path: root/lib/VNDB/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/ b/lib/VNDB/
index 508b2272..8c448ad8 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/
@@ -1,167 +1,160 @@
package VNDB::Func;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use TUWF ':html', 'kv_validate', 'xml_escape', 'uri_escape';
+use TUWF::Misc 'uri_escape';
use Exporter 'import';
-use POSIX 'strftime', 'ceil', 'floor';
-use JSON::XS;
-use VNDBUtil;
+use POSIX 'strftime', 'floor';
+use Socket 'inet_pton', 'inet_ntop', 'AF_INET', 'AF_INET6';
+use Digest::SHA 'sha1';
+use VNDB::Config;
use VNDB::Types;
use VNDB::BBCode;
-our @EXPORT = (@VNDBUtil::EXPORT, 'bb_format', qw|
- clearfloat cssicon minage fil_parse fil_serialize parenttags
- childtags charspoil imgpath imgurl
- fmtvote fmtmedia fmtvnlen fmtage fmtdatestr fmtdate fmtrating fmtspoil
- lang_attr
- json_encode json_decode script_json
- form_compare
+our @EXPORT = ('bb_format', qw|
+ in
+ idcmp
+ shorten
+ resolution
+ gtintype
+ imgsize
+ norm_ip
+ minage
+ fmtvote fmtmedia fmtage fmtdate fmtrating fmtspoil fmtanimation
+ rdate
+ imgpath imgurl
+ tlang tattr
+ is_insecurepass
-# three ways to represent the same information
-our $fil_escape = '_ !"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{}~';
-our @fil_escape = split //, $fil_escape;
-our %fil_escape = map +($fil_escape[$_], sprintf '%02d', $_), 0..$#fil_escape;
-# Clears a float, to make sure boxes always have the correct height
-sub clearfloat {
- div class => 'clearfloat', '';
+# Simple "is this element in the array?" function, using 'eq' to test equality.
+# Supports both an @array and \@array.
+# Usage:
+# my $contains_hi = in 'hi', qw/ a b hi c /; # true
+sub in {
+ my($q, @a) = @_;
+ $_ eq $q && return 1 for map ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : ($_), @a;
+ 0
-# Draws a CSS icon, arguments: class, title
-sub cssicon {
- abbr class => "icons $_[0]", title => $_[1];
- lit '&#xa0;';
- end;
+# Compare two vndbids, using proper numeric order
+sub idcmp($$) {
+ my($a1, $a2) = $_[0] =~ /^([a-z]+)([0-9]+)$/;
+ my($b1, $b2) = $_[1] =~ /^([a-z]+)([0-9]+)$/;
+ $a1 cmp $b1 || $a2 <=> $b2
-sub minage {
- my($a, $ex) = @_;
- $a = $AGE_RATING{$a};
- $ex && $a->{ex} ? "$a->{txt} (e.g. $a->{ex})" : $a->{txt}
+sub shorten {
+ my($str, $len) = @_;
+ return length($str) > $len ? substr($str, 0, $len-3).'...' : $str;
-# arguments: $filter_string, @allowed_keys
-sub fil_parse {
- my $str = shift;
- my %keys = map +($_,1), @_;
- my %r;
- for (split /\./, $str) {
- next if !/^([a-z0-9_]+)-([a-zA-Z0-9_~\x81-\x{ffffff}]+)$/ || !$keys{$1};
- my($f, $v) = ($1, $2);
- my @v = split /~/, $v;
- s/_([0-9]{2})/$1 > $#fil_escape ? '' : $fil_escape[$1]/eg for(@v);
- $r{$f} = @v > 1 ? \@v : $v[0]
- }
- return \%r;
+sub resolution {
+ my($x,$y) = @_;
+ ($x,$y) = ($x->{reso_x}, $x->{reso_y}) if ref $x;
+ $x ? "${x}x${y}" : $y == 1 ? 'Non-standard' : undef
-sub fil_serialize {
- my $fil = shift;
- my $e = qr/([\Q$fil_escape\E])/;
- return join '.', map {
- my @v = ref $fil->{$_} ? @{$fil->{$_}} : ($fil->{$_});
- s/$e/_$fil_escape{$1}/g for(@v);
- $_.'-'.join '~', @v
- } grep defined($fil->{$_}), sort keys %$fil;
+# GTIN code as argument,
+# Returns 'JAN', 'EAN', 'UPC', 'ISBN' or undef,
+# Also 'normalizes' the first argument in place
+sub gtintype {
+ $_[0] =~ s/[^\d]+//g;
+ $_[0] =~ s/^0+//;
+ return undef if $_[0] !~ /^[0-9]{10,13}$/; # I've yet to see a UPC code shorter than 10 digits assigned to a game
+ $_[0] = ('0'x(12-length $_[0])) . $_[0] if length($_[0]) < 12; # pad with zeros to GTIN-12
+ my $c = shift;
+ return undef if $c !~ /^[0-9]{12,13}$/;
+ $c = "0$c" if length($c) == 12; # pad with another zero for GTIN-13
+ # calculate check digit according to
+ #
+ my @n = reverse split //, $c;
+ my $n = shift @n;
+ $n += $n[$_] * ($_ % 2 != 0 ? 1 : 3) for (0..$#n);
+ return undef if $n % 10 != 0;
+ # Do some rough guesses based on:
+ #
+ # and
+ local $_ = $c;
+ return 'JAN' if /^4[59]/; # prefix code 450-459 & 490-499
+ return 'UPC' if /^(?:0[01]|0[6-9]|13|75[45])/; # prefix code 000-019 & 060-139 & 754-755
+ return 'ISBN' if /^97[89]/;
+ return undef if /^(?:0[2-5]|2|9[6-9])/; # some codes we don't want: 020–059 & 200-299 & non-ISBN 977-999
+ return 'EAN'; # let's just call everything else EAN :)
-# generates a parent tags/traits listing
-sub parenttags {
- my($t, $index, $type) = @_;
- p;
- my @p = _parenttags(@{$t->{parents}});
- for my $p (@p ? @p : []) {
- a href => "/$type", $index;
- for (reverse @$p) {
- txt ' > ';
- a href => "/$type$_->{id}", $_->{name};
- }
- txt " > $t->{name}";
- br;
- }
- end 'p';
-# arg: tag/trait hashref
-# returns: [ [ tag1, tag2, tag3 ], [ tag1, tag2, tag5 ] ]
-sub _parenttags {
- my @r;
- for my $t (@_) {
- for (@{$t->{'sub'}}) {
- push @r, [ $t, @$_ ] for _parenttags($_);
- }
- push @r, [$t] if !@{$t->{'sub'}};
+# arguments: <image size>, <max dimensions>
+# returns the size of the thumbnail with the same aspect ratio as the full-size
+# image, but fits within the specified maximum dimensions
+sub imgsize {
+ my($ow, $oh, $sw, $sh) = @_;
+ return ($ow, $oh) if $ow <= $sw && $oh <= $sh;
+ if($ow/$oh > $sw/$sh) { # width is the limiting factor
+ $oh *= $sw/$ow;
+ $ow = $sw;
+ } else {
+ $ow *= $sh/$oh;
+ $oh = $sh;
- return @r;
+ return (int ($ow+0.5), int ($oh+0.5));
-# a child tags/traits box
-sub childtags {
- my($self, $title, $type, $t, $order) = @_;
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 $title;
- ul class => 'tagtree';
- for my $p (sort { !$order ? @{$b->{'sub'}} <=> @{$a->{'sub'}} : $a->{$order} <=> $b->{$order} } @{$t->{childs}}) {
- li;
- a href => "/$type$p->{id}", $p->{name};
- b class => 'grayedout', " ($p->{c_items})" if $p->{c_items};
- end, next if !@{$p->{'sub'}};
- ul;
- for (0..$#{$p->{'sub'}}) {
- last if $_ >= 5 && @{$p->{'sub'}} > 6;
- li;
- txt '> ';
- a href => "/$type$p->{sub}[$_]{id}", $p->{'sub'}[$_]{name};
- b class => 'grayedout', " ($p->{sub}[$_]{c_items})" if $p->{'sub'}[$_]{c_items};
- end;
- }
- if(@{$p->{'sub'}} > 6) {
- my $c = @{$p->{'sub'}}-5;
- li;
- txt '> ';
- a href => "/$type$p->{id}", style => 'font-style: italic',
- sprintf '%d more %s%s', $c, $type eq 'g' ? 'tag' : 'trait', $c==1 ? '' : 's';
- end;
- }
- end;
- end 'li';
+# Normalized IP address to use for duplicate detection/throttling. For IPv4
+# this is the /23 subnet (is this enough?), for IPv6 the /48 subnet, with the
+# least significant bits of the address zero'd.
+sub norm_ip {
+ my $ip = shift;
+ # There's a whole bunch of IP manipulation modules on CPAN, but many seem
+ # quite bloated and still don't offer the functionality to return an IP
+ # with its mask applied (admittedly not a common operation). The libc
+ # socket functions will do fine in parsing and formatting addresses, and
+ # the actual masking is quite trivial in binary form.
+ my $v4 = inet_pton AF_INET, $ip;
+ if($v4) {
+ $v4 =~ s/(..)(.)./$1 . chr(ord($2) & 254) . "\0"/se;
+ return inet_ntop AF_INET, $v4;
- end 'ul';
- clearfloat;
- br;
- end 'div';
+ $ip = inet_pton AF_INET6, $ip;
+ return '::' if !$ip;
+ $ip =~ s/^(.{6}).+$/$1 . "\0"x10/se;
+ return inet_ntop AF_INET6, $ip;
-# generates the class elements for character spoiler hiding
-sub charspoil {
- return "charspoil charspoil_$_[0]";
+sub minage {
+ my($a, $ex) = @_;
+ return 'Unknown' if !defined $a;
+ $a = $AGE_RATING{$a};
+ $ex && $a->{ex} ? "$a->{txt} (e.g. $a->{ex})" : $a->{txt}
-# generates a local path to an image in static/
-sub imgpath { # <type>, <id>
- return sprintf '%s/static/%s/%02d/%d.jpg', $TUWF::OBJ->{root}, $_[0], $_[1]%100, $_[1];
+sub _path {
+ my($t, $id) = $_[1] =~ /([a-z]+)([0-9]+)/;
+ sprintf '%s/%s%s/%02d/%d.%s', $_[0], $t, $_[2] ? ".$_[2]" : '', $id%100, $id, $_[3]||'jpg';
+# imgpath($image_id, $dir, $format)
+# $dir = empty || 't' || 'orig'
+# $format = empty || $file_ext
+sub imgpath { _path config->{var_path}.'/static', @_ }
-# generates a URL for an image in static/
-sub imgurl {
- return sprintf '%s/%s/%02d/%d.jpg', $TUWF::OBJ->{url_static}, $_[0], $_[1]%100, $_[1];
+# imgurl($image_id, $dir, $format)
+sub imgurl { _path config->{url_static}, @_ }
# Formats a vote number.
@@ -178,13 +171,6 @@ sub fmtmedia {
$med->{ $med->{qty} && $qty > 1 ? 'plural' : 'txt' };
-# Formats a VN length (xtra = time indication)
-sub fmtvnlen {
- my($len, $xtra) = @_;
- $len = $VN_LENGTH{$len};
- $len->{txt}.($xtra && $len->{time} ? " ($len->{time})" : '');
# Formats a UNIX timestamp as a '<number> <unit> ago' string
sub fmtage {
my $a = time-shift;
@@ -200,32 +186,12 @@ sub fmtage {
sprintf '%d %s ago', $t, $t == 1 ? $single : $plural;
-# argument: database release date format (yyyymmdd)
-# y = 0000 -> unknown
-# y = 9999 -> TBA
-# m = 99 -> month+day unknown
-# d = 99 -> day unknown
-# return value: (unknown|TBA|yyyy|yyyy-mm|yyyy-mm-dd)
-# if date > now: <b class="future">str</b>
-sub fmtdatestr {
- my $date = sprintf '%08d', shift||0;
- my $future = $date > strftime '%Y%m%d', gmtime;
- my($y, $m, $d) = ($1, $2, $3) if $date =~ /^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/;
- my $str = $y == 0 ? 'unknown' : $y == 9999 ? 'TBA' :
- $m == 99 ? sprintf('%04d', $y) :
- $d == 99 ? sprintf('%04d-%02d', $y, $m) :
- sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $y, $m, $d);
- return $str if !$future;
- return qq|<b class="future">$str</b>|;
# argument: unix timestamp and optional format (compact/full)
sub fmtdate {
my($t, $f) = @_;
- return strftime '%Y-%m-%d', gmtime $t if !$f || $f eq 'compact';
- return strftime '%Y-%m-%d at %R', gmtime $t;
+ return strftime '%Y-%m-%d', localtime $t if !$f || $f eq 'compact';
+ return strftime '%Y-%m-%d at %R', localtime $t;
# Turn a (natural number) vote into a rating indication
@@ -251,69 +217,56 @@ sub fmtspoil {
-# Generates a HTML 'lang' attribute given a list of possible languages.
-# This is used for the 'original language' field, which we can safely assume is not used for latin-alphabet languages.
-sub lang_attr {
- my @l = ref $_[0] ? $_[0]->@* : @_;
- # Choose Japanese, Chinese or Korean (in order of likelyness) if those are in the list.
- return (lang => 'ja') if grep $_ eq 'ja', @l;
- return (lang => 'zh') if grep $_ eq 'zh', @l;
- return (lang => 'ko') if grep $_ eq 'ko', @l;
- return (lang => $l[0]) if @l == 1;
- ()
+sub fmtanimation {
+ my($a, $cat) = @_;
+ return if !defined $a;
+ return $cat ? ucfirst "$cat not animated" : 'Not animated' if !$a;
+ return $cat ? "No $cat" : 'Not applicable' if $a == 1;
+ ($a & 256 ? 'Some scenes ' : $a & 512 ? 'All scenes ' : '').join('/',
+ $a & 4 ? 'Hand drawn' : (),
+ $a & 8 ? 'Vectorial' : (),
+ $a & 16 ? '3D' : (),
+ $a & 32 ? 'Live action' : ()
+ ).($cat ? " $cat" : '');
-# JSON::XS::encode_json converts input to utf8, whereas the below functions
-# operate on wide character strings. Canonicalization is enabled to allow for
-# proper comparison of serialized objects.
-my $JSON = JSON::XS->new;
-sub json_encode ($) {
- $JSON->encode(@_);
+# Format a release date as a string.
+sub rdate {
+ my($y, $m, $d) = ($1, $2, $3) if sprintf('%08d', shift||0) =~ /^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/;
+ $y == 0 ? 'unknown' :
+ $y == 9999 ? 'TBA' :
+ $m == 99 ? sprintf('%04d', $y) :
+ $d == 99 ? sprintf('%04d-%02d', $y, $m) :
+ sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $y, $m, $d);
-sub json_decode ($) {
- $JSON->decode(@_);
-# Insert JSON-encoded data as script, arguments: id, object
-sub script_json {
- script id => $_[0], type => 'application/json';
- my $js = json_encode $_[1];
- $js =~ s/</\\u003C/g; # escape HTML tags like </script> and <!--
- lit $js;
- end;
+# Given a language code & title, returns a (lang => $x) html property.
+sub tlang {
+ my($lang, $title) = @_;
+ # TODO: The -Latn suffix is redundant for languages that use the Latin script by default, need to check with a list.
+ # English is the site's default, so no need to specify that.
+ $lang && $lang ne 'en'
+ ? (lang => $lang . ($title =~ /[\x{0400}-\x{04ff}\x{0600}-\x{06ff}\x{0e00}-\x{0e7f}\x{1100}-\x{11ff}\x{1400}-\x{167f}\x{3040}-\x{3099}\x{30a1}-\x{30fa}\x{3100}-\x{9fff}\x{ac00}-\x{d7af}\x{ff66}-\x{ffdc}\x{20000}-\x{323af}]/ ? '' : '-Latn'))
+ : ();
-# Compare the keys in %$old with the keys in %$new. Returns 1 if a difference was found, 0 otherwise.
-sub form_compare {
- my($old, $new) = @_;
- for my $k (keys %$old) {
- my($o, $n) = ($old->{$k}, $new->{$k});
- return 1 if defined $n ne defined $o || ref $o ne ref $n;
- if(!defined $o) {
- # must be equivalent
- } elsif(!ref $o) {
- return 1 if $o ne $n;
- } else { # 'json' template
- return 1 if @$o != @$n;
- return 1 if grep form_compare($o->[$_], $n->[$_]), 0..$#$o;
- }
- }
- return 0;
+# Given an SQL titles array, returns element attributes & content.
+sub tattr {
+ my $title = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0]{title} : $_[0];
+ (tlang($title->[0],$title->[1]), title => $title->[3], $title->[1])
-# Encode query parameters. Takes a hash or hashref with key/values, supports array values.
+# Encode query parameters. Takes a hash or hashref with key/values, supports array values and objects that implement query_encode().
sub query_encode {
my $o = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};
return join '&', map {
my($k, $v) = ($_, $o->{$_});
+ $v = $v->query_encode() if ref $v && ref $v ne 'ARRAY';
!defined $v ? () : ref $v ? map "$k=".uri_escape($_), sort @$v : "$k=".uri_escape($v)
} sort keys %$o;
@@ -348,5 +301,34 @@ sub md2html {
+sub is_insecurepass {
+ utf8::encode(local $_ = shift);
+ my $hash = sha1 $_;
+ my $dir = config->{var_path}.'/hibp';
+ return 0 if !-d $dir;
+ my $prefix = uc unpack 'H4', $hash;
+ my $data = substr $hash, 2, 10;
+ my $F;
+ if(!open $F, '<', "$dir/$prefix") {
+ warn "Unable to lookup password prefix $prefix: $!";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Plain old binary search.
+ # Would be nicer to search through an mmap'ed view of the file, or at least
+ # use pread(), but alas, neither are easily available in Perl.
+ my($left, $right) = (0, -10 + -s $F);
+ while($left <= $right) {
+ my $off = floor(($left+$right)/20)*10;
+ sysseek $F, $off, 0 or die $!;
+ 10 == sysread $F, my $buf, 10 or die $!;
+ return 1 if $buf eq $data;
+ if($buf lt $data) { $left = $off + 10; }
+ else { $right = $off - 10; }
+ }
+ 0;