases." ] ] ]
+ ++ (if (\(_,r) -> Maybe.withDefault "" r.rid) lst |> hasDuplicates |> not then [] else [
+ ( vid ++ "dup"
+ , td [] [ td [ colspan 4, style "padding" "0 15px" ] [ b [] [ text "List contains duplicate releases." ] ] ]
++ (if 1 /= List.length (List.filter (\(_,r) -> isJust r.rid) lst) then [] else [
- ( String.fromInt vid ++ "warn"
+ ( vid ++ "warn"
, tr [] [ td [ colspan 4, style "padding" "0 15px" ]
- [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Note: " ]
+ [ b [] [ text "Note: " ]
, text "Only select specific releases if the character has a significantly different role in those releases. "
, br [] []
, text "If the character's role is mostly the same in all releases (ignoring trials), then just select \"All (full) releases\"." ]
++ (if List.length lst > List.length rels then [] else [
- ( String.fromInt vid ++ "add"
+ ( vid ++ "add"
, tr [] [ td [ colspan 4 ] [ inputButton "add release" (VnRelAdd vid title) [style "margin" "0 15px"] ] ]
@@ -516,9 +503,9 @@ view model =
[ ("add", tr [] [ td [ colspan 4 ] [ br_ 1, A.view vnConfig model.vnSearch [placeholder "Add visual novel..."] ] ]) ]
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "maintabs left" ]
- [ ul []
+ form_ "mainform" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ [ nav []
+ [ menu []
[ li [ classList [("tabselected", == General)] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab General) ] [ text "General info" ] ]
, li [ classList [("tabselected", == Image )] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab Image ) ] [ text "Image" ] ]
, li [ classList [("tabselected", == Traits )] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab Traits ) ] [ text "Traits" ] ]
@@ -526,13 +513,12 @@ view model =
, li [ classList [("tabselected", == All )] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab All ) ] [ text "All items" ] ]
- , div [ class "mainbox", classList [("hidden", /= General && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "General info" ], table [ class "formtable" ] geninfo ]
- , div [ class "mainbox", classList [("hidden", /= Image && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "Image" ], image ]
- , div [ class "mainbox", classList [("hidden", /= Traits && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "Traits" ], traits ]
- , div [ class "mainbox", classList [("hidden", /= VNs && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "Visual Novels" ], vns ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ] [ fieldset [ class "submit" ]
- [ Editsum (Editsum.view model.editsum)
- , submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model)
- ]
+ , article [ classList [("hidden", /= General && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "General info" ], table [ class "formtable" ] geninfo ]
+ , article [ classList [("hidden", /= Image && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "Image" ], image ]
+ , article [ classList [("hidden", /= Traits && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "Traits" ], traits ]
+ , article [ classList [("hidden", /= VNs && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "Visual Novels" ], vns ]
+ , article [ class "submit" ]
+ [ Editsum (Editsum.view model.editsum)
+ , submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model)
diff --git a/elm/ColSelect.elm b/elm/ColSelect.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 93c9a093..00000000
--- a/elm/ColSelect.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
--- Column selection dropdown for tables. Assumes that the currently selected
--- columns are in the query string as the 'c' parameter, e.g.:
--- ?c=column_id&c=modified&...
--- Accepts a [ $current_url, [ list of columns ] ] from Perl, e.g.:
--- [ '?c=column_id', [
--- [ 'column_id', 'Column Label' ],
--- [ 'modified', 'Date modified' ],
--- ...
--- ] ]
-module ColSelect exposing (main)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
-import Set
-import Erl -- elm/url can't extract a full list of query parameters and hence can't be used to modify a parameter without removing all others.
-import Lib.DropDown as DD
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-main : Program (String, Columns) Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
- , view = view
- , update = update
- , subscriptions = \model -> DD.sub model.dd
- }
-type alias Columns = List (String, String)
-type alias Model =
- { cols : Columns
- , url : Erl.Url -- Without the "c" parameter
- , sel : Set.Set String
- , dd : DD.Config Msg
- }
-init : (String, Columns) -> Model
-init (u, c) =
- { cols = c
- , url = Erl.removeQuery "c" <| Erl.parse u
- , sel = Set.fromList <| Erl.getQueryValuesForKey "c" <| Erl.parse u
- , dd = DD.init "colselect" Open
- }
-type Msg
- = Open Bool
- | Toggle String Bool
- | Update
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Open b -> ({ model | dd = DD.toggle model.dd b }, Cmd.none)
- Toggle s b -> ({ model | sel = if b then Set.insert s model.sel else Set.remove s model.sel }, Cmd.none)
- Update -> (model, load <| Erl.toString <| List.foldl (\s u -> Erl.addQuery "c" s u) model.url <| Set.toList model.sel)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- let item (cid, cname) = li [ ] [ linkRadio (Set.member cid model.sel) (Toggle cid) [ text cname ] ]
- in
- DD.view model.dd Api.Normal
- (text "Select columns")
- (\_ -> [ ul []
- <| item model.cols
- ++ [ li [ ] [ input [ type_ "button", class "submit", value "update", onClick Update ] [] ] ]
- ])
diff --git a/elm/Discussions/Edit.elm b/elm/Discussions/Edit.elm
index f8873fa7..f4899e95 100644
--- a/elm/Discussions/Edit.elm
+++ b/elm/Discussions/Edit.elm
@@ -24,45 +24,45 @@ main = Browser.element
type alias Model =
- { state : Api.State
- , tid : Maybe Int
- , num : Maybe Int
- , can_mod : Bool
- , can_private : Bool
- , locked : Bool
- , hidden : Bool
- , private : Bool
- , nolastmod : Bool
- , delete : Bool
- , title : Maybe String
- , boards : Maybe (List GDE.SendBoards)
- , boardAdd : A.Model GApi.ApiBoardResult
- , msg : TP.Model
- , poll : Maybe GDE.SendPoll
- , pollEnabled : Bool
- , pollEdit : Bool
+ { state : Api.State
+ , tid : Maybe String
+ , can_mod : Bool
+ , can_private : Bool
+ , locked : Bool
+ , hidden : Bool
+ , private : Bool
+ , nolastmod : Bool
+ , delete : Bool
+ , title : Maybe String
+ , boards : Maybe (List GDE.SendBoards)
+ , boardAdd : A.Model GApi.ApiBoardResult
+ , boardsLocked : Bool
+ , msg : TP.Model
+ , poll : Maybe GDE.SendPoll
+ , pollEnabled : Bool
+ , pollEdit : Bool
init : GDE.Recv -> Model
init d =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , can_mod = d.can_mod
- , can_private = d.can_private
- , tid = d.tid
- , num = d.num
- , locked = d.locked
- , hidden = d.hidden
- , private = d.private
- , nolastmod = False
- , delete = False
- , title = d.title
- , boards = d.boards
- , boardAdd = A.init ""
- , msg = TP.bbcode d.msg
- , poll = d.poll
- , pollEnabled = isJust d.poll
- , pollEdit = isJust d.poll
+ { state = Api.Normal
+ , can_mod = d.can_mod
+ , can_private = d.can_private
+ , tid = d.tid
+ , locked = d.locked
+ , hidden = d.hidden
+ , private = d.private
+ , nolastmod = False
+ , delete = False
+ , title = d.title
+ , boards = d.boards
+ , boardAdd = A.init ""
+ , boardsLocked = d.boards_locked
+ , msg = TP.bbcode d.msg
+ , poll = d.poll
+ , pollEnabled = isJust d.poll
+ , pollEdit = isJust d.poll
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ searchConfig = { wrap = BoardSearch, id = "boardadd", source = A.boardSource }
encode : Model -> GDE.Send
encode m =
- { tid = m.tid
- , num = m.num
- , locked = m.locked
- , hidden = m.hidden
- , private = m.private
- , nolastmod = m.nolastmod
- , delete = m.delete
- , boards = m.boards
- , poll = if m.pollEnabled then m.poll else Nothing
- , title = m.title
- , msg =
+ { tid = m.tid
+ , locked = m.locked
+ , hidden = m.hidden
+ , private = m.private
+ , nolastmod = m.nolastmod
+ , delete = m.delete
+ , boards = m.boards
+ , boards_locked = m.boardsLocked
+ , poll = if m.pollEnabled then m.poll else Nothing
+ , title = m.title
+ , msg =
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ numPollOptions : Model -> Int
numPollOptions model = Maybe.withDefault 0 ( (\o -> List.length o.options) model.poll)
dupBoards : Model -> Bool
-dupBoards model = hasDuplicates ( (\b -> (b.btype, b.iid)) (Maybe.withDefault [] model.boards))
+dupBoards model = hasDuplicates ( (\b -> (b.btype, Maybe.withDefault "" b.iid)) (Maybe.withDefault [] model.boards))
isValid : Model -> Bool
isValid model = not (model.boards == Just [] || dupBoards model || (\p -> p.max_options < 1 || p.max_options > numPollOptions model) model.poll == Just True)
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ type Msg
| Delete Bool
| Content TP.Msg
| Title String
+ | BoardsLocked Bool
| BoardDel Int
| BoardSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiBoardResult)
| PollEnabled Bool
@@ -133,6 +134,7 @@ update msg model =
PollRem n -> ({ model | poll = (\p -> { p | options = delidx n p.options }) model.poll }, Cmd.none)
PollAdd -> ({ model | poll = (\p -> { p | options = p.options ++ [""] }) model.poll }, Cmd.none)
+ BoardsLocked b-> ({ model | boardsLocked = b }, Cmd.none)
BoardDel i -> ({ model | boards = (\b -> delidx i b) model.boards }, Cmd.none)
BoardSearch m ->
let (nm, c, res) = A.update searchConfig m model.boardAdd
@@ -148,32 +150,36 @@ update msg model =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
- thread = model.tid == Nothing || model.num == Just 1
board n bd =
li [] <|
- [ text "["
- , a [ href "#", onClickD (BoardDel n), tabindex 10 ] [ text "remove" ]
- , text "] "
+ [ if model.boardsLocked then text "" else span []
+ [ text "["
+ , a [ href "#", onClickD (BoardDel n), tabindex 10 ] [ text "remove" ]
+ , text "] "
+ ]
, text (Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup bd.btype boardTypes))
- ] ++ case (bd.btype, bd.title) of
- (_, Just title) ->
- [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " > " ]
- , a [ href <| "/" ++ bd.btype ++ String.fromInt bd.iid ] [ text title ]
+ ] ++ case (bd.btype, bd.iid, bd.title) of
+ (_, Just iid, Just title) ->
+ [ small [] [ text " > " ]
+ , a [ href <| "/" ++ iid ] [ text title ]
- ("u", _) -> [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " > " ], text <| bd.btype ++ String.fromInt bd.iid ++ " (deleted)" ]
- (_, _) -> []
+ ("u", Just iid, _) -> [ small [] [ text " > " ], text <| iid ++ " (deleted)" ]
+ _ -> []
boards () =
- [ text "You can link this thread to multiple boards. Every visual novel, producer and user in the database has its own board,"
+ [ if not model.can_mod then text ""
+ else label [] [ inputCheck "" model.boardsLocked BoardsLocked, text " Lock boards.", br [] [] ]
+ , text "You can link this thread to multiple boards. Every visual novel, producer and user in the database has its own board,"
, text " but you can also use the \"General Discussions\" and \"VNDB Discussions\" boards for threads that do not fit at a particular database entry."
, ul [ style "list-style-type" "none", style "margin" "10px" ] <| List.indexedMap board (Maybe.withDefault [] model.boards)
- , A.view searchConfig model.boardAdd [placeholder "Add boards..."]
+ , if model.boardsLocked
+ then text "Boards are locked, only a moderator can move this thread."
+ else A.view searchConfig model.boardAdd [placeholder "Add boards..."]
] ++
if model.boards == Just []
- then [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Please add at least one board." ] ]
+ then [ b [] [ text "Please add at least one board." ] ]
else if dupBoards model
- then [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "List contains duplicates." ] ]
+ then [ b [] [ text "List contains duplicates." ] ]
else []
pollOpt n p =
@@ -184,14 +190,14 @@ view model =
else text ""
- poll () =
+ poll =
[ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ]
, formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.pollEnabled PollEnabled, text " Add poll" ] ]
] ++
case (model.pollEnabled, model.poll) of
(True, Just p) ->
[ if model.pollEdit
- then formField "" [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Votes will be reset if any changes are made to these options!" ] ]
+ then formField "" [ b [] [ text "Votes will be reset if any changes are made to these options!" ] ]
else text ""
, formField "pollq::Poll question" [ inputText "pollq" p.question PollQ (style "width" "400px" :: GDE.valPollQuestion) ]
, formField "Options"
@@ -209,47 +215,37 @@ view model =
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text <| if model.tid == Nothing then "Create new thread" else "Edit post" ]
+ form_ "" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ [ article []
+ [ h1 [] [ text <| if model.tid == Nothing then "Create new thread" else "Edit thread" ]
, table [ class "formtable" ] <|
- [ if thread
- then formField "title::Thread title" [ inputText "title" (Maybe.withDefault "" model.title) Title (style "width" "400px" :: required True :: GDE.valTitle) ]
- else formField "Topic" [ a [ href <| "/t" ++ String.fromInt (Maybe.withDefault 0 model.tid) ] [ text (Maybe.withDefault "" model.title) ] ]
- , if thread && model.can_mod
+ [ formField "title::Thread title" [ inputText "title" (Maybe.withDefault "" model.title) Title (style "width" "400px" :: required True :: GDE.valTitle) ]
+ , if model.can_mod
then formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.locked Locked, text " Locked" ] ]
else text ""
, if model.can_mod
then formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.hidden Hidden, text " Hidden" ] ]
else text ""
- , if thread && model.can_private
+ , if model.can_private
then formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.private Private, text " Private" ] ]
else text ""
, if model.tid /= Nothing && model.can_mod
then formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.nolastmod Nolastmod, text " Don't update last modification timestamp" ] ]
else text ""
- , if thread
- then formField "boardadd::Boards" (boards ())
- else text ""
+ , formField "boardadd::Boards" (boards ())
, tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ]
, formField "msg::Message"
[ TP.view "msg" model.msg Content 700 ([rows 12, cols 50] ++ GDE.valMsg)
- [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text " (English please!) " ]
- , a [ href "/d9#3" ] [ text "Formatting" ]
+ [ b [] [ text " (English please!) " ]
+ , a [ href "/d9#4" ] [ text "Formatting" ]
- ++ (if thread then poll () else [])
- ++ (if not model.can_mod then [] else
+ ++ poll
+ ++ (if not model.can_mod || model.tid == Nothing then [] else
[ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "DANGER ZONE" ] ]
- , formField ""
- [ inputCheck "" model.delete Delete
- , text <| " Permanently delete this " ++ if thread then "thread and all replies." else "post."
- , text <| if thread then "" else " This causes all replies after this one to be renumbered."
- , text <| " This action can not be reverted, only do this with obvious spam!"
- ]
+ , formField "" [ inputCheck "" model.delete Delete, text " Permanently delete this thread and all replies. This action can not be reverted, only do this with obvious spam!" ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model) ] ]
+ , article [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model) ]
diff --git a/elm/Discussions/Poll.elm b/elm/Discussions/Poll.elm
index 04761530..6764bfbd 100644
--- a/elm/Discussions/Poll.elm
+++ b/elm/Discussions/Poll.elm
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ view model =
else text ""
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
+ form_ "" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ [ article []
[ h1 [] [ text ]
, table [ class "votebooth" ]
[ if && > 1
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ view model =
[ td [ class "tc1" ]
[ if
then submitButton "Vote" model.state True
- else b [ class "standout" ] [ text "You must be logged in to be able to vote." ]
+ else b [] [ text "You must be logged in to be able to vote." ]
, if toomany model
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Too many options selected." ]
+ then b [] [ text "Too many options selected." ]
else text ""
, td [ class "tc2" ]
diff --git a/elm/Discussions/PostEdit.elm b/elm/Discussions/PostEdit.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00b833ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/Discussions/PostEdit.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+module Discussions.PostEdit exposing (main)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.TextPreview as TP
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.DiscussionsPostEdit as GPE
+main : Program GPE.Recv Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ , subscriptions = always Sub.none
+ }
+type alias Model =
+ { state : Api.State
+ , id : String
+ , num : Int
+ , can_mod : Bool
+ , hidden : Maybe String
+ , nolastmod : Bool
+ , delete : Bool
+ , msg : TP.Model
+ }
+init : GPE.Recv -> Model
+init d =
+ { state = Api.Normal
+ , id =
+ , num = d.num
+ , can_mod = d.can_mod
+ , hidden = d.hidden
+ , nolastmod = False
+ , delete = False
+ , msg = TP.bbcode d.msg
+ }
+encode : Model -> GPE.Send
+encode m =
+ { id =
+ , num = m.num
+ , hidden = m.hidden
+ , nolastmod = m.nolastmod
+ , delete = m.delete
+ , msg =
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Hidden (Maybe String)
+ | Nolastmod Bool
+ | Delete Bool
+ | Content TP.Msg
+ | Submit
+ | Submitted GApi.Response
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Hidden s -> ({ model | hidden = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Nolastmod b -> ({ model | nolastmod = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Delete b -> ({ model | delete = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Content m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.msg in ({ model | msg = nm }, Content nc)
+ Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GPE.send (encode model) Submitted)
+ Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> (model, load s)
+ Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model =
+ form_ "" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ [ article []
+ [ h1 [] [ text "Edit post" ]
+ , table [ class "formtable" ] <|
+ [ formField "Post" [ a [ href <| "/" ++ ++ "." ++ String.fromInt model.num ] [ text <| "#" ++ String.fromInt model.num ++ " on " ++ ] ]
+ , if model.can_mod
+ then formField ""
+ [ label [] [ inputCheck "" (model.hidden /= Nothing) (\b -> Hidden (if b then Just "" else Nothing)), text " Hidden" ]
+ , Maybe.withDefault (text "") <| (\msg ->
+ span [] [ br [] [], inputText "" msg (Just >> Hidden) [placeholder "(Optional) reason for deletion", style "width" "500px"] ]
+ ) model.hidden
+ ]
+ else text ""
+ , if model.can_mod
+ then formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.nolastmod Nolastmod, text " Don't update last modification timestamp" ] ]
+ else text ""
+ , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ]
+ , formField "msg::Message"
+ [ TP.view "msg" model.msg Content 700 ([rows 12, cols 50] ++ GPE.valMsg)
+ [ b [] [ text " (English please!) " ]
+ , a [ href "/d9#4" ] [ text "Formatting" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ++ (if not model.can_mod then [] else
+ [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "DANGER ZONE" ] ]
+ , formField "" [ inputCheck "" model.delete Delete, text " Permanently delete this post. This action can not be reverted, only do this with obvious spam!" ]
+ ])
+ ]
+ , article [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state True ]
+ ]
diff --git a/elm/Discussions/Reply.elm b/elm/Discussions/Reply.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index a8d25434..00000000
--- a/elm/Discussions/Reply.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-module Discussions.Reply exposing (main)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load,reload)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.TextPreview as TP
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.DiscussionsReply as GDR
-main : Program GDR.Recv Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
- , view = view
- , update = update
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- }
-type alias Model =
- { state : Api.State
- , tid : Int
- , old : Bool
- , msg : TP.Model
- }
-init : GDR.Recv -> Model
-init e =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , tid = e.tid
- , old = e.old
- , msg = TP.bbcode ""
- }
-type Msg
- = NotOldAnymore
- | Content TP.Msg
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- NotOldAnymore -> ({ model | old = False }, Cmd.none)
- Content m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.msg in ({ model | msg = nm }, Content nc)
- Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GDR.send { msg =, tid = model.tid } Submitted)
- -- Reload is necessary because s may be the same as the current URL (with a location.hash)
- Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> (model, Cmd.batch [ load s, reload ])
- Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ] <| [
- if model.old
- then
- p [ class "center" ]
- [ text "This thread has not seen any activity for more than 6 months, but you may still "
- , a [ href "#", onClickD NotOldAnymore ] [ text "reply" ]
- , text " if you have something relevant to add."
- , text " If your message is not directly relevant to this thread, perhaps it's better to "
- , a [ href "/t/ge/new" ] [ text "create a new thread" ]
- , text " instead."
- ]
- else
- fieldset [ class "submit" ]
- [ TP.view "msg" model.msg Content 600 ([rows 4, cols 50] ++ GDR.valMsg)
- [ b [] [ text "Quick reply" ]
- , b [ class "standout" ] [ text " (English please!) " ]
- , a [ href "/d9#3" ] [ text "Formatting" ]
- ]
- , submitButton "Submit" model.state True
- ]
- ] ]
diff --git a/elm/DocEdit.elm b/elm/DocEdit.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fbea631..00000000
--- a/elm/DocEdit.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-module DocEdit exposing (main)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.TextPreview as TP
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
-import Lib.Editsum as Editsum
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.DocEdit as GD
-main : Program GD.Recv Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
- , view = view
- , update = update
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- }
-type alias Model =
- { state : Api.State
- , editsum : Editsum.Model
- , title : String
- , content : TP.Model
- , id : Int
- }
-init : GD.Recv -> Model
-init d =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , editsum = { authmod = True, editsum = TP.bbcode d.editsum, locked = d.locked, hidden = d.hidden }
- , title = d.title
- , content = TP.markdown d.content
- , id =
- }
-encode : Model -> GD.Send
-encode model =
- { id =
- , editsum =
- , hidden = model.editsum.hidden
- , locked = model.editsum.locked
- , title = model.title
- , content =
- }
-type Msg
- = Editsum Editsum.Msg
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
- | Title String
- | Content TP.Msg
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Editsum m -> let (nm,nc) = Editsum.update m model.editsum in ({ model | editsum = nm }, Editsum nc)
- Title s -> ({ model | title = s }, Cmd.none)
- Content m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.content in ({ model | content = nm }, Content nc)
- Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GD.send (encode model) Submitted)
- Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> (model, load s)
- Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text <| "Edit d" ++ String.fromInt ]
- , table [ class "formtable" ]
- [ formField "title::Title" [ inputText "title" model.title Title (style "width" "300px" :: GD.valTitle) ]
- , formField "none"
- [ br_ 1
- , b [] [ text "Contents" ]
- , TP.view "content" model.content Content 850 ([rows 50, cols 90] ++ GD.valContent)
- [ text "HTML and MultiMarkdown supported, which is "
- , a [ href "", target "_blank" ] [ text "Markdown" ]
- , text " with some "
- , a [ href "", target "_blank" ][ text "extensions" ]
- , text "."
- ]
- ]
- ]
- ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ]
- [ Editsum (Editsum.view model.editsum)
- , submitButton "Submit" model.state True
- ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm/ImageFlagging.elm b/elm/ImageFlagging.elm
index 0e99f1b5..a53cf248 100644
--- a/elm/ImageFlagging.elm
+++ b/elm/ImageFlagging.elm
@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ type alias Model =
, changes : Dict.Dict String GIV.SendVotes
, saved : Bool
, saveTimer : Bool
- , loadState : Api.State
, saveState : Api.State
+ , loadState : Api.State
+ , loadDone : Bool -- If we have received the last batch of images
, pWidth : Int
, pHeight : Int
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ init d =
, saveTimer = False
, saveState = Api.Normal
, loadState = Api.Normal
+ , loadDone = False
, pWidth = d.pWidth
, pHeight = d.pHeight
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
let -- Load more images if we're about to run out
load (m,c) =
- if not m.single && m.loadState /= Api.Loading && Array.length m.images - m.index <= 3
+ if not m.loadDone && not m.single && m.loadState /= Api.Loading && Array.length m.images - m.index <= 3
then ({ m | loadState = Api.Loading }, Cmd.batch [ c, GI.send { excl_voted = m.exclVoted } Load ])
else (m,c)
-- Start a timer to save changes
@@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ update msg model =
-- Preload next image
pre (m, c) =
case Array.get (m.index+1) m.images of
- Just i -> (m, Cmd.batch [ c, preload (imageUrl ])
+ Just i -> (m, Cmd.batch [ c, preload (imageUrl "" ])
Nothing -> (m, c)
case msg of
@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ update msg model =
Desc s v -> ({ model | desc = (s,v) }, Cmd.none)
Load (GApi.ImageResult l) ->
- let nm = { model | loadState = Api.Normal, images = Array.append model.images (Array.fromList l) }
+ let nm = { model | loadState = Api.Normal, loadDone = List.length l < 30, images = Array.append model.images (Array.fromList l) }
nc = if nm.index < 1000 then nm
else { nm | index = nm.index - 100, images = Array.slice 100 (Array.length nm.images) nm.images }
in pre (nc, Cmd.none)
@@ -221,8 +223,8 @@ view model =
[ p [ class "center" ]
[ text num
- , b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " / " ], text <| "sexual: " ++ stat i.sexual_avg i.sexual_stddev
- , b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " / " ], text <| "violence: " ++ stat i.violence_avg i.violence_stddev
+ , small [] [ text " / " ], text <| "sexual: " ++ stat i.sexual_avg i.sexual_stddev
+ , small [] [ text " / " ], text <| "violence: " ++ stat i.violence_avg i.violence_stddev
, table [] <| (\v ->
@@ -230,7 +232,7 @@ view model =
[ td [ Ffi.innerHtml v.user ] []
, td [] [ text <| if v.sexual == 0 then "Safe" else if v.sexual == 1 then "Suggestive" else "Explicit" ]
, td [] [ text <| if v.violence == 0 then "Tame" else if v.violence == 1 then "Violent" else "Brutal" ]
- , td [] <| Maybe.withDefault [] <| (\u -> [ a [ href <| "/img/list?view=" ++ model.nsfwToken ++ "&u=" ++ String.fromInt u ] [ text "votes" ] ]) v.uid
+ , td [] <| Maybe.withDefault [] <| (\u -> [ a [ href <| "/img/list?view=" ++ model.nsfwToken ++ "&u=" ++ u ] [ text "votes" ] ]) v.uid
) i.votes
@@ -239,79 +241,79 @@ view model =
[ div []
[ inputButton "««" Prev [ classList [("invisible", model.index == 0)] ]
, span [] <|
- case i.entry of
+ case List.head i.entries of
Nothing -> []
Just e ->
- [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text ( ++ ":") ]
+ [ small [] [ text ( ++ ":") ]
, a [ href ("/" ++ ] [ text e.title ]
, inputButton "»»" Next [ classList [("invisible", model.single)] ]
- , div [ style "width" (px boxwidth), style "height" (px boxheight) ] <|
+ , div [ style "width" (px (boxwidth + 10)), style "height" (px boxheight) ] <|
-- Don't use an <img> here, changing the src= causes the old image to be displayed with the wrong dimensions while the new image is being loaded.
- [ a [ href (imageUrl, style "background-image" ("url("++imageUrl")")
+ [ a [ href (imageUrl "", style "background-image" ("url("++imageUrl """)")
, style "background-size" (if i.width > boxwidth || i.height > boxheight then "contain" else "auto")
] [ text "" ] ]
, div []
[ span [] <|
case model.saveState of
- Api.Error e -> [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text <| "Save failed: " ++ Api.showResponse e ] ]
+ Api.Error e -> [ b [] [ text <| "Save failed: " ++ Api.showResponse e ] ]
_ ->
[ span [ class "spinner", classList [("invisible", model.saveState == Api.Normal)] ] []
- , b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <|
+ , small [] [ text <|
if not (Dict.isEmpty model.changes)
then "Unsaved votes: " ++ String.fromInt (Dict.size model.changes)
else if model.saved then "Saved!" else "" ]
, span []
[ a [ href <| "/img/" ++ ] [ text ]
- , b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " / " ]
- , a [ href (imageUrl ] [ text <| String.fromInt i.width ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt i.height ]
+ , small [] [ text " / " ]
+ , a [ href (imageUrl "" ] [ text <| String.fromInt i.width ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt i.height ]
, div [] <| if i.token == Nothing then [] else
[ p [] <|
case Tuple.first model.desc of
- Just 0 -> [ b [] [ text "Safe" ], br [] []
+ Just 0 -> [ strong [] [ text "Safe" ], br [] []
, text "- No nudity", br [] []
, text "- No (implied) sexual actions", br [] []
, text "- No suggestive clothing or visible underwear", br [] []
, text "- No sex toys" ]
- Just 1 -> [ b [] [ text "Suggestive" ], br [] []
+ Just 1 -> [ strong [] [ text "Suggestive" ], br [] []
, text "- Visible underwear or skimpy clothing", br [] []
, text "- Erotic posing", br [] []
, text "- Sex toys (but not visibly being used)", br [] []
, text "- No visible genitals or female nipples" ]
- Just 2 -> [ b [] [ text "Explicit" ], br [] []
+ Just 2 -> [ strong [] [ text "Explicit" ], br [] []
, text "- Visible genitals or female nipples", br [] []
, text "- Penetrative sex (regardless of clothing)", br [] []
, text "- Visible use of sex toys" ]
_ -> []
, ul []
- [ li [] [ b [] [ text "Sexual" ] ]
+ [ li [] [ strong [] [ text "Sexual" ] ]
, but i (Just 0) i.my_violence "vio0" " Safe"
, but i (Just 1) i.my_violence "vio1" " Suggestive"
, but i (Just 2) i.my_violence "vio2" " Explicit"
, if model.mod then li [ class "overrule" ] [ label [ title "Overrule" ] [ inputCheck "" i.my_overrule (\b -> Vote i.my_sexual i.my_violence b True), text " Overrule" ] ] else text ""
, ul []
- [ li [] [ b [] [ text "Violence" ] ]
+ [ li [] [ strong [] [ text "Violence" ] ]
, but i i.my_sexual (Just 0) "sex0" " Tame"
, but i i.my_sexual (Just 1) "sex1" " Violent"
, but i i.my_sexual (Just 2) "sex2" " Brutal"
, p [] <|
case Tuple.second model.desc of
- Just 0 -> [ b [] [ text "Tame" ], br [] []
+ Just 0 -> [ strong [] [ text "Tame" ], br [] []
, text "- No visible violence", br [] []
, text "- Tame slapstick comedy", br [] []
, text "- Weapons, but not used to harm anyone", br [] []
, text "- Only very minor visible blood or bruises", br [] [] ]
- Just 1 -> [ b [] [ text "Violent" ], br [] []
+ Just 1 -> [ strong [] [ text "Violent" ], br [] []
, text "- Visible blood", br [] []
, text "- Non-comedic fight scenes", br [] []
, text "- Physically harmful activities" ]
- Just 2 -> [ b [] [ text "Brutal" ], br [] []
+ Just 2 -> [ strong [] [ text "Brutal" ], br [] []
, text "- Excessive amounts of blood", br [] []
, text "- Cut off limbs", br [] []
, text "- Sliced-open bodies", br [] []
@@ -325,17 +327,17 @@ view model =
, votestats i
, if model.fullscreen -- really lazy fullscreen mode
- then div [ class "fullscreen", style "background-image" ("url("++imageUrl")"), onClick (Fullscreen False) ] [ text "" ]
+ then div [ class "fullscreen", style "background-image" ("url("++imageUrl """)"), onClick (Fullscreen False) ] [ text "" ]
else text ""
- in div [ class "mainbox" ]
+ in article []
[ h1 [] [ text "Image flagging" ]
, div [ class "imageflag", style "width" (px (boxwidth + 10)) ] <|
if model.warn
then [ ul []
[ li [] [ text "Make sure you are familiar with the ", a [ href "/d19" ] [ text "image flagging guidelines" ], text "." ]
- , li [] [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "WARNING: " ], text "Images shown may include spoilers, be highly offensive and/or contain very explicit depictions of sexual acts." ]
+ , li [] [ b [] [ text "WARNING: " ], text "Images shown may include spoilers, be highly offensive and/or contain very explicit depictions of sexual acts." ]
, br [] []
, if model.single
@@ -346,6 +348,6 @@ view model =
else case (Array.get model.index model.images, model.loadState) of
(Just i, _) -> imgView i
(_, Api.Loading) -> [ span [ class "spinner" ] [] ]
- (_, Api.Error e) -> [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ] ]
+ (_, Api.Error e) -> [ b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ] ]
(_, Api.Normal) -> [ text "No more images to vote on!" ]
diff --git a/elm/ImageFlagging.js b/elm/ImageFlagging.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d460bd10..00000000
--- a/elm/ImageFlagging.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-wrap_elm_init('ImageFlagging', function(init, opt) {
- opt.flags.pWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
- opt.flags.pHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
- var app = init(opt);
- var preload = {};
- var curid = '';
- app.ports.preload.subscribe(function(url) {
- if(Object.keys(preload).length > 100)
- preload = {};
- if(!preload[url]) {
- preload[url] = new Image();
- preload[url].src = url;
- }
- });
diff --git a/elm/Lib/Api.elm b/elm/Lib/Api.elm
index 4af28ea6..5b1bf583 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/Api.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/Api.elm
@@ -23,37 +23,37 @@ showResponse res =
in case res of
HTTPError (Http.Timeout) -> "Network timeout, please try again later."
HTTPError (Http.NetworkError) -> "Network error, please try again later."
+ HTTPError (Http.BadStatus 403) -> "Permission denied. Your session may have expired, try reloading the page."
+ HTTPError (Http.BadStatus 413) -> "File upload too large."
+ HTTPError (Http.BadStatus 429) -> "Action throttled, please try again later."
HTTPError (Http.BadStatus r) -> "Server error " ++ String.fromInt r ++ ", please try again later or report an issue if this persists."
HTTPError (Http.BadBody r) -> "Invalid response from the server, please report a bug (debug info: " ++ r ++")."
HTTPError (Http.BadUrl _) -> unexp
Success -> unexp
Redirect _ -> unexp
- CSRF -> "Invalid CSRF token, please refresh the page and try again."
Invalid -> "Invalid form data, please report a bug."
Editsum -> "Invalid edit summary."
Unauth -> "You do not have the permission to perform this action."
Unchanged -> "No changes"
Content _ -> unexp
- BadLogin -> "Invalid username or password."
- LoginThrottle -> "Action throttled, too many failed login attempts."
- InsecurePass -> "Your chosen password is in a database of leaked passwords, please choose another one."
- BadEmail -> "Unknown email address."
- Bot -> "Invalid answer to the anti-bot question."
- Taken -> "Username already taken, please choose a different name."
- DoubleEmail -> "Email address already used for another account."
- DoubleIP -> "You can only register one account from the same IP within 24 hours."
- BadCurPass -> "Current password is invalid."
- MailChange -> unexp
- ImgFormat -> "Unrecognized image format, only JPEG and PNG are accepted."
- Image _ _ _ -> unexp
+ ImgFormat -> "Unrecognized image format, only JPEG, PNG and WebP are accepted."
+ LabelId _ -> unexp
+ DupNames _ -> "Name or alias already in the database."
Releases _ -> unexp
+ Resolutions _ -> unexp
+ Engines _ -> unexp
+ DRM _ -> unexp
BoardResult _ -> unexp
TagResult _ -> unexp
TraitResult _ -> unexp
VNResult _ -> unexp
ProducerResult _ -> unexp
+ StaffResult _ -> unexp
CharResult _ -> unexp
+ AnimeResult _ -> unexp
ImageResult _ -> unexp
+ UListWidget _ -> unexp
+ AdvSearchQuery _ -> unexp
expectResponse : (Response -> msg) -> Http.Expect msg
diff --git a/elm/Lib/Autocomplete.elm b/elm/Lib/Autocomplete.elm
index 738f6008..4c465d7c 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/Autocomplete.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/Autocomplete.elm
@@ -9,9 +9,15 @@ module Lib.Autocomplete exposing
, traitSource
, vnSource
, producerSource
+ , staffSource
, charSource
+ , animeSource
+ , resolutionSource
+ , engineSource
+ , drmSource
, init
, clear
+ , refocus
, update
, view
@@ -35,7 +41,12 @@ import Gen.Tags as GT
import Gen.Traits as GTR
import Gen.VN as GV
import Gen.Producers as GP
+import Gen.Staff as GS
import Gen.Chars as GC
+import Gen.Anime as GA
+import Gen.Resolutions as GR
+import Gen.Engines as GE
+import Gen.DRM as GDRM
type alias Config m a =
@@ -51,6 +62,8 @@ type alias Config m a =
type SearchSource m a
-- API endpoint to query for completion results + Function to decode results from the API
= Endpoint (String -> (GApi.Response -> m) -> Cmd m) (GApi.Response -> Maybe (List a))
+ -- API endpoint that returns the full list of possible results + Function to decode results from the API + Function to match results against a query
+ | LazyList ((GApi.Response -> m) -> Cmd m) (GApi.Response -> Maybe (List a)) (String -> List a -> List a)
-- Pure function for instant completion results
| Func (String -> List a)
@@ -76,20 +89,20 @@ boardSource =
, view = (\i ->
[ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup i.btype boardTypes)
] ++ case i.title of
- Just title -> [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " > " ], text title ]
+ Just title -> [ small [] [ text " > " ], text title ]
_ -> []
- , key = \i -> i.btype ++ String.fromInt i.iid
+ , key = \i -> Maybe.withDefault i.btype i.iid
-tagtraitStatus i =
- case (i.searchable, i.applicable, i.state) of
- (_, _, 0) -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " (awaiting approval)" ]
- (_, _, 1) -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " (deleted)" ] -- (not returned by the API for now)
- (False, False, _) -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " (meta)" ]
- (True, False, _) -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " (not applicable)" ]
- (False, True, _) -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " (not searchable)" ]
+ttStatus i =
+ case ((i.hidden, i.locked), i.searchable, i.applicable) of
+ ((True, False), _, _ ) -> small [] [ text " (awaiting approval)" ]
+ ((True, True ), _, _ ) -> small [] [ text " (deleted)" ] -- (not returned by the API for now)
+ (_, False, False) -> small [] [ text " (meta)" ]
+ (_, True, False) -> small [] [ text " (not applicable)" ]
+ (_, False, True ) -> small [] [ text " (not searchable)" ]
_ -> text ""
@@ -99,8 +112,8 @@ tagSource =
<| \x -> case x of
GApi.TagResult e -> Just e
_ -> Nothing
- , view = \i -> [ text, tagtraitStatus i ]
- , key = \i -> String.fromInt
+ , view = \i -> [ text, ttStatus i ]
+ , key = \i ->
@@ -113,37 +126,53 @@ traitSource =
, view = \i ->
[ case i.group_name of
Nothing -> text ""
- Just g -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| g ++ " / " ]
+ Just g -> small [] [ text <| g ++ " / " ]
, text
- , tagtraitStatus i
+ , ttStatus i
- , key = \i -> String.fromInt
+ , key = \i ->
vnSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiVNResult
vnSource =
- { source = Endpoint (\s -> GV.send { search = s })
+ { source = Endpoint (\s -> GV.send { search = [s], hidden = False })
<| \x -> case x of
GApi.VNResult e -> Just e
_ -> Nothing
, view = \i ->
- [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| "v" ++ String.fromInt ++ ": " ]
+ [ small [] [ text <| ++ ": " ]
, text i.title ]
- , key = \i -> String.fromInt
+ , key = \i ->
producerSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiProducerResult
producerSource =
- { source = Endpoint (\s -> GP.send { search = s })
+ { source = Endpoint (\s -> GP.send { search = [s] })
<| \x -> case x of
GApi.ProducerResult e -> Just e
_ -> Nothing
, view = \i ->
- [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| "p" ++ String.fromInt ++ ": " ]
+ [ small [] [ text <| ++ ": " ]
, text ]
- , key = \i -> String.fromInt
+ , key = \i ->
+ }
+staffSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiStaffResult
+staffSource =
+ { source = Endpoint (\s -> GS.send { search = [s] })
+ <| \x -> case x of
+ GApi.StaffResult e -> Just e
+ _ -> Nothing
+ , view = \i ->
+ [ langIcon i.lang
+ , small [] [ text <| ++ ": " ]
+ , text i.title
+ , if i.alttitle == i.title then text "" else small [] [ text " ", text i.alttitle ]
+ ]
+ , key = \i -> String.fromInt i.aid
@@ -154,20 +183,73 @@ charSource =
GApi.CharResult e -> Just e
_ -> Nothing
, view = \i ->
- [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| "c" ++ String.fromInt ++ ": " ]
- , text
+ [ small [] [ text <| ++ ": " ]
+ , text i.title
, Maybe.withDefault (text "") <| (\m ->
- b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| " (instance of c" ++ String.fromInt ++ ": " ++ ]
+ small [] [ text <| " (instance of " ++ ++ ": " ++ m.title ]
) i.main
+ , key = \i ->
+ }
+animeSource : Bool -> SourceConfig m GApi.ApiAnimeResult
+animeSource ref =
+ { source = Endpoint (\s -> GA.send { search = s, ref = ref })
+ <| \x -> case x of
+ GApi.AnimeResult e -> Just e
+ _ -> Nothing
+ , view = \i ->
+ [ small [] [ text <| "a" ++ String.fromInt ++ ": " ]
+ , text i.title ]
, key = \i -> String.fromInt
+resolutionSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiResolutions
+resolutionSource =
+ { source = LazyList
+ (GR.send {})
+ (\x -> case x of
+ GApi.Resolutions e -> Just e
+ _ -> Nothing)
+ (\s l -> List.filter (\v -> String.contains (String.toLower s) (String.toLower v.resolution)) l |> List.take 10)
+ , view = \i -> [ text i.resolution, small [] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt i.count ++ ")" ] ]
+ , key = \i -> i.resolution
+ }
+engineSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiEngines
+engineSource =
+ { source = LazyList
+ (GE.send {})
+ (\x -> case x of
+ GApi.Engines e -> Just e
+ _ -> Nothing)
+ (\s l -> List.filter (\v -> String.contains (String.toLower s) (String.toLower v.engine)) l |> List.take 10)
+ , view = \i -> [ text i.engine, small [] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt i.count ++ ")" ] ]
+ , key = \i -> i.engine
+ }
+drmSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiDRM
+drmSource =
+ { source = LazyList
+ (GDRM.send {})
+ (\x -> case x of
+ GApi.DRM e -> Just e
+ _ -> Nothing)
+ (\s l -> List.filter (\v -> String.contains (String.toLower s) (String.toLower l |> List.take 10)
+ , view = \i -> [ text, small [] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt i.count ++ ")" ] ]
+ , key = \i ->
+ }
type alias Model a =
{ visible : Bool
, value : String
, results : List a
+ , all : Maybe (List a) -- Used by LazyList
, sel : String
, default : String
, loading : Bool
@@ -180,6 +262,7 @@ init s =
{ visible = False
, value = s
, results = []
+ , all = Nothing
, sel = ""
, default = s
, loading = False
@@ -222,26 +305,26 @@ select cfg offset model =
{ model | sel = Maybe.withDefault "" <| cfg.source.key <| get nextsel }
+-- Blur and focus the input on enter.
+refocus : Config m a -> Cmd m
+refocus cfg = Dom.blur
+ |> Task.andThen (always (Dom.focus
+ |> Task.attempt (always (cfg.wrap Noop))
update : Config m a -> Msg a -> Model a -> (Model a, Cmd m, Maybe a)
update cfg msg model =
mod m = (m, Cmd.none, Nothing)
- -- Ugly hack: blur and focus the input on enter. This does two things:
- -- 1. If the user clicked on an entry (resulting in the 'Enter' message),
- -- then this will cause the input to be focussed again. This is
- -- convenient when adding multiple entries.
- refocus = Dom.blur
- |> Task.andThen (always (Dom.focus
- |> Task.attempt (always (cfg.wrap Noop))
case msg of
Noop -> mod model
Blur -> mod { model | visible = False }
Focus -> mod { model | loading = False, visible = True }
Sel s -> mod { model | sel = s }
- Enter r -> (model, refocus, Just r)
+ Enter r -> (model, refocus cfg, Just r)
- Key "Enter" -> (model, refocus,
+ Key "Enter" -> (model, refocus cfg,
case List.filter (\i -> cfg.source.key i == model.sel) model.results |> List.head of
Just x -> Just x
Nothing -> List.head model.results)
@@ -250,26 +333,34 @@ update cfg msg model =
Key _ -> mod model
Input s ->
+ let m = { model | value = s, default = "" }
+ in
if String.trim s == ""
- then mod { model | value = s, default = "", loading = False, results = [] }
- else case cfg.source.source of
+ then mod { m | loading = False, results = [] }
+ else case (cfg.source.source) of
Endpoint _ _ ->
- ( { model | value = s, default = "", loading = True, wait = model.wait + 1 }
+ ( { m | loading = True, wait = model.wait + 1 }
, Task.perform (always <| cfg.wrap <| Search <| model.wait + 1) (Process.sleep 500)
, Nothing )
- Func f -> mod { model | value = s, default = "", results = f s }
+ LazyList e _ f ->
+ case (model.loading, model.all) of
+ (_, Just l) -> mod { m | results = f s l }
+ (True, _) -> mod m
+ (False, _) -> ({ m | loading = True }, e (cfg.wrap << Results ""), Nothing)
+ Func f -> mod { m | results = f s }
Search i ->
if model.value == "" || model.wait /= i
then mod model
else case cfg.source.source of
Endpoint e _ -> (model, e model.value (cfg.wrap << Results model.value), Nothing)
+ LazyList _ _ _ -> mod model
Func _ -> mod model
Results s r -> mod <|
- if s /= model.value then model -- Discard stale results
- else case cfg.source.source of
- Endpoint _ d -> { model | loading = False, results = d r |> Maybe.withDefault [] }
+ case cfg.source.source of
+ Endpoint _ d -> if s /= model.value then model else { model | loading = False, results = d r |> Maybe.withDefault [] }
+ LazyList _ d f -> let all = d r in { model | loading = False, all = all, results = (\l -> f model.value l) all |> Maybe.withDefault [] }
Func _ -> model
@@ -310,7 +401,7 @@ view cfg model attrs =
in div [ class "elm_dd", class "search", style "width" "300px" ]
- [ div [ classList [("hidden", not visible)] ] [ Keyed.node "ul" [] <| msg ++ item model.results ]
- , input
+ [ div [ classList [("hidden", not visible)] ] [ div [] [ Keyed.node "ul" [] <| msg ++ item model.results ] ]
+ , Html.form [] [ input ]
, span [ class "spinner", classList [("hidden", not model.loading)] ] []
diff --git a/elm/Lib/DropDown.elm b/elm/Lib/DropDown.elm
index 286a61cb..050dcfac 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/DropDown.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/DropDown.elm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module Lib.DropDown exposing (Config, init, sub, toggle, view)
+module Lib.DropDown exposing (Config, init, sub, toggle, view, onClickOutside)
import Browser.Events as E
import Json.Decode as JD
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ view conf status lbl cont =
] ++ if conf.hover then [ onMouseEnter (conf.toggle True) ] else []
) <|
case status of
- Api.Normal -> [ lbl, span [] [ i [] [ text "▾" ] ] ]
+ Api.Normal -> [ lbl, span [] [ span [ class "arrow" ] [ text "▾" ] ] ]
Api.Loading -> [ lbl, span [] [ span [ class "spinner" ] [] ] ]
- Api.Error e -> [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "error" ], span [] [ i [] [ text "▾" ] ] ]
+ Api.Error e -> [ b [] [ text "error" ], span [] [ span [ class "arrow" ] [ text "▾" ] ] ]
, div [ classList [("hidden", not conf.opened)] ]
- <| if conf.opened then cont () else [ text "" ]
+ [ if conf.opened then div [] (cont ()) else text "" ]
diff --git a/elm/Lib/Editsum.elm b/elm/Lib/Editsum.elm
index 656441e8..7320d66a 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/Editsum.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/Editsum.elm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- This module provides an the 'Edit summary' box, including the 'hidden' and
--- 'locked' moderation checkboxes.
+-- This module provides an the 'Edit summary' box, including the entry state
+-- option for moderators.
module Lib.Editsum exposing (Model, Msg, new, update, view)
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Lib.TextPreview as TP
type alias Model =
{ authmod : Bool
+ , hasawait : Bool
, locked : Bool
, hidden : Bool
, editsum : TP.Model
@@ -18,25 +19,24 @@ type alias Model =
type Msg
- = Locked Bool
- | Hidden Bool
+ = State Bool Bool Bool
| Editsum TP.Msg
new : Model
new =
- { authmod = False
- , locked = False
- , hidden = False
- , editsum = TP.bbcode ""
+ { authmod = False
+ , hasawait = False
+ , locked = False
+ , hidden = False
+ , editsum = TP.bbcode ""
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
- Locked b -> ({ model | locked = b }, Cmd.none)
- Hidden b -> ({ model | hidden = b }, Cmd.none)
+ State hid lock _ -> ({ model | hidden = hid, locked = lock }, Cmd.none)
Editsum m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.editsum in ({ model | editsum = nm }, Editsum nc)
@@ -44,14 +44,13 @@ view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
lockhid =
- [ label []
- [ inputCheck "" model.hidden Hidden
- , text " Deleted" ]
- , label []
- [ inputCheck "" model.locked Locked
- , text " Locked" ]
+ [ label [] [ inputRadio "entry_state" (not model.hidden && not model.locked) (State False False), text " Normal " ]
+ , label [] [ inputRadio "entry_state" (not model.hidden && model.locked) (State False True ), text " Locked " ]
+ , label [] [ inputRadio "entry_state" ( model.hidden && model.locked) (State True True ), text " Deleted " ]
+ , if not model.hasawait then text "" else
+ label [] [ inputRadio "entry_state" ( model.hidden && not model.locked) (State True False), text " Awaiting approval" ]
, br [] []
- , if model.hidden
+ , if model.hidden && model.locked
then span [] [ text "Note: edit summary of the last edit should indicate the reason for the deletion.", br [] [] ]
else text ""
@@ -59,5 +58,8 @@ view model =
(if model.authmod then lockhid else [])
[ TP.view "" model.editsum Editsum 600 [rows 4, cols 50, minlength 2, maxlength 5000, required True]
- [ b [class "title"] [ text "Edit summary", b [class "standout"] [text " (English please!)"] ] ]
+ [ strong [] [ text "Edit summary", b [] [ text " (English please!)" ] ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Summarize the changes you have made, including links to source(s)."
+ ]
diff --git a/elm/Lib/ExtLinks.elm b/elm/Lib/ExtLinks.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index b37dbb6e..00000000
--- a/elm/Lib/ExtLinks.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-module Lib.ExtLinks exposing (..)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Regex
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Gen.ReleaseEdit as GRE
-import Gen.ExtLinks as GEL
--- Takes a printf-style string with a single %s or %d formatting code and a parameter to format.
--- Supports 0-padding with '%0<num>d' formatting codes, where <num> <= 99.
--- Returns (prefix, formatted_param, suffix)
--- (This is super ugly and probably better written with elm/parser, but it gets the job done)
-splitPrintf : String -> String -> (String, String, String)
-splitPrintf s p =
- case String.split "%" s of
- [ pre, suf ] ->
- case String.uncons suf of
- Just ('s', suf1) -> (pre, p, suf1)
- Just ('d', suf1) -> (pre, p, suf1)
- Just ('0', suf1) ->
- case String.uncons suf1 of
- Just (c2, suf2) ->
- case String.uncons suf2 of
- Just ('d', suf3) -> (pre, String.padLeft (Char.toCode c2 - 48) '0' p, suf3)
- Just (c3, suf3) ->
- case String.uncons suf3 of
- Just ('d', suf4) -> (pre, String.padLeft (10*(Char.toCode c2 - 48) + Char.toCode c3 - 48) '0' p, suf4)
- _ -> (pre, "%", suf)
- _ -> (pre, "%", suf)
- _ -> (pre, "%", suf)
- _ -> (pre, "%", suf)
- _ -> (s, "", "")
-type Rec a
- = Unrecognized
- | Duplicate
- | Add (GEL.Site a, String) -- Site, value
-type alias Model a =
- { links : a
- , sites : List (GEL.Site a)
- , input : String
- , rec : Rec a
- , lst : Bool
- }
-type Msg a
- = Del (Int -> a -> a) Int
- | Input String
- | Enter
- | Expand
-new : a -> List (GEL.Site a) -> Model a
-new l s =
- { links = l
- , sites = s
- , input = ""
- , rec = Unrecognized
- , lst = False
- }
-update : Msg a -> Model a -> Model a
-update msg model =
- let
- match s m = (s, (Maybe.withDefault "") m.submatches |> List.filter (\a -> a /= "") |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault "")
- fmtval s v = let (_, val, _) = splitPrintf s.fmt v in val
- dup s val = List.filter (\l -> fmtval s l == fmtval s val) (s.links model.links) |> List.isEmpty |> not
- find i =
- case List.concatMap (\s -> (match s) (Regex.find s.regex i)) model.sites |> List.head of
- Nothing -> Unrecognized
- Just (s, val) -> if dup s val then Duplicate else Add (s, val)
- add s val = { model | input = "", rec = Unrecognized, links = s.add val model.links }
- in case msg of
- Del f i -> { model | links = f i model.links }
- Input i ->
- case find (String.trim i) of
- Add (s, val) ->
- if s.multi || List.isEmpty (s.links model.links)
- then add s val
- else { model | input = i, rec = Add (s, val) }
- x -> { model | input = i, rec = x }
- Enter ->
- case model.rec of
- Add (s, val) -> add s val
- _ -> model
- Expand -> { model | lst = not model.lst }
-view : Model a -> Html (Msg a)
-view model =
- let msg st s = span [] [ br [] [], b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text ">>> " ], if st then b [ class "standout" ] [ text s ] else text s ]
- in
- Html.form [ onSubmit Enter ]
- [ table [] <| List.concatMap (\s ->
- List.indexedMap (\i l ->
- let (pre, val, suf) = splitPrintf s.fmt l
- in tr []
- [ td [] [ a [ href <| pre ++ val ++ suf, target "_blank" ] [ text ] ]
- , td [] [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text pre ], text val, b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text suf ] ]
- , td [] [ inputButton "remove" (Del s.del i) [] ]
- ]
- ) (s.links model.links)
- ) model.sites
- , inputText "" model.input Input [style "width" "500px", placeholder "Add URL..."]
- , case (model.input, model.rec) of
- ("", _) -> text ""
- (_, Unrecognized) -> msg True "Invalid or unrecognized URL."
- (_, Duplicate) -> msg True "URL is already listed."
- (_, Add (s, _)) -> span [] [ inputButton "Edit" Enter [], msg False <| "URL recognized as: " ++ ]
- , div [ style "margin-top" "5px" ]
- [ span [ onClickD Expand, style "cursor" "pointer" ] [ text <| if model.lst then "▾ " else "▸ ", text "Recognized sites: " ]
- , if model.lst
- then table [] <| (\s ->
- tr []
- [ td [] [ text ]
- , td [] <| List.indexedMap (\i l -> if modBy 2 i == 0 then b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text l ] else text l) s.patt
- ]
- ) model.sites
- else text <| String.join ", " ( (\s -> model.sites) ++ "."
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm/Lib/Ffi.elm b/elm/Lib/Ffi.elm
index b5601a9b..af8c963a 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/Ffi.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/Ffi.elm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-- This module is a hack to work around the lack of an FFI (Foreign Function
-- Interface) in Elm. The functions in this module are stubs, their
-- implementations are replaced by the Makefile with calls to
--- window.elmFfi_<name> and the actual implementations are in Ffi.js.
+-- window.elmFfi_<name> and the actual implementations are in elm-support.js.
-- Use sparingly, all of this will likely break in future Elm versions.
module Lib.Ffi exposing (..)
diff --git a/elm/Lib/Ffi.js b/elm/Lib/Ffi.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 78d6083a..00000000
--- a/elm/Lib/Ffi.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-window.elmFfi_innerHtml = function(wrap,call) { // \s -> _VirtualDom_property('innerHTML', _Json_wrap(s))
- return function(s) {
- return {
- $: 'a2',
- n: 'innerHTML',
- o: wrap(s)
- }
- }
-window.elmFfi_elemCall = function(wrap,call) { // _Browser_call
- return call
-window.elmFfi_fmtFloat = function(wrap,call) {
- return function(val) {
- return function(prec) {
- return val.toLocaleString('en-US', { minimumFractionDigits: prec, maximumFractionDigits: prec });
- }
- }
-var urlStatic = document.querySelector('link[rel=stylesheet]').href.replace(/^(https?:\/\/[^/]+)\/.*$/, '$1');
-window.elmFfi_urlStatic = function(wrap,call) {
- return urlStatic
diff --git a/elm/Lib/Html.elm b/elm/Lib/Html.elm
index 2d7d516c..7ec8dacc 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/Html.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/Html.elm
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Json.Decode as JD
import List
import Lib.Api as Api
import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
import Gen.Types as T
@@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ onInputValidation msg = custom "input" <|
( ["target", "validity", "valid"] JD.bool)
+onInvalid : msg -> Attribute msg
+onInvalid msg = on "invalid" (JD.succeed msg)
-- Multi-<br> (ugly but oh, so, convenient)
br_ : Int -> Html m
@@ -33,9 +36,9 @@ br_ n = if n == 1 then br [] [] else span [] <| List.repeat n <| br [] []
-- Quick short-hand way of creating a form that can be disabled.
-- Usage:
--- form_ Submit_msg (state == Disabled) [contents]
-form_ : msg -> Bool -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
-form_ sub dis cont = Html.form [ onSubmit sub ]
+-- form_ id Submit_msg (state == Disabled) [contents]
+form_ : String -> msg -> Bool -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
+form_ s sub dis cont = Html.form [ id s, onSubmit sub ]
[ fieldset [disabled dis] cont ]
@@ -46,13 +49,13 @@ inputButton val onch attrs =
-- Submit button with loading indicator and error message display
submitButton : String -> Api.State -> Bool -> Html m
-submitButton val state valid = div []
+submitButton val state valid = span []
[ input [ type_ "submit", class "submit", tabindex 10, value val, disabled (state == Api.Loading || not valid) ] []
, case state of
- Api.Error r -> p [] [ b [class "standout" ] [ text <| Api.showResponse r ] ]
+ Api.Error r -> p [] [ b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse r ] ]
_ -> if valid
then text ""
- else p [] [ b [class "standout" ] [ text "The form contains errors, please fix these before submitting. " ] ]
+ else p [] [ b [] [ text "The form contains errors, please fix these before submitting. " ] ]
, if state == Api.Loading
then div [ class "spinner" ] []
else text ""
@@ -125,10 +128,11 @@ inputTextArea nam val onch attrs = textarea (
, onInput onch
, rows 4
, cols 50
+ , value val
++ attrs
++ (if nam == "" then [] else [ id nam, name nam ])
- ) [ text val ]
+ ) []
inputCheck : String -> Bool -> (Bool -> m) -> Html m
@@ -154,14 +158,14 @@ inputRadio nam val onch = input (
-- Same as an inputText, but formats/parses an integer as Q###
-inputWikidata : String -> Maybe Int -> (Maybe Int -> m) -> Html m
-inputWikidata nam val onch =
+inputWikidata : String -> Maybe Int -> (Maybe Int -> m) -> List (Attribute m) -> Html m
+inputWikidata nam val onch attr =
inputText nam
(case val of
Nothing -> ""
Just v -> "Q" ++ String.fromInt v)
(\v -> onch <| if v == "" then Nothing else String.toInt <| if String.startsWith "Q" v then String.dropLeft 1 v else v)
- [ pattern "^Q?[1-9][0-9]{0,8}$" ]
+ (pattern "^Q?[1-9][0-9]{0,8}$" :: attr)
-- Similar to inputCheck and inputRadio with a label, except this is just a link.
@@ -187,7 +191,7 @@ formField lbl cont =
(nlbl, eng) = if String.endsWith "#eng" lbl then (String.dropRight 4 lbl, True) else (lbl, False)
- genlbl str = text str :: if eng then [ br [] [], b [ class "standout" ] [ text "English please!" ] ] else []
+ genlbl str = text str :: if eng then [ br [] [], b [] [ text "English please!" ] ] else []
td [ class "label" ] <|
case String.split "::" nlbl of
@@ -199,10 +203,19 @@ formField lbl cont =
langIcon : String -> Html m
-langIcon l = abbr [ class "icons lang", class l, title (Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup l T.languages) ] [ text " " ]
+langIcon l = abbr [ class ("icon-lang-"++l), title (Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup l T.languages) ] [ text " " ]
platformIcon : String -> Html m
-platformIcon l = abbr [ class "icons", class l, title (Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup l T.platforms) ] [ text " " ]
+platformIcon l = abbr [ class ("icon-plat-"++l), title (Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup l T.platforms) ] [ text " " ]
releaseTypeIcon : String -> Html m
-releaseTypeIcon t = abbr [ class ("icons rt"++t), title (Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup t T.releaseTypes) ] [ text " " ]
+releaseTypeIcon t = abbr [ class ("icon-rt"++t), title (Maybe.withDefault "" <| lookup t T.releaseTypes) ] [ text " " ]
+-- Special values: -1 = "add to list", not 1-6 = unknown
+-- (Because why use the type system to encode special values?)
+ulistIcon : Int -> String -> Html m
+ulistIcon n lbl =
+ let fn = if n == -1 then "add"
+ else if n >= 1 && n <= 6 then "l" ++ String.fromInt n
+ else "unknown"
+ in abbr [ class ("icon-list-"++fn), title lbl ] []
diff --git a/elm/Lib/Image.elm b/elm/Lib/Image.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14eca441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/Lib/Image.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+module Lib.Image exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Process
+import Task
+import File exposing (File)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Lib.Util exposing (imageUrl)
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.Image as GI
+import Gen.ImageVote as GIV
+type State
+ = Normal
+ | Invalid
+ | NotFound
+ | Loading
+ | Error GApi.Response
+type alias Image =
+ { id : Maybe String
+ , img : Maybe GApi.ApiImageResult
+ , imgState : State
+ , saveState : Api.State
+ , saveTimer : Bool
+ }
+info : Maybe GApi.ApiImageResult -> Image
+info img =
+ { id = (\i -> img
+ , img = img
+ , imgState = Normal
+ , saveState = Api.Normal
+ , saveTimer = False
+ }
+-- Fetch image info from the ID
+new : Bool -> String -> (Image, Cmd Msg)
+new valid id =
+ ( { id = if id == "" then Nothing else Just id
+ , img = Nothing
+ , imgState = if id == "" then Normal else if valid then Loading else Invalid
+ , saveState = Api.Normal
+ , saveTimer = False
+ }
+ , if valid && id /= "" then GI.send { id = id } Loaded else Cmd.none
+ )
+-- Upload a new image from a form
+upload : Api.ImageType -> File -> (Image, Cmd Msg)
+upload t f =
+ ( { id = Nothing
+ , img = Nothing
+ , imgState = Loading
+ , saveState = Api.Normal
+ , saveTimer = False
+ }
+ , Api.postImage t f Loaded)
+type Msg
+ = Loaded GApi.Response
+ | MySex Int Bool
+ | MyVio Int Bool
+ | Save
+ | Saved GApi.Response
+update : Msg -> Image -> (Image, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ let
+ save m =
+ if m.saveTimer || Maybe.withDefault True ( (\i -> i.token == Nothing || i.my_sexual == Nothing || i.my_violence == Nothing) m.img)
+ then (m, Cmd.none)
+ else ({ m | saveTimer = True }, Task.perform (always Save) (Process.sleep 1000))
+ in
+ case msg of
+ Loaded (GApi.ImageResult [i]) -> ({ model | id = Just, img = Just i, imgState = Normal}, Cmd.none)
+ Loaded (GApi.ImageResult []) -> ({ model | imgState = NotFound}, Cmd.none)
+ Loaded e -> ({ model | imgState = Error e }, Cmd.none)
+ MySex v _ -> save { model | img = (\i -> { i | my_sexual = Just v }) model.img }
+ MyVio v _ -> save { model | img = (\i -> { i | my_violence = Just v }) model.img }
+ Save ->
+ case (\i -> (i.token, i.my_sexual, i.my_violence)) model.img of
+ Just (Just token, Just sex, Just vio) ->
+ ( { model | saveTimer = False, saveState = Api.Loading }
+ , GIV.send { votes = [{ id = Maybe.withDefault "", token = token, sexual = sex, violence = vio, overrule = False }] } Saved)
+ _ -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ Saved (GApi.Success) -> ({ model | saveState = Api.Normal}, Cmd.none)
+ Saved e -> ({ model | saveState = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
+isValid : Image -> Bool
+isValid img = img.imgState == Normal
+viewImg : Image -> Html m
+viewImg image =
+ case (image.imgState, image.img) of
+ (Loading, _) -> div [ class "spinner" ] []
+ (NotFound, _) ->b [] [ text "Image not found." ]
+ (Invalid, _) -> b [] [ text "Invalid image ID." ]
+ (Error e, _) -> b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ]
+ (_, Nothing) -> text "No image."
+ (_, Just i) ->
+ let
+ maxWidth = toFloat <| if String.startsWith "sf" then 136 else 10000
+ maxHeight = toFloat <| if String.startsWith "sf" then 102 else 10000
+ sWidth = maxWidth / toFloat i.width
+ sHeight = maxHeight / toFloat i.height
+ scale = Basics.min 1 <| if sWidth < sHeight then sWidth else sHeight
+ imgWidth = round <| scale * toFloat i.width
+ imgHeight = round <| scale * toFloat i.height
+ in
+ -- TODO: Onclick iv.js support for screenshot thumbnails
+ label [ class "imghover", style "width" (String.fromInt imgWidth++"px"), style "height" (String.fromInt imgHeight++"px") ]
+ [ div [ class "imghover--visible" ]
+ [ if String.startsWith "sf"
+ then a [ href (imageUrl "", attribute "data-iv" <| String.fromInt i.width ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt i.height ++ ":scr" ]
+ [ img [ src <| imageUrl ".t" ] [] ]
+ else img [ src <| imageUrl "" ] []
+ , a [ class "imghover--overlay", href <| "/img/" ] <|
+ case (i.sexual_avg, i.violence_avg) of
+ (Just sex, Just vio) ->
+ -- XXX: These thresholds are subject to change, maybe just show the numbers here?
+ [ text <| if sex > 1.3 then "Explicit" else if sex > 0.4 then "Suggestive" else "Safe"
+ , text " / "
+ , text <| if vio > 1.3 then "Brutal" else if vio > 0.4 then "Violent" else "Tame"
+ , text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt i.votecount ++ ")"
+ ]
+ _ -> [ text "Not flagged" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+viewVote : Image -> (Msg -> a) -> a -> Maybe (Html a)
+viewVote model wrap msg =
+ let
+ rad i sex val = input
+ [ type_ "radio"
+ , tabindex 10
+ , required True
+ , onInvalid msg
+ , onCheck <| \b -> wrap <| (if sex then MySex else MyVio) val b
+ , checked <| (if sex then i.my_sexual else i.my_violence) == Just val
+ , name <| "imgvote-" ++ (if sex then "sex" else "vio") ++ "-" ++ Maybe.withDefault ""
+ ] []
+ vote i = table []
+ [ thead [] [ tr []
+ [ td [] [ text "Sexual ", if model.saveState == Api.Loading then span [ class "spinner" ] [] else text "" ]
+ , td [] [ text "Violence" ]
+ ] ]
+ , tfoot [] <|
+ case model.saveState of
+ Api.Error e -> [ tr [] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ b [] [ text (Api.showResponse e) ] ] ] ]
+ _ -> []
+ , tr []
+ [ td [ style "white-space" "nowrap" ]
+ [ label [] [ rad i True 0, text " Safe" ], br [] []
+ , label [] [ rad i True 1, text " Suggestive" ], br [] []
+ , label [] [ rad i True 2, text " Explicit" ]
+ ]
+ , td [ style "white-space" "nowrap" ]
+ [ label [] [ rad i False 0, text " Tame" ], br [] []
+ , label [] [ rad i False 1, text " Violent" ], br [] []
+ , label [] [ rad i False 2, text " Brutal" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ in case model.img of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just i ->
+ if i.token == Nothing then Nothing
+ else Just (vote i)
diff --git a/elm/Lib/RDate.elm b/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
index 67888114..3eca4cfa 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-- Utility module and UI widget for handling release dates.
--- Release dates are integers with the following format: 0 or yyyymmdd
+-- Release dates are integers with the following format: 0, 1 or yyyymmdd
-- Special values
--- 0 -> unknown
+-- 0 -> unknown
+-- 1 -> "today" (only used as filter)
-- 99999999 -> TBA
-- yyyy9999 -> year known, month & day unknown
-- yyyymm99 -> year & month known, day unknown
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Date
import Lib.Html exposing (..)
import Gen.Types as GT
+import Gen.Api as GApi
type alias RDate = Int
@@ -44,18 +46,23 @@ fromDate d =
, d = d
+maxDayInMonth : Int -> Int -> Int
+maxDayInMonth y m = Date.fromCalendarDate y (Date.numberToMonth m) 1 |> Date.add Date.Months 1 |> Date.add Date.Days -1 |>
normalize : RDateComp -> RDateComp
normalize r =
- if r.y == 0 then { y = 0, m = 0, d = 0 }
+ if r.y == 0 then { y = 0, m = 0, d = clamp 0 1 r.d }
else if r.y == 9999 then { y = 9999, m = 99, d = 99 }
- else if r.m == 99 then { y = r.y, m = 99, d = 99 }
+ else if r.m == 0 || r.m == 99 then { y = r.y, m = 99, d = 99 }
+ else if r.d == 0 then { r | d = 99 }
+ else if r.d /= 99 && r.d > 28 then { r | d = Basics.min r.d (maxDayInMonth r.y r.m) } -- Make sure the day field is in range
else r
format : RDateComp -> String
format date =
case (date.y, date.m, date.d) of
+ ( 0, 0, 1) -> "today"
( 0, _, _) -> "unknown"
(9999, _, _) -> "TBA"
( y, 99, 99) -> String.fromInt y
@@ -70,24 +77,45 @@ display today d =
in if future then b [ class "future" ] [ text fmt ] else text fmt
+monthList : List String
+monthList =
+ [ "Jan"
+ , "Feb"
+ , "Mar"
+ , "Apr"
+ , "May"
+ , "Jun"
+ , "Jul"
+ , "Aug"
+ , "Sep"
+ , "Oct"
+ , "Nov"
+ , "Dec"
+ ]
+monthSelect : List (Int, String)
+monthSelect = List.indexedMap (\m s -> (m+1, String.fromInt (m+1) ++ " (" ++ s ++ ")")) monthList
-- Input widget.
--- BUG: Changing the month or year fields when day 30-31 is selected but no
--- longer valid results in an invalid RDate. It also causes the "-day-" option
--- to be selected (which is good), so I don't expect that many people will try
--- to submit the form without changing it.
-view : RDate -> Bool -> (RDate -> msg) -> Html msg
-view ro permitUnknown msg =
+view : RDate -> Bool -> Bool -> (RDate -> msg) -> Html msg
+view ro permitUnknown permitToday msg =
let r = expand ro
range from to f = List.range from to |> (\n -> (f n |> normalize |> compact, String.fromInt n))
- yl = (if permitUnknown then [(0, "Unknown")] else [])
- ++ [(99999999, "TBA")]
- ++ List.reverse (range 1980 (GT.curYear + 5) (\n -> {r|y=n}))
- ml = ({r|m=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- month -") :: range 1 12 (\n -> {r|m=n})
- maxDay = Date.fromCalendarDate r.y (Date.numberToMonth r.m) 1 |> Date.add Date.Months 1 |> Date.add Date.Days -1 |>
- dl = ({r|d=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- day -") :: range 1 maxDay (\n -> {r|d=n})
+ yl = (if permitToday then [(1, "Today" )] else [])
+ ++ (if permitUnknown then [(0, "Unknown")] else [])
+ ++ [(99999999, "TBA")]
+ ++ List.reverse (range 1980 (GT.curYear + 5) (\n -> {r|y=n}))
+ ml = ({r|m=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- month -") :: (\(m,s) -> (compact (normalize {r|m=m}), s)) monthSelect
+ dl = ({r|d=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- day -") :: range 1 (maxDayInMonth r.y r.m) (\n -> {r|d=n})
in div []
[ inputSelect "" ro msg [ style "width" "100px" ] yl
, if r.y == 0 || r.y == 9999 then text "" else inputSelect "" ro msg [ style "width" "90px" ] ml
, if r.m == 0 || r.m == 99 then text "" else inputSelect "" ro msg [ style "width" "90px" ] dl
+-- Handy function for formatting release info as a string
+-- (Typically used in selection boxes)
+-- (Why is that in this module, you ask? Well, where else do I put it?)
+showrel : GApi.ApiReleases -> String
+showrel r = "[" ++ (format (expand r.released)) ++ " " ++ (String.join "," r.lang) ++ "] " ++ r.title ++ " (" ++ ++ ")"
diff --git a/elm/Lib/TextPreview.elm b/elm/Lib/TextPreview.elm
index 9431848a..dc876048 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/TextPreview.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/TextPreview.elm
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import Lib.Html exposing (..)
import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
import Lib.Api as Api
import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.Markdown as GM
import Gen.BBCode as GB
@@ -32,16 +31,6 @@ bbcode data =
-markdown : String -> Model
-markdown data =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , data = data
- , preview = ""
- , display = False
- , endpoint = GM.send
- , class = "preview docs"
- }
type Msg
= Edit String
@@ -73,18 +62,18 @@ view name model cmdmap width attr header =
display = model.display && model.preview /= ""
div [ class "textpreview", style "width" (String.fromInt width ++ "px") ]
- [ span []
- [ p [] header
- , p [ class "right", classList [("invisible", == "")] ]
+ [ div []
+ [ div [] header
+ , div [ classList [("invisible", == "")] ]
[ case model.state of
Api.Loading -> span [ class "spinner" ] []
- Api.Error _ -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text "Error loading preview. " ]
+ Api.Error _ -> small [] [ text "Error loading preview. " ]
Api.Normal -> text ""
, if display
then a [ onClickN (cmdmap TextArea) ] [ text "Edit" ]
- else i [] [text "Edit"]
+ else span [] [text "Edit"]
, if display
- then i [] [text "Preview"]
+ then span [] [text "Preview"]
else a [ onClickN (cmdmap Preview) ] [ text "Preview" ]
diff --git a/elm/Lib/Util.elm b/elm/Lib/Util.elm
index f5954772..edde2e37 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/Util.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/Util.elm
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
module Lib.Util exposing (..)
-import Dict
+import Set
import Task
+import Process
import Regex
import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.Types as GT
-- Delete an element from a List
delidx : Int -> List a -> List a
@@ -28,45 +31,44 @@ hasDuplicates l =
step e acc =
case acc of
Nothing -> Nothing
- Just m -> if Dict.member e m then Nothing else Just (Dict.insert e True m)
+ Just m -> if Set.member e m then Nothing else Just (Set.insert e m)
- case List.foldr step (Just Dict.empty) l of
+ case List.foldr step (Just Set.empty) l of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> False
+-- Returns true if list a contains elements also in list b
+contains : List comparable -> List comparable -> Bool
+contains a b =
+ let d = Set.fromList b
+ in List.any (\e -> Set.member e d) a
-- Haskell's 'lookup' - find an entry in an association list
lookup : a -> List (a,b) -> Maybe b
lookup n l = List.filter (\(a,_) -> a == n) l |> List.head |> Tuple.second
+-- Have to use Process.sleep instead of Task.succeed here, otherwise any
+-- subscriptions are not updated.
selfCmd : msg -> Cmd msg
-selfCmd m = Task.perform (always m) (Task.succeed True)
--- Based on VNDBUtil::gtintype()
-validateGtin : String -> Bool
-validateGtin =
- let check = String.fromInt
- >> String.reverse
- >> String.toList
- >> List.indexedMap (\i c -> (Char.toCode c - Char.toCode '0') * if modBy 2 i == 0 then 1 else 3)
- >> List.sum
- inval n =
- n < 1000000000
- || (n >= 200000000000 && n < 600000000000)
- || (n >= 2000000000000 && n < 3000000000000)
- || n >= 9770000000000
- || modBy 10 (check n) /= 0
- in String.filter Char.isDigit >> String.toInt >> (not << inval) >> Maybe.withDefault False
--- Convert an image ID (e.g. "sf500") into a URL.
-imageUrl : String -> String
-imageUrl id =
+selfCmd m = Task.perform (always m) (Process.sleep 1.0)
+-- Convert a dir suffix ("" or ".t") and an image ID (e.g. "sf500") into a URL.
+imageUrl : String -> String -> String
+imageUrl suff id =
let num = String.dropLeft 2 id |> String.toInt |> Maybe.withDefault 0
- in Ffi.urlStatic ++ "/" ++ String.left 2 id ++ "/" ++ String.fromInt (modBy 10 (num // 10)) ++ String.fromInt (modBy 10 num) ++ "/" ++ String.fromInt num ++ ".jpg"
+ in Ffi.urlStatic ++ "/" ++ String.left 2 id ++ suff ++ "/" ++ String.fromInt (modBy 10 (num // 10)) ++ String.fromInt (modBy 10 num) ++ "/" ++ String.fromInt num ++ ".jpg"
+vndbidNum : String -> Int
+vndbidNum = String.dropLeft 1 >> String.toInt >> Maybe.withDefault 0
+vndbid : Char -> Int -> String
+vndbid c n = String.fromChar c ++ String.fromInt n
jap_ : Regex.Regex
@@ -74,10 +76,54 @@ jap_ = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never (Regex.fromString "[\\u3000-\\u9fff\\uff00-
-- Not even close to comprehensive, just excludes a few scripts commonly found on VNDB.
nonlatin_ : Regex.Regex
-nonlatin_ = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never (Regex.fromString "[\\u3000-\\u9fff\\uff00-\\uff9f\\u0400-\\u04ff\\u1100-\\u11ff\\uac00-\\ud7af]")
+nonlatin_ = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never (Regex.fromString "[\\u0400-\\u04ff\\u0600-\\u06ff\\u0e00-\\u0e7f\\u1100-\\u11ff\\u1400-\\u167f\\u3040-\\u3099\\u30a1-\\u30fa\\u3100-\\u9fff\\uac00-\\ud7af\\uff66-\\uffdc\\u{20000}-\\u{323af}]")
+-- This regex can't differentiate between Japanese and Chinese, so has a good chance of returning true for Chinese as well.
containsJapanese : String -> Bool
containsJapanese = Regex.contains jap_
containsNonLatin : String -> Bool
containsNonLatin = Regex.contains nonlatin_
+-- List of script-languages (i.e. not the generic "Chinese" option), with JA and EN ordered first.
+scriptLangs : List (String, String)
+scriptLangs =
+ (List.filter (\(l,_) -> l == "ja") GT.languages)
+ ++ (List.filter (\(l,_) -> l == "en") GT.languages)
+ ++ (List.filter (\(l,_) -> l /= "zh" && l /= "en" && l /= "ja") GT.languages)
+-- "Location languages", i.e. generic language without script indicator, again with JA and EN ordered first.
+locLangs : List (String, String)
+locLangs =
+ (List.filter (\(l,_) -> l == "ja") GT.languages)
+ ++ (List.filter (\(l,_) -> l == "en") GT.languages)
+ ++ (List.filter (\(l,_) -> l /= "zh-Hans" && l /= "zh-Hant" && l /= "en" && l /= "ja") GT.languages)
+-- Format a release resolution, first argument indicates whether empty string is to be used for "unknown"
+resoFmt : Bool -> Int -> Int -> String
+resoFmt empty x y =
+ case (x,y) of
+ (0,0) -> if empty then "" else "Unknown"
+ (0,1) -> "Non-standard"
+ _ -> String.fromInt x ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt y
+-- Inverse of resoFmt
+resoParse : Bool -> String -> Maybe (Int, Int)
+resoParse empty s =
+ let t = String.replace "*" "x" s
+ |> String.replace "×" "x"
+ |> String.replace " " ""
+ |> String.replace "\t" ""
+ |> String.toLower |> String.trim
+ in
+ case (t, String.split "x" t) of
+ ("", _) -> if empty then Just (0,0) else Nothing
+ ("unknown", _) -> Just (0,0)
+ ("non-standard", _) -> Just (0,1)
+ (_, [sx,sy]) ->
+ case (String.toInt sx, String.toInt sy) of
+ (Just ix, Just iy) -> if ix < 1 || ix > 32767 || iy < 1 || iy > 32767 then Nothing else Just (ix,iy)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ _ -> Nothing
diff --git a/elm/ReleaseEdit.elm b/elm/ReleaseEdit.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bcf91c5..00000000
--- a/elm/ReleaseEdit.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-module ReleaseEdit exposing (main)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
-import Set
-import Lib.Util exposing (..)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.TextPreview as TP
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Lib.DropDown as DD
-import Lib.Editsum as Editsum
-import Lib.RDate as D
-import Lib.Autocomplete as A
-import Lib.ExtLinks as EL
-import Gen.ReleaseEdit as GRE
-import Gen.Types as GT
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.ExtLinks as GEL
-main : Program GRE.Recv Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
- , view = view
- , update = update
- , subscriptions = sub
- }
-type alias Model =
- { state : Api.State
- , title : String
- , original : String
- , rtype : String
- , patch : Bool
- , freeware : Bool
- , doujin : Bool
- , lang : Set.Set String
- , langDd : DD.Config Msg
- , plat : Set.Set String
- , platDd : DD.Config Msg
- , media : List GRE.RecvMedia
- , gtin : String
- , gtinValid : Bool
- , catalog : String
- , released : D.RDate
- , minage : Int
- , uncensored : Bool
- , resoX : Int
- , resoY : Int
- , resoConf : A.Config Msg GRE.RecvResolutions
- , reso : A.Model GRE.RecvResolutions
- , voiced : Int
- , ani_story : Int
- , ani_ero : Int
- , website : String
- , engineConf : A.Config Msg GRE.RecvEngines
- , engine : A.Model GRE.RecvEngines
- , extlinks : EL.Model GRE.RecvExtlinks
- , vn : List GRE.RecvVn
- , vnAdd : A.Model GApi.ApiVNResult
- , prod : List GRE.RecvProducers
- , prodAdd : A.Model GApi.ApiProducerResult
- , notes : TP.Model
- , editsum : Editsum.Model
- , id : Maybe Int
- }
-engineConf : List GRE.RecvEngines -> A.Config Msg GRE.RecvEngines
-engineConf lst =
- { wrap = Engine
- , id = "engine"
- , source =
- { source = A.Func (\s -> List.filter (\e -> String.contains (String.toLower s) (String.toLower e.engine)) lst |> List.take 10)
- , view = \i -> [ text i.engine, b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt i.count ++ ")" ] ]
- , key = \i -> i.engine
- }
- }
-resoConf : List GRE.RecvResolutions -> A.Config Msg GRE.RecvResolutions
-resoConf lst =
- { wrap = Resolution
- , id = "resolution"
- , source =
- { source = A.Func (\s -> List.filter (\e -> String.contains (String.toLower s) (String.toLower e.resolution)) lst |> List.take 10)
- , view = \i -> [ text i.resolution, b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt i.count ++ ")" ] ]
- , key = \i -> i.resolution
- }
- }
-resoFmt : Int -> Int -> String
-resoFmt x y =
- case (x,y) of
- (0,0) -> ""
- (0,1) -> "Non-standard"
- _ -> String.fromInt x ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt y
-resoParse : String -> Maybe (Int, Int)
-resoParse s =
- let t = String.replace "*" "x" s
- |> String.replace "×" "x"
- |> String.replace " " ""
- |> String.replace "\t" ""
- |> String.toLower |> String.trim
- in
- case (t, String.split "x" t) of
- ("", _) -> Just (0,0)
- ("non-standard", _) -> Just (0,1)
- (_, [sx,sy]) ->
- case (String.toInt sx, String.toInt sy) of
- (Just ix, Just iy) -> if ix < 1 || ix > 32767 || iy < 1 || iy > 32767 then Nothing else Just (ix,iy)
- _ -> Nothing
- _ -> Nothing
-init : GRE.Recv -> Model
-init d =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , title = d.title
- , original = d.original
- , rtype = d.rtype
- , patch = d.patch
- , freeware = d.freeware
- , doujin = d.doujin
- , lang = Set.fromList <| (\e -> e.lang) d.lang
- , langDd = DD.init "lang" LangOpen
- , plat = Set.fromList <| (\e -> e.platform) d.platforms
- , platDd = DD.init "platforms" PlatOpen
- , media = (\m -> { m | qty = if m.qty == 0 then 1 else m.qty })
- , gtin = if d.gtin == "0" then "" else String.padLeft 12 '0' d.gtin
- , gtinValid = True
- , catalog = d.catalog
- , released = d.released
- , minage = d.minage
- , uncensored = d.uncensored
- , resoX = d.reso_x
- , resoY = d.reso_y
- , resoConf = resoConf d.resolutions
- , reso = A.init (resoFmt d.reso_x d.reso_y)
- , voiced = d.voiced
- , ani_story = d.ani_story
- , ani_ero = d.ani_ero
- , website =
- , engineConf = engineConf d.engines
- , engine = A.init d.engine
- , extlinks = d.extlinks GEL.releaseSites
- , vn =
- , vnAdd = A.init ""
- , prod = d.producers
- , prodAdd = A.init ""
- , notes = TP.bbcode d.notes
- , editsum = { authmod = d.authmod, editsum = TP.bbcode d.editsum, locked = d.locked, hidden = d.hidden }
- , id =
- }
-encode : Model -> GRE.Send
-encode model =
- { id =
- , editsum =
- , hidden = model.editsum.hidden
- , locked = model.editsum.locked
- , title = model.title
- , original = model.original
- , rtype = model.rtype
- , patch = model.patch
- , freeware = model.freeware
- , doujin = model.doujin
- , lang = (\l -> {lang=l }) <| Set.toList model.lang
- , platforms = (\l -> {platform=l}) <| Set.toList model.plat
- , media =
- , gtin = model.gtin
- , catalog = model.catalog
- , released = model.released
- , minage = model.minage
- , uncensored = model.uncensored
- , reso_x = model.resoX
- , reso_y = model.resoY
- , voiced = model.voiced
- , ani_story = model.ani_story
- , ani_ero = model.ani_ero
- , website =
- , engine = model.engine.value
- , extlinks = model.extlinks.links
- , vn = (\l -> {vid=l.vid})
- , producers = (\l -> {, developer=l.developer, publisher=l.publisher})
- , notes =
- }
-vnConfig : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiVNResult
-vnConfig = { wrap = VNSearch, id = "vnadd", source = A.vnSource }
-producerConfig : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiProducerResult
-producerConfig = { wrap = ProdSearch, id = "prodadd", source = A.producerSource }
-sub : Model -> Sub Msg
-sub m = Sub.batch [ DD.sub m.langDd, DD.sub m.platDd ]
-type Msg
- = Title String
- | Original String
- | RType String
- | Patch Bool
- | Freeware Bool
- | Doujin Bool
- | Lang String Bool
- | LangOpen Bool
- | Plat String Bool
- | PlatOpen Bool
- | MediaType Int String
- | MediaQty Int Int
- | MediaDel Int
- | Gtin String
- | Catalog String
- | Released D.RDate
- | Minage Int
- | Uncensored Bool
- | Resolution (A.Msg GRE.RecvResolutions)
- | Voiced Int
- | AniStory Int
- | AniEro Int
- | Website String
- | Engine (A.Msg GRE.RecvEngines)
- | ExtLinks (EL.Msg GRE.RecvExtlinks)
- | VNDel Int
- | VNSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiVNResult)
- | ProdDel Int
- | ProdRole Int (Bool, Bool)
- | ProdSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiProducerResult)
- | Notes (TP.Msg)
- | Editsum Editsum.Msg
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Title s -> ({ model | title = s }, Cmd.none)
- Original s -> ({ model | original = s }, Cmd.none)
- RType s -> ({ model | rtype = s }, Cmd.none)
- Patch b -> ({ model | patch = b }, Cmd.none)
- Freeware b -> ({ model | freeware = b }, Cmd.none)
- Doujin b -> ({ model | doujin = b }, Cmd.none)
- Lang s b -> ({ model | lang = if b then Set.insert s model.lang else Set.remove s model.lang }, Cmd.none)
- LangOpen b -> ({ model | langDd = DD.toggle model.langDd b }, Cmd.none)
- Plat s b -> ({ model | plat = if b then Set.insert s model.plat else Set.remove s model.plat }, Cmd.none)
- PlatOpen b -> ({ model | platDd = DD.toggle model.platDd b }, Cmd.none)
- MediaType n s -> ({ model | media = if s /= "unk" && n == List.length then ++ [{medium = s, qty = 1}] else modidx n (\m -> { m | medium = s }) }, Cmd.none)
- MediaQty n i -> ({ model | media = modidx n (\m -> { m | qty = i }) }, Cmd.none)
- MediaDel i -> ({ model | media = delidx i }, Cmd.none)
- Gtin s -> ({ model | gtin = s, gtinValid = s == "" || validateGtin s }, Cmd.none)
- Catalog s -> ({ model | catalog = s }, Cmd.none)
- Released d -> ({ model | released = d }, Cmd.none)
- Minage i -> ({ model | minage = i }, Cmd.none)
- Uncensored b->({ model | uncensored = b }, Cmd.none)
- Resolution m->
- let (nm, c, en) = A.update model.resoConf m model.reso
- nmod = { model | reso = Maybe.withDefault nm <| (\e -> A.clear nm e.resolution) en }
- n2mod = case resoParse nmod.reso.value of
- Just (x,y) -> { nmod | resoX = x, resoY = y }
- Nothing -> nmod
- in (n2mod, c)
- Voiced i -> ({ model | voiced = i }, Cmd.none)
- AniStory i -> ({ model | ani_story = i }, Cmd.none)
- AniEro i -> ({ model | ani_ero = i }, Cmd.none)
- Website s -> ({ model | website = s }, Cmd.none)
- Engine m ->
- let (nm, c, en) = A.update model.engineConf m model.engine
- nmod = case en of
- Just e -> A.clear nm e.engine
- Nothing -> nm
- in ({ model | engine = nmod }, c)
- ExtLinks m -> ({ model | extlinks = EL.update m model.extlinks }, Cmd.none)
- VNDel i -> ({ model | vn = delidx i }, Cmd.none)
- VNSearch m ->
- let (nm, c, res) = A.update vnConfig m model.vnAdd
- in case res of
- Nothing -> ({ model | vnAdd = nm }, c)
- Just v ->
- if List.any (\vn -> vn.vid ==
- then ({ model | vnAdd = nm }, c)
- else ({ model | vnAdd = A.clear nm "", vn = ++ [{ vid =, title = v.title}] }, c)
- ProdDel i -> ({ model | prod = delidx i }, Cmd.none)
- ProdRole i (d,p) -> ({ model | prod = modidx i (\e -> { e | developer = d, publisher = p }) }, Cmd.none)
- ProdSearch m ->
- let (nm, c, res) = A.update producerConfig m model.prodAdd
- in case res of
- Nothing -> ({ model | prodAdd = nm }, c)
- Just p ->
- if List.any (\e -> ==
- then ({ model | prodAdd = nm }, c)
- else ({ model | prodAdd = A.clear nm "", prod = ++ [{ pid =, name =, developer = True, publisher = True}] }, c)
- Notes m -> let (nm, nc) = TP.update m model.notes in ({ model | notes = nm }, Notes nc)
- Editsum m -> let (nm,nc) = Editsum.update m model.editsum in ({ model | editsum = nm }, Editsum nc)
- Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GRE.send (encode model) Submitted)
- Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> (model, load s)
- Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
-isValid : Model -> Bool
-isValid model = not
- ( model.title == model.original
- || Set.isEmpty model.lang
- || hasDuplicates ( (\m -> (m.medium, m.qty))
- || not model.gtinValid
- || List.isEmpty
- || resoParse model.reso.value == Nothing
- )
-viewGen : Model -> Html Msg
-viewGen model =
- table [ class "formtable" ]
- [ formField "title::Title (romaji)"
- [ inputText "title" model.title Title (style "width" "500px" :: GRE.valTitle)
- , if containsNonLatin model.title
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ br [] [], text "This title field should only contain latin-alphabet characters, please put the \"actual\" title in the field below and the romanization above." ]
- else text ""
- ]
- , formField "original::Original title"
- [ inputText "original" model.original Original (style "width" "500px" :: GRE.valOriginal)
- , if model.title /= "" && model.title == model.original
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ br [] [], text "Should not be the same as the Title (romaji). Leave blank is the original title is already in the latin alphabet" ]
- else if model.original /= "" && not (containsNonLatin model.original)
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ br [] [], text "Original title does not seem to contain any non-latin characters. Leave this field empty if the title is already in the latin alphabet" ]
- else if containsJapanese model.original && not (Set.isEmpty model.lang) && not (Set.member "ja" model.lang)
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ br [] [], text "Non-Japanese releases should (probably) not have a Japanese original title." ]
- else text ""
- ]
- , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [] [] ]
- , formField "rtype::Type" [ inputSelect "rtype" model.rtype RType [] GT.releaseTypes ]
- , formField "minage::Age rating" [ inputSelect "minage" model.minage Minage [] GT.ageRatings, text " (*)" ]
- , formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.patch Patch , text " This release is a patch to another release.", text " (*)" ] ]
- , formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.freeware Freeware, text " Freeware (i.e. available at no cost)" ] ]
- , if model.patch then text "" else
- formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.doujin Doujin , text " Doujin (self-published, not by a company)" ] ]
- , formField "Release date" [ D.view model.released False Released, text " Leave month or day blank if they are unknown." ]
- , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Format" ] ]
- , formField "Language(s)"
- [ div [ class "elm_dd_input", style "width" "500px" ] [ DD.view model.langDd Api.Normal
- (if Set.isEmpty model.lang
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "No language selected" ]
- else span [] <| List.intersperse (text ", ") <| (\(l,t) -> span [ style "white-space" "nowrap" ] [ langIcon l, text t ]) <| List.filter (\(l,_) -> Set.member l model.lang) GT.languages)
- <| \() -> [ ul [ style "columns" "2"] <| (\(l,t) -> li [] [ linkRadio (Set.member l model.lang) (Lang l) [ langIcon l, text t ] ]) GT.languages ]
- ] ]
- , formField "Platform(s)"
- [ div [ class "elm_dd_input", style "width" "500px" ] [ DD.view model.platDd Api.Normal
- (if Set.isEmpty model.plat
- then text "No platform selected"
- else span [] <| List.intersperse (text ", ") <| (\(p,t) -> span [ style "white-space" "nowrap" ] [ platformIcon p, text t ]) <| List.filter (\(p,_) -> Set.member p model.plat) GT.platforms)
- <| \() -> [ ul [ style "columns" "2"] <| (\(p,t) -> li [ classList [("separator", p == "web")] ] [ linkRadio (Set.member p model.plat) (Plat p) [ platformIcon p, text t ] ]) GT.platforms ]
- ] ]
- , formField "Media"
- [ table [] <| List.indexedMap (\i m ->
- let q = List.filter (\(s,_,_) -> m.medium == s) |> List.head |> (\(_,_,x) -> x) |> Maybe.withDefault False
- in tr []
- [ td [] [ inputSelect "" m.medium (MediaType i) [] <| (if m.medium == "unk" then [("unk", "- Add medium -")] else []) ++ (\(a,b,_) -> (a,b)) ]
- , td [] [ if q then inputSelect "" m.qty (MediaQty i) [ style "width" "100px" ] <| (\a -> (a,String.fromInt a)) <| List.range 1 20 else text "" ]
- , td [] [ if m.medium == "unk" then text "" else inputButton "remove" (MediaDel i) [] ]
- ]
- ) <| ++ [{medium = "unk", qty = 0}]
- , if hasDuplicates ( (\m -> (m.medium, m.qty))
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "List contains duplicates", br [] [] ]
- else text ""
- ]
- , if model.patch then text "" else
- formField "engine::Engine" [ A.view model.engineConf model.engine [] ]
- , if model.patch then text "" else
- formField "resolution::Resolution"
- [ A.view model.resoConf model.reso []
- , if resoParse model.reso.value == Nothing then b [ class "standout" ] [ text " Invalid resolution" ] else text ""
- ]
- , if model.patch then text "" else
- formField "voiced::Voiced" [ inputSelect "voiced" model.voiced Voiced [] GT.voiced ]
- , if model.patch then text "" else
- formField "ani_story::Animations"
- [ inputSelect "ani_story" model.ani_story AniStory [] GT.animated
- , if model.minage == 18 then text " <= story | ero scenes => " else text ""
- , if model.minage == 18 then inputSelect "" model.ani_ero AniEro [] GT.animated else text ""
- ]
- , if model.minage /= 18 then text "" else
- formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.uncensored Uncensored, text " Uncensored (No mosaic or other optical censoring, only check if this release has erotic content)" ] ]
- , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "External identifiers & links" ] ]
- , formField "gtin::JAN/UPC/EAN"
- [ inputText "gtin" model.gtin Gtin [pattern "[0-9]+"]
- , if not model.gtinValid then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Invalid GTIN code" ] else text ""
- ]
- , formField "catalog::Catalog number" [ inputText "catalog" model.catalog Catalog GRE.valCatalog ]
- , formField "website::Website" [ inputText "website" Website (style "width" "500px" :: GRE.valWebsite) ]
- , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [] ]
- , formField "External Links" [ ExtLinks (EL.view model.extlinks) ]
- , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Database relations" ] ]
- , formField "Visual novels"
- [ if List.isEmpty then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "No visual novels selected.", br [] [] ]
- else table [] <| List.indexedMap (\i v -> tr []
- [ td [ style "text-align" "right" ] [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| "v" ++ String.fromInt v.vid ++ ":" ] ]
- , td [] [ a [ href <| "/v" ++ String.fromInt v.vid ] [ text v.title ] ]
- , td [] [ inputButton "remove" (VNDel i) [] ]
- ]
- )
- , A.view vnConfig model.vnAdd [placeholder "Add visual novel..."]
- ]
- , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [] ]
- , formField "Producers"
- [ table [ class "compact" ] <| List.indexedMap (\i p -> tr []
- [ td [ style "text-align" "right" ] [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text <| "p" ++ String.fromInt ++ ":" ] ]
- , td [] [ a [ href <| "/p" ++ String.fromInt ] [ text ] ]
- , td [] [ inputSelect "" (p.developer, p.publisher) (ProdRole i) [style "width" "100px"] [((True,False), "Developer"), ((False,True), "Publisher"), ((True,True), "Both")] ]
- , td [] [ inputButton "remove" (ProdDel i) [] ]
- ]
- )
- , A.view producerConfig model.prodAdd [placeholder "Add producer..."]
- ]
- , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [] ]
- , formField "notes::Notes"
- [ TP.view "notes" model.notes Notes 700 [] [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text " (English please!) " ] ]
- , text "Miscellaneous notes/comments, information that does not fit in the above fields. E.g.: Types of censoring or for which releases this patch applies."
- ]
- ]
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text "General info" ]
- , viewGen model
- ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ]
- [ Editsum (Editsum.view model.editsum)
- , submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model)
- ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm/Reviews/Edit.elm b/elm/Reviews/Edit.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b122d1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/Reviews/Edit.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+module Reviews.Edit exposing (main)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.TextPreview as TP
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Lib.RDate as RDate
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.ReviewsEdit as GRE
+import Gen.ReviewsDelete as GRD
+main : Program GRE.Recv Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ , subscriptions = always Sub.none
+ }
+type alias Model =
+ { state : Api.State
+ , id : Maybe String
+ , vid : String
+ , vntitle : String
+ , rid : Maybe String
+ , spoiler : Bool
+ , locked : Bool
+ , isfull : Bool
+ , modnote : String
+ , text : TP.Model
+ , releases : List GRE.RecvReleases
+ , delete : Bool
+ , delState : Api.State
+ , mod : Bool
+ }
+init : GRE.Recv -> Model
+init d =
+ { state = Api.Normal
+ , id =
+ , vid = d.vid
+ , vntitle = d.vntitle
+ , rid = d.rid
+ , spoiler = d.spoiler
+ , locked = d.locked
+ , isfull = d.isfull
+ , modnote = d.modnote
+ , text = TP.bbcode d.text
+ , releases = d.releases
+ , delete = False
+ , delState = Api.Normal
+ , mod = d.mod
+ }
+encode : Model -> GRE.Send
+encode m =
+ { id =
+ , vid = m.vid
+ , rid = m.rid
+ , spoiler = m.spoiler
+ , locked = m.locked
+ , modnote = m.modnote
+ , isfull = m.isfull
+ , text =
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Release (Maybe String)
+ | Full Bool
+ | Spoiler Bool
+ | Locked Bool
+ | Modnote String
+ | Text TP.Msg
+ | Submit
+ | Submitted GApi.Response
+ | Delete Bool
+ | DoDelete
+ | Deleted GApi.Response
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Release i -> ({ model | rid = i }, Cmd.none)
+ Full b -> ({ model | isfull = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Spoiler b -> ({ model | spoiler = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Locked b -> ({ model | locked = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Modnote s -> ({ model | modnote = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Text m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.text in ({ model | text = nm }, Text nc)
+ Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GRE.send (encode model) Submitted)
+ Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> (model, load s)
+ Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+ Delete b -> ({ model | delete = b }, Cmd.none)
+ DoDelete -> ({ model | delState = Api.Loading }, GRD.send ({ id = Maybe.withDefault "" }) Deleted)
+ Deleted GApi.Success -> (model, load <| "/" ++ model.vid)
+ Deleted r -> ({ model | delState = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model =
+ let minChars = if model.isfull then 1000 else 200
+ maxChars = if model.isfull then 100000 else 800
+ len = String.length
+ in
+ form_ "" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ [ article []
+ [ h1 [] [ text <| if == Nothing then "Submit a review" else "Edit review" ]
+ , p [] [ strong [] [ text "Rules" ] ]
+ , ul []
+ [ li [] [ text "Submit only reviews you have written yourself!" ]
+ , li [] [ text "Reviews must be in English." ]
+ , li [] [ text "Try to be as objective as possible." ]
+ , li [] [ text "If you have published the review elsewhere (e.g. a personal blog), feel free to include a link at the end of the review. Formatting tip: ", em [] [ text "[Originally published at <link>]" ] ]
+ , li [] [ text "Your vote (if any) will be displayed alongside the review, even if you have marked your list as private." ]
+ ]
+ , br [] []
+ ]
+ , article []
+ [ table [ class "formtable" ]
+ [ formField "Subject" [ a [ href <| "/"++model.vid ] [ text model.vntitle ] ]
+ , formField ""
+ [ inputSelect "" model.rid Release [style "width" "500px" ] <|
+ (Nothing, "No release selected")
+ :: (\r -> (Just, RDate.showrel r)) model.releases
+ ++ if model.rid == Nothing || List.any (\r -> Just == model.rid) model.releases then [] else [(model.rid, "Deleted or moved release: r"++Maybe.withDefault "" model.rid)]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "You do not have to select a release, but indicating which release your review is based on gives more context."
+ ]
+ , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ]
+ , formField "Review type"
+ [ label [] [ inputRadio "type" (model.isfull == False) (\_ -> Full False), strong [] [ text " Mini review" ]
+ , text <| " - Recommendation-style, maximum 800 characters." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , label [] [ inputRadio "type" (model.isfull == True ) (\_ -> Full True ), strong [] [ text " Full review" ]
+ , text " - Longer, more detailed." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , small [] [ text "You can always switch between review types later." ]
+ ]
+ , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ]
+ , formField ""
+ [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.spoiler Spoiler, text " This review contains spoilers." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , small [] [ text "You do not have to check this option if all spoilers in your review are marked with [spoiler] tags." ]
+ ]
+ , if not model.mod then text "" else
+ formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.locked Locked, text " Locked for commenting." ] ]
+ , if not model.mod then text "" else
+ formField "modnote::Mod note"
+ [ inputText "modnote" model.modnote Modnote (style "width" "500px" :: GRE.valModnote)
+ , br [] [], text "Moderation note intended to inform readers of the review that its author may be biased and failed to disclose that." ]
+ , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ]
+ , formField "text::Review"
+ [ TP.view "sum" model.text Text 700 ([rows (if model.isfull then 30 else 10), cols 50] ++ GRE.valText)
+ [ a [ href "/d9#4" ] [ text "BBCode formatting supported" ] ]
+ , div [ style "width" "700px", style "text-align" "right" ] <|
+ let num c s = if c then b [] [ text s ] else text s
+ in
+ [ num (len < minChars) (String.fromInt minChars)
+ , text " / "
+ , strong [] [ text (String.fromInt len) ]
+ , text " / "
+ , num (len > maxChars) (if model.isfull then "∞" else String.fromInt maxChars)
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , article [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state (len <= maxChars && len >= minChars) ]
+ , if == Nothing then text "" else
+ article []
+ [ h1 [] [ text "Delete review" ]
+ , table [ class "formtable" ] [ formField ""
+ [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.delete Delete, text " Delete this review." ]
+ , if not model.delete then text "" else span []
+ [ br [] []
+ , b [] [ text "WARNING:" ]
+ , text " Deleting this review is a permanent action and can not be reverted!"
+ , br [] []
+ , br [] []
+ , inputButton "Confirm delete" DoDelete []
+ , case model.delState of
+ Api.Loading -> span [ class "spinner" ] []
+ Api.Error e -> b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ]
+ Api.Normal -> text ""
+ ]
+ ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
diff --git a/elm/StaffEdit.elm b/elm/StaffEdit.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 134a409b..00000000
--- a/elm/StaffEdit.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-module StaffEdit exposing (main)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
-import Lib.Util exposing (..)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.TextPreview as TP
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Lib.Editsum as Editsum
-import Gen.StaffEdit as GSE
-import Gen.Types as GT
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-main : Program GSE.Recv Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
- , view = view
- , update = update
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- }
-type alias Model =
- { state : Api.State
- , editsum : Editsum.Model
- , alias : List GSE.RecvAlias
- , aliasDup : Bool
- , aid : Int
- , desc : TP.Model
- , gender : String
- , lang : String
- , l_site : String
- , l_wikidata : Maybe Int
- , l_twitter : String
- , l_anidb : Maybe Int
- , l_pixiv : Int
- , id : Maybe Int
- }
-init : GSE.Recv -> Model
-init d =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , editsum = { authmod = d.authmod, editsum = TP.bbcode d.editsum, locked = d.locked, hidden = d.hidden }
- , alias = d.alias
- , aliasDup = False
- , aid = d.aid
- , desc = TP.bbcode d.desc
- , gender = d.gender
- , lang = d.lang
- , l_site = d.l_site
- , l_wikidata = d.l_wikidata
- , l_twitter = d.l_twitter
- , l_anidb = d.l_anidb
- , l_pixiv = d.l_pixiv
- , id =
- }
-encode : Model -> GSE.Send
-encode model =
- { id =
- , editsum =
- , hidden = model.editsum.hidden
- , locked = model.editsum.locked
- , aid = model.aid
- , alias = (\e -> { aid = e.aid, name =, original = e.original }) model.alias
- , desc =
- , gender = model.gender
- , lang = model.lang
- , l_site = model.l_site
- , l_wikidata = model.l_wikidata
- , l_twitter = model.l_twitter
- , l_anidb = model.l_anidb
- , l_pixiv = model.l_pixiv
- }
-newAid : Model -> Int
-newAid model =
- let id = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| List.minimum <| .aid model.alias
- in if id >= 0 then -1 else id - 1
-type Msg
- = Editsum Editsum.Msg
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
- | Lang String
- | Gender String
- | Website String
- | LWikidata (Maybe Int)
- | LTwitter String
- | LAnidb String
- | LPixiv String
- | Desc TP.Msg
- | AliasDel Int
- | AliasName Int String
- | AliasOrig Int String
- | AliasMain Int Bool
- | AliasAdd
-validate : Model -> Model
-validate model = { model | aliasDup = hasDuplicates <| (\e -> (, e.original)) model.alias }
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Editsum m -> let (nm,nc) = Editsum.update m model.editsum in ({ model | editsum = nm }, Editsum nc)
- Lang s -> ({ model | lang = s }, Cmd.none)
- Gender s -> ({ model | gender = s }, Cmd.none)
- Website s -> ({ model | l_site = s }, Cmd.none)
- LWikidata n-> ({ model | l_wikidata= n }, Cmd.none)
- LTwitter s -> ({ model | l_twitter = s }, Cmd.none)
- LAnidb s -> ({ model | l_anidb = if s == "" then Nothing else String.toInt s }, Cmd.none)
- LPixiv s -> ({ model | l_pixiv = Maybe.withDefault model.l_pixiv (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none)
- Desc m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.desc in ({ model | desc = nm }, Desc nc)
- AliasDel i -> (validate { model | alias = delidx i model.alias }, Cmd.none)
- AliasName i s -> (validate { model | alias = modidx i (\e -> { e | name = s }) model.alias }, Cmd.none)
- AliasOrig i s -> (validate { model | alias = modidx i (\e -> { e | original = s }) model.alias }, Cmd.none)
- AliasMain n _ -> ({ model | aid = n }, Cmd.none)
- AliasAdd -> ({ model | alias = model.alias ++ [{ aid = newAid model, name = "", original = "", inuse = False, wantdel = False }] }, Cmd.none)
- Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GSE.send (encode model) Submitted)
- Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> (model, load s)
- Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
-isValid : Model -> Bool
-isValid model = not (model.aliasDup || List.any (\l -> == l.original) model.alias)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- let
- nameEntry n e =
- tr []
- [ td [ class "tc_id" ] [ inputRadio "main" (e.aid == model.aid) (AliasMain e.aid) ]
- , td [ class "tc_name" ] [ inputText "" (AliasName n) GSE.valAliasName ]
- , td [ class "tc_original" ]
- [ inputText "" e.original (AliasOrig n) GSE.valAliasOriginal
- , if /= "" && == e.original then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "May not be the same as Name (romaji)" ] else text ""
- ]
- , td [ class "tc_add" ]
- [ if model.aid == e.aid then b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " primary" ]
- else if e.wantdel then b [ class "standout" ] [ text " still referenced" ]
- else if e.inuse then b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " referenced" ]
- else inputButton "remove" (AliasDel n) []
- ]
- ]
- names =
- table [ class "names" ] <|
- [ thead []
- [ tr []
- [ td [ class "tc_id" ] []
- , td [ class "tc_name" ] [ text "Name (romaji)" ]
- , td [ class "tc_original" ] [ text "Original" ]
- , td [] []
- ]
- ]
- ] ++ List.indexedMap nameEntry model.alias ++
- [ tr [ class "alias_new" ]
- [ td [] []
- , td [ colspan 3 ]
- [ if not model.aliasDup then text ""
- else b [ class "standout" ] [ text "The list contains duplicate aliases.", br_ 1 ]
- , a [ onClick AliasAdd ] [ text "Add alias" ]
- ]
- ]
- ]
- in
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox staffedit" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text "General info" ]
- , table [ class "formtable" ]
- [ formField "Names" [ names, br_ 1 ]
- , formField "desc::Biography" [ TP.view "desc" model.desc Desc 500 GSE.valDesc [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "English please!" ] ] ]
- , formField "gender::Gender" [ inputSelect "gender" model.gender Gender []
- [ ("unknown", "Unknown or N/A")
- , ("f", "Female")
- , ("m", "Male")
- ] ]
- , formField "lang::Primary Language" [ inputSelect "lang" model.lang Lang [] GT.languages ]
- , formField "l_site::Official page" [ inputText "l_site" model.l_site Website (style "width" "400px" :: GSE.valL_Site) ]
- , formField "l_wikidata::Wikidata ID" [ inputWikidata "l_wikidata" model.l_wikidata LWikidata ]
- , formField "l_twitter::Twitter username" [ inputText "l_twitter" model.l_twitter LTwitter GSE.valL_Twitter ]
- , formField "l_anidb::AniDB Creator ID" [ inputText "l_anidb" (Maybe.withDefault "" ( String.fromInt model.l_anidb)) LAnidb GSE.valL_Anidb ]
- , formField "l_pixiv::Pixiv ID" [ inputText "l_pixiv" (if model.l_pixiv == 0 then "" else String.fromInt model.l_pixiv) LPixiv GSE.valL_Pixiv ]
- ]
- ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ]
- [ Editsum (Editsum.view model.editsum)
- , submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model)
- ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm/Tagmod.elm b/elm/Tagmod.elm
index 1e0cb408..de82f77f 100644
--- a/elm/Tagmod.elm
+++ b/elm/Tagmod.elm
@@ -29,19 +29,21 @@ type alias Tag = GT.RecvTags
type Sel
= NoSel
| Vote Int
+ | Over
| Spoil (Maybe Int)
+ | Lie (Maybe Bool)
| Note
| NoteSet
type alias Model =
{ state : Api.State
, title : String
- , id : Int
+ , id : String
, mod : Bool
, tags : List Tag
, saved : List Tag
, changed : Bool
- , selId : Int
+ , selId : String
, selType : Sel
, negCount : Int
, negShow : Bool
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ init f =
, tags = f.tags
, saved = f.tags
, changed = False
- , selId = 0
+ , selId = ""
, selType = NoSel
, negCount = List.length <| List.filter (\t -> t.rating <= 0) f.tags
, negShow = False
@@ -73,11 +75,12 @@ searchConfig = { wrap = TagSearch, id = "tagadd", source = A.tagSource }
type Msg
= Noop
- | SetSel Int Sel
- | SetVote Int Int
- | SetOver Int Bool
- | SetSpoil Int (Maybe Int)
- | SetNote Int String
+ | SetSel String Sel
+ | SetVote String Int
+ | SetOver String Bool
+ | SetSpoil String (Maybe Int)
+ | SetLie String (Maybe Bool)
+ | SetNote String String
| NegShow Bool
| TagSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiTagResult)
| Submit
@@ -99,6 +102,7 @@ update msg model =
SetVote id v -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | vote = v }), Cmd.none)
SetOver id b -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | overrule = b }), Cmd.none)
SetSpoil id s -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | spoil = s }), Cmd.none)
+ SetLie id s -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | lie = s }), Cmd.none)
SetNote id s -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | notes = s }), Cmd.none)
NegShow b -> ({ model | negShow = b }, Cmd.none)
@@ -108,101 +112,118 @@ update msg model =
Nothing -> ({ model | add = nm }, c)
Just t ->
let (nl, ms) =
- if t.state == 1 then ([], "Can't add deleted tags")
+ if t.hidden && t.locked then ([], "Can't add deleted tags")
else if not t.applicable then ([], "Tag is not applicable")
else if List.any (\it -> == model.tags then ([], "Tag is already in the list")
- else ([{ id =, vote = 2, spoil = Nothing, overrule = False, notes = "", cat = "new", name =
- , rating = 0, count = 0, spoiler = 0, overruled = False, othnotes = "", state = t.state, applicable = t.applicable }], "")
+ else ([{ id =, vote = 0, spoil = Nothing, lie = Nothing, overrule = False, notes = "", cat = "new", name =
+ , rating = 0, count = 0, spoiler = 0, islie = False, overruled = False, othnotes = "", hidden = t.hidden, locked = t.locked, applicable = t.applicable }], "")
in (changed { model | add = if ms == "" then A.clear nm "" else nm, tags = model.tags ++ nl, addMsg = ms }, c)
Submit ->
( { model | state = Api.Loading, addMsg = "" }
- , GT.send { id =, tags = (\t -> { id =, vote =, spoil = t.spoil, overrule = t.overrule, notes = t.notes }) model.tags } Submitted)
+ , GT.send { id =, tags = (\t -> { id =, vote =, spoil = t.spoil, lie = t.lie, overrule = t.overrule, notes = t.notes }) model.tags } Submitted)
Submitted GApi.Success -> (model, reload)
Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
-viewTag : Tag -> Sel -> Int -> Bool -> Html Msg
+viewTag : Tag -> Sel -> String -> Bool -> Html Msg
viewTag t sel vid mod =
-- Similar to VNWeb::Tags::Lib::tagscore_
tagscore s =
- div [ class "tagscore", classList [("negative", s < 0)] ]
+ div [ class "tagscore", classList [("negative", s <= 0)] ]
[ span [] [ text <| Ffi.fmtFloat s 1 ]
, div [ style "width" <| String.fromFloat (abs (s/3*30)) ++ "px" ] []
+ msg s = [ td [ colspan 4 ] [ text s ] ]
vote = case sel of Vote v -> v
_ ->
spoil = case sel of Spoil s -> s
_ -> t.spoil
+ lie = case sel of Lie l -> l
+ _ -> t.lie
tr [] <|
[ td [ class "tc_tagname" ]
- [ a [ href <| "/g"++String.fromInt, style "text-decoration" (if t.applicable && t.state /= 1 then "none" else "line-through") ] [ text ]
- , case (t.state, t.applicable) of
- (0, _) -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " (awaiting approval)" ]
- (1, _) -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " (deleted)" ]
- (_, False) -> b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " (not applicable)" ]
+ [ a [ href <| "/", style "text-decoration" (if t.applicable && not (t.hidden && t.locked) then "none" else "line-through") ] [ text ]
+ , case (t.hidden, t.locked, t.applicable) of
+ (True, False, _) -> small [] [ text " (awaiting approval)" ]
+ (True, True, _) -> small [] [ text " (deleted)" ]
+ (_, _, False) -> small [] [ text " (not applicable)" ]
_ -> text ""
, td [ class "tc_myvote buts" ]
- [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote -3)), onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel), onClickD (SetVote -3), classList [("ld", vote < 0)], title "Downvote" ] []
- , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 0)), onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 0), classList [("l0", vote == 0)], title "Remove vote" ] []
- , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 1)), onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 1), classList [("l1", vote >= 1)], title "+1" ] []
- , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 2)), onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 2), classList [("l2", vote >= 2)], title "+2" ] []
- , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 3)), onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 3), classList [("l3", vote == 3)], title "+3" ] []
+ [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote -3)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote -3), classList [("ld", vote < 0)], title "Downvote" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 0)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 0), classList [("l0", vote == 0)], title "Remove vote" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 1)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 1), classList [("l1", vote >= 1)], title "+1" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 2)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 2), classList [("l2", vote >= 2)], title "+2" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 3)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 3), classList [("l3", vote == 3)], title "+3" ] []
- , td [ class "tc_myover" ] [ if mod && /= 0 then inputCheck "" t.overrule (SetOver else text "" ]
+ ] ++ (if == 0 && t.count == 0 then
+ [ td [ colspan 4 ] [ text "<- don't forget to rate" ]
+ ] else
+ [ td [ class "tc_myover buts" ] <|
+ if == 0 || not mod then [] else
+ [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel Over), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetOver (not t.overrule)), classList [("ov", t.overrule || sel == Over)], title "Overrule" ] [] ]
, td [ class "tc_myspoil buts" ] <|
if <= 0 then [] else
- [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil Nothing)), onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil Nothing), classList [("sn", spoil == Nothing)], title "Unknown" ] []
- , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil (Just 0))), onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil (Just 0)), classList [("s0", spoil == Just 0 )], title "Not a spoiler" ] []
- , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil (Just 1))), onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil (Just 1)), classList [("s1", spoil == Just 1 )], title "Minor spoiler" ] []
- , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil (Just 2))), onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil (Just 2)), classList [("s2", spoil == Just 2 )], title "Major spoiler" ] []
+ [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil Nothing)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil Nothing), classList [("sn", spoil == Nothing)], title "Unknown" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil (Just 0))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil (Just 0)), classList [("s0", spoil == Just 0 )], title "Not a spoiler" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil (Just 1))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil (Just 1)), classList [("s1", spoil == Just 1 )], title "Minor spoiler" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil (Just 2))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil (Just 2)), classList [("s2", spoil == Just 2 )], title "Major spoiler" ] []
+ ]
+ , td [ class "tc_mylie buts" ] <|
+ if <= 0 then [] else
+ [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Lie Nothing)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetLie Nothing ), classList [("fn", lie == Nothing )], title "Unknown" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Lie (Just False))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetLie (Just False)), classList [("f0", lie == Just False)], title "This tag is not a lie" ] []
+ , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Lie (Just True))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetLie (Just True )), classList [("f1", lie == Just True )], title "This tag is a lie"] []
, td [ class "tc_mynote" ] <|
if == 0 then [] else
[ span
[ onMouseOver (SetSel Note)
- , onMouseOut (SetSel 0 NoSel)
+ , onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel)
, onClickD (SetSel NoteSet)
- , title <| if t.notes == "" then "set note" else t.notes
, style "opacity" <| if t.notes == "" then "0.5" else "1.0"
] [ text "💬" ]
- ] ++
+ ]) ++
case sel of
- Vote 0 -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ text "Remove vote" ] ]
- Vote 1 -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ text "Vote +1" ] ]
- Vote 2 -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ text "Vote +2" ] ]
- Vote 3 -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ text "Vote +3" ] ]
- Vote _ -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ text "Downvote (-3)" ] ]
- Spoil Nothing -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ text "Spoiler status not known" ] ]
- Spoil (Just 0) -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ text "This is not spoiler" ] ]
- Spoil (Just 1) -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ text "This is a minor spoiler" ] ]
- Spoil (Just 2) -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ text "This is a major spoiler" ] ]
- Note -> [ td [ colspan 3 ] [ if t.notes == "" then text "Set note" else div [ class "noteview" ] [ text t.notes ] ] ]
+ Vote 0 -> msg "Remove vote"
+ Vote 1 -> msg "Vote +1"
+ Vote 2 -> msg "Vote +2"
+ Vote 3 -> msg "Vote +3"
+ Vote _ -> msg "Downvote (-3)"
+ Over -> msg "Mod overrule (only your vote counts)"
+ Spoil Nothing -> msg "Spoiler status not known"
+ Spoil (Just 0) -> msg "This is not a spoiler"
+ Spoil (Just 1) -> msg "This is a minor spoiler"
+ Spoil (Just 2) -> msg "This is a major spoiler"
+ Lie Nothing -> msg "Truth status not known"
+ Lie (Just True)-> msg "This tag turns out to be false"
+ Lie (Just False)->msg "This tag is not a lie"
+ Note -> [ td [ colspan 4 ] [ if t.notes == "" then text "Set note" else div [ class "noteview" ] [ text t.notes ] ] ]
NoteSet ->
- [ td [ colspan 3, class "compact" ]
+ [ td [ colspan 4, class "compact" ]
[ Html.form [ onSubmit (SetSel NoSel) ]
[ inputText "tag_note" t.notes (SetNote (onBlur (SetSel NoSel) :: style "width" "400px" :: style "position" "absolute" :: placeholder "Set note..." :: GT.valTagsNotes) ]
_ ->
- if t.count == 0 then [ td [ colspan 3 ] [] ]
+ if t.count == 0 then [ td [ colspan 4 ] [] ]
[ td [ class "tc_allvote" ]
[ tagscore t.rating
, i [ classList [("grayedout", t.overruled)] ] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt t.count ++ ")" ]
, if not t.overruled then text ""
- else b [ class "standout", style "font-weight" "bold", title "Tag overruled. All votes other than that of the moderator who overruled it will be ignored." ] [ text "!" ]
+ else strong [ class "standout", title "Tag overruled. All votes other than that of the moderator who overruled it will be ignored." ] [ text "!" ]
, td [ class "tc_allspoil"] [ text <| Ffi.fmtFloat t.spoiler 2 ]
+ , td [ class "tc_alllie"] [ text <| if t.islie then "lie" else "" ]
, td [ class "tc_allwho" ]
[ span [ style "opacity" <| if t.othnotes == "" then "0" else "1", style "cursor" "default", title t.othnotes ] [ text "💬 " ]
- , a [ href <| "/g/links?v="++String.fromInt vid++"&t="++String.fromInt ] [ text "Who?" ]
+ , a [ href <| "/g/links?v="++vid++"&t=" ] [ text "Who?" ]
@@ -213,30 +234,32 @@ viewHead mod negCount negShow =
[ td [ style "font-weight" "normal", style "text-align" "right" ] <|
if negCount == 0 then []
else [ linkRadio negShow NegShow [ text "Show downvoted tags " ], i [] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt negCount ++ ")" ] ]
- , td [ colspan 4, class "tc_you" ] [ text "You" ]
- , td [ colspan 3, class "tc_others" ] [ text "Others" ]
+ , td [ colspan 5, class "tc_you" ] [ text "You" ]
+ , td [ colspan 4, class "tc_others" ] [ text "Others" ]
, tr []
[ td [ class "tc_tagname" ] [ text "Tag" ]
, td [ class "tc_myvote" ] [ text "Rating" ]
, td [ class "tc_myover" ] [ text (if mod then "O" else "") ]
, td [ class "tc_myspoil" ] [ text "Spoiler" ]
+ , td [ class "tc_mylie" ] [ text "Lie" ]
, td [ class "tc_mynote" ] []
, td [ class "tc_allvote" ] [ text "Rating" ]
, td [ class "tc_allspoil"] [ text "Spoiler" ]
+ , td [ class "tc_alllie" ] []
, td [ class "tc_allwho" ] []
viewFoot : Api.State -> Bool -> A.Model GApi.ApiTagResult -> String -> Html Msg
viewFoot state changed add addMsg =
- tfoot [] [ tr [] [ td [ colspan 8 ]
+ tfoot [] [ tr [] [ td [ colspan 10 ]
[ div [ style "display" "flex", style "justify-content" "space-between" ]
[ A.view searchConfig add [placeholder "Add tags..."]
, if addMsg /= ""
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ text addMsg ]
+ then b [] [ text addMsg ]
else if changed
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "You have unsaved changes" ]
+ then b [] [ text "You have unsaved changes" ]
else text ""
, submitButton "Save changes" state True
@@ -249,8 +272,8 @@ viewFoot state changed add addMsg =
-- The table has a lot of interactivity, the use of Html.Lazy is absolutely necessary for good responsiveness.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
+ form_ "" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ [ article []
[ h1 [] [ text <| "Edit tags for " ++ model.title ]
, p []
[ text "This is where you can add tags to the visual novel and vote on the existing tags."
@@ -268,7 +291,7 @@ view model =
if List.length lst == 0
then []
- else tr [class "tagmod_cat"] [ td [] [text nam], td [ class "tc_you", colspan 4 ] [], td [ class "tc_others", colspan 3 ] [] ]
+ else tr [class "tagmod_cat"] [ td [] [text nam], td [ class "tc_you", colspan 5 ] [], td [ class "tc_others", colspan 4 ] [] ]
:: (\t -> Html.Lazy.lazy4 viewTag t (if == model.selId then model.selType else NoSel) model.mod) lst)
[ ("cont", "Content")
, ("ero", "Sexual content")
diff --git a/elm/UList/DateEdit.elm b/elm/UList/DateEdit.elm
index d20dbba7..72f1b87d 100644
--- a/elm/UList/DateEdit.elm
+++ b/elm/UList/DateEdit.elm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module UList.DateEdit exposing (main)
+module UList.DateEdit exposing (main,init,view,update,Model,Msg)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ view : Model -> Html Msg
view model = div (class "compact" :: if model.visible then [] else [onMouseOver Show]) <|
case model.state of
Api.Loading -> [ span [ class "spinner" ] [] ]
- Api.Error _ -> [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "error" ] ] -- Argh
+ Api.Error _ -> [ b [] [ text "error" ] ] -- Argh
Api.Normal ->
[ if model.visible
then input ([ type_ "date", class "text", value model.val, onInputValidation Val, onBlur (Save model.debnum), placeholder "yyyy-mm-dd" ] ++ GDE.valDate) []
diff --git a/elm/UList/LabelEdit.elm b/elm/UList/LabelEdit.elm
index 1011d950..153fad8c 100644
--- a/elm/UList/LabelEdit.elm
+++ b/elm/UList/LabelEdit.elm
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Lib.Html exposing (..)
import Lib.Api as Api
import Lib.DropDown as DD
import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.UListLabelAdd as GLA
import Gen.UListLabelEdit as GLE
@@ -26,29 +27,36 @@ main = Browser.element
port ulistLabelChanged : Bool -> Cmd msg
type alias Model =
- { uid : Int
- , vid : Int
+ { uid : String
+ , vid : String
, labels : List GLE.RecvLabels
, sel : Set Int -- Set of label IDs applied on the server
, tsel : Set Int -- Set of label IDs applied on the client
, state : Dict Int Api.State -- Only for labels that are being changed
, dd : DD.Config Msg
+ , custom : String
+ , customSt : Api.State
init : GLE.Recv -> Model
init f =
{ uid = f.uid
, vid = f.vid
- , labels = f.labels
+ , labels = List.filter (\l -> > 0) f.labels
, sel = Set.fromList f.selected
, tsel = Set.fromList f.selected
, state = Dict.empty
- , dd = DD.init ("ulist_labeledit_dd" ++ String.fromInt f.vid) Open
+ , dd = DD.init ("ulist_labeledit_dd" ++ f.vid) Open
+ , custom = ""
+ , customSt = Api.Normal
type Msg
= Open Bool
| Toggle Int Bool Bool
+ | Custom String
+ | CustomSubmit
+ | CustomSaved GApi.Response
| Saved Int Bool GApi.Response
@@ -69,10 +77,21 @@ update msg model =
GLE.send { uid = model.uid, vid = model.vid, label = l, applied = b } (Saved l b)
-- Unselect other progress labels (1..4) when setting a progress label
:: if cascade
- then ( (\i -> selfCmd (Toggle i False False)) <| List.filter (\i -> l >= 0 && l <= 4 && i >= 0 && i <= 4 && i /= l) <| Set.toList model.tsel)
+ then ( (\i -> selfCmd (Toggle i False False)) <| List.filter (\i -> l >= 1 && l <= 4 && i >= 1 && i <= 4 && i /= l) <| Set.toList model.tsel)
else []
+ Custom t -> ({ model | custom = t }, Cmd.none)
+ CustomSubmit -> ({ model | customSt = Api.Loading }, GLA.send { uid = model.uid, vid = model.vid, label = model.custom } CustomSaved)
+ CustomSaved (GApi.LabelId id) ->
+ let new = List.filter (\l -> == id) model.labels |> List.isEmpty
+ in ({ model | labels = if new then model.labels ++ [{ id = id, label = model.custom, private = True }] else model.labels
+ , customSt = Api.Normal, custom = ""
+ , sel = Set.insert id model.sel
+ , tsel = Set.insert id model.tsel
+ }, Cmd.none)
+ CustomSaved e -> ({ model | customSt = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
Saved l b (GApi.Success) ->
let nmodel = { model | sel = if b then Set.insert l model.sel else Set.remove l model.sel, state = Dict.remove l model.state }
in (nmodel, ulistLabelChanged (isPublic nmodel))
@@ -82,21 +101,34 @@ update msg model =
view : Model -> String -> Html Msg
view model txt =
- str = String.join ", " <| List.filterMap (\l -> if /= 7 && Set.member model.sel then Just l.label else Nothing) model.labels
+ lbl = List.intersperse (text ", ") <| List.filterMap (\l ->
+ if /= 7 && Set.member model.sel
+ then Just <| span []
+ [ if <= 6 && txt /= "-" then ulistIcon l.label else text ""
+ , text (" " ++ l.label) ]
+ else Nothing) model.labels
item l =
li [ ]
[ linkRadio (Set.member model.tsel) (Toggle True)
[ text l.label
, text " "
- , span [ class "spinner", classList [("invisible", Dict.get model.state /= Just Api.Loading)] ] []
, case Dict.get model.state of
- Just (Api.Error _) -> b [ class "standout" ] [ text "error" ] -- Need something better
- _ -> text ""
+ Just Api.Loading -> span [ class "spinner" ] []
+ Just (Api.Error _) -> b [] [ text "error" ] -- Need something better
+ _ -> if <= 6 then ulistIcon l.label else text ""
+ custom =
+ li [] [
+ case model.customSt of
+ Api.Normal -> Html.form [ onSubmit CustomSubmit ]
+ [ inputText "" model.custom Custom ([placeholder "new label", style "width" "150px"] ++ GLA.valLabel) ]
+ Api.Loading -> span [ class "spinner" ] []
+ Api.Error _ -> b [] [ text "error" ] ]
DD.view model.dd
(if List.any (\s -> s == Api.Loading) <| Dict.values model.state then Api.Loading else Api.Normal)
- (text <| if str == "" then txt else str)
- (\_ -> [ ul [] <| item <| List.filter (\l -> /= 7) model.labels ])
+ (if List.isEmpty lbl then text txt else span [] lbl)
+ (\_ -> [ ul [] <| item (List.filter (\l -> /= 7) model.labels) ++ [ custom ] ])
diff --git a/elm/UList/LabelEdit.js b/elm/UList/LabelEdit.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 156ae08f..00000000
--- a/elm/UList/LabelEdit.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-wrap_elm_init('UList.LabelEdit', function(init, opt) {
- opt.flags.uid = pageVars.uid;
- opt.flags.labels = pageVars.labels;
- var app = init(opt);
- app.ports.ulistLabelChanged.subscribe(function(pub) {
- var l = document.getElementById('ulist_public_'+opt.flags.vid);
- l.setAttribute('data-publabel', pub?1:'');
- l.classList.toggle('invisible', !((l.getAttribute('data-voted') && !pageVars.voteprivate) || l.getAttribute('data-publabel')))
- });
diff --git a/elm/UList/ManageLabels.elm b/elm/UList/ManageLabels.elm
index 61b7ebe3..8a5533d7 100644
--- a/elm/UList/ManageLabels.elm
+++ b/elm/UList/ManageLabels.elm
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ main = Browser.element
type alias Model =
- { uid : Int
+ { uid : String
, state : Api.State
, labels : List GML.SendLabels
, editing : Maybe Int
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ init : GML.Send -> Model
init d =
{ uid = d.uid
, state = Api.Normal
- , labels = d.labels
+ , labels = List.filter (\l -> > 0) d.labels
, editing = Nothing
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ view model =
, td [ ] [ linkRadio l.private (Private n) [ text "private" ] ]
, td [ class "stealth" ]
- [ if == 7 then b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text "applied when you vote" ]
- else if > 0 && < 10 then b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text "built-in" ]
+ [ if == 7 then small [] [ text "applied when you vote" ]
+ else if > 0 && < 10 then small [] [ text "built-in" ]
else if l.delete == Nothing then a [ onClick (Delete n (Just 1)) ] [ text "remove" ]
else inputSelect "" l.delete (Delete n) []
[ (Nothing, "Keep label")
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ view model =
Html.form [ onSubmit Submit, class "managelabels hidden" ]
[ div [ ]
- [ b [] [ text "How to use labels" ]
+ [ strong [] [ text "How to use labels" ]
, ul []
[ li [] [ text "You can assign multiple labels to a visual novel" ]
, li [] [ text "You can create custom labels or just use the built-in labels" ]
@@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ view model =
, tfoot []
[ if List.any (\l -> == 7 && l.private) model.labels && List.any (\l -> not l.private) model.labels
then tr [] [ td [ colspan 4 ]
- [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "WARNING: " ]
+ [ b [] [ text "WARNING: " ]
, text "Your vote is still public if you assign a non-private label to the visual novel."
] ]
else text ""
, tr []
[ td [] []
, td [ colspan 3 ]
- [ a [ onClick Add ] [ text "New label" ]
+ [ if List.length model.labels < 500 then inputButton "New label" Add [] else text ""
, submitButton "Save changes" model.state (not hasDup)
diff --git a/elm/UList/ManageLabels.js b/elm/UList/ManageLabels.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f9f8c68b..00000000
--- a/elm/UList/ManageLabels.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-document.querySelectorAll('#managelabels').forEach(function(b) {
- b.onclick = function() {
- document.querySelectorAll('.managelabels').forEach(function(e) { e.classList.toggle('hidden') })
- document.querySelectorAll('.savedefault').forEach(function(e) { e.classList.add('hidden') })
- };
- return false;
-wrap_elm_init('UList.ManageLabels', function(init, opt) {
- opt.flags = { uid: pageVars.uid, labels: pageVars.labels };
- init(opt);
diff --git a/elm/UList/Opt.elm b/elm/UList/Opt.elm
index 87b123fa..e909f2d8 100644
--- a/elm/UList/Opt.elm
+++ b/elm/UList/Opt.elm
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ type alias Model =
, notesRev : Int
, notesState : Api.State
, rels : List RE.Model
- , relNfo : Dict Int GApi.ApiReleases
- , relOptions : Maybe (List (Int, String))
+ , relNfo : Dict String GApi.ApiReleases
+ , relOptions : Maybe (List (String, String))
, relState : Api.State
@@ -69,14 +69,10 @@ type Msg
| Notes String
| NotesSave Int
| NotesSaved Int GApi.Response
- | Rel Int RE.Msg
+ | Rel String RE.Msg
| RelLoad
| RelLoaded GApi.Response
- | RelAdd Int
-showrel : GApi.ApiReleases -> String
-showrel r = "[" ++ (RDate.format (RDate.expand r.released)) ++ " " ++ (String.join "," r.lang) ++ "] " ++ r.title ++ " (r" ++ String.fromInt ++ ")"
+ | RelAdd String
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
@@ -128,11 +124,11 @@ update msg model =
( { model
| relState = Api.Normal
, relNfo = Dict.union (Dict.fromList <| (\r -> (, r)) rels) model.relNfo
- , relOptions = Just <| (\r -> (, showrel r)) rels
+ , relOptions = Just <| (\r -> (, RDate.showrel r)) rels
}, Cmd.none)
RelLoaded e -> ({ model | relState = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
RelAdd rid ->
- ( { model | rels = model.rels ++ (if rid == 0 then [] else [RE.init model.flags.vid { rid = rid, uid = model.flags.uid, status = Just 2, empty = "" }]) }
+ ( { model | rels = model.rels ++ (if rid == "" then [] else [RE.init model.flags.vid { rid = rid, uid = model.flags.uid, status = Just 2, empty = "" }]) }
, Task.perform (always <| Rel rid <| RE.Set (Just 2) True) <| Task.succeed True)
@@ -156,7 +152,7 @@ view model =
else []
) ++ (
case model.notesState of
- Api.Error e -> [ br [] [], b [ class "standout" ] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ] ]
+ Api.Error e -> [ br [] [], b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ] ]
_ -> []
@@ -169,11 +165,11 @@ view model =
-- TODO: This <select> solution is ugly as hell, a Lib.DropDown-based solution would be nicer.
-- Or just throw all releases in the table and use the status field for add stuff.
case (model.relOptions, model.relState) of
- (Just opts, _) -> [ inputSelect "" 0 RelAdd [ style "width" "500px" ]
- <| (0, "-- add release --") :: List.filter (\(rid,_) -> not <| List.any (\r -> r.rid == rid) model.rels) opts ]
+ (Just opts, _) -> [ inputSelect "" "" RelAdd [ style "width" "500px" ]
+ <| ("", "-- add release --") :: List.filter (\(rid,_) -> not <| List.any (\r -> r.rid == rid) model.rels) opts ]
(_, Api.Normal) -> []
(_, Api.Loading) -> [ span [ class "spinner" ] [], text "Loading releases..." ]
- (_, Api.Error e) -> [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ], text ". ", a [ href "#", onClickD RelLoad ] [ text "Try again" ] ]
+ (_, Api.Error e) -> [ b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ], text ". ", a [ href "#", onClickD RelLoad ] [ text "Try again" ] ]
@@ -191,7 +187,7 @@ view model =
<| platformIcon nfo.platforms
++ langIcon nfo.lang
++ [ releaseTypeIcon nfo.rtype ]
- , td [ class "tco4" ] [ a [ href ("/r"++String.fromInt, title nfo.original ] [ text nfo.title ] ]
+ , td [ class "tco4" ] [ a [ href ("/", title nfo.alttitle ] [ text nfo.title ] ]
confirm =
@@ -206,4 +202,4 @@ view model =
(False, _) -> table [] <| (if model.flags.own then opt else []) ++ rel model.rels
(_, Api.Normal) -> confirm
(_, Api.Loading) -> div [ class "spinner" ] []
- (_, Api.Error e) -> b [ class "standout" ] [ text <| "Error removing item: " ++ Api.showResponse e ]
+ (_, Api.Error e) -> b [] [ text <| "Error removing item: " ++ Api.showResponse e ]
diff --git a/elm/UList/Opt.js b/elm/UList/Opt.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a80884a..00000000
--- a/elm/UList/Opt.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-var actualInit = function(init, opt) {
- var app = init(opt);
- app.ports.ulistVNDeleted.subscribe(function(b) {
- var e = document.getElementById('ulist_tr_'+opt.flags.vid);
- e.parentNode.removeChild(e.nextElementSibling);
- e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
- // Have to restripe after deletion :(
- var rows = document.querySelectorAll('.ulist > table > tbody > tr');
- for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++)
- rows[i].classList.toggle('odd', Math.floor(i/2) % 2 == 0);
- });
- app.ports.ulistNotesChanged.subscribe(function(n) {
- document.getElementById('ulist_notes_'+opt.flags.vid).innerText = n;
- });
- app.ports.ulistRelChanged.subscribe(function(rels) {
- var e = document.getElementById('ulist_relsum_'+opt.flags.vid);
- e.classList.toggle('todo', rels[0] != rels[1]);
- e.classList.toggle('done', rels[1] > 0 && rels[0] == rels[1]);
- e.innerText = rels[0] + '/' + rels[1];
- });
-// This module is typically hidden, lazily load it only when the module is visible to speed up page load time.
-wrap_elm_init('UList.Opt', function(init, opt) {
- var e = document.getElementById('collapse_vid'+opt.flags.vid);
- if(e.checked)
- actualInit(init, opt);
- else
- e.addEventListener('click', function() { actualInit(init, opt) }, { once: true });
diff --git a/elm/UList/ReleaseEdit.elm b/elm/UList/ReleaseEdit.elm
index 5373e316..7f901d67 100644
--- a/elm/UList/ReleaseEdit.elm
+++ b/elm/UList/ReleaseEdit.elm
@@ -15,29 +15,29 @@ import Gen.UListRStatus as GRS
main : Program GRS.Send Model Msg
main = Browser.element
- { init = \f -> (init 0 f, Cmd.none)
+ { init = \f -> (init "" f, Cmd.none)
, subscriptions = \model -> DD.sub model.dd
, view = view
, update = update
type alias Model =
- { uid : Int
- , rid : Int
+ { uid : String
+ , rid : String
, status : Maybe Int
, empty : String
, state : Api.State
, dd : DD.Config Msg
-init : Int -> GRS.Send -> Model
+init : String -> GRS.Send -> Model
init vid f =
{ uid = f.uid
, rid = f.rid
, status = f.status
, empty = f.empty
, state = Api.Normal
- , dd = DD.init ("ulist_reldd" ++ String.fromInt vid ++ "_" ++ String.fromInt f.rid) Open
+ , dd = DD.init ("ulist_reldd" ++ vid ++ "_" ++ f.rid) Open
type Msg
diff --git a/elm/UList/SaveDefault.elm b/elm/UList/SaveDefault.elm
index a0945c4b..cf7ab13b 100644
--- a/elm/UList/SaveDefault.elm
+++ b/elm/UList/SaveDefault.elm
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ main = Browser.element
type alias Model =
{ state : Api.State
- , uid : Int
+ , uid : String
, opts : GUSD.SendOpts
, field : String -- Ewwww stringly typed enum
, hid : Bool
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ update msg model =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ form_ "" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
[ div [ classList [("savedefault", True), ("hidden", model.hid)] ]
- [ b [] [ text "Save as default" ]
+ [ strong [] [ text "Save as default" ]
, br [] []
, text "This will change the default label selection, visible columns and table sorting options for the selected page to the currently applied settings."
, text " The saved view will also apply to users visiting your lists."
diff --git a/elm/UList/SaveDefault.js b/elm/UList/SaveDefault.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a253680f..00000000
--- a/elm/UList/SaveDefault.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-document.querySelectorAll('#savedefault').forEach(function(b) {
- b.onclick = function() {
- document.querySelectorAll('.savedefault').forEach(function(e) { e.classList.toggle('hidden') })
- document.querySelectorAll('.managelabels').forEach(function(e) { e.classList.add('hidden') })
- };
- return false;
diff --git a/elm/UList/VNPage.elm b/elm/UList/VNPage.elm
index 64c5f99a..63a1136d 100644
--- a/elm/UList/VNPage.elm
+++ b/elm/UList/VNPage.elm
@@ -1,182 +1,70 @@
+-- This is basically the same thing as UList.Widget, but with a slightly different UI.
+-- Release options are not available in this mode, as VN pages have a separate
+-- release listing anyway.
module UList.VNPage exposing (main)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Browser
-import Browser.Dom exposing (focus)
import Task
-import Process
-import Set
+import Date
import Lib.Html exposing (..)
import Lib.Util exposing (..)
import Lib.Api as Api
import Lib.DropDown as DD
-import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.UListWidget as GUW
import Gen.UListVNNotes as GVN
-import Gen.UListDel as GDE
import UList.LabelEdit as LE
import UList.VoteEdit as VE
+import UList.DateEdit as DE
+import UList.Widget as UW
--- We don't have a Gen.* module for this (yet), so define these manually
-type alias RecvLabels =
- { id : Int
- , label : String
- , private : Bool
- }
-type alias Recv =
- { uid : Int
- , vid : Int
- , onlist : Bool
- , canvote : Bool
- , vote : Maybe String
- , labels : List RecvLabels
- , selected : List Int
- , notes : String
- }
-main : Program Recv Model Msg
+main : Program GUW.Recv UW.Model UW.Msg
main = Browser.element
- { init = \f -> (init f, Cmd.none)
- , subscriptions = \model -> Sub.batch [ Labels (DD.sub model.labels.dd), Vote (DD.sub ]
+ { init = \f -> (UW.init f, |> Task.perform UW.Today)
+ , subscriptions = \m -> Sub.batch
+ [ UW.Label (DD.sub m.labels.dd)
+ , UW.Vote (DD.sub ]
, view = view
- , update = update
- }
-type alias Model =
- { flags : Recv
- , onlist : Bool
- , del : Bool
- , state : Api.State -- For adding/deleting; Vote and label edit widgets have their own state
- , labels : LE.Model
- , vote : VE.Model
- , notes : String
- , notesRev : Int
- , notesState : Api.State
- , notesVis : Bool
- }
-init : Recv -> Model
-init f =
- { flags = f
- , onlist = f.onlist
- , del = False
- , state = Api.Normal
- , labels = LE.init { uid = f.uid, vid = f.vid, labels = f.labels, selected = f.selected }
- , vote = VE.init { uid = f.uid, vid = f.vid, vote = }
- , notes = f.notes
- , notesRev = 0
- , notesState = Api.Normal
- , notesVis = f.notes /= ""
+ , update = UW.update
-type Msg
- = Noop
- | Labels LE.Msg
- | Vote VE.Msg
- | NotesToggle
- | Notes String
- | NotesSave Int
- | NotesSaved Int GApi.Response
- | Del Bool
- | Delete
- | Deleted GApi.Response
-setOnList : Model -> Model
-setOnList model = { model | onlist = model.onlist || /= Nothing || not (Set.isEmpty model.labels.sel) || model.notes /= "" }
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Noop -> (model, Cmd.none)
- Labels m -> let (nm, cmd) = LE.update m model.labels in (setOnList { model | labels = nm}, Labels cmd)
- Vote m -> let (nm, cmd) = VE.update m in (setOnList { model | vote = nm}, Vote cmd)
- NotesToggle ->
- ( { model | notesVis = not model.notesVis }
- , if model.notesVis then Cmd.none else Task.attempt (always Noop) (focus "uvn_notes"))
- Notes s ->
- if s == model.notes then (model, Cmd.none)
- else ( { model | notes = s, notesRev = model.notesRev + 1 }
- , Task.perform (\_ -> NotesSave (model.notesRev+1)) <| Process.sleep 1000)
- NotesSave rev ->
- if rev /= model.notesRev || model.notes == model.flags.notes
- then (model, Cmd.none)
- else ( { model | notesState = Api.Loading }
- , GVN.send { uid = model.flags.uid, vid = model.flags.vid, notes = model.notes } (NotesSaved rev))
- NotesSaved rev GApi.Success ->
- let f = model.flags
- nf = { f | notes = model.notes }
- in if model.notesRev /= rev
- then (model, Cmd.none)
- else (setOnList {model | flags = nf, notesState = Api.Normal }, Cmd.none)
- NotesSaved _ e -> ({ model | notesState = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
- Del b -> ({ model | del = b }, Cmd.none)
- Delete -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GDE.send { uid = model.flags.uid, vid = model.flags.vid } Deleted)
- Deleted GApi.Success ->
- ( { model
- | state = Api.Normal, onlist = False, del = False
- , labels = LE.init { uid = model.flags.uid, vid = model.flags.vid, labels = model.flags.labels, selected = [] }
- , vote = VE.init { uid = model.flags.uid, vid = model.flags.vid, vote = Nothing }
- , notes = "", notesVis = False
- }
- , Cmd.none)
- Deleted e -> ({ model | state = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
-isPublic : Model -> Bool
-isPublic model =
- LE.isPublic model.labels
- || (isJust && List.any (\l -> == 7 && not l.private) model.labels.labels)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
+view : UW.Model -> Html UW.Msg
view model =
- div [ class "ulistvn elm_dd_input" ]
- [ span [] <|
- case (model.state, model.del, model.onlist) of
- (Api.Loading, _, _) -> [ span [ class "spinner" ] [] ]
- (Api.Error e, _, _) -> [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ] ]
- (Api.Normal, _, False) -> [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text "not on your list" ] ]
- (Api.Normal, True, _) ->
- [ a [ onClickD Delete ] [ text "Yes, delete" ]
- , text " | "
- , a [ onClickD (Del False) ] [ text "Cancel" ]
+ let notesBut =
+ [ a [ href "#", onClickD UW.NotesToggle ] [ text "💬" ]
+ , span [ class "spinner", classList [("hidden", model.notesState /= Api.Loading)] ] []
+ , case model.notesState of
+ Api.Error e -> b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ]
+ _ -> text ""
- (Api.Normal, False, True) ->
- [ span [ classList [("hidden", not (isPublic model))], title "This visual novel is on your public list" ] [ text "👁 " ]
- , text "On your list | "
- , a [ onClickD (Del True) ] [ text "Remove from list" ]
- ]
- , b [] [ text "User options" ]
- , table [ style "margin" "4px 0 0 0" ]
+ in
+ div [ class "ulistvn elm_dd_input" ]
+ [ span [] (UW.viewStatus model)
+ , strong [] [ text "User options" ]
+ , table [ style "margin" "4px 0 0 0", style "width" "100%" ] <|
[ tr [ class "odd" ]
[ td [ class "key" ] [ text "My labels" ]
- , td [ colspan 2 ] [ Labels (LE.view model.labels "- select label -") ]
+ , td [ colspan (if model.canvote then 2 else 1) ] [ UW.Label (LE.view model.labels "- select label -") ]
+ , if model.canvote then text "" else td [] notesBut
- , if model.flags.canvote || (Maybe.withDefault "-" /= "-")
+ , if model.canvote
then tr [ class "nostripe compact" ]
[ td [] [ text "My vote" ]
- , td [ style "width" "80px" ] [ Vote (VE.view "- vote -") ]
- , td []
- [ a [ href "#", onClickD NotesToggle ] [ text "💬" ]
- , span [ class "spinner", classList [("hidden", model.notesState /= Api.Loading)] ] []
- , case model.notesState of
- Api.Error e -> b [ class "standout" ] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ]
- _ -> text ""
- ]
- ]
- else text ""
- , if model.notesVis
- then tr [ class "nostripe compact" ]
- [ td [] [ text "Notes" ]
- , td [ colspan 2 ]
- [ textarea ([ id "uvn_notes", placeholder "Notes", rows 2, cols 30, onInput Notes, onBlur (NotesSave model.notesRev)] ++ GVN.valNotes) [ text model.notes ] ]
+ , td [ style "width" "80px" ] [ UW.Vote (VE.view "- vote -") ]
+ , td [] <| notesBut ++ [ UW.viewReviewLink model ]
else text ""
+ ] ++ if not model.notesVis then [] else
+ [ tr [ class "nostripe compact" ]
+ [ td [] [ text "Notes" ]
+ , td [ colspan 2 ]
+ [ textarea ([ id "widget-notes", placeholder "Notes", rows 2, cols 30, onInput UW.Notes, onBlur (UW.NotesSave model.notesRev)] ++ GVN.valNotes) [ text model.notes ] ]
+ ]
+ ] ++ if not model.onlist then [] else
+ [ tr [] [ td [] [ text "Start date" ], td [ colspan 2, class "date" ] [ UW.Started (DE.view model.started ) ] ]
+ , tr [] [ td [] [ text "Finish date" ], td [ colspan 2, class "date" ] [ UW.Finished (DE.view model.finished) ] ]
diff --git a/elm/UList/VoteEdit.elm b/elm/UList/VoteEdit.elm
index 2ecdde10..2f57dca8 100644
--- a/elm/UList/VoteEdit.elm
+++ b/elm/UList/VoteEdit.elm
@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ init f =
{ state = Api.Normal
, flags = f
- , dd = DD.init ("vote_edit_dd_" ++ String.fromInt f.vid) Open
+ , dd = DD.init ("vote_edit_dd_" ++ f.vid) Open
, text = if List.any (\n -> v == Just (String.fromInt n)) (List.indexedMap (\a b -> a+1) ratings) then "" else Maybe.withDefault "" v
, vote = v
, ovote = v
, isvalid = True
- , fieldId = "vote_edit_" ++ String.fromInt f.vid
+ , fieldId = "vote_edit_" ++ f.vid
type Msg
diff --git a/elm/UList/VoteEdit.js b/elm/UList/VoteEdit.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a7ebfb74..00000000
--- a/elm/UList/VoteEdit.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-wrap_elm_init('UList.VoteEdit', function(init, opt) {
- var app = init(opt);
- app.ports.ulistVoteChanged.subscribe(function(voted) {
- var l = document.getElementById('ulist_public_'+opt.flags.vid);
- l.setAttribute('data-voted', voted?1:'');
- l.classList.toggle('invisible', !((l.getAttribute('data-voted') && !pageVars.voteprivate) || l.getAttribute('data-publabel')))
- });
diff --git a/elm/UList/Widget.elm b/elm/UList/Widget.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac5e0d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/UList/Widget.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+-- This module provides a ulist management widget. By default it shows as a
+-- small icon indicating the list status, which can be clicked on to open a
+-- full management modal for the VN.
+-- It is also used by UList.VNPage to provide a different view for essentially
+-- the same functionality.
+module UList.Widget exposing (Model, Msg(..), main, init, update, viewStatus, viewReviewLink)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Dom exposing (focus)
+import Task
+import Process
+import Set
+import Date
+import Dict exposing (Dict)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Lib.RDate as RDate
+import Lib.DropDown as DD
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.UListWidget as UW
+import Gen.UListVNNotes as GVN
+import Gen.UListDel as GDE
+import UList.LabelEdit as LE
+import UList.VoteEdit as VE
+import UList.DateEdit as DE
+import UList.ReleaseEdit as RE
+main : Program UW.Recv Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \f -> (init f, |> Task.perform Today)
+ , subscriptions = \m -> if not then Sub.none else Sub.batch <|
+ [ DD.onClickOutside "ulist-widget-box" (Open False)
+ , Label (DD.sub m.labels.dd)
+ , Vote (DD.sub
+ ] ++ (\r -> (Rel r.rid) (DD.sub r.dd)) m.rels
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ }
+type alias Model =
+ { uid : String
+ , vid : String
+ , loadState : Api.State
+ , today : Date.Date
+ , title : Maybe String -- Nothing is used here to indicate that we haven't loaded the full data yet.
+ , open : Bool
+ , onlist : Bool
+ , del : Bool
+ , labels : LE.Model
+ , vote : VE.Model
+ , canvote : Bool
+ , canreview : Bool
+ , review : Maybe String
+ , notes : String
+ , notesRev : Int
+ , notesSaved : String
+ , notesState : Api.State
+ , notesVis : Bool -- For UList.VNPage
+ , started : DE.Model
+ , finished : DE.Model
+ , rels : List RE.Model
+ , relNfo : Dict String GApi.ApiReleases
+ , relOptions : List (String, String)
+ }
+init : UW.Recv -> Model
+init f =
+ { uid = f.uid
+ , vid = f.vid
+ , loadState = Api.Normal
+ , today = Date.fromOrdinalDate 2100 1
+ , title = (\full -> full.title) f.full
+ , open = False
+ , onlist = f.labels /= Nothing
+ , del = False
+ -- TODO: LabelEdit and VoteEdit create an internal vid-based ID, so this widget can't be used on VN pages or UList listings. Need to fix that.
+ , labels = LE.init
+ { uid = f.uid
+ , vid = f.vid
+ , selected = (\l -> (Maybe.withDefault [] f.labels)
+ , labels = Maybe.withDefault
+ ( (\l -> {id =, label = l.label, private = True}) (Maybe.withDefault [] f.labels))
+ ( (\full -> full.labels) f.full)
+ }
+ , vote = VE.init { uid = f.uid, vid = f.vid, vote = Maybe.andThen (\full -> f.full }
+ , canvote = (\full -> full.canvote ) f.full |> Maybe.withDefault False
+ , canreview = (\full -> full.canreview ) f.full |> Maybe.withDefault False
+ , review = Maybe.andThen (\full -> f.full
+ , notes = (\full -> full.notes ) f.full |> Maybe.withDefault ""
+ , notesRev = 0
+ , notesSaved = (\full -> full.notes ) f.full |> Maybe.withDefault ""
+ , notesState = Api.Normal
+ , notesVis = (\full -> full.notes /= "") f.full == Just True
+ , started = let m = DE.init { uid = f.uid, vid = f.vid, date = (\full -> full.started ) f.full |> Maybe.withDefault "", start = True } in { m | visible = True }
+ , finished = let m = DE.init { uid = f.uid, vid = f.vid, date = (\full -> full.finished) f.full |> Maybe.withDefault "", start = False } in { m | visible = True }
+ , rels = (\st -> RE.init ("widget-" ++ f.vid) { uid = f.uid, rid =, status = Just st.status, empty = "" }) <| Maybe.withDefault [] <| (\full -> full.rlist) f.full
+ , relNfo = Dict.fromList <| (\r -> (, r)) <| Maybe.withDefault [] <| (\full -> full.releases) f.full
+ , relOptions = Maybe.withDefault [] <| (\full -> (\r -> (, RDate.showrel r)) full.releases) f.full
+ }
+reset : Model -> Model
+reset m = init
+ { uid = m.uid
+ , vid = m.vid
+ , labels = Nothing
+ , full = (\t ->
+ { title = t
+ , labels = m.labels.labels
+ , canvote = m.canvote
+ , canreview = m.canreview
+ , vote = Nothing
+ , review =
+ , notes = ""
+ , started = ""
+ , finished = ""
+ , releases = Dict.values m.relNfo
+ , rlist = []
+ }) m.title
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Noop
+ | Today Date.Date
+ | Open Bool
+ | Loaded GApi.Response
+ | Label LE.Msg
+ | Vote VE.Msg
+ | Notes String
+ | NotesSave Int
+ | NotesSaved Int GApi.Response
+ | NotesToggle
+ | Started DE.Msg
+ | Finished DE.Msg
+ | Del Bool
+ | Delete
+ | Deleted GApi.Response
+ | Rel String RE.Msg
+ | RelAdd String
+setOnList : Model -> Model
+setOnList model =
+ { model | onlist = model.onlist
+ || /= Nothing
+ || not (Set.isEmpty model.labels.sel)
+ || model.notes /= ""
+ || model.started.val /= ""
+ || model.finished.val /= ""
+ || not (List.isEmpty model.rels)
+ }
+isPublic : Model -> Bool
+isPublic model =
+ LE.isPublic model.labels
+ || (isJust && List.any (\l -> == 7 && not l.private) model.labels.labels)
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Noop -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ Today d -> ({ model | today = d }, Cmd.none)
+ Open b ->
+ if b && model.title == Nothing
+ then ({ model | open = b, loadState = Api.Loading }, UW.send { uid = model.uid, vid = model.vid } Loaded)
+ else ({ model | open = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Loaded (GApi.UListWidget w) -> let m = init w in ({ m | open = True }, Cmd.none)
+ Loaded e -> ({ model | loadState = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
+ Label m -> let (nm, nc) = LE.update m model.labels in (setOnList { model | labels = nm }, Label nc)
+ Vote m -> let (nm, nc) = VE.update m in (setOnList { model | vote = nm }, Vote nc)
+ Started m -> let (nm, nc) = DE.update m model.started in (setOnList { model | started = nm }, Started nc)
+ Finished m -> let (nm, nc) = DE.update m model.finished in (setOnList { model | finished = nm }, Finished nc)
+ Notes s ->
+ ( { model | notes = s, notesRev = model.notesRev + 1 }
+ , Task.perform (\_ -> NotesSave (model.notesRev+1)) <| Process.sleep 1000)
+ NotesSave rev ->
+ if rev /= model.notesRev || model.notes == model.notesSaved
+ then (model, Cmd.none)
+ else ( { model | notesState = Api.Loading }
+ , GVN.send { uid = model.uid, vid = model.vid, notes = model.notes } (NotesSaved rev))
+ NotesSaved rev GApi.Success ->
+ if model.notesRev /= rev
+ then (model, Cmd.none)
+ else (setOnList {model | notesSaved = model.notes, notesState = Api.Normal }, Cmd.none)
+ NotesSaved _ e -> ({ model | notesState = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
+ NotesToggle ->
+ ( { model | notesVis = not model.notesVis }
+ , if model.notesVis then Cmd.none else Task.attempt (always Noop) (focus "widget-notes"))
+ Del b -> ({ model | del = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Delete -> ({ model | loadState = Api.Loading }, GDE.send { uid = model.uid, vid = model.vid } Deleted)
+ Deleted GApi.Success -> (reset model, Cmd.none)
+ Deleted e -> ({ model | loadState = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
+ Rel rid m ->
+ case List.filterMap (\r -> if r.rid == rid then Just (RE.update m r) else Nothing) model.rels |> List.head of
+ Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ Just (rm, rc) ->
+ let
+ nr = if rm.state == Api.Normal && rm.status == Nothing
+ then List.filter (\r -> r.rid /= rid) model.rels
+ else (\r -> if r.rid == rid then rm else r) model.rels
+ in ({ model | rels = nr }, (Rel rid) rc)
+ RelAdd rid ->
+ ( setOnList { model | rels = model.rels ++ (if rid == "" then [] else [RE.init model.vid { rid = rid, uid = model.uid, status = Just 2, empty = "" }]) }
+ , Task.perform (always <| Rel rid <| RE.Set (Just 2) True) <| Task.succeed True)
+viewStatus : Model -> List (Html Msg)
+viewStatus model =
+ case (model.loadState, model.del, model.onlist) of
+ (Api.Loading, _, _) -> [ span [ class "spinner" ] [] ]
+ (Api.Error e, _, _) -> [ b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ] ]
+ (_, _, False) -> [ small [] [ text "not on your list" ] ]
+ (_, True, _) ->
+ [ a [ onClickD Delete ] [ text "Yes, delete" ]
+ , text " | "
+ , a [ onClickD (Del False) ] [ text "Cancel" ]
+ ]
+ (_, False, True) ->
+ [ span [ classList [("hidden", not (isPublic model))], title "This visual novel is on your public list" ] [ text "👁 " ]
+ , text "On your list | "
+ , a [ onClickD (Del True) ] [ text "Remove from list" ]
+ ]
+viewReviewLink : Model -> Html Msg
+viewReviewLink model =
+ case ( /= Nothing && model.canreview, of
+ (False, _) -> text ""
+ (True, Nothing) -> a [ href ("/" ++ model.vid ++ "/addreview") ] [ text " write a review »" ]
+ (True, Just w) -> a [ href ("/" ++ w ++ "/edit") ] [ text " edit review »" ]
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model =
+ let
+ icon () =
+ let fn = if not model.onlist then -1
+ else List.range 1 6
+ |> List.filter (\n -> Set.member n model.labels.tsel)
+ |> List.maximum
+ |> Maybe.withDefault 0
+ lbl = if not model.onlist then "Add to list"
+ else String.join ", " <| List.filterMap (\l -> if Set.member model.labels.tsel && /= 7 then Just l.label else Nothing) model.labels.labels
+ in span [ onClickN (Open True), class "ulist-widget-icon" ] [ ulistIcon fn lbl ]
+ rel r =
+ case Dict.get r.rid model.relNfo of
+ Nothing -> text ""
+ Just nfo -> relnfo r nfo
+ relnfo r nfo =
+ tr []
+ [ td [ class "tco1" ] [ (Rel r.rid) (RE.view r) ]
+ , td [ class "tco2" ] [ RDate.display nfo.released ]
+ , td [ class "tco3" ]
+ <| platformIcon nfo.platforms
+ ++ langIcon nfo.lang
+ ++ [ releaseTypeIcon nfo.rtype ]
+ , td [ class "tco4" ] [ a [ href ("/", title nfo.alttitle ] [ text nfo.title ] ]
+ ]
+ box () =
+ [ h2 [] [ text (Maybe.withDefault "" model.title) ]
+ , div [ style "text-align" "right", style "margin" "3px 0" ] (viewStatus model)
+ , table [] <|
+ [ tr [] [ td [] [ text "Labels" ], td [] [ Label (LE.view model.labels "- select label -") ] ]
+ , if not model.canvote then text "" else
+ tr []
+ [ td [] [ text "Vote" ]
+ , td []
+ [ div [ style "width" "80px", style "display" "inline-block" ] [ Vote (VE.view "- vote -") ]
+ , viewReviewLink model ]
+ ]
+ , tr [] [ td [] [ text "Start date" ], td [ class "date" ] [ Started (DE.view model.started ) ] ]
+ , tr [] [ td [] [ text "Finish date" ], td [ class "date" ] [ Finished (DE.view model.finished) ] ]
+ , tr []
+ [ td [] [ text "Notes ", span [ class "spinner", classList [("hidden", model.notesState /= Api.Loading)] ] [] ]
+ , td [] <|
+ [ textarea ([ rows 2, cols 40, onInput Notes, onBlur (NotesSave model.notesRev)] ++ GVN.valNotes) [ text model.notes ]
+ ] ++ case model.notesState of
+ Api.Error e -> [ br [] [], b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ] ]
+ _ -> []
+ ]
+ ]
+ , if List.isEmpty model.relOptions then text "" else h2 [] [ text "Releases" ]
+ , table [] <|
+ (if List.isEmpty model.relOptions then text "" else tfoot [] [ tr []
+ [ td [] []
+ , td [ colspan 3 ]
+ [ inputSelect "" "" RelAdd [] <| ("", "-- add release --") :: List.filter (\(rid,_) -> not <| List.any (\r -> r.rid == rid) model.rels) model.relOptions ]
+ ] ]
+ ) :: rel model.rels
+ ]
+ in
+ if
+ then div [ class "ulist-widget elm_dd_input" ]
+ [ div [ id "ulist-widget-box" ] <|
+ case model.loadState of
+ Api.Loading -> [ div [ class "spinner" ] [] ]
+ Api.Error e -> [ b [] [ text <| Api.showResponse e ] ]
+ Api.Normal -> box () ]
+ else icon ()
diff --git a/elm/UList/labelfilters.js b/elm/UList/labelfilters.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dfec97c6..00000000
--- a/elm/UList/labelfilters.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-var p = document.querySelectorAll('.labelfilters')[0];
-if(p) {
- var multi = document.getElementById('form_l_multi');
- multi.parentNode.classList.remove('hidden');
- var l = document.querySelectorAll('.labelfilters input[name=l]');
- l.forEach(function(el) {
- el.addEventListener('click', function() {
- if(multi.checked)
- return true;
- l.forEach(function(el2) { el2.checked = el2 == el });
- var n=el;
- while(n && n.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form')
- n=n.parentNode;
- n.submit();
- });
- });
diff --git a/elm/User/Edit.elm b/elm/User/Edit.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ecdddb..00000000
--- a/elm/User/Edit.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-module User.Edit exposing (main)
-import Bitwise exposing (..)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Html.Keyed as K
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.Types as GT
-import Gen.UserEdit as GUE
-main : Program GUE.Recv Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
- , view = view
- , update = update
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- }
-type alias PassData =
- { cpass : Bool
- , pass1 : String
- , pass2 : String
- , opass : String
- }
-type alias Model =
- { state : Api.State
- , id : Int
- , title : String
- , username : String
- , opts : GUE.RecvOpts
- , admin : Maybe GUE.SendAdmin
- , prefs : Maybe GUE.SendPrefs
- , pass : Maybe PassData
- , passNeq : Bool
- , mailConfirm : Bool
- }
-init : GUE.Recv -> Model
-init d =
- { state = Api.Normal
- , id =
- , title = d.title
- , username = d.username
- , opts = d.opts
- , admin = d.admin
- , prefs = d.prefs
- , pass = (always { cpass = False, pass1 = "", pass2 = "", opass = "" }) d.prefs
- , passNeq = False
- , mailConfirm = False
- }
-type AdminMsg
- = PermBoard Bool
- | PermBoardmod Bool
- | PermEdit Bool
- | PermImgvote Bool
- | PermImgmod Bool
- | PermTag Bool
- | PermDbmod Bool
- | PermTagmod Bool
- | PermUsermod Bool
- | IgnVotes Bool
-type PrefMsg
- = EMail String
- | ShowNsfw Bool
- | MaxSexual Int
- | MaxViolence Int
- | TraitsSexual Bool
- | Spoilers Int
- | TagsAll Bool
- | TagsCont Bool
- | TagsEro Bool
- | TagsTech Bool
- | Skin String
- | Css String
- | NoAds Bool
- | NoFancy Bool
- | Support Bool
- | PubSkin Bool
- | Uniname String
-type PassMsg
- = CPass Bool
- | OPass String
- | Pass1 String
- | Pass2 String
-type Msg
- = Username String
- | Admin AdminMsg
- | Prefs PrefMsg
- | Pass PassMsg
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
-updateAdmin : AdminMsg -> GUE.SendAdmin -> GUE.SendAdmin
-updateAdmin msg model =
- case msg of
- PermBoard b -> { model | perm_board = b }
- PermBoardmod b -> { model | perm_boardmod = b }
- PermEdit b -> { model | perm_edit = b }
- PermImgvote b -> { model | perm_imgvote = b }
- PermImgmod b -> { model | perm_imgmod = b }
- PermTag b -> { model | perm_tag = b }
- PermDbmod b -> { model | perm_dbmod = b }
- PermTagmod b -> { model | perm_tagmod = b }
- PermUsermod b -> { model | perm_usermod = b }
- IgnVotes b -> { model | ign_votes = b }
-updatePrefs : PrefMsg -> GUE.SendPrefs -> GUE.SendPrefs
-updatePrefs msg model =
- case msg of
- EMail n -> { model | email = n }
- ShowNsfw b -> { model | show_nsfw = b }
- MaxSexual n-> { model | max_sexual = n }
- MaxViolence n -> { model | max_violence = n }
- TraitsSexual b -> { model | traits_sexual = b }
- Spoilers n -> { model | spoilers = n }
- TagsAll b -> { model | tags_all = b }
- TagsCont b -> { model | tags_cont = b }
- TagsEro b -> { model | tags_ero = b }
- TagsTech b -> { model | tags_tech = b }
- Skin n -> { model | skin = n }
- Css n -> { model | customcss = n }
- NoAds b -> { model | nodistract_noads = b }
- NoFancy b -> { model | nodistract_nofancy = b }
- Support b -> { model | support_enabled = b }
- PubSkin b -> { model | pubskin_enabled = b }
- Uniname n -> { model | uniname = n }
-updatePass : PassMsg -> PassData -> PassData
-updatePass msg model =
- case msg of
- CPass b -> { model | cpass = b }
- OPass n -> { model | opass = n }
- Pass1 n -> { model | pass1 = n }
- Pass2 n -> { model | pass2 = n }
-encode : Model -> GUE.Send
-encode model =
- { id =
- , username = model.username
- , admin = model.admin
- , prefs = model.prefs
- , password = Maybe.andThen (\p -> if p.cpass && p.pass1 == p.pass2 then Just { old = p.opass, new = p.pass1 } else Nothing) model.pass
- }
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Admin m -> ({ model | admin = (updateAdmin m) model.admin }, Cmd.none)
- Prefs m -> ({ model | prefs = (updatePrefs m) model.prefs }, Cmd.none)
- Pass m -> ({ model | pass = (updatePass m) model.pass, passNeq = False }, Cmd.none)
- Username s -> ({ model | username = s }, Cmd.none)
- Submit ->
- if Maybe.withDefault False ( (\p -> p.cpass && p.pass1 /= p.pass2) model.pass)
- then ({ model | passNeq = True }, Cmd.none )
- else ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GUE.send (encode model) Submitted)
- -- TODO: This reload is only necessary for the skin and customcss options to apply, but it's nicer to do that directly from JS.
- Submitted GApi.Success -> (model, load <| "/u" ++ String.fromInt ++ "/edit")
- Submitted GApi.MailChange -> ({ model | mailConfirm = True, state = Api.Normal }, Cmd.none)
- Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- let
- opts = model.opts
- perm b f = if opts.perm_usermod || b then f else text ""
- adminform m =
- [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Admin options" ] ]
- , perm False <| formField "username::Username" [ inputText "username" model.username Username GUE.valUsername ]
- , formField "Permissions"
- [ text "Fields marked with * indicate permissions assigned to new users by default", br_ 1
- , perm opts.perm_boardmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_board (Admin << PermBoard), text " board*", br_ 1 ]
- , perm False <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_boardmod (Admin << PermBoardmod), text " boardmod", br_ 1 ]
- , perm opts.perm_dbmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_edit (Admin << PermEdit), text " edit*", br_ 1 ]
- , perm opts.perm_imgmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_imgvote (Admin << PermImgvote), text " imgvote* (existing votes will stop counting when unset)", br_ 1 ]
- , perm False <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_imgmod (Admin << PermImgmod), text " imgmod", br_ 1 ]
- , perm opts.perm_tagmod <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_tag (Admin << PermTag), text " tag* (existing tag votes will stop counting when unset)", br_ 1 ]
- , perm False <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_dbmod (Admin << PermDbmod), text " dbmod", br_ 1 ]
- , perm False <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_tagmod (Admin << PermTagmod), text " tagmod", br_ 1 ]
- , perm False <| label [] [ inputCheck "" m.perm_usermod (Admin << PermUsermod), text " usermod", br_ 1 ]
- ]
- , perm False <| formField "Other" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.ign_votes (Admin << IgnVotes), text " Ignore votes in VN statistics" ] ]
- ]
- passform m =
- [ formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.cpass (Pass << CPass), text " Change password" ] ]
- ] ++ if not m.cpass then [] else
- [ tr [] [ K.node "td" [colspan 2] [("pass_change", table []
- [ formField "opass::Old password" [ inputPassword "opass" m.opass (Pass << OPass) GUE.valPasswordOld ]
- , formField "pass1::New password" [ inputPassword "pass1" m.pass1 (Pass << Pass1) GUE.valPasswordNew ]
- , formField "pass2::Repeat"
- [ inputPassword "pass2" m.pass2 (Pass << Pass2) GUE.valPasswordNew
- , br_ 1
- , if model.passNeq
- then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Passwords do not match" ]
- else text ""
- ]
- ])]]
- ]
- supportform m =
- if not (opts.perm_usermod || opts.nodistract_can || opts.support_can || opts.uniname_can || opts.pubskin_can) then [] else
- [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Supporter options⭐" ] ]
- , perm opts.nodistract_can <| formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.nodistract_noads (Prefs << NoAds), text " Disable advertising and other distractions (only hides the support icons for the moment)" ] ]
- , perm opts.nodistract_can <| formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.nodistract_nofancy (Prefs << NoFancy), text " Disable supporters badges, custom display names and profile skins" ] ]
- , perm opts.support_can <| formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.support_enabled (Prefs << Support), text " Display my supporters badge" ] ]
- , perm opts.pubskin_can <| formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.pubskin_enabled (Prefs << PubSkin), text " Apply my skin and custom CSS when others visit my profile" ] ]
- , perm opts.uniname_can <| formField "uniname::Display name" [ inputText "uniname" (if m.uniname == "" then model.username else m.uniname) (Prefs << Uniname) GUE.valPrefsUniname ]
- ]
- prefsform m =
- [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Preferences" ] ]
- , formField "NSFW" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.show_nsfw (Prefs << ShowNsfw), text " Show NSFW images by default" ] ]
- , formField ""
- [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text "The two options below are only used for character images at the moment, they will eventually replace the above checkbox and apply to all images on the site." ]
- , br [] []
- , inputSelect "" m.max_sexual (Prefs << MaxSexual) [style "width" "400px"]
- [ (-1,"Hide all images")
- , (0, "Hide sexually suggestive or explicit images")
- , (1, "Hide only sexually explicit images")
- , (2, "Don't hide suggestive or explicit images")
- ]
- , br [] []
- , if m.max_sexual == -1 then text "" else
- inputSelect "" m.max_violence (Prefs << MaxViolence) [style "width" "400px"]
- [ (0, "Hide violent or brutal images")
- , (1, "Hide only brutal images")
- , (2, "Don't hide violent or brutal images")
- ]
- ]
- , formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.traits_sexual (Prefs << TraitsSexual), text " Show sexual traits by default on character pages" ], br_ 2 ]
- , formField "Tags" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" m.tags_all (Prefs << TagsAll), text " Show all tags by default on visual novel pages (don't summarize)" ] ]
- , formField ""
- [ text "Default tag categories on visual novel pages:", br_ 1
- , label [] [ inputCheck "" m.tags_cont (Prefs << TagsCont), text " Content" ], br_ 1
- , label [] [ inputCheck "" m.tags_ero (Prefs << TagsEro ), text " Sexual content" ], br_ 1
- , label [] [ inputCheck "" m.tags_tech (Prefs << TagsTech), text " Technical" ]
- ]
- , formField "spoil::Spoiler level"
- [ inputSelect "spoil" m.spoilers (Prefs << Spoilers) []
- [ (0, "Hide spoilers")
- , (1, "Show only minor spoilers")
- , (2, "Show all spoilers")
- ]
- ]
- , formField "skin::Skin" [ inputSelect "skin" (Prefs << Skin) [ style "width" "300px" ] GT.skins ]
- , formField "css::Custom CSS" [ inputTextArea "css" m.customcss (Prefs << Css) ([ rows 5, cols 60 ] ++ GUE.valPrefsCustomcss) ]
- ]
- in form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text model.title ]
- , table [ class "formtable" ] <|
- [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Account settings" ] ]
- , formField "Username" [ text model.username ]
- , Maybe.withDefault (text "") <| (\m ->
- formField "email::E-Mail" [ inputText "email" (Prefs << EMail) GUE.valPrefsEmail ]
- ) model.prefs
- ]
- ++ (Maybe.withDefault [] ( passform model.pass))
- ++ (Maybe.withDefault [] ( adminform model.admin))
- ++ (Maybe.withDefault [] ( supportform model.prefs))
- ++ (Maybe.withDefault [] ( prefsform model.prefs))
- ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state (not model.passNeq) ]
- , if not model.mailConfirm then text "" else
- div [ class "notice" ]
- [ text "A confirmation email has been sent to your new address. Your address will be updated after following the instructions in that mail." ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm/User/Login.elm b/elm/User/Login.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b9c15c3..00000000
--- a/elm/User/Login.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-module User.Login exposing (main)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.UserLogin as GUL
-import Gen.UserChangePass as GUCP
-import Gen.Types exposing (adminEMail)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-main : Program String Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \ref -> (init ref, Cmd.none)
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- , view = view
- , update = update
- }
-type alias Model =
- { ref : String
- , username : String
- , password : String
- , newpass1 : String
- , newpass2 : String
- , state : Api.State
- , insecure : Bool
- , noteq : Bool
- -- Extra Elm-side input validation, because apparently some login managers
- -- bypass HTML5 validation or proper onChange messages fail to get invoked.
- , invalid : Bool
- }
-init : String -> Model
-init ref =
- { ref = ref
- , username = ""
- , password = ""
- , newpass1 = ""
- , newpass2 = ""
- , state = Api.Normal
- , insecure = False
- , noteq = False
- , invalid = False
- }
-type Msg
- = Username String
- | Password String
- | Newpass1 String
- | Newpass2 String
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Username n -> ({ model | invalid = False, username = String.toLower n }, Cmd.none)
- Password n -> ({ model | invalid = False, password = n }, Cmd.none)
- Newpass1 n -> ({ model | newpass1 = n, noteq = False }, Cmd.none)
- Newpass2 n -> ({ model | newpass2 = n, noteq = False }, Cmd.none)
- Submit ->
- if model.username == "" || model.password == ""
- then ( { model | invalid = True }, Cmd.none)
- else if not model.insecure
- then ( { model | state = Api.Loading }
- , GUL.send { username = model.username, password = model.password } Submitted )
- else if model.newpass1 /= model.newpass2
- then ( { model | noteq = True }, Cmd.none )
- else ( { model | state = Api.Loading }
- , GUCP.send { username = model.username, oldpass = model.password, newpass = model.newpass1 } Submitted )
- Submitted GApi.Success -> (model, load model.ref)
- Submitted GApi.InsecurePass -> ({ model | insecure = True, state = if model.insecure then Api.Error GApi.InsecurePass else Api.Normal }, Cmd.none)
- Submitted e -> ({ model | state = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- let
- loginBox =
- div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text "Login" ]
- , table [ class "formtable" ]
- [ formField "username::Username"
- [ inputText "username" model.username Username GUL.valUsername
- , br_ 1
- , a [ href "/u/register" ] [ text "No account yet?" ]
- ]
- , formField "password::Password"
- [ inputPassword "password" model.password Password GUL.valPassword
- , br_ 1
- , a [ href "/u/newpass" ] [ text "Forgot your password?" ]
- ]
- ]
- , if model.state == Api.Normal || model.state == Api.Loading
- then text ""
- else div [ class "notice" ]
- [ h2 [] [ text "Trouble logging in?" ]
- , text "If you have not used this login form since October 2014, your account has likely been disabled. You can "
- , a [ href "/u/newpass" ] [ text "reset your password" ]
- , text " to regain access."
- , br_ 2
- , text "Still having trouble? Send a mail to "
- , a [ href <| "mailto:" ++ adminEMail ] [ text adminEMail ]
- , text ". But keep in mind that I can only help you if the email address associated with your account is correct"
- , text " and you still have access to it. Without that, there is no way to prove that the account is yours."
- ]
- ]
- changeBox =
- div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text "Change your password" ]
- , div [ class "warning" ]
- [ h2 [] [ text "Your current password is not secure" ]
- , text "Your current password is in a public database of leaked passwords. You need to change it before you can continue."
- ]
- , table [ class "formtable" ]
- [ formField "newpass1::New password" [ inputPassword "newpass1" model.newpass1 Newpass1 GUCP.valNewpass ]
- , formField "newpass2::Repeat"
- [ inputPassword "newpass2" model.newpass2 Newpass2 GUCP.valNewpass
- , br_ 1
- , if model.noteq then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Passwords do not match" ] else text ""
- ]
- ]
- ]
- in form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ if model.insecure then changeBox else loginBox
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ]
- [ if model.invalid then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Username or password is empty." ] else text ""
- , submitButton "Submit" model.state (not model.invalid)
- ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm/User/PassReset.elm b/elm/User/PassReset.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 641767d4..00000000
--- a/elm/User/PassReset.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-module User.PassReset exposing (main)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.UserPassReset as GUPR
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-main : Program () Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = always (init, Cmd.none)
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- , view = view
- , update = update
- }
-type alias Model =
- { email : String
- , state : Api.State
- , success : Bool
- }
-init : Model
-init =
- { email = ""
- , state = Api.Normal
- , success = False
- }
-type Msg
- = EMail String
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- EMail n -> ({ model | email = n }, Cmd.none)
- Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GUPR.send { email = } Submitted)
- Submitted GApi.Success -> ({ model | success = True }, Cmd.none)
- Submitted e -> ({ model | state = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- if model.success
- then
- div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text "New password" ]
- , div [ class "notice" ]
- [ p [] [ text "Your password has been reset and instructions to set a new one should reach your mailbox in a few minutes." ] ]
- ]
- else
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text "Forgot Password" ]
- , p []
- [ text "Forgot your password and can't login to VNDB anymore? "
- , text "Don't worry! Just give us the email address you used to register on VNDB "
- , text " and we'll send you instructions to set a new password within a few minutes!"
- ]
- , table [ class "formtable" ]
- [ formField "email::E-Mail" [ inputText "email" EMail GUPR.valEmail ]
- ]
- ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state True ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm/User/PassSet.elm b/elm/User/PassSet.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 618b4ba1..00000000
--- a/elm/User/PassSet.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-module User.PassSet exposing (main)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.UserPassSet as GUPS
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-main : Program GUPS.Recv Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = \f -> (init f, Cmd.none)
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- , view = view
- , update = update
- }
-type alias Model =
- { token : String
- , uid : Int
- , newpass1 : String
- , newpass2 : String
- , state : Api.State
- , noteq : Bool
- }
-init : GUPS.Recv -> Model
-init f =
- { token = f.token
- , uid = f.uid
- , newpass1 = ""
- , newpass2 = ""
- , state = Api.Normal
- , noteq = False
- }
-type Msg
- = Newpass1 String
- | Newpass2 String
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Newpass1 n -> ({ model | newpass1 = n, noteq = False }, Cmd.none)
- Newpass2 n -> ({ model | newpass2 = n, noteq = False }, Cmd.none)
- Submit ->
- if model.newpass1 /= model.newpass2
- then ( { model | noteq = True }, Cmd.none)
- else ( { model | state = Api.Loading }
- , GUPS.send { token = model.token, uid = model.uid, password = model.newpass1 } Submitted )
- Submitted GApi.Success -> (model, load "/")
- Submitted e -> ({ model | state = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text "Set your password" ]
- , p [] [ text "Now you can set a password for your account. You will be logged in automatically after your password has been saved." ]
- , table [ class "formtable" ]
- [ formField "newpass1::New password" [ inputPassword "newpass1" model.newpass1 Newpass1 GUPS.valPassword ]
- , formField "newpass2::Repeat"
- [ inputPassword "newpass2" model.newpass2 Newpass2 GUPS.valPassword
- , br_ 1
- , if model.noteq then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Passwords do not match" ] else text ""
- ]
- ]
- ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state True ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm/User/Register.elm b/elm/User/Register.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9afdded4..00000000
--- a/elm/User/Register.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-module User.Register exposing (main)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Browser
-import Lib.Api as Api
-import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.UserRegister as GUR
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-main : Program () Model Msg
-main = Browser.element
- { init = always (init, Cmd.none)
- , subscriptions = always Sub.none
- , view = view
- , update = update
- }
-type alias Model =
- { username : String
- , email : String
- , vns : Int
- , state : Api.State
- , success : Bool
- }
-init : Model
-init =
- { username = ""
- , email = ""
- , vns = 0
- , state = Api.Normal
- , success = False
- }
-type Msg
- = Username String
- | EMail String
- | VNs String
- | Submit
- | Submitted GApi.Response
-update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Username n -> ({ model | username = String.toLower n }, Cmd.none)
- EMail n -> ({ model | email = n }, Cmd.none)
- VNs n -> ({ model | vns = Maybe.withDefault model.vns (String.toInt n) }, Cmd.none)
- Submit -> ( { model | state = Api.Loading }
- , GUR.send { username = model.username, email =, vns = model.vns } Submitted )
- Submitted GApi.Success -> ({ model | success = True }, Cmd.none)
- Submitted e -> ({ model | state = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
-view : Model -> Html Msg
-view model =
- if model.success
- then
- div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text "Account created" ]
- , div [ class "notice" ]
- [ p [] [ text "Your account has been created! In a few minutes, you should receive an email with instructions to set your password." ] ]
- ]
- else
- form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
- [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text "Create an account" ]
- , table [ class "formtable" ]
- [ formField "username::Username"
- [ inputText "username" model.username Username GUR.valUsername
- , br_ 1
- , text "Preferred username. Must be lowercase, between 2 and 15 characters long and consist entirely of alphanumeric characters or a dash."
- , text " Names that look like database identifiers (i.e. a single letter followed by several numbers) are also disallowed."
- ]
- , formField "email::E-Mail"
- [ inputText "email" EMail GUR.valEmail
- , br_ 1
- , text "Your email address will only be used in case you lose your password. "
- , text "We will never send spam or newsletters unless you explicitly ask us for it or we get hacked."
- , br_ 3
- , text "Anti-bot question: How many visual novels do we have in the database? (Hint: look to your left)"
- ]
- , formField "vns::Answer" [ inputText "vns" (if model.vns == 0 then "" else String.fromInt model.vns) VNs [] ]
- ]
- ]
- , div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ fieldset [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state True ]
- ]
- ]
diff --git a/elm/VNEdit.elm b/elm/VNEdit.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..751cab61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/VNEdit.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+port module VNEdit exposing (main)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Html.Keyed as K
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
+import Browser.Dom as Dom
+import Dict
+import Set
+import Task
+import Date
+import Process
+import File exposing (File)
+import File.Select as FSel
+import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.TextPreview as TP
+import Lib.Autocomplete as A
+import Lib.RDate as RDate
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Lib.Editsum as Editsum
+import Lib.Image as Img
+import Gen.VN as GV
+import Gen.VNEdit as GVE
+import Gen.Types as GT
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+main : Program GVE.Recv Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \e -> (init e, |> Task.perform Today)
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ , subscriptions = always Sub.none
+ }
+port ivRefresh : Bool -> Cmd msg
+type Tab
+ = General
+ | Image
+ | Staff
+ | Cast
+ | Screenshots
+ | All
+type alias Model =
+ { state : Api.State
+ , tab : Tab
+ , today : Int
+ , invalidDis : Bool
+ , editsum : Editsum.Model
+ , titles : List GVE.RecvTitles
+ , alias : String
+ , description : TP.Model
+ , devStatus : Int
+ , olang : String
+ , length : Int
+ , lWikidata : Maybe Int
+ , lRenai : String
+ , vns : List GVE.RecvRelations
+ , vnSearch : A.Model GApi.ApiVNResult
+ , anime : List GVE.RecvAnime
+ , animeSearch : A.Model GApi.ApiAnimeResult
+ , image : Img.Image
+ , editions : List GVE.RecvEditions
+ , staff : List GVE.RecvStaff
+ -- Search boxes matching the list of editions (n+1), first entry is for the NULL edition.
+ , staffSearch : List (A.Config Msg GApi.ApiStaffResult, A.Model GApi.ApiStaffResult)
+ , seiyuu : List GVE.RecvSeiyuu
+ , seiyuuSearch: A.Model GApi.ApiStaffResult
+ , seiyuuDef : String -- character id for newly added seiyuu
+ , screenshots : List (Int,Img.Image,Maybe String) -- internal id, img, rel
+ , scrQueue : List File
+ , scrUplRel : Maybe String
+ , scrUplNum : Maybe Int
+ , scrId : Int -- latest used internal id
+ , releases : List GVE.RecvReleases
+ , reltitles : List { id: String, title: String }
+ , chars : List GVE.RecvChars
+ , id : Maybe String
+ , dupCheck : Bool
+ , dupVNs : List GApi.ApiVNResult
+ }
+init : GVE.Recv -> Model
+init d =
+ { state = Api.Normal
+ , tab = General
+ , today = 0
+ , invalidDis = False
+ , editsum = { authmod = d.authmod, editsum = TP.bbcode d.editsum, locked = d.locked, hidden = d.hidden, hasawait = False }
+ , titles = d.titles
+ , alias = d.alias
+ , description = TP.bbcode d.description
+ , devStatus = d.devstatus
+ , olang = d.olang
+ , length = d.length
+ , lWikidata = d.l_wikidata
+ , lRenai = d.l_renai
+ , vns = d.relations
+ , vnSearch = A.init ""
+ , anime = d.anime
+ , animeSearch = A.init ""
+ , image = d.image_info
+ , editions = d.editions
+ , staff = d.staff
+ , staffSearch = (staffConfig Nothing, A.init "") :: (\e -> (staffConfig (Just e.eid), A.init "")) d.editions
+ , seiyuu = d.seiyuu
+ , seiyuuSearch= A.init ""
+ , seiyuuDef = Maybe.withDefault "" <| List.head <| (\c -> d.chars
+ , screenshots = List.indexedMap (\n i -> (n, (Just, i.rid)) d.screenshots
+ , scrQueue = []
+ , scrUplRel = Nothing
+ , scrUplNum = Nothing
+ , scrId = 100
+ , releases = d.releases
+ , reltitles = d.reltitles
+ , chars = d.chars
+ , id =
+ , dupCheck = False
+ , dupVNs = []
+ }
+encode : Model -> GVE.Send
+encode model =
+ { id =
+ , editsum =
+ , hidden = model.editsum.hidden
+ , locked = model.editsum.locked
+ , titles = model.titles
+ , alias = model.alias
+ , devstatus = model.devStatus
+ , description =
+ , olang = model.olang
+ , length = model.length
+ , l_wikidata = model.lWikidata
+ , l_renai = model.lRenai
+ , relations = (\v -> { vid = v.vid, relation = v.relation, official = v.official }) model.vns
+ , anime = (\a -> { aid = a.aid }) model.anime
+ , image =
+ , editions = model.editions
+ , staff = (\s -> { aid = s.aid, eid = s.eid, note = s.note, role = s.role }) model.staff
+ , seiyuu = (\s -> { aid = s.aid, cid = s.cid, note = s.note }) model.seiyuu
+ , screenshots = (\(_,i,r) -> { scr = Maybe.withDefault "", rid = r }) model.screenshots
+ }
+vnConfig : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiVNResult
+vnConfig = { wrap = VNSearch, id = "relationadd", source = A.vnSource }
+animeConfig : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiAnimeResult
+animeConfig = { wrap = AnimeSearch, id = "animeadd", source = A.animeSource False }
+staffConfig : Maybe Int -> A.Config Msg GApi.ApiStaffResult
+staffConfig eid =
+ { wrap = (StaffSearch eid)
+ , id = "staffadd-" ++ Maybe.withDefault "" ( String.fromInt eid)
+ , source = A.staffSource
+ }
+seiyuuConfig : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiStaffResult
+seiyuuConfig = { wrap = SeiyuuSearch, id = "seiyuuadd", source = A.staffSource }
+type Msg
+ = Noop
+ | Today Date.Date
+ | Editsum Editsum.Msg
+ | Tab Tab
+ | Invalid Tab
+ | InvalidEnable
+ | Submit
+ | Submitted GApi.Response
+ | Alias String
+ | Desc TP.Msg
+ | DevStatus Int
+ | Length Int
+ | LWikidata (Maybe Int)
+ | LRenai String
+ | TitleAdd String
+ | TitleDel Int
+ | TitleLang Int String
+ | TitleTitle Int String
+ | TitleLatin Int String
+ | TitleOfficial Int Bool
+ | TitleMain Int String
+ | VNDel Int
+ | VNRel Int String
+ | VNOfficial Int Bool
+ | VNSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiVNResult)
+ | AnimeDel Int
+ | AnimeSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiAnimeResult)
+ | ImageSet String Bool
+ | ImageSelect
+ | ImageSelected File
+ | ImageMsg Img.Msg
+ | EditionAdd
+ | EditionLang Int (Maybe String)
+ | EditionName Int String
+ | EditionOfficial Int Bool
+ | EditionDel Int Int
+ | StaffDel Int
+ | StaffRole Int String
+ | StaffNote Int String
+ | StaffSearch (Maybe Int) (A.Msg GApi.ApiStaffResult)
+ | SeiyuuDef String
+ | SeiyuuDel Int
+ | SeiyuuChar Int String
+ | SeiyuuNote Int String
+ | SeiyuuSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiStaffResult)
+ | ScrUplRel (Maybe String)
+ | ScrUplSel
+ | ScrUpl File (List File)
+ | ScrMsg Int Img.Msg
+ | ScrRel Int (Maybe String)
+ | ScrDel Int
+ | DupSubmit
+ | DupResults GApi.Response
+scrProcessQueue : (Model, Cmd Msg) -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+scrProcessQueue (model, msg) =
+ case model.scrQueue of
+ (f::fl) ->
+ if List.any (\(_,i,_) -> i.imgState == Img.Loading) model.screenshots
+ then (model, msg)
+ else
+ let (im,ic) = Img.upload Api.Sf f
+ in ( { model | scrQueue = fl, scrId = model.scrId + 1, screenshots = model.screenshots ++ [(model.scrId, im, model.scrUplRel)] }
+ , Cmd.batch [ msg, (ScrMsg model.scrId) ic ] )
+ _ -> (model, msg)
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Noop -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ Today d -> ({ model | today = RDate.fromDate d |> RDate.compact }, Cmd.none)
+ Editsum m -> let (nm,nc) = Editsum.update m model.editsum in ({ model | editsum = nm }, Editsum nc)
+ Tab t -> ({ model | tab = t }, Cmd.none)
+ Invalid t -> if model.invalidDis || == All || == t then (model, Cmd.none) else
+ ({ model | tab = t, invalidDis = True }, Task.attempt (always InvalidEnable) (Ffi.elemCall "reportValidity" "mainform" |> Task.andThen (\_ -> Process.sleep 100)))
+ InvalidEnable -> ({ model | invalidDis = False }, Cmd.none)
+ Alias s -> ({ model | alias = s, dupVNs = [] }, Cmd.none)
+ Desc m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.description in ({ model | description = nm }, Desc nc)
+ DevStatus b-> ({ model | devStatus = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Length n -> ({ model | length = n }, Cmd.none)
+ LWikidata n-> ({ model | lWikidata = n }, Cmd.none)
+ LRenai s -> ({ model | lRenai = s }, Cmd.none)
+ TitleAdd s ->
+ ({ model | titles = model.titles ++ [{ lang = s, title = "", latin = Nothing, official = True }], olang = if List.isEmpty model.titles then s else model.olang }
+ , Task.attempt (always Noop) (Dom.focus ("title_" ++ s)))
+ TitleDel i -> ({ model | titles = delidx i model.titles }, Cmd.none)
+ TitleLang i s -> ({ model | titles = modidx i (\e -> { e | lang = s }) model.titles }, Cmd.none)
+ TitleTitle i s -> ({ model | titles = modidx i (\e -> { e | title = s }) model.titles }, Cmd.none)
+ TitleLatin i s -> ({ model | titles = modidx i (\e -> { e | latin = if s == "" then Nothing else Just s }) model.titles }, Cmd.none)
+ TitleOfficial i s -> ({ model | titles = modidx i (\e -> { e | official = s }) model.titles }, Cmd.none)
+ TitleMain i s -> ({ model | olang = s, titles = modidx i (\e -> { e | official = True }) model.titles }, Cmd.none)
+ VNDel idx -> ({ model | vns = delidx idx model.vns }, Cmd.none)
+ VNRel idx rel -> ({ model | vns = modidx idx (\v -> { v | relation = rel }) model.vns }, Cmd.none)
+ VNOfficial idx o -> ({ model | vns = modidx idx (\v -> { v | official = o }) model.vns }, Cmd.none)
+ VNSearch m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update vnConfig m model.vnSearch
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> ({ model | vnSearch = nm }, c)
+ Just v ->
+ if List.any (\l -> l.vid == model.vns
+ then ({ model | vnSearch = A.clear nm "" }, c)
+ else ({ model | vnSearch = A.clear nm "", vns = model.vns ++ [{ vid =, title = v.title, relation = "seq", official = True }] }, c)
+ AnimeDel i -> ({ model | anime = delidx i model.anime }, Cmd.none)
+ AnimeSearch m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update animeConfig m model.animeSearch
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> ({ model | animeSearch = nm }, c)
+ Just a ->
+ if List.any (\l -> l.aid == model.anime
+ then ({ model | animeSearch = A.clear nm "" }, c)
+ else ({ model | animeSearch = A.clear nm "", anime = model.anime ++ [{ aid =, title = a.title, original = a.original }] }, c)
+ ImageSet s b -> let (nm, nc) = b s in ({ model | image = nm }, ImageMsg nc)
+ ImageSelect -> (model, FSel.file ["image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/webp", "image/avif", "image/jxl"] ImageSelected)
+ ImageSelected f -> let (nm, nc) = Img.upload Api.Cv f in ({ model | image = nm }, ImageMsg nc)
+ ImageMsg m -> let (nm, nc) = Img.update m model.image in ({ model | image = nm }, ImageMsg nc)
+ EditionAdd ->
+ let f n acc =
+ case acc of
+ Just x -> Just x
+ Nothing -> if not (List.isEmpty (List.filter (\i -> i.eid == n) model.editions)) then Nothing else Just n
+ newid = List.range 0 500 |> List.foldl f Nothing |> Maybe.withDefault 0
+ in ({ model
+ | editions = model.editions ++ [{ eid = newid, lang = Nothing, name = "", official = True }]
+ , staffSearch = model.staffSearch ++ [(staffConfig (Just newid), A.init "")]
+ }, Cmd.none)
+ EditionDel idx eid ->
+ ({ model
+ | editions = delidx idx model.editions
+ , staffSearch = delidx (idx + 1) model.staffSearch
+ , staff = List.filter (\s -> s.eid /= Just eid) model.staff
+ }, Cmd.none)
+ EditionLang idx v -> ({ model | editions = modidx idx (\s -> { s | lang = v }) model.editions }, Cmd.none)
+ EditionName idx v -> ({ model | editions = modidx idx (\s -> { s | name = v }) model.editions }, Cmd.none)
+ EditionOfficial idx v -> ({ model | editions = modidx idx (\s -> { s | official = v }) model.editions }, Cmd.none)
+ StaffDel idx -> ({ model | staff = delidx idx model.staff }, Cmd.none)
+ StaffRole idx v -> ({ model | staff = modidx idx (\s -> { s | role = v }) model.staff }, Cmd.none)
+ StaffNote idx v -> ({ model | staff = modidx idx (\s -> { s | note = v }) model.staff }, Cmd.none)
+ StaffSearch eid m ->
+ let idx = List.indexedMap Tuple.pair model.editions
+ |> List.filterMap (\(n,e) -> if Just e.eid == eid then Just (n+1) else Nothing)
+ |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault 0
+ in case List.drop idx model.staffSearch |> List.head of
+ Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ Just (sconfig, smodel) ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update sconfig m smodel
+ nnm = if res == Nothing then nm else A.clear nm ""
+ nsearch = modidx idx (\(oc,om) -> (oc,nnm)) model.staffSearch
+ nstaff s = [{ id =, aid = s.aid, eid = eid, title = s.title, alttitle = s.alttitle, role = "staff", note = "" }]
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> ({ model | staffSearch = nsearch }, c)
+ Just s -> ({ model | staffSearch = nsearch, staff = model.staff ++ nstaff s }, c)
+ SeiyuuDef c -> ({ model | seiyuuDef = c }, Cmd.none)
+ SeiyuuDel idx -> ({ model | seiyuu = delidx idx model.seiyuu }, Cmd.none)
+ SeiyuuChar idx v -> ({ model | seiyuu = modidx idx (\s -> { s | cid = v }) model.seiyuu }, Cmd.none)
+ SeiyuuNote idx v -> ({ model | seiyuu = modidx idx (\s -> { s | note = v }) model.seiyuu }, Cmd.none)
+ SeiyuuSearch m ->
+ let (nm, c, res) = A.update seiyuuConfig m model.seiyuuSearch
+ in case res of
+ Nothing -> ({ model | seiyuuSearch = nm }, c)
+ Just s -> ({ model | seiyuuSearch = A.clear nm "", seiyuu = model.seiyuu ++ [{ id =, aid = s.aid, title = s.title, alttitle = s.alttitle, cid = model.seiyuuDef, note = "" }] }, c)
+ ScrUplRel s -> ({ model | scrUplRel = s }, Cmd.none)
+ ScrUplSel -> (model, FSel.files ["image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/webp", "image/avif", "image/jxl"] ScrUpl)
+ ScrUpl f1 fl ->
+ if 1 + List.length fl > 10 - List.length model.screenshots
+ then ({ model | scrUplNum = Just (1 + List.length fl) }, Cmd.none)
+ else scrProcessQueue ({ model | scrQueue = (f1::fl), scrUplNum = Nothing }, Cmd.none)
+ ScrMsg id m ->
+ let f (i,s,r) =
+ if i /= id then ((i,s,r), Cmd.none)
+ else let (nm,nc) = Img.update m s in ((i,nm,r), (ScrMsg id) nc)
+ lst = f model.screenshots
+ in scrProcessQueue ({ model | screenshots = Tuple.first lst }, Cmd.batch (ivRefresh True :: Tuple.second lst))
+ ScrRel n s -> ({ model | screenshots = (\(i,img,r) -> if i == n then (i,img,s) else (i,img,r)) model.screenshots }, Cmd.none)
+ ScrDel n -> ({ model | screenshots = List.filter (\(i,_,_) -> i /= n) model.screenshots }, ivRefresh True)
+ DupSubmit ->
+ if List.isEmpty model.dupVNs
+ then ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GV.send { hidden = True, search = (List.concatMap (\e -> [e.title, Maybe.withDefault "" e.latin]) model.titles) ++ String.lines model.alias } DupResults)
+ else ({ model | dupCheck = True, dupVNs = [] }, Cmd.none)
+ DupResults (GApi.VNResult vns) ->
+ if List.isEmpty vns
+ then ({ model | state = Api.Normal, dupCheck = True, dupVNs = [] }, Cmd.none)
+ else ({ model | state = Api.Normal, dupVNs = vns }, Cmd.none)
+ DupResults r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+ Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GVE.send (encode model) Submitted)
+ Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> (model, load s)
+ Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+-- TODO: Fuzzier matching? Exclude stuff like 'x Edition', etc.
+relAlias : Model -> Maybe { id: String, title: String }
+relAlias model =
+ let a = String.toLower model.alias |> String.lines |> List.filter (\l -> l /= "") |> Set.fromList
+ in List.filter (\r -> Set.member (String.toLower r.title) a) model.reltitles |> List.head
+isValid : Model -> Bool
+isValid model = not
+ ( List.any (\e -> e.title /= "" && Just e.title == e.latin) model.titles
+ || List.isEmpty model.titles
+ || relAlias model /= Nothing
+ || not (Img.isValid model.image)
+ || List.any (\(_,i,r) -> r == Nothing || not (Img.isValid i)) model.screenshots
+ || not (List.isEmpty model.scrQueue)
+ || hasDuplicates ( (\e -> (Maybe.withDefault "" e.lang, model.editions)
+ || hasDuplicates ( (\s -> (s.aid, Maybe.withDefault -1 s.eid, s.role)) model.staff)
+ || hasDuplicates ( (\s -> (s.aid, s.cid)) model.seiyuu)
+ )
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model =
+ let
+ title i e = tr []
+ [ td [] [ langIcon e.lang ]
+ , td []
+ [ inputText ("title_"++e.lang) e.title (TitleTitle i) (style "width" "500px" :: onInvalid (Invalid General) :: placeholder "Title (in the original script)" :: GVE.valTitlesTitle)
+ , if not (e.latin /= Nothing || containsNonLatin e.title) then text "" else span []
+ [ br [] []
+ , inputText "" (Maybe.withDefault "" e.latin) (TitleLatin i) (style "width" "500px" :: required True :: onInvalid (Invalid General) :: placeholder "Romanization" :: GVE.valTitlesLatin)
+ , case e.latin of
+ Just s -> if containsNonLatin s then b [] [ br [] [], text "Romanization should only consist of characters in the latin alphabet." ] else text ""
+ Nothing -> text ""
+ ]
+ , if List.length model.titles == 1 then text "" else span []
+ [ br [] []
+ , label [] [ inputRadio "olang" (e.lang == model.olang) (\_ -> TitleMain i e.lang), text " main title (the language the VN was originally written in)" ]
+ ]
+ , if e.lang == model.olang then text "" else span []
+ [ br [] []
+ , label [] [ inputCheck "" e.official (TitleOfficial i), text " official title (from the developer or licensed localization; not from a fan translation)" ]
+ , br [] []
+ , inputButton "remove" (TitleDel i) []
+ ]
+ , br_ 2
+ ]
+ ]
+ titles =
+ let lines = List.filter (\e -> e /= "") <| String.lines <| String.toLower model.alias
+ in
+ [ formField "Title(s)"
+ [ table [] <| List.indexedMap title model.titles
+ , inputSelect "" "" TitleAdd [] <| ("", "- Add title -") :: List.filter (\(l,_) -> not (List.any (\e -> e.lang == l) model.titles)) scriptLangs
+ , br_ 2
+ ]
+ , formField "alias::Aliases"
+ [ inputTextArea "alias" model.alias Alias (rows 3 :: onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GVE.valAlias)
+ , br [] []
+ , if hasDuplicates lines
+ then b [] [ text "List contains duplicate aliases.", br [] [] ]
+ else if contains lines <| String.toLower <| List.concatMap (\e -> [e.title, Maybe.withDefault "" e.latin]) model.titles
+ then b [] [ text "Titles listed above should not also be added as alias.", br [] [] ]
+ else
+ case relAlias model of
+ Nothing -> text ""
+ Just r -> span []
+ [ b [] [ text "Release titles should not be added as alias." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Release: "
+ , a [ href <| "/" ] [ text r.title ]
+ , br [] [], br [] []
+ ]
+ , text "List of additional titles or abbreviations. One line for each alias. Can include both official (japanese/english) titles and unofficial titles used around net."
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Titles that are listed in the releases should not be added here!"
+ ]
+ ]
+ geninfo = titles ++
+ [ formField "desc::Description"
+ [ TP.view "desc" model.description Desc 600 (style "height" "180px" :: onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GVE.valDescription) [ b [] [ text "English please!" ] ]
+ , text "Short description of the main story. Please do not include spoilers, and don't forget to list the source in case you didn't write the description yourself."
+ ]
+ , formField "devstatus::Development status"
+ [ inputSelect "devstatus" model.devStatus DevStatus [] GT.devStatus
+ , if model.devStatus == 0
+ && not (List.isEmpty model.releases)
+ && List.isEmpty (List.filter (\r -> r.rtype == "complete" && r.released <= model.releases)
+ then span []
+ [ br [] []
+ , b [] [ text "Development is marked as finished, but there is no complete release in the database." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Please adjust the development status or ensure there is a completed release."
+ ]
+ else text ""
+ , if model.devStatus /= 0
+ && not (List.isEmpty (List.filter (\r -> r.rtype == "complete" && r.released <= model.releases))
+ then span []
+ [ br [] []
+ , b [] [ text "Development is not marked as finished, but there is a complete release in the database." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Please adjust the development status or set the release to partial or TBA."
+ ]
+ else text ""
+ ]
+ , formField "length::Length"
+ [ inputSelect "length" model.length Length [] GT.vnLengths
+ , text " (only displayed if there are no length votes)" ]
+ , formField "l_wikidata::Wikidata ID" [ inputWikidata "l_wikidata" model.lWikidata LWikidata [onInvalid (Invalid General)] ]
+ , formField " link" [ text "", inputText "l_renai" model.lRenai LRenai (onInvalid (Invalid General) :: GVE.valL_Renai), text ".shtml" ]
+ , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Database relations" ] ]
+ , formField "Related VNs"
+ [ if List.isEmpty model.vns then text ""
+ else table [] <| List.indexedMap (\i v -> tr []
+ [ td [ style "text-align" "right" ] [ small [] [ text <| v.vid ++ ":" ] ]
+ , td [ style "text-align" "right"] [ a [ href <| "/" ++ v.vid ] [ text v.title ] ]
+ , td []
+ [ text "is an "
+ , label [] [ inputCheck "" v.official (VNOfficial i), text " official" ]
+ , inputSelect "" v.relation (VNRel i) [] GT.vnRelations
+ , text " of this VN"
+ ]
+ , td [] [ inputButton "remove" (VNDel i) [] ]
+ ]
+ ) model.vns
+ , A.view vnConfig model.vnSearch [placeholder "Add visual novel..."]
+ ]
+ , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [] ]
+ , formField "Related anime"
+ [ if List.isEmpty model.anime then text ""
+ else table [] <| List.indexedMap (\i e -> tr []
+ [ td [ style "text-align" "right" ] [ small [] [ text <| "a" ++ String.fromInt e.aid ++ ":" ] ]
+ , td [] [ a [ href <| "" ++ String.fromInt e.aid ] [ text e.title ] ]
+ , td [] [ inputButton "remove" (AnimeDel i) [] ]
+ ]
+ ) model.anime
+ , A.view animeConfig model.animeSearch [placeholder "Add anime..."]
+ ]
+ ]
+ image =
+ table [ class "formimage" ] [ tr []
+ [ td [] [ Img.viewImg model.image ]
+ , td []
+ [ h2 [] [ text "Image ID" ]
+ , input ([ type_ "text", class "text", tabindex 10, value (Maybe.withDefault "", onInputValidation ImageSet, onInvalid (Invalid Image) ] ++ GVE.valImage) []
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Use an image that already exists on the server or empty to remove the current image."
+ , br_ 2
+ , h2 [] [ text "Upload new image" ]
+ , inputButton "Browse image" ImageSelect []
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Preferably the cover of the CD/DVD/package."
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Supported file types: JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF or JXL, at most 10 MiB."
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Images larger than 256x400 are automatically resized."
+ , case Img.viewVote model.image ImageMsg (Invalid Image) of
+ Nothing -> text ""
+ Just v ->
+ div []
+ [ br [] []
+ , text "Please flag this image: (see the ", a [ href "/d19" ] [ text "image flagging guidelines" ], text " for guidance)"
+ , v
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ]
+ staff =
+ let
+ head lst =
+ if List.isEmpty lst then text "" else
+ thead [] [ tr []
+ [ td [] []
+ , td [] [ text "Staff" ]
+ , td [] [ text "Role" ]
+ , td [] [ text "Note" ]
+ , td [] []
+ ] ]
+ foot searchn lst (sconfig, smodel) =
+ tfoot [] [ tr [] [ td [] [], td [ colspan 4 ]
+ [ text ""
+ , if hasDuplicates ( (\(_,s) -> (s.aid, s.role)) lst)
+ then b [] [ text "List contains duplicate staff roles.", br [] [] ]
+ else text ""
+ , A.view sconfig smodel [placeholder "Add staff..."]
+ , if searchn > 0 then text "" else span []
+ [ text "Can't find the person you're looking for? You can "
+ , a [ href "/s/new" ] [ text "create a new entry" ]
+ , text ", but "
+ , a [ href "/s/all" ] [ text "please check for aliasses first." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "If one person performed several roles, you can add multiple entries with different major roles."
+ ]
+ ] ] ]
+ item (n,s) = tr []
+ [ td [ style "text-align" "right" ] [ small [] [ text <| ++ ":" ] ]
+ , td [] [ a [ href <| "/" ++ ] [ text s.title ], text <| if s.alttitle == s.title then "" else " " ++ s.alttitle ]
+ , td [] [ inputSelect "" s.role (StaffRole n) [style "width" "150px" ] GT.creditTypes ]
+ , td [] [ inputText "" s.note (StaffNote n) (style "width" "300px" :: onInvalid (Invalid Staff) :: GVE.valStaffNote) ]
+ , td [] [ inputButton "remove" (StaffDel n) [] ]
+ ]
+ edition searchn edi =
+ let eid = (\e -> e.eid) edi
+ lst = List.indexedMap Tuple.pair model.staff |> List.filter (\(_,s) -> s.eid == eid)
+ sch = List.drop searchn model.staffSearch |> List.head
+ in div [style "margin" "0 0 30px 0"]
+ [ Maybe.withDefault (if List.isEmpty model.editions then text "" else h2 [] [ text "Original edition" ])
+ <| (\e -> h2 [] [ text (if == "" then "New edition" else ]) edi
+ , case edi of
+ Nothing -> text ""
+ Just e ->
+ div [style "margin" "5px 0 0 15px"]
+ [ inputText "" (EditionName (searchn-1)) (placeholder "Edition title" :: style "width" "300px" :: onInvalid (Invalid Staff) :: GVE.valEditionsName)
+ , inputSelect "" e.lang (EditionLang (searchn-1)) [style "width" "150px"]
+ ((Nothing, "Original language") :: (\(i,l) -> (Just i, l)) scriptLangs)
+ , text " ", label [] [ inputCheck "" e.official (EditionOfficial (searchn-1)), text " official" ]
+ , inputButton "remove edition" (EditionDel (searchn-1) e.eid) [style "margin-left" "30px"]
+ ]
+ , table [style "margin" "5px 0 0 15px"]
+ <| head lst
+ :: Maybe.withDefault (text "") ( (foot searchn lst) sch)
+ :: item lst
+ ]
+ in edition 0 Nothing
+ :: List.indexedMap (\n e -> edition (n+1) (Just e)) model.editions
+ ++ [ br [] [], inputButton "Add edition" EditionAdd [] ]
+ cast =
+ let
+ chars = (\c -> (, c.title ++ " (" ++ ++ ")")) model.chars
+ head =
+ if List.isEmpty model.seiyuu then [] else [
+ thead [] [ tr []
+ [ td [] [ text "Character" ]
+ , td [] [ text "Cast" ]
+ , td [] [ text "Note" ]
+ , td [] []
+ ] ] ]
+ foot =
+ tfoot [] [ tr [] [ td [ colspan 4 ]
+ [ br [] []
+ , strong [] [ text "Add cast" ]
+ , br [] []
+ , if hasDuplicates ( (\s -> (s.aid, s.cid)) model.seiyuu)
+ then b [] [ text "List contains duplicate cast roles.", br [] [] ]
+ else text ""
+ , inputSelect "" model.seiyuuDef SeiyuuDef [] chars
+ , text " voiced by "
+ , div [ style "display" "inline-block" ] [ A.view seiyuuConfig model.seiyuuSearch [] ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Can't find the person you're looking for? You can "
+ , a [ href "/s/new" ] [ text "create a new entry" ]
+ , text ", but "
+ , a [ href "/s/all" ] [ text "please check for aliasses first." ]
+ ] ] ]
+ item n s = tr []
+ [ td [] [ inputSelect "" s.cid (SeiyuuChar n) []
+ <| chars ++ if List.any (\c -> == s.cid) model.chars then [] else [(s.cid, "[deleted/moved character: " ++ s.cid ++ "]")] ]
+ , td []
+ [ small [] [ text <| ++ ":" ]
+ , a [ href <| "/" ++ ] [ text s.title ], text <| if s.title == s.alttitle then "" else " " ++ s.alttitle ]
+ , td [] [ inputText "" s.note (SeiyuuNote n) (style "width" "300px" :: onInvalid (Invalid Cast) :: GVE.valSeiyuuNote) ]
+ , td [] [ inputButton "remove" (SeiyuuDel n) [] ]
+ ]
+ in
+ if == Nothing
+ then text <| "Voice actors can be added to this visual novel once it has character entries associated with it. "
+ ++ "To do so, first create this entry without cast, then create the appropriate character entries, and finally come back to this form by editing the visual novel."
+ else if List.isEmpty model.chars && List.isEmpty model.seiyuu
+ then p []
+ [ text "This visual novel does not have any characters associated with it (yet). Please "
+ , a [ href <| "/" ++ Maybe.withDefault "" ++ "/addchar" ] [ text "add the appropriate character entries" ]
+ , text " first and then come back to this form to assign voice actors."
+ ]
+ else table [] <| head ++ [ foot ] ++ List.indexedMap item model.seiyuu
+ screenshots =
+ let
+ rellist = (\r -> (Just, RDate.showrel r)) model.releases
+ scr n (id, i, rel) = (String.fromInt id, tr [] <|
+ let getdim img = (\nfo -> (nfo.width, nfo.height)) img |> Maybe.withDefault (0,0)
+ imgdim = getdim i.img
+ relnfo = List.filter (\r -> Just == rel) model.releases |> List.head
+ reldim = relnfo |> Maybe.andThen (\r -> if r.reso_x == 0 then Nothing else Just (r.reso_x, r.reso_y))
+ dimstr (x,y) = String.fromInt x ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt y
+ in
+ [ td [] [ Img.viewImg i ]
+ , td [] [ Img.viewVote i (ScrMsg id) (Invalid Screenshots) |> Maybe.withDefault (text "") ]
+ , td []
+ [ strong [] [ text <| "Screenshot #" ++ String.fromInt (n+1) ]
+ , text " (", a [ href "#", onClickD (ScrDel id) ] [ text "remove" ], text ")"
+ , br [] []
+ , text <| "Image resolution: " ++ dimstr imgdim
+ , br [] []
+ , text <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| (\dim -> "Release resolution: " ++ dimstr dim) reldim
+ , span [] <|
+ if reldim == Just imgdim then [ text " ✔", br [] [] ]
+ else if reldim /= Nothing
+ then [ text " ❌"
+ , br [] []
+ , b [] [ text "WARNING: Resolutions do not match, please take screenshots with the correct resolution and make sure to crop them correctly!" ]
+ ]
+ else if i.img /= Nothing && rel /= Nothing && List.any (\(_,si,sr) -> sr == rel && si.img /= Nothing && imgdim /= getdim si.img) model.screenshots
+ then [ b [] [ text "WARNING: Inconsistent image resolutions for the same release, please take screenshots with the correct resolution and make sure to crop them correctly!" ]
+ , br [] []
+ ]
+ else [ br [] [] ]
+ , br [] []
+ , inputSelect "" rel (ScrRel id) [style "width" "500px"] <| rellist ++
+ case (relnfo, rel) of
+ (_, Nothing) -> [(Nothing, "[No release selected]")]
+ (Nothing, Just r) -> [(Just r, "[Deleted or unlinked release: " ++ r ++ "]")]
+ _ -> []
+ ]
+ ])
+ add =
+ let free = 10 - List.length model.screenshots
+ in
+ if not (List.isEmpty model.scrQueue)
+ then [ strong [] [ text "Uploading screenshots" ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text <| (String.fromInt (List.length model.scrQueue)) ++ " remaining... "
+ , span [ class "spinner" ] []
+ ]
+ else if free <= 0
+ then [ strong [] [ text "Enough screenshots" ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "The limit of 10 screenshots per visual novel has been reached. If you want to add a new screenshot, please remove an existing one first."
+ ]
+ else
+ [ strong [] [ text "Add screenshots" ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text <| String.fromInt free ++ " more screenshot" ++ (if free == 1 then "" else "s") ++ " can be added."
+ , br [] []
+ , inputSelect "" model.scrUplRel ScrUplRel [style "width" "500px"] ((Nothing, "-- select release --") :: rellist)
+ , br [] []
+ , if model.scrUplRel == Nothing then text "" else span []
+ [ inputButton "Select images" ScrUplSel []
+ , case model.scrUplNum of
+ Just num -> text " Too many images selected."
+ Nothing -> text ""
+ , br [] []
+ ]
+ , br [] []
+ , strong [] [ text "Important reminder" ]
+ , ul []
+ [ li [] [ text "Screenshots must be in the native resolution of the game" ]
+ , li [] [ text "Screenshots must not include window borders and should not have copyright markings" ]
+ , li [] [ text "Don't only upload event CGs" ]
+ ]
+ , text "Read the ", a [ href "/d2#6" ] [ text "full guidelines" ], text " for more information."
+ ]
+ in
+ if == Nothing
+ then text <| "Screenshots can be uploaded to this visual novel once it has a release entry associated with it. "
+ ++ "To do so, first create this entry without screenshots, then create the appropriate release entries, and finally come back to this form by editing the visual novel."
+ else if List.isEmpty model.screenshots && List.isEmpty model.releases
+ then p []
+ [ text "This visual novel does not have any releases associated with it (yet). Please "
+ , a [ href <| "/" ++ Maybe.withDefault "" ++ "/add" ] [ text "add the appropriate release entries" ]
+ , text " first and then come back to this form to upload screenshots."
+ ]
+ else
+ table [ class "vnedit_scr" ]
+ [ tfoot [] [ tr [] [ td [] [], td [ colspan 2 ] add ] ]
+ , K.node "tbody" [] <| List.indexedMap scr model.screenshots
+ ]
+ newform () =
+ form_ "" DupSubmit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ [ article [] [ h1 [] [ text "Add a new visual novel" ], table [ class "formtable" ] titles ]
+ , if List.isEmpty model.dupVNs then text "" else
+ article []
+ [ div []
+ [ h1 [] [ text "Possible duplicates" ]
+ , text "The following is a list of visual novels that match the title(s) you gave. "
+ , text "Please check this list to avoid creating a duplicate visual novel entry. "
+ , text "Be especially wary of items that have been deleted! To see why an entry has been deleted, click on its title."
+ , ul [] <| (\v -> li []
+ [ a [ href <| "/" ++ ] [ text v.title ]
+ , if v.hidden then b [] [ text " (deleted)" ] else text ""
+ ]
+ ) model.dupVNs
+ ]
+ ]
+ , article [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton (if List.isEmpty model.dupVNs then "Continue" else "Continue anyway") model.state (isValid model) ]
+ ]
+ fullform () =
+ form_ "mainform" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading)
+ [ nav []
+ [ menu []
+ [ li [ classList [("tabselected", == General )] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab General ) ] [ text "General info" ] ]
+ , li [ classList [("tabselected", == Image )] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab Image ) ] [ text "Image" ] ]
+ , li [ classList [("tabselected", == Staff )] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab Staff ) ] [ text "Staff" ] ]
+ , li [ classList [("tabselected", == Cast )] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab Cast ) ] [ text "Cast" ] ]
+ , li [ classList [("tabselected", == Screenshots)] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab Screenshots) ] [ text "Screenshots" ] ]
+ , li [ classList [("tabselected", == All )] ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Tab All ) ] [ text "All items" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , article [ classList [("hidden", /= General && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "General info" ], table [ class "formtable" ] geninfo ]
+ , article [ classList [("hidden", /= Image && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "Image" ], image ]
+ , article [ classList [("hidden", /= Staff && /= All)] ] ( h1 [] [ text "Staff" ] :: staff )
+ , article [ classList [("hidden", /= Cast && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "Cast" ], cast ]
+ , article [ classList [("hidden", /= Screenshots && /= All)] ] [ h1 [] [ text "Screenshots" ], screenshots ]
+ , article [ class "submit" ]
+ [ Editsum (Editsum.view model.editsum)
+ , submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model)
+ ]
+ ]
+ in if == Nothing && not model.dupCheck then newform () else fullform ()
diff --git a/elm/VNLengthVote.elm b/elm/VNLengthVote.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ceafe05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/VNLengthVote.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+module VNLengthVote exposing (main)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Dom exposing (focus)
+import Task
+import Date
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Util exposing (..)
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Lib.RDate as RDate
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.VNLengthVote as GV
+import Gen.Release as GR
+main : Program GV.Send Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \e -> (init e, |> Task.perform Today)
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ , subscriptions = always Sub.none
+ }
+type alias Model =
+ { state : Api.State
+ , open : Bool
+ , today : Int
+ , uid : String
+ , vid : String
+ , rid : List String
+ , maycount: Bool
+ , defrid : String
+ , hours : Maybe Int
+ , minutes : Maybe Int
+ , speed : Maybe Int
+ , length : Int -- last saved length
+ , notes : String
+ , rels : Maybe (List (String, String))
+ }
+init : GV.Send -> Model
+init f =
+ { state = Api.Normal
+ , today = 0
+ , open = False
+ , uid = f.uid
+ , vid = f.vid
+ , rid = (\v -> v.rid) |> Maybe.withDefault []
+ , maycount= f.maycount
+ , defrid = ""
+ , hours = (\v -> v.length // 60 )
+ , minutes = Maybe.andThen (\v -> let n = modBy 60 v.length in if n == 0 then Nothing else Just n)
+ , speed = (\v -> if v.private then Just 8 else v.speed) |> Maybe.withDefault (Just 9)
+ , length = (\v -> v.length) |> Maybe.withDefault 0
+ , notes = (\v -> v.notes) |> Maybe.withDefault ""
+ , rels = Nothing
+ }
+enclen : Model -> Int
+enclen m = (Maybe.withDefault 0 m.hours) * 60 + Maybe.withDefault 0 m.minutes
+encode : Model -> GV.Send
+encode m =
+ { uid = m.uid
+ , vid = m.vid
+ , maycount = m.maycount
+ , vote = if enclen m == 0 then Nothing else Just
+ { rid = m.rid
+ , notes = m.notes
+ , speed = if m.speed == Just 8 then Nothing else m.speed
+ , length = enclen m
+ , private = m.speed == Just 8
+ }
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Noop
+ | Open Bool
+ | Today Date.Date
+ | Hours (Maybe Int)
+ | Minutes (Maybe Int)
+ | Speed (Maybe Int)
+ | Release Int String
+ | ReleaseAdd
+ | ReleaseDel Int
+ | Notes String
+ | RelLoaded GApi.Response
+ | Delete
+ | Submit
+ | Submitted GApi.Response
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Noop -> (model, Cmd.none)
+ Open b ->
+ if b && model.rels == Nothing
+ then ({ model | open = b, state = Api.Loading }, GR.send { vid = model.vid } RelLoaded)
+ else ({ model | open = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Today d -> ({ model | today = RDate.fromDate d |> RDate.compact }, Cmd.none)
+ Hours n -> ({ model | hours = n }, Cmd.none)
+ Minutes n -> ({ model | minutes = n }, Cmd.none)
+ Speed n -> ({ model | speed = n }, Cmd.none)
+ Release n s -> ({ model | rid = modidx n (always s) model.rid }, Cmd.none)
+ ReleaseAdd -> ({ model | rid = model.rid ++ [""] }, Cmd.none)
+ ReleaseDel n -> ({ model | rid = delidx n model.rid }, Cmd.none)
+ Notes s -> ({ model | notes = s }, Cmd.none)
+ RelLoaded (GApi.Releases rels) ->
+ let rel r = if r.rtype /= "trial" && r.released <= then Just (, RDate.showrel r) else Nothing
+ frels = List.filterMap rel rels
+ def = case frels of
+ [(r,_)] -> r
+ _ -> ""
+ in ({ model | state = Api.Normal
+ , rels = Just frels
+ , defrid = def
+ , rid = if not (List.isEmpty model.rid) then model.rid else [def]
+ }, if model.hours == Nothing then Task.attempt (always Noop) (focus "vnlengthhours") else Cmd.none)
+ RelLoaded e -> ({ model | state = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none)
+ Delete -> let m = { model | hours = Nothing, minutes = Nothing, rid = [model.defrid], notes = "", state = Api.Loading } in (m, GV.send (encode m) Submitted)
+ Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GV.send (encode model) Submitted)
+ Submitted (GApi.Success) -> ({ model | open = False, state = Api.Normal, length = enclen model }, Cmd.none)
+ Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model = div [class "lengthvotefrm"] <|
+ let
+ selcounted =
+ [ (Just 9, "-- how do you estimate your read/play speed? --")
+ , (Just 0, "Slow (e.g. low language proficiency or extra time spent on gameplay)")
+ , (Just 1, "Normal (no content skipped, all voices listened to end)")
+ , (Just 2, "Fast (e.g. fast reader or skipping through voices and gameplay)")
+ , (Nothing, "Don't count my play time (public)")
+ , (Just 8, "Don't count my play time (private)")
+ ]
+ seluncounted =
+ [ (Just 9, "-- visibility --")
+ , (Nothing, "Public (everyone can see your vote)")
+ , (Just 8, "Private (for your own administration)")
+ ]
+ cansubmit = enclen model > 0 && model.speed /= Just 9
+ && not (List.isEmpty model.rid)
+ && not (List.any (\r -> r == "") model.rid)
+ rels = Maybe.withDefault [] model.rels
+ frm = [ form_ "" (if cansubmit then Submit else Noop) False
+ [ br [] []
+ , if model.maycount then text "" else span []
+ [ b [] [ text "This visual novel is still in development." ]
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Which means your vote will not count towards the VN's length statistics."
+ , br_ 2
+ ]
+ , text "How long did you take to finish this VN?"
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Play time: "
+ , inputNumber "vnlengthhours" model.hours Hours [ Html.Attributes.min "0", Html.Attributes.max "435" ]
+ , text " hours "
+ , inputNumber "" model.minutes Minutes [ Html.Attributes.min "0", Html.Attributes.max "59" ]
+ , text " minutes"
+ , br [] []
+ , if model.defrid /= "" then text "" else table [] <| List.indexedMap (\n rid -> tr []
+ [ td [] [
+ inputSelect "" rid (Release n) []
+ <| ("", "-- select release --") :: rels
+ ++ if rid == "" || List.any (\(r,_) -> r == rid) rels then [] else [(rid, "[deleted/moved release: " ++ rid ++ "]")]
+ ]
+ , td []
+ [ if n == 0
+ then inputButton "+" ReleaseAdd [title "Add release"]
+ else inputButton "-" (ReleaseDel n) [title "Remove release"]
+ ]
+ ]) model.rid
+ , inputSelect "" model.speed Speed [] (if model.maycount then selcounted else seluncounted)
+ , case model.speed of
+ Just 9 -> span [] []
+ Just 8 -> span []
+ [ text "Your play time is not counted towards the VN's average and is not visible in the listings."
+ , text " It is only saved for your own administration and counted towards the personal play time displayed on your profile."
+ , br [] []
+ ]
+ Nothing -> span []
+ [ text "Your play time is not counted towards the VN's average, but is still visible in the listings and saved for your own administration."
+ , br [] []
+ ]
+ _ -> span []
+ [ text "- Only vote if you've completed all normal/true endings."
+ , br [] []
+ , text "- Exact measurements preferred, but rough estimates are accepted too."
+ , br [] []
+ ]
+ , inputTextArea "" model.notes Notes
+ [rows 2, cols 30, style "width" "100%", placeholder "(Optional) comments that may be helpful. For example, did you complete all the bad endings, how did you measure? etc." ]
+ , if model.length == 0 then text "" else inputButton "Delete my vote" Delete [style "float" "right"]
+ , if cansubmit then submitButton "Save" model.state True else text ""
+ , inputButton "Cancel" (Open False) []
+ , br_ 2
+ ] ]
+ in
+ [ text " "
+ , a [ onClickD (Open (not, href "#" ]
+ [ text <| if model.length == 0 then "Vote »"
+ else "My vote: " ++ String.fromInt (model.length // 60) ++ "h"
+ ++ if modBy 60 model.length /= 0 then String.fromInt (modBy 60 model.length) ++ "m" else "" ]
+ ] ++ case (, model.state) of
+ (False, _) -> []
+ (_, Api.Normal) ->
+ if model.length == 0 && List.isEmpty (Maybe.withDefault [] model.rels)
+ then [ br_ 2, b [] [ text "There are no releases eligible for voting." ] ]
+ else frm
+ (_, Api.Error e) -> [ br_ 2, b [] [ text ("Error: " ++ Api.showResponse e) ] ]
+ (_, Api.Loading) -> [ span [ style "float" "right", class "spinner" ] [] ]
diff --git a/elm/checkall.js b/elm/checkall.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bc87bad4..00000000
--- a/elm/checkall.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-//order:9 - After Elm initialization
-/* "checkall" checkbox, usage:
- *
- * <input type="checkbox" class="checkall" name="$somename">
- *
- * Checking that will synchronize all other checkboxes with name="$somename".
- */
-document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox].checkall').forEach(function(el) {
- el.addEventListener('click', function() {
- document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox][name="''"]').forEach(function(el2) {
- if(el2.checked != el.checked)
- });
- });
diff --git a/elm/checkhidden.js b/elm/checkhidden.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 486b3c1d..00000000
--- a/elm/checkhidden.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-//order:9 - After Elm initialization
-/* "checkhidden" checkbox, usage:
- *
- * <input type="checkbox" class="checkhidden" value="$somename">
- *
- * Checking that will toggle the 'hidden' class of all elements with the "$somename" class.
- */
-document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox].checkhidden').forEach(function(el) {
- var f = function() {
- document.querySelectorAll('.'+el.value).forEach(function(el2) {
- el2.classList.toggle('hidden', !el.checked);
- });
- };
- f();
- el.addEventListener('click', f);
diff --git a/elm/elm-init.js b/elm/elm-init.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d9978111..00000000
--- a/elm/elm-init.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-//order:8 - After all regular JS, as other files may modify pageVars or modules in the Elm.* namespace.
-/* Add the X-CSRF-Token header to every POST request. Based on:
- *
- */
-(function() {
- var open =,
- token = document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-token]').content;
- = function(method, url) {
- var ret = open.apply(this, arguments);
- this.dataUrl = url;
- if(method.toLowerCase() == 'post' && /^\//.test(url))
- this.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', token);
- return ret;
- };
-/* Load all Elm modules listed in the pageVars.elm array */
-if(pageVars.elm) {
- //var t0 =;
- for(var i=0; i<pageVars.elm.length; i++) {
- var e = pageVars.elm[i];
- //if(e[0] != 'UList.DateEdit') continue;
- var mod = e[0].split('.').reduce(function(p, c) { return p[c] }, window.Elm);
- var node = document.getElementById('elm'+i);
- if(e.length > 1)
- mod.init({ node: node, flags: e[1] });
- else
- mod.init({ node: node });
- }
- //console.log("Elm modules initialized in " + ( - t0) + " milliseconds.");
diff --git a/elm/elm.json b/elm/elm.json
index 3db9993a..6c052936 100644
--- a/elm/elm.json
+++ b/elm/elm.json
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
"elm-version": "0.19.1",
"dependencies": {
"direct": {
- "RomanErnst/erl": "2.1.1",
"elm/browser": "1.0.1",
"elm/core": "1.0.2",
"elm/file": "1.0.1",
diff --git a/elm/iv.js b/elm/iv.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5892bef8..00000000
--- a/elm/iv.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-//order:8 - After all regular JS, as other files may modify pageVars or modules in the Elm.* namespace.
-/* Simple image viewer widget. Usage:
- *
- * <a href="full_image.jpg" data-iv="{width}x{height}:{category}">..</a>
- *
- * Clicking on the above link will cause the image viewer to open
- * full_image.jpg. The {category} part can be empty or absent. If it is not
- * empty, next/previous links will show up to point to the other images within
- * the same category.
- *
- * ivInit() should be called when links with "data-iv" attributes are
- * dynamically added or removed from the DOM.
- */
-// Cache of image categories and the list of associated link objects. Used to
-// quickly generate the next/prev links.
-var cats;
-// DOM elements, lazily initialized in create_div()
-var ivparent = null;
-var ivimg;
-var ivfull;
-var ivnext;
-var ivprev;
-var ivload;
-var ivclose;
-var imgw;
-var imgh;
-function create_div() {
- if(ivparent)
- return;
- ivparent = document.createElement('div');
- ivparent.className = 'ivview';
- = 'none';
- ivparent.onclick = function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); return true };
- ivload = document.createElement('div');
- ivload.className = 'spinner';
- = 'none';
- ivparent.appendChild(ivload);
- ivimg = document.createElement('div');
- ivparent.appendChild(ivimg);
- ivfull = document.createElement('a');
- ivparent.appendChild(ivfull);
- ivclose = document.createElement('a');
- ivclose.href = '#';
- ivclose.onclick = ivClose;
- ivclose.textContent = 'close';
- ivparent.appendChild(ivclose);
- ivprev = document.createElement('a');
- ivprev.onclick = show;
- ivprev.textContent = '« previous';
- ivparent.appendChild(ivprev);
- ivnext = document.createElement('a');
- ivnext.onclick = show;
- ivnext.textContent = 'next »';
- ivparent.appendChild(ivnext);
- document.querySelector('body').appendChild(ivparent);
-// Find the next (dir=1) or previous (dir=-1) non-hidden link object for the category.
-function findnav(cat, i, dir) {
- for(var j=i+dir; j>=0 && j<cats[cat].length; j+=dir)
- if(cats[cat][j].offsetWidth > 0 && cats[cat][j].offsetHeight > 0)
- return cats[cat][j];
- return 0
-// fix properties of the prev/next links
-function fixnav(lnk, cat, i, dir) {
- var a = cat ? findnav(cat, i, dir) : 0;
- = a ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
- lnk.href = a ? a.href : '#';
- lnk.iv_i = a ? a.iv_i : 0;
- lnk.setAttribute('data-iv', a ? a.getAttribute('data-iv') : '');
-function keydown(e) {
- if(e.key == 'ArrowLeft' && == 'visible')
- else if(e.key == 'ArrowRight' && == 'visible')
- else if(e.key == 'Escape' || e.key == 'Esc')
- ivClose();
-function resize() {
- var w = imgw;
- var h = imgh;
- var ww = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number' ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth;
- var wh = typeof(window.innerHeight) == 'number' ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight;
- if(w+100 > ww || imgh+70 > wh) {
- ivfull.textContent = w+'x'+h;
- = 'visible';
- if(w/h > ww/wh) { // width++
- h *= (ww-100)/w;
- w = ww-100;
- } else { // height++
- w *= (wh-70)/h;
- h = wh-70;
- }
- } else
- = 'hidden';
- var dw = w;
- var dh = h+20;
- dw = dw < 200 ? 200 : dw;
- = dw+'px';
- = dh+'px';
- = ((ww - dw) / 2 - 10)+'px';
- = ((wh - dh) / 2 - 20)+'px';
- var img = ivimg.querySelector('img');
- = w+'px';
- = h+'px';
-function show(ev) {
- var u = this.href;
- var opt = this.getAttribute('data-iv').split(':');
- var idx = this.iv_i;
- imgw = Math.floor(opt[0].split('x')[0]);
- imgh = Math.floor(opt[0].split('x')[1]);
- create_div();
- var img = document.createElement('img');
- img.src = u;
- ivfull.href = u;
- img.onclick = ivClose;
- img.onload = function() { = 'none' };
- ivimg.textContent = '';
- ivimg.appendChild(img);
- = 'block';
- = 'block';
- fixnav(ivprev, opt[1], idx, -1);
- fixnav(ivnext, opt[1], idx, 1);
- resize();
- document.addEventListener('click', ivClose);
- document.addEventListener('keydown', keydown);
- window.addEventListener('resize', resize);
- ev.preventDefault();
-window.ivClose = function(ev) {
- var targetlink = ev ? : null;
- while(targetlink && targetlink.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'a')
- targetlink = targetlink.parentNode;
- if(targetlink && targetlink.getAttribute('data-iv'))
- return false;
- document.removeEventListener('click', ivClose);
- document.removeEventListener('keydown', keydown);
- window.removeEventListener('resize', resize);
- = 'none';
- ivimg.textContent = '';
- return false;
-window.ivInit = function() {
- cats = {};
- document.querySelectorAll('a[data-iv]').forEach(function(o) {
- if(o == ivnext || o == ivprev)
- return;
- o.addEventListener('click', show);
- var cat = o.getAttribute('data-iv').split(':')[1];
- if(cat) {
- if(!cats[cat])
- cats[cat] = [];
- o.iv_i = cats[cat].length;
- cats[cat].push(o);
- }
- });
diff --git a/elm/lib.js b/elm/lib.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 859cfc22..00000000
--- a/elm/lib.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-//order:0 - Before anything else that may use these functions.
-/* Load global page-wide variables from <script id="pagevars">...</script> and store them into window.pageVars */
-var e = document.getElementById('pagevars');
-window.pageVars = e ? JSON.parse(e.innerHTML) : {};
-// Utlity function to wrap the init() function of an Elm module.
-window.wrap_elm_init = function(mod, newinit) {
- mod = mod.split('.').reduce(function(p, c) { return p ? p[c] : null }, window.Elm);
- if(mod) {
- var oldinit = mod.init;
- mod.init = function(opt) { newinit(oldinit, opt) };
- }
diff --git a/elm/mainbox-summarize.js b/elm/mainbox-summarize.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f940ed5..00000000
--- a/elm/mainbox-summarize.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// Adds a "more"/"less" link to the bottom of a mainbox depending on the
-// height of its contents.
-// Usage:
-// <div class="mainbox" data-mainbox-summarize="200"> .. </div>
-function set(d, h) {
- var expanded = true;
- var a = document.createElement('a');
- a.href = '#';
- var toggle = function() {
- expanded = !expanded;
- = expanded ? null : h+'px';
- = expanded ? null : 'hidden';
- a.textContent = expanded ? '⇑ less ⇑' : '⇓ more ⇓';
- return false;
- };
- a.onclick = toggle;
- var t = document.createElement('div');
- t.className = 'summarize_more';
- t.appendChild(a);
- d.parentNode.insertBefore(t, d.nextSibling);
- toggle();
-document.querySelectorAll('.mainbox[data-mainbox-summarize]').forEach(function(d) {
- var h = Math.floor(d.getAttribute('data-mainbox-summarize'));
- if(d.offsetHeight > h+100)
- set(d, h)
diff --git a/elm/polyfills.js b/elm/polyfills.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb85105..00000000
--- a/elm/polyfills.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-//order:0 - Must be loaded before anything else.
-/* classList.toggle() */
-(function() {
- var historic = DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle;
- DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle = function(token, force) {
- if(arguments.length > 0 && this.contains(token) === force) {
- return force;
- }
- return, token);
- };
-/* Element.matches() and Element.closest() */
- Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;
- Element.prototype.closest = function(s) {
- var el = this;
- if(!document.documentElement.contains(el)) return null;
- do {
- if(el.matches(s)) return el;
- el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
- } while(el !== null && el.nodeType === 1);
- return null;
- };
-/* NodeList.forEach */
-if(window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) {
- NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;