path: root/lib/VN3/Release
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VN3/Release')
3 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VN3/Release/ b/lib/VN3/Release/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74ad40c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VN3/Release/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+package VN3::Release::Edit;
+use VN3::Prelude;
+my $FORM = {
+ hidden => { anybool => 1 },
+ locked => { anybool => 1 },
+ title => { maxlength => 250 },
+ original => { required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 250 },
+ rtype => { enum => [ release_types ] }, # This is 'type' in the database, but renamed for Elm compat
+ patch => { anybool => 1 },
+ freeware => { anybool => 1 },
+ doujin => { anybool => 1 },
+ lang => { minlength => 1, sort_keys => 'lang', aoh => { lang => { language => 1 } } },
+ gtin => { gtin => 1 },
+ catalog => { required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 50 },
+ website => { required => 0, default => '', weburl => 1 },
+ released => { rdate => 1, min => 1 },
+ minage => { required => 0, minage => 1 },
+ uncensored => { anybool => 1 },
+ notes => { required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 10240 },
+ resolution => { resolution => 1 },
+ voiced => { voiced => 1 },
+ ani_story => { animated => 1 },
+ ani_ero => { animated => 1 },
+ platforms => { sort_keys => 'platform', aoh => { platform => { platform => 1 } } },
+ media => { sort_keys => ['media', 'qty'], aoh => {
+ medium => { medium => 1 },
+ qty => { uint => 1, range => [0,20] },
+ } },
+ vn => { length => [1,50], sort_keys => 'vid', aoh => {
+ vid => { id => 1 }, # X
+ title => { _when => 'out' },
+ } },
+ producers => { maxlength => 50, sort_keys => 'pid', aoh => {
+ pid => { id => 1 }, # X
+ developer => { anybool => 1 },
+ publisher => { anybool => 1 },
+ name => { _when => 'out' },
+ } },
+ id => { _when => 'out', required => 0, id => 1 },
+ authmod => { _when => 'out', anybool => 1 },
+ editsum => { _when => 'in out', editsum => 1 },
+our $FORM_OUT = form_compile out => $FORM;
+our $FORM_IN = form_compile in => $FORM;
+our $FORM_CMP = form_compile cmp => $FORM;
+TUWF::get qr{/$RREV_RE/(?<type>edit|copy)}, sub {
+ my $r = entry r => tuwf->capture('id'), tuwf->capture('rev') or return tuwf->resNotFound;
+ return tuwf->resDenied if !can_edit r => $r;
+ my $copy = tuwf->capture('type') eq 'copy';
+ enrich vid => q{SELECT id AS vid, title FROM vn WHERE id IN} => $r->{vn};
+ enrich pid => q{SELECT id AS pid, name FROM producers WHERE id IN} => $r->{producers};
+ $r->{rtype} = delete $r->{type};
+ $r->{authmod} = auth->permDbmod;
+ $r->{editsum} = $copy ? "Copied from r$r->{id}.$r->{chrev}" : $r->{chrev} == $r->{maxrev} ? '' : "Reverted to revision r$r->{id}.$r->{chrev}";
+ my $title = sprintf '%s %s', $copy ? 'Copy' : 'Edit', $r->{title};
+ Framework title => $title,
+ top => sub {
+ Div class => 'col-md', sub {
+ EntryEdit r => $r;
+ Div class => 'detail-page-title', sub {
+ Txt $title;
+ Debug $r;
+ };
+ };
+ }, sub {
+ FullPageForm module => 'RelEdit.Main', schema => $FORM_OUT, data => { %$r, $copy ? (id => undef) : () }, sections => [
+ general => 'General info',
+ format => 'Format',
+ relations => 'Relations'
+ ];
+ };
+TUWF::get qr{/$VID_RE/add}, sub {
+ return tuwf->resDenied if !auth->permEdit;
+ my $vn = tuwf->dbRowi('SELECT id, title, original FROM vn WHERE NOT hidden AND id =', \tuwf->capture('id'));
+ return tuwf->resNotFound if !$vn->{id};
+ Framework index => 0, title => "Add a new release to $vn->{title}", narrow => 1, sub {
+ FullPageForm module => 'RelEdit.New', data => $vn, sections => [
+ general => 'General info',
+ format => 'Format',
+ relations => 'Relations'
+ ];
+ };
+json_api qr{/(?:$RID_RE/edit|r/add)}, $FORM_IN, sub {
+ my $data = shift;
+ my $new = !tuwf->capture('id');
+ my $rel = $new ? { id => 0 } : entry r => tuwf->capture('id') or return tuwf->resNotFound;
+ return tuwf->resJSON({Unauth => 1}) if !can_edit r => $rel;
+ if(!auth->permDbmod) {
+ $data->{hidden} = $rel->{hidden}||0;
+ $data->{locked} = $rel->{locked}||0;
+ }
+ $data->{doujin} = $data->{voiced} = $data->{ani_story} = $data->{ani_ero} = 0 if $data->{patch};
+ $data->{resolution} = 'unknown' if $data->{patch};
+ $data->{uncensored} = 0 if !$data->{minage} || $data->{minage} != 18;
+ $_->{qty} = $MEDIA{$_->{medium}}{qty} ? $_->{qty}||1 : 0 for @{$data->{media}};
+ validate_dbid 'SELECT id FROM vn WHERE id IN', map $_->{vid}, @{$data->{vn}};
+ validate_dbid 'SELECT id FROM producers WHERE id IN', map $_->{pid}, @{$data->{producers}};
+ $data->{notes} = bb_subst_links $data->{notes};
+ $rel->{rtype} = delete $rel->{type};
+ return tuwf->resJSON({Unchanged => 1}) if !$new && !form_changed $FORM_CMP, $data, $rel;
+ $data->{type} = delete $data->{rtype};
+ my($id,undef,$rev) = update_entry r => $rel->{id}, $data;
+ tuwf->resJSON({Changed => [$id, $rev]});
diff --git a/lib/VN3/Release/ b/lib/VN3/Release/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c562d4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VN3/Release/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package VN3::Release::JS;
+use VN3::Prelude;
+my $OUT = tuwf->compile({ aoh => {
+ id => { id => 1 },
+ title => {},
+ lang => { type => 'array', values => {} },
+# Fetch all releases assigned to a VN
+json_api '/js/release.json', {
+ vid => { id => 1 },
+}, sub {
+ my $vid = shift->{vid};
+ my $r = tuwf->dbAlli(q{
+ SELECT, r.title
+ FROM releases r
+ JOIN releases_vn rv ON =
+ WHERE NOT r.hidden
+ AND rv.vid =}, \$vid, q{
+ });
+ enrich_list1 lang => id => id => sub { sql 'SELECT id, lang FROM releases_lang WHERE id IN', $_[0], 'ORDER BY id, lang' }, $r;
+ tuwf->resJSON({ReleaseResult => $OUT->analyze->coerce_for_json($r)});
diff --git a/lib/VN3/Release/ b/lib/VN3/Release/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a17dae11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VN3/Release/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+package VN3::Release::Page;
+use VN3::Prelude;
+# TODO: Userlist options
+sub Notes {
+ my $e = shift;
+ Div class => 'row', sub {
+ Div class => 'fixed-size-left-sidebar-md', sub {
+ H2 class => 'detail-page-sidebar-section-header', 'Notes';
+ };
+ Div class => 'col-md', sub {
+ Div class => 'description serif mb-5', sub {
+ P sub { Lit bb2html $e->{notes} };
+ };
+ };
+ } if $e->{notes};
+sub DetailsTable {
+ my $e = shift;
+ # TODO: Some of these properties could be moved into the title header thing
+ # (type and languages, in particular)
+ # (Not even sure this table format makes sense for all properties, there's gotta be a nicer way)
+ my @list = (
+ @{$e->{vn}} ? sub {
+ Dt @{$e->{vn}} == 1 ? 'Visual Novel' : 'Visual Novels';
+ Dd sub {
+ Join \&Br, sub {
+ A href => "/v$_[0]{vid}", title => $_[0]{original}||$_[0]{title}, $_[0]{title};
+ }, @{$e->{vn}};
+ }
+ } : (),
+ sub {
+ Dt 'Type';
+ Dd sub {
+ Txt ucfirst $e->{type};
+ Txt ", patch" if $e->{patch};
+ }
+ },
+ sub {
+ Dt 'Released';
+ Dd sub { ReleaseDate $e->{released} };
+ },
+ sub {
+ Dt @{$e->{lang}} > 1 ? 'Languages' : 'Language';
+ Dd sub {
+ Join \&Br, sub {
+ Lang $_[0]{lang};
+ Txt " $LANG{$_[0]{lang}}";
+ }, @{$e->{lang}};
+ }
+ },
+ sub {
+ Dt 'Publication';
+ Dd join ', ',
+ $e->{freeware} ? 'Freeware' : 'Non-free',
+ $e->{patch} ? () : ($e->{doujin} ? 'doujin' : 'commercial')
+ },
+ $e->{minage} && $e->{minage} >= 0 ? sub {
+ Dt 'Age rating';
+ Dd minage_display $e->{minage};
+ } : (),
+ @{$e->{platforms}} ? sub {
+ Dt @{$e->{platforms}} == 1 ? 'Platform' : 'Platforms';
+ Dd sub {
+ Join \&Br, sub {
+ Platform $_[0]{platform};
+ Txt " $PLATFORMS{$_[0]{platform}}";
+ }, @{$e->{platforms}};
+ }
+ } : (),
+ @{$e->{media}} ? sub {
+ Dt @{$e->{media}} == 1 ? 'Medium' : 'Media';
+ Dd join ', ', map media_display($_->{medium}, $_->{qty}), @{$e->{media}};
+ } : (),
+ $e->{voiced} ? sub {
+ Dt 'Voiced';
+ Dd $VOICED[$e->{voiced}];
+ } : (),
+ $e->{ani_story} ? sub {
+ Dt 'Story animation';
+ Dd $ANIMATED[$e->{ani_story}];
+ } : (),
+ $e->{ani_ero} ? sub {
+ Dt 'Ero animation';
+ Dd $ANIMATED[$e->{ani_ero}];
+ } : (),
+ $e->{minage} && $e->{minage} == 18 ? sub {
+ Dt 'Censoring';
+ Dd $e->{uncensored} ? 'No optical censoring (e.g. mosaics)' : 'May include optical censoring (e.g. mosaics)';
+ } : (),
+ $e->{gtin} ? sub {
+ Dt gtintype($e->{gtin}) || 'GTIN';
+ Dd $e->{gtin};
+ } : (),
+ $e->{catalog} ? sub {
+ Dt 'Catalog no.';
+ Dd $e->{catalog};
+ } : (),
+ (map {
+ my $type = $_;
+ my @prod = grep $_->{$type}, @{$e->{producers}};
+ @prod ? sub {
+ Dt ucfirst($type) . (@prod == 1 ? '' : 's');
+ Dd sub {
+ Join \&Br, sub {
+ A href => "/p$_[0]{pid}", title => $_[0]{original}||$_[0]{name}, $_[0]{name};
+ }, @prod;
+ }
+ } : ()
+ } 'developer', 'publisher'),
+ $e->{website} ? sub {
+ Dt 'Links';
+ Dd sub {
+ A href => $e->{website}, rel => 'nofollow', 'Official website';
+ };
+ } : (),
+ );
+ Div class => 'row', sub {
+ Div class => 'fixed-size-left-sidebar-md', sub {
+ H2 class => 'detail-page-sidebar-section-header', 'Details';
+ };
+ Div class => 'col-md', sub {
+ Div class => 'card card--white mb-5', sub {
+ Div class => 'card__section fs-medium', sub {
+ Div class => 'row', sub {
+ Dl class => 'col-md dl--horizontal', sub { $_->() for @list[0..$#list/2] };
+ Dl class => 'col-md dl--horizontal', sub { $_->() for @list[$#list/2+1..$#list] };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } if @list;
+TUWF::get qr{/$RREV_RE}, sub {
+ my $e = entry r => tuwf->capture('id'), tuwf->capture('rev') or return tuwf->resNotFound;
+ return tuwf->resNotFound if !$e->{id} || $e->{hidden};
+ enrich vid => q{SELECT id AS vid, title, original FROM vn WHERE id IN}, $e->{vn};
+ enrich pid => q{SELECT id AS pid, name, original FROM producers WHERE id IN}, $e->{producers};
+ Framework
+ title => $e->{title},
+ top => sub {
+ Div class => 'col-md', sub {
+ EntryEdit r => $e;
+ Div class => 'detail-page-title', sub {
+ Txt $e->{title};
+ Debug $e;
+ };
+ Div class => 'detail-page-subtitle', $e->{original} if $e->{original};
+ }
+ },
+ sub {
+ DetailsTable $e;
+ Notes $e;
+ };