path: root/elm
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1 files changed, 22 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/elm/Report.elm b/elm/Report.elm
index c3254397..f63a9411 100644
--- a/elm/Report.elm
+++ b/elm/Report.elm
@@ -31,14 +31,16 @@ type Msg
type alias ReasonLabel =
{ label : String
- , vis : String -> String -> Bool -- Given an rtype & objectid, returns whether it should be listed
+ , vis : String -> Bool -- Given an objectid, returns whether it should be listed
, submit : Bool -- Whether it allows submission of the form
- , msg : String -> String -> List (Html Msg) -- Message to display
+ , msg : String -> List (Html Msg) -- Message to display
-vis _ _ = True
-nomsg _ _ = []
+vis _ = True
+nomsg _ = []
+objtype s o = String.any (\c -> String.startsWith (String.fromChar c) o) s
+editable = objtype "vrpcs"
initial = { label = "-- Select --" , vis = vis, submit = False , msg = nomsg }
reasons : List ReasonLabel
@@ -55,19 +57,19 @@ reasons =
, msg = nomsg
, { label = "Off-topic / wrong board"
- , vis = \t _ -> t == "t"
+ , vis = objtype "tw"
, submit = True
, msg = nomsg
, { label = "Unwelcome behavior"
- , vis = \t _ -> t == "t"
+ , vis = objtype "tw"
, submit = True
, msg = nomsg
, { label = "Unmarked spoilers"
, vis = vis
, submit = True
- , msg = \t o -> if not (t == "db" && not (String.startsWith "d" o)) then [] else
+ , msg = \o -> if editable o then [] else
[ text "VNDB is an open wiki, it is often easier if you removed the spoilers yourself by "
, a [ href ("/" ++ o ++ "/edit") ] [ text " editing the entry" ]
, text ". You likely know more about this entry than our moderators, after all. "
@@ -78,9 +80,9 @@ reasons =
, { label = "Incorrect information"
- , vis = \t o -> t == "db" && not (String.startsWith "d" o)
+ , vis = editable
, submit = False
- , msg = \_ o ->
+ , msg = \o ->
[ text "VNDB is an open wiki, you can correct the information in this database yourself by "
, a [ href ("/" ++ o ++ "/edit") ] [ text " editing the entry" ]
, text ". You likely know more about this entry than our moderators, after all. "
@@ -91,9 +93,9 @@ reasons =
, { label = "Missing information"
- , vis = \t o -> t == "db" && not (String.startsWith "d" o)
+ , vis = editable
, submit = False
- , msg = \_ o ->
+ , msg = \o ->
[ text "VNDB is an open wiki, you can add any missing information to this database yourself. "
, text "You likely know more about this entry than our moderators, after all. "
, br [] []
@@ -103,9 +105,9 @@ reasons =
, { label = "Not a visual novel"
- , vis = \t o -> t == "db" && String.startsWith "v" o
+ , vis = objtype "v"
, submit = False
- , msg = \_ _ ->
+ , msg = \_ ->
[ text "If you suspect that this entry does not adhere to our "
, a [ href "/d2#1" ] [ text "inclusion criteria" ]
, text ", please report it in "
@@ -114,20 +116,20 @@ reasons =
, { label = "Does not belong here"
- , vis = \t o -> t == "db" && not (String.startsWith "v" o || String.startsWith "d" o)
+ , vis = \o -> editable o && not (objtype "v" o)
, submit = True
, msg = nomsg
, { label = "Duplicate entry"
- , vis = \t o -> t == "db" && not (String.startsWith "d" o)
+ , vis = editable
, submit = True
- , msg = \_ _ -> [ text "Please include a link to the entry that this is a duplicate of." ]
+ , msg = \_ -> [ text "Please include a link to the entry that this is a duplicate of." ]
, { label = "Other"
, vis = vis
, submit = True
- , msg = \t o ->
- if t == "db" && not (String.startsWith "d" o)
+ , msg = \o ->
+ if editable o
then [ text "Keep in mind that VNDB is an open wiki, you can edit most of the information in this database."
, br [] []
, text "Reports for issues that do not require a moderator to get involved will most likely be ignored."
@@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ update msg (state,model) =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view (state,model) =
- lst = List.filter (\l -> l.vis model.rtype model.object) reasons
+ lst = List.filter (\l -> l.vis model.object) reasons
cur = List.filter (\l -> l.label == model.reason) lst |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault initial
form_ Submit (state == Api.Loading)
@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ view (state,model) =
else text "We generally do not provide feedback on reports, but you may leave your email address in the message if you wish to be available for clarification."
, formField "reason::Reason" [ inputSelect "reason" model.reason Reason [style "width" "300px"] <| (\l->(l.label,l.label)) lst ]
- , formField "" (cur.msg model.rtype model.object)
+ , formField "" (cur.msg model.object)
] ++ if not cur.submit then [] else
[ formField "message::Message" [ inputTextArea "message" model.message Message [] ]
, formField "" [ submitButton "Submit" state True ]