path: root/lib/Multi/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Multi/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Multi/ b/lib/Multi/
deleted file mode 100644
index 79458f8d..00000000
--- a/lib/Multi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Multi::APIDump - Regular dumps of the database for public API stuff
-package Multi::APIDump;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Multi::Core;
-use JSON::XS;
-use PerlIO::gzip;
-sub run {
- push_watcher schedule 0, 24*3600, \&generate;
-sub tags_gen {
- # The subqueries are kinda ugly, but it's convenient to have everything in a single query.
- pg_cmd q|
- SELECT id, name, description, searchable, applicable, c_items AS vns, cat,
- (SELECT string_agg(alias,'$$$-$$$') FROM tags_aliases where tag = id) AS aliases,
- (SELECT string_agg(parent::text, ',') FROM tags_parents WHERE tag = id) AS parents
- FROM tags WHERE state = 2
- |, undef, sub {
- my($res, $time) = @_;
- return if pg_expect $res, 1;
- my $ws = AE::time;
- my @res = $res->rowsAsHashes;
- for(@res) {
- $_->{id} *= 1;
- $_->{meta} = $_->{searchable} ne 't' ? JSON::XS::true : JSON::XS::false; # For backwards compat
- $_->{searchable} = $_->{searchable} eq 't' ? JSON::XS::true : JSON::XS::false;
- $_->{applicable} = $_->{applicable} eq 't' ? JSON::XS::true : JSON::XS::false;
- $_->{vns} *= 1;
- $_->{aliases} = [ split /\$\$\$-\$\$\$/, ($_->{aliases}||'') ];
- $_->{parents} = [ map $_*1, split /,/, ($_->{parents}||'') ];
- }
- writejson(\@res, "$VNDB::ROOT/www/api/tags.json.gz", $time, $ws);
- };
-sub traits_gen {
- pg_cmd q|
- SELECT id, name, alias AS aliases, description, searchable, applicable, c_items AS chars,
- (SELECT string_agg(parent::text, ',') FROM traits_parents WHERE trait = id) AS parents
- FROM traits WHERE state = 2
- |, undef, sub {
- my($res, $time) = @_;
- return if pg_expect $res, 1;
- my $ws = AE::time;
- my @res = $res->rowsAsHashes;
- for(@res) {
- $_->{id} *= 1;
- $_->{meta} = $_->{searchable} ne 't' ? JSON::XS::true : JSON::XS::false; # For backwards compat
- $_->{searchable} = $_->{searchable} eq 't' ? JSON::XS::true : JSON::XS::false;
- $_->{applicable} = $_->{applicable} eq 't' ? JSON::XS::true : JSON::XS::false;
- $_->{chars} *= 1;
- $_->{aliases} = [ split /\r?\n/, ($_->{aliases}||'') ];
- $_->{parents} = [ map $_*1, split /,/, ($_->{parents}||'') ];
- }
- writejson(\@res, "$VNDB::ROOT/www/api/traits.json.gz", $time, $ws);
- };
-sub writejson {
- my($data, $file, $sqltime, $procstart) = @_;
- open my $f, '>:gzip:utf8', "$file~" or die "Writing $file: $!";
- print $f JSON::XS->new->encode($data);
- close $f;
- rename "$file~", $file or die "Renaming $file: $!";
- my $wt = AE::time-$procstart;
- AE::log info => sprintf 'Wrote %s in %.2fs query + %.2fs write, size: %.1fkB, items: %d.',
- $file, $sqltime, $wt, (-s $file)/1024, scalar @$data;
-sub votes_gen {
- pg_cmd q{
- SELECT vv.vid||' '||vv.uid||' '|| as l, to_char(, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as d
- FROM votes vv
- JOIN users u ON = vv.uid
- JOIN vn v ON = vv.vid
- WHERE NOT v.hidden
- AND NOT u.ign_votes
- AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users_prefs up WHERE up.uid = AND key = 'hide_list')
- }, undef, sub {
- my($res, $time) = @_;
- return if pg_expect $res, 1;
- my $ws = AE::time;
- # legacy votes v1 file, without date
- my $file = "$VNDB::ROOT/www/api/votes.gz";
- open my $f, '>:gzip:utf8', "$file~" or die "Writing $file: $!";
- printf $f "%s\n", $res->value($_,0) for (0 .. $res->rows-1);
- close $f;
- rename "$file~", $file or die "Renaming $file: $!";
- # v2 file with date
- $file = "$VNDB::ROOT/www/api/votes2.gz";
- open $f, '>:gzip:utf8', "$file~" or die "Writing $file: $!";
- printf $f "%s %s\n", $res->value($_,0), $res->value($_,1) for (0 .. $res->rows-1);
- close $f;
- rename "$file~", $file or die "Renaming $file: $!";
- my $wt = AE::time-$ws;
- AE::log info => sprintf 'Wrote %s in %.2fs query + %.2fs write, size: %.1fkB, items: %d.',
- $file, $time, $wt, (-s $file)/1024, scalar $res->rows;
- };
-sub generate {
- # TODO: Running these functions in the main process adds ~11MB of RAM because
- # the full query results are kept in memory. It might be worthwile to
- # generate the dumps in a forked process.
- tags_gen;
- my $a; $a = AE::timer 5, 0, sub { traits_gen; undef $a; };
- my $b; $b = AE::timer 10, 0, sub { votes_gen; undef $b; };