path: root/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 94edf82e..00000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-package VNDB;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-BEGIN { require ''; }
-our $DEBUG;
-require Time::HiRes if $DEBUG;
-require Data::Dumper if $DEBUG;
-use VNDB::Util::Template;
-use VNDB::Util::Request;
-use VNDB::Util::Response;
-use VNDB::Util::DB;
-use VNDB::Util::Tools;
-use VNDB::Util::Auth;
-use VNDB::Discussions;
-use VNDB::HomePages;
-use VNDB::Producers;
-use VNDB::Releases;
-use VNDB::VNLists;
-use VNDB::Users;
-use VNDB::VN;
-my %VNDBuris = ( # wildcards: * -> (.+), + -> ([0-9]+)
- '/' => sub { shift->HomePage },
- 'd+' => sub { shift->DocPage(shift) },
- 'd+.+' => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/d'.$_[0][0].'#'.$_[0][1]) },
- nospam => sub { shift->ResAddTpl(error => { err => 'formerr' }) },
- hist => {'*'=> sub { shift->History(undef, undef, $_[1]) } },
- # users
- u => {
- login => sub { shift->UsrLogin },
- logout => sub { shift->UsrLogout },
- register => sub { shift->UsrReg },
- newpass => sub { shift->UsrPass },
- list => {
- '/' => sub { shift->UsrList },
- '*' => sub { $_[3] =~ /^([a-z0]|all)$/ ? shift->UsrList($_[2]) : shift->ResNotFound },
- },
- },
- 'u+' => {
- '/' => sub { shift->UsrPage(shift) },
- edit => sub { shift->UsrEdit(shift) },
- del => sub { shift->UsrDel(shift) },
- list => sub { shift->RList(shift) },
- vlist => sub { shift->VNMyList(shift) },
- wish => sub { shift->WList(shift) },
- hist => {'*'=> sub { shift->History('u', shift, $_[1]) } },
- },
- # visual novels
- v => {
- '/' => sub { shift->VNBrowse },
- new => sub { shift->VNEdit(0); },
- '*' => sub { $_[2] =~ /^([a-z0]|all|search)$/ ? shift->VNBrowse($_[1]) : shift->ResNotFound; },
- },
- 'v+' => {
- '/' => sub { shift->VNPage(shift) },
- stats => sub { shift->VNPage(shift, shift) },
- rg => sub { shift->VNPage(shift, shift) },
- scr => sub { shift->VNPage(shift, shift) },
- edit => sub { shift->VNEdit(shift) },
- vote => sub { shift->VNVote(shift) },
- wish => sub { shift->WListMod(shift) },
- add => sub { shift->REdit('v', shift) },
- lock => sub { shift->VNLock(shift) },
- hide => sub { shift->VNHide(shift) },
- hist => {'*'=> sub { shift->History('v', shift, $_[1]) } },
- },
- 'v+.+' => sub { shift->VNPage($_[0][0], '', $_[0][1]) },
- # releases
- 'r+' => {
- '/' => sub { shift->RPage(shift) },
- edit => sub { shift->REdit('r', shift) },
- lock => sub { shift->RLock(shift) },
- hide => sub { shift->RHide(shift) },
- list => sub { shift->RListMod(shift) },
- hist => {'*'=> sub { shift->History('r', shift, $_[1]) } },
- },
- 'r+.+' => sub { shift->RPage($_[0][0], $_[0][1]) },
- # producers
- p => {
- '/' => sub { shift->PBrowse },
- add => sub { shift->PEdit(0) },
- '*' => sub { $_[2] =~ /^([a-z0]|all)$/ ? shift->PBrowse($_[1]) : shift->ResNotFound; }
- },
- 'p+' => {
- '/' => sub { shift->PPage(shift) },
- edit => sub { shift->PEdit(shift) },
- lock => sub { shift->PLock(shift) },
- hide => sub { shift->PHide(shift) },
- hist => {'*'=> sub { shift->History('p', shift, $_[1]) } },
- },
- 'p+.+' => sub { shift->PPage($_[0][0], $_[0][1]) },
- # discussions
- t => {
- '/' => sub { shift->TIndex },
- '*' => {
- '/' => sub { shift->TTag($_[1]) },
- new => sub { shift->TEdit(0, 0, $_[1]) },
- },
- },
- 't+' => {
- '/' => sub { shift->TThread(shift) },
- reply => sub { shift->TEdit(shift) },
- '+' => sub { shift->TThread(shift, shift) },
- },
- 't+.+' => {
- edit => sub { shift->TEdit($_[0][0], $_[0][1]) },
- '/' => sub { $_[0]->ResRedirect('/t'.$_[1][0].($_[1][1]>$_[0]->{postsperpage}?'/'.ceil($_[1][1]/$_[0]->{postsperpagee}):'').'#'.$_[1][1], 'perm') },
- },
- # stuff (.xml extension to make sure they aren't counted as pageviews)
- xml => {
- 'producers.xml' => sub { shift->PXML },
- 'vn.xml' => sub { shift->VNXML },
- 'screenshots.xml' => sub { shift->VNScrXML },
- },
-# provide redirects for old URIs
-my %OLDuris = (
- faq => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/d6', 'perm') },
- notes => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/d8', 'perm') },
- vn => {
- rss => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/hist/rss?t=v&e=1', 'perm') },
- '*' => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/v/'.$_[1], 'perm') },
- },
- v => {
- cat => sub {
- my $f = $_[0]->FormCheck({name=>'i',required=>0},{name=>'e',required=>0},{name=>'l',required=>0},
- {name=>'p',required=>0},{name=>'o',required=>0},{name=>'s',required=>0});
- my %f;
- $f{$_} = $f->{$_} for (qw|p o s|);
- $f{q} = join ' ', (map $VNDB::CAT->{substr($_,0,1)}[1]{substr($_,1,2)}, split /,/, $f->{i}),
- (map '-'.$VNDB::CAT->{substr($_,0,1)}[1]{substr($_,1,2)}, split /,/, $f->{e}),
- (map $VNDB::LANG->{$_}, split /,/, $f->{l});
- !$f{$_}&&delete $f{$_} for keys %f;
- $_[0]->ResRedirect('/v/search'.(!(keys %f)?'':'?'.join(';', map $_.'='.$f{$_}, keys %f) ), 'perm');
- },
- },
- 'v+' => {
- votes => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/v'.(shift).'/stats', 'perm') },
- hist=>{rss => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/v'.(shift).'/hist/rss.xml', 'perm') } },
- },
- u => {
- '*' => {
- '*' => sub {
- if($_[2] =~ /^_(login|logout|register|newpass|list)$/) {
- $_[3] eq '/' ? $_[0]->ResRedirect('/u/'.$1, 'perm') : $_[0]->ResRedirect('/u/'.$1.'/'.$_[3], 'perm');
- } else {
- my $id = $_[0]->DBGetUser(username => $_[2])->[0]{id};
- $id ? $_[0]->ResRedirect('/u'.$id.'/'.$_[3], 'perm') : $_[0]->ResNotFound;
- }
- },
- }
- },
- 'u+' => {
- votes => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/u'.(shift).'/list', 'perm') },
- hist=>{rss => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/u'.(shift).'/hist/rss.xml', 'perm') } },
- },
- 'p+' => {
- hist=>{rss => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/p'.(shift).'/hist/rss.xml', 'perm') } },
- },
- 'r+' => {
- hist=>{rss => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/r'.(shift).'/hist/rss.xml', 'perm') } },
- },
- hist=>{rss => sub { shift->ResRedirect('/hist/rss.xml', 'perm') } },
-sub new {
- my $self = shift;
- my $type = ref($self) || $self;
- my %args = @_;
- my $me = bless {
- debug => $VNDB::DEBUG,
- %args,
- _DB => VNDB::Util::DB->new(@VNDB::DBLOGIN),
- _TPL => VNDB::Util::Template->new(%{$args{tplopts}}),
- cmds => [],
- }, $type;
- return $me;
-sub get_page {
- my $self = shift;
- my $r = shift;
- $self->{_Req} = VNDB::Util::Request->new($r);
- $self->{_Res} = VNDB::Util::Response->new($self->{_TPL});
- $self->AuthCheckCookie();
- $self->checkuri();
- my $res = $self->ResSetModPerl($r);
- $self->DBCommit();
- # commands have to be executed _after_ the call to DBCommit,
- # otherwise Multi can't see the new additions
- $self->RunCmd();
- return($self, $res);
-sub checkuri {
- my $self = shift;
- (my $uri = lc($self->ReqUri)) =~ s/^\/+//;
- $uri =~ s/\?.*$//;
- return $self->ResRedirect("/$uri", 'perm') if $uri =~ s/\/+$//;
- $uri =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg; # ugly hack, but we only accept ASCII anyway
- return $self->ResNotFound() if $uri !~ /^[a-z0-9\-\._~\/]*$/; # rfc3986 section 2.3, "Unreserved Characters"
- my @uri;
- defined $_ and push(@uri, $_) for (split(/\/+/, $uri));
- my @ouri = @uri; # items in @uri can be modified by uri2page
- $self->uri2page(\%VNDBuris, \@uri, 0);
- $self->uri2page(\%OLDuris, \@ouri, 0) # provide redirects for old uris
- if $self->{_Res}->{code} == 404;
-sub uri2page {
- my($s, $o, $u, $i) = @_;
- $u->[$i] = '/' if !defined $u->[$i];
- my $n = $o->{$u->[$i]} ? $u->[$i] : ((map {
- if(/[\*\+]/) {
- (my $t = "^$_\$") =~ s/\./\\./g;
- /\*/ ? ($t =~ s/\*/(.+)/g) : ($t =~ s/\+/([1-9][0-9]*)/g);
- $u->[$i] =~ /$t/ ? ($u->[$i] = $2?[$1,$2]:$1) && $_ : ();
- } else { () } }
- sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } keys %$o)[0] || '*');
- ref($o->{$n}) eq 'HASH' && $n ne '/' ?
- $s->uri2page($o->{$n}, $u, ++$i) :
- ref($o->{$n}) eq 'CODE' && $i == $#$u ?
- &{$o->{$n}}($s, @$u) :
- $s->ResNotFound();