path: root/lib/VNDB/Handler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Handler/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 252 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
deleted file mode 100644
index 25d10c39..00000000
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-package VNDB::Handler::Misc;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use TUWF ':html', ':xml', 'uri_escape';
-use VNDB::Func;
-use VNDB::Types;
- qr{}, \&homepage,
- qr{nospam}, \&nospam,
- qr{xml/prefs\.xml}, \&prefs,
- qr{opensearch\.xml}, \&opensearch,
- # redirects for old URLs
- qr{u([1-9]\d*)/tags}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/g/links?u=$_[1]", 'perm') },
- qr{(.*[^/]+)/+}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/$_[1]", 'perm') },
- qr{([pv])}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/$_[1]/all", 'perm') },
- qr{v/search}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/v/all?q=".uri_escape($_[0]->reqGet('q')||''), 'perm') },
- qr{notes}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect('/d8', 'perm') },
- qr{faq}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect('/d6', 'perm') },
- qr{v([1-9]\d*)/(?:stats|scr)},
- sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/v$_[1]", 'perm') },
- qr{u/list(/[a-z0]|/all)?},
- sub { my $l = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '/all'; $_[0]->resRedirect("/u$l", 'perm') },
-sub homepage {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = 'The Visual Novel Database';
- my $desc = ' strives to be a comprehensive database for information about visual novels.';
- my $metadata = {
- 'og:type' => 'website',
- 'og:title' => $title,
- 'og:description' => $desc,
- };
- $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, feeds => 1, metadata => $metadata);
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 $title;
- p class => 'description';
- txt $desc;
- br;
- txt 'This website is built as a wiki, meaning that anyone can freely add'
- .' and contribute information to the database, allowing us to create the'
- .' largest, most accurate and most up-to-date visual novel database on the web.';
- end;
- # with filters applied it's signifcantly slower, so special-code the situations with and without filters
- my @vns;
- if($self->authPref('filter_vn')) {
- my $r = $self->filFetchDB(vn => undef, undef, {hasshot => 1, results => 4, sort => 'rand'});
- @vns = map $_->{id}, @$r;
- }
- my $scr = $self->dbScreenshotRandom(@vns);
- p class => 'screenshots';
- for (@$scr) {
- my($w, $h) = imgsize($_->{width}, $_->{height}, @{$self->{scr_size}});
- a href => "/v$_->{vid}", title => $_->{title};
- img src => imgurl(st => $_->{scr}), alt => $_->{title}, width => $w, height => $h;
- end;
- }
- end;
- end 'div';
- table class => 'mainbox threelayout';
- Tr;
- # Recent changes
- td;
- h1;
- a href => '/hist', 'Recent Changes'; txt ' ';
- a href => '/feeds/changes.atom'; cssicon 'feed', 'Atom Feed'; end;
- end;
- my $changes = $self->dbRevisionGet(results => 10, auto => 1);
- ul;
- for (@$changes) {
- li;
- txt "$_->{type}:";
- a href => "/$_->{type}$_->{itemid}.$_->{rev}", title => $_->{ioriginal}||$_->{ititle}, shorten $_->{ititle}, 33;
- lit " by ";
- VNWeb::HTML::user_($_);
- end;
- }
- end;
- end 'td';
- # Announcements
- td;
- my $an = $self->dbThreadGet(type => 'an', sort => 'id', reverse => 1, results => 2);
- h1;
- a href => '/t/an', 'Announcements'; txt ' ';
- a href => '/feeds/announcements.atom'; cssicon 'feed', 'Atom Feed'; end;
- end;
- for (@$an) {
- my $post = $self->dbPostGet(tid => $_->{id}, num => 1)->[0];
- h2;
- a href => "/t$_->{id}", $_->{title};
- end;
- p;
- lit bb2html $post->{msg}, 150;
- end;
- }
- end 'td';
- # Recent posts
- td;
- h1;
- a href => '/t/all', 'Recent Posts'; txt ' ';
- a href => '/feeds/posts.atom'; cssicon 'feed', 'Atom Feed'; end;
- end;
- my $posts = $self->dbThreadGet(what => 'lastpost boardtitles', results => 10, sort => 'lastpost', reverse => 1, notusers => 1);
- ul;
- for (@$posts) {
- my $boards = join ', ', map $BOARD_TYPE{$_->{type}}{txt}.($_->{iid}?' > '.$_->{title}:''), @{$_->{boards}};
- li;
- txt fmtage($_->{lastpost_date}).' ';
- a href => VNWeb::Discussions::Lib::post_url($_->{id}, $_->{count}, 'last'), title => "Posted in $boards", shorten $_->{title}, 25;
- lit ' by ';
- VNWeb::HTML::user_($_, 'lastpost_');
- end;
- }
- end;
- end 'td';
- end 'tr';
- Tr;
- # Random visual novels
- td;
- h1;
- a href => '/v/rand', 'Random visual novels';
- end;
- my $random = $self->filFetchDB(vn => undef, undef, {results => 10, sort => 'rand'});
- ul;
- for (@$random) {
- li;
- a href => "/v$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 40;
- end;
- }
- end;
- end 'td';
- # Upcoming releases
- td;
- h1;
- a href => '/r?fil=released-0;o=a;s=released', 'Upcoming releases';
- end;
- my $upcoming = $self->filFetchDB(release => undef, undef, {results => 10, released => 0, what => 'platforms'});
- ul;
- for (@$upcoming) {
- li;
- lit fmtdatestr $_->{released};
- txt ' ';
- cssicon $_, $PLATFORM{$_} for (@{$_->{platforms}});
- cssicon "lang $_", $LANGUAGE{$_} for (@{$_->{languages}});
- txt ' ';
- a href => "/r$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 30;
- end;
- }
- end;
- end 'td';
- # Just released
- td;
- h1;
- a href => '/r?fil=released-1;o=d;s=released', 'Just released';
- end;
- my $justrel = $self->filFetchDB(release => undef, undef, {results => 10, sort => 'released', reverse => 1, released => 1, what => 'platforms'});
- ul;
- for (@$justrel) {
- li;
- lit fmtdatestr $_->{released};
- txt ' ';
- cssicon $_, $PLATFORM{$_} for (@{$_->{platforms}});
- cssicon "lang $_", $LANGUAGE{$_} for (@{$_->{languages}});
- txt ' ';
- a href => "/r$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 30;
- end;
- }
- end;
- end 'td';
- end 'tr';
- end 'table';
- $self->htmlFooter;
-sub nospam {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Could not send form', noindex => 1);
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 'Could not send form';
- div class => 'warning';
- h2 'Error';
- p 'The form could not be sent, please make sure you have Javascript enabled in your browser.';
- end;
- end;
- $self->htmlFooter;
-sub prefs {
- my $self = shift;
- return if !$self->authCheckCode;
- return $self->resNotFound if !$self->authInfo->{id};
- my $f = $self->formValidate(
- { get => 'key', enum => [qw|filter_vn filter_release|] },
- { get => 'value', required => 0, maxlength => 2000 },
- );
- return $self->resNotFound if $f->{_err};
- $self->authPref($f->{key}, $f->{value});
- # doesn't really matter what we return, as long as it's XML
- $self->resHeader('Content-type' => 'text/xml');
- xml;
- tag 'done', '';
-sub opensearch {
- my $self = shift;
- my $h = $self->reqBaseURI();
- $self->resHeader('Content-Type' => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml');
- xml;
- tag 'OpenSearchDescription',
- xmlns => '', 'xmlns:moz' => '';
- tag 'ShortName', 'VNDB';
- tag 'LongName', ' visual novel search';
- tag 'Description', 'Search visual vovels on';
- tag 'Image', width => 16, height => 16, type => 'image/x-icon', "$h/favicon.ico";
- tag 'Url', type => 'text/html', method => 'get', template => "$h/v/all?q={searchTerms}", undef;
- tag 'Url', type => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml', rel => 'self', template => "$h/opensearch.xml", undef;
- tag 'Query', role => 'example', searchTerms => 'Tsukihime', undef;
- tag 'moz:SearchForm', "$h/v/all";
- end 'OpenSearchDescription';