path: root/elm
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Diffstat (limited to 'elm')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/elm/Report.elm b/elm/Report.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bb75aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/Report.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+module Report exposing (main)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.Report as GR
+main : Program GR.Send Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \e -> ((Api.Normal, e), Cmd.none)
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ , subscriptions = always Sub.none
+ }
+type alias Model = (Api.State,GR.Send)
+type Msg
+ = Reason String
+ | Message String
+ | Submit
+ | Submitted GApi.Response
+-- These can be different depending on the rtype.
+reasons =
+ [ "Spam"
+ , "Links to piracy or illegal content"
+ , "Off-topic / wrong board"
+ , "Unmarked spoilers"
+ , "Unwelcome behavior"
+ , "Other"
+ ]
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg (state,model) =
+ case msg of
+ Reason s -> ((state, { model | reason = s }), Cmd.none)
+ Message s -> ((state, { model | message = s }), Cmd.none)
+ Submit -> ((Api.Loading, model), GR.send model Submitted)
+ Submitted r -> ((Api.Error r, model), Cmd.none)
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view (state,model) =
+ form_ Submit (state == Api.Loading)
+ [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
+ [ h1 [] [ text "Submit report" ]
+ , if state == Api.Error GApi.Success
+ then p [] [ text "Your report has been submitted, a moderator will look at it as soon as possible." ]
+ else table [ class "formtable" ] <|
+ [ formField "Subject" [ a [ href model.path ] [ text model.title ] ]
+ , formField ""
+ [ text "Your report will be forwarded to a moderator."
+ , br [] []
+ , text "Keep in mind that not every report will be acted upon, we may decide that the problem you reported is still within acceptable limits."
+ , br [] []
+ , if model.loggedin
+ then text "We generally do not provide feedback on reports, but a moderator may decide to contact you for clarification."
+ else text "We generally do not provide feedback on reports, but you may leave your email address in the message if you wish to be available for clarification."
+ ]
+ , formField "reason::Reason" [ inputSelect "reason" model.reason Reason [style "width" "300px"] (("","-- Select --") :: (\s->(s,s)) reasons) ]
+ ] ++ if model.reason == "" then [] else
+ [ formField "message::Message" [ inputTextArea "message" model.message Message [] ]
+ , formField "" [ submitButton "Submit" state True ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]