path: root/lib/VNDB/Handler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Handler/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 457 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69b673e..00000000
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-package VNDB::Handler::Traits;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use TUWF ':html', ':xml', 'html_escape', 'xml_escape';
-use VNDB::Func;
- qr{i([1-9]\d*)}, \&traitpage,
- qr{i([1-9]\d*)/(edit)}, \&traitedit,
- qr{i([1-9]\d*)/(add)}, \&traitedit,
- qr{i/new}, \&traitedit,
- qr{i/list}, \&traitlist,
- qr{i}, \&traitindex,
- qr{xml/traits\.xml}, \&traitxml,
-sub traitpage {
- my($self, $trait) = @_;
- my $t = $self->dbTraitGet(id => $trait, what => 'parents(0) childs(2)')->[0];
- return $self->resNotFound if !$t;
- my $f = $self->formValidate(
- { get => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'page' },
- { get => 'm', required => 0, default => $self->authPref('spoilers')||0, enum => [qw|0 1 2|] },
- { get => 'fil', required => 0, default => '' },
- );
- return $self->resNotFound if $f->{_err};
- my $title = "Trait: $t->{name}";
- $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, noindex => $t->{state} != 2);
- $self->htmlMainTabs('i', $t);
- if($t->{state} != 2) {
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 $title;
- if($t->{state} == 1) {
- div class => 'warning';
- h2 'Trait deleted';
- p;
- txt 'This trait has been removed from the database, and cannot be used or re-added. File a request on the ';
- a href => '/t/db', 'discussion board';
- txt ' if you disagree with this.';
- end;
- end;
- } else {
- div class => 'notice';
- h2 'Waiting for approval';
- p 'This trait is waiting for a moderator to approve it.';
- end;
- }
- end 'div';
- }
- div class => 'mainbox';
- a class => 'addnew', href => "/i$trait/add", 'Create child trait' if $self->authCan('edit') && $t->{state} != 1;
- h1 $title;
- parenttags($t, 'Traits', 'i');
- if($t->{description}) {
- p class => 'description';
- lit bb_format $t->{description};
- end;
- }
- if(!$t->{applicable} || !$t->{searchable}) {
- p class => 'center';
- b 'Properties';
- br;
- txt 'Not searchable.' if !$t->{searchable};
- br;
- txt 'Can not be directly applied to characters.' if !$t->{applicable};
- end;
- }
- if($t->{sexual}) {
- p class => 'center';
- b 'Sexual content';
- end;
- }
- if($t->{alias}) {
- p class => 'center';
- b 'Aliases';
- br;
- lit html_escape($t->{alias});
- end;
- }
- end 'div';
- childtags($self, 'Child traits', 'i', $t) if @{$t->{childs}};
- if($t->{searchable} && $t->{state} == 2) {
- my($chars, $np) = $self->filFetchDB(char => $f->{fil}, {}, {
- trait_inc => $trait,
- tagspoil => $f->{m},
- results => 50,
- page => $f->{p},
- what => 'vns',
- });
- form action => "/i$t->{id}", 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8', method => 'get';
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 'Characters';
- p class => 'browseopts';
- a href => "/i$trait?fil=$f->{fil};m=0", $f->{m} == 0 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Hide spoilers';
- a href => "/i$trait?fil=$f->{fil};m=1", $f->{m} == 1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Show minor spoilers';
- a href => "/i$trait?fil=$f->{fil};m=2", $f->{m} == 2 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Spoil me!';
- end;
- p class => 'filselect';
- a id => 'filselect', href => '#c';
- lit '<i>&#9656;</i> Filters<i></i>';
- end;
- end;
- input type => 'hidden', class => 'hidden', name => 'fil', id => 'fil', value => $f->{fil};
- input type => 'hidden', class => 'hidden', name => 'm', id => 'm', value => $f->{m};
- if(!@$chars) {
- p; br; br; txt 'This trait has not been linked to any characters yet, or they were hidden because of your spoiler settings.'; end;
- }
- if(@{$t->{childs}}) {
- p; br; txt 'The list below also includes all characters linked to child traits.'; end;
- }
- end 'div';
- end 'form';
- @$chars && $self->charBrowseTable($chars, $np, $f, "/i$trait?m=$f->{m};fil=$f->{fil}");
- }
- $self->htmlFooter;
-sub traitedit {
- my($self, $trait, $act) = @_;
- my($frm, $par);
- if($act && $act eq 'add') {
- $par = $self->dbTraitGet(id => $trait)->[0];
- return $self->resNotFound if !$par;
- $frm->{parents} = $par->{id};
- $trait = undef;
- }
- return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('edit') || $trait && !$self->authCan('tagmod');
- my $t = $trait && $self->dbTraitGet(id => $trait, what => 'parents(1) addedby')->[0];
- return $self->resNotFound if $trait && !$t;
- if($self->reqMethod eq 'POST') {
- return if !$self->authCheckCode;
- $frm = $self->formValidate(
- { post => 'name', required => 1, maxlength => 250, regex => [ qr/^[^,]+$/, 'A comma is not allowed in trait names' ] },
- { post => 'state', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ 0..2 ] },
- { post => 'searchable', required => 0, default => 0 },
- { post => 'applicable', required => 0, default => 0 },
- { post => 'sexual', required => 0, default => 0 },
- { post => 'alias', required => 0, maxlength => 1024, default => '', regex => [ qr/^[^,]+$/s, 'No comma allowed in aliases' ] },
- { post => 'description', required => 0, maxlength => 10240, default => '' },
- { post => 'parents', required => !$self->authCan('tagmod'), default => '', regex => [ qr/^(?:$|(?:[1-9]\d*)(?: +[1-9]\d*)*)$/, 'Parent traits must be a space-separated list of trait IDs' ] },
- { post => 'order', required => 0, default => 0, template => 'uint' },
- { post => 'defaultspoil',required => 0, default => 0, enum => [0..2] },
- );
- my @parents = split /[\t ]+/, $frm->{parents};
- my $group = undef;
- if(!$frm->{_err}) {
- for(@parents) {
- my $c = $self->dbTraitGet(id => $_);
- push @{$frm->{_err}}, "Trait '$_' not found" if !@$c;
- $group //= $c->[0]{group}||$c->[0]{id} if @$c;
- }
- }
- if(!$frm->{_err}) {
- my @dups = @{$self->dbTraitGet(name => $frm->{name}, noid => $trait, group => $group)};
- push @dups, @{$self->dbTraitGet(name => $_, noid => $trait, group => $group)} for split /[\t\s]*\n[\t\s]*/, $frm->{alias};
- push @{$frm->{_err}}, \sprintf 'Trait <a href="/i%d">%s</a> already exists within the same group.', $_->{id}, xml_escape $_->{name} for @dups;
- }
- if(!$frm->{_err}) {
- if(!$self->authCan('tagmod')) {
- $frm->{state} = 0;
- $frm->{applicable} = $frm->{searchable} = 1;
- }
- my %opts = (
- name => $frm->{name},
- state => $frm->{state},
- description => $frm->{description},
- searchable => $frm->{searchable}?1:0,
- applicable => $frm->{applicable}?1:0,
- sexual => $frm->{sexual}?1:0,
- alias => $frm->{alias},
- order => $frm->{order},
- defaultspoil => $frm->{defaultspoil},
- parents => \@parents,
- group => $group,
- );
- if(!$trait) {
- $trait = $self->dbTraitAdd(%opts);
- } else {
- $self->dbTraitEdit($trait, %opts, upddate => $frm->{state} == 2 && $t->{state} != 2) if $trait;
- _set_childs_group($self, $trait, $group||$trait) if ($group||0) != ($t->{group}||0);
- }
- $self->resRedirect("/i$trait", 'post');
- return;
- }
- }
- if($t) {
- $frm->{$_} ||= $t->{$_} for (qw|name searchable applicable sexual description state alias order defaultspoil|);
- $frm->{parents} ||= join ' ', map $_->{id}, @{$t->{parents}};
- }
- my $title = $par ? "Add child trait to $par->{name}" : $t ? "Edit trait: $t->{name}" : 'Add new trait';
- $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, noindex => 1);
- $self->htmlMainTabs('i', $par || $t, 'edit') if $t || $par;
- if(!$self->authCan('tagmod')) {
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 'Requesting new trait';
- div class => 'notice';
- h2 'Your trait must be approved';
- p;
- lit 'Because all traits have to be approved by moderators, it can take a while before your trait will show up in the listings or can be used on character entries.';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- }
- $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => $par ? "/i$par->{id}/add" : $t ? "/i$trait/edit" : '/i/new' }, 'traitedit' => [ $title,
- [ input => short => 'name', name => 'Primary name' ],
- $self->authCan('tagmod') ? (
- $t ?
- [ static => label => 'Added by', content => sub { VNWeb::HTML::user_($t); '' } ] : (),
- [ select => short => 'state', name => 'State', options => [
- [0,'Awaiting moderation'], [1,'Deleted/hidden'], [2,'Approved'] ] ],
- [ checkbox => short => 'searchable', name => 'Searchable (people can use this trait to filter characters)' ],
- [ checkbox => short => 'applicable', name => 'Applicable (people can apply this trait to characters)' ],
- ) : (),
- [ checkbox => short => 'sexual', name => 'Indicates sexual content' ],
- [ textarea => short => 'alias', name => "Aliases\n(Separated by newlines)", cols => 30, rows => 4 ],
- [ textarea => short => 'description', name => 'Description' ],
- [ select => short => 'defaultspoil', name => 'Default spoiler level', options => [ map [$_, fmtspoil $_], 0..2 ] ],
- [ static => content => 'This is the spoiler level that will be selected by default when adding this trait to a character.' ],
- [ input => short => 'parents', name => 'Parent traits' ],
- [ static => content => 'List of trait IDs to be used as parent for this trait, separated by a space.' ],
- $self->authCan('tagmod') ? (
- [ input => short => 'order', name => 'Group number', width => 50, post => ' (Only used if this trait is a group. Used for ordering, lowest first)' ],
- ) : (),
- ]);
- $self->htmlFooter;
-# recursively edit all child traits and set the group field
-sub _set_childs_group {
- my($self, $trait, $group) = @_;
- my %done;
- my $e;
- $e = sub {
- my $l = shift;
- for (@$l) {
- $self->dbTraitEdit($_->{id}, group => $group) if !$done{$_->{id}}++;
- $e->($_->{sub}) if $_->{sub};
- }
- };
- $e->($self->dbTTTree(trait => $trait, 25));
-sub traitlist {
- my $self = shift;
- my $f = $self->formValidate(
- { get => 's', required => 0, default => 'name', enum => ['added', 'name'] },
- { get => 'o', required => 0, default => 'a', enum => ['a', 'd'] },
- { get => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'page' },
- { get => 't', required => 0, default => -1, enum => [ -1..2 ] },
- { get => 'q', required => 0, default => '' },
- );
- return $self->resNotFound if $f->{_err};
- my($t, $np) = $self->dbTraitGet(
- sort => $f->{s}, reverse => $f->{o} eq 'd',
- page => $f->{p},
- results => 50,
- state => $f->{t},
- search => $f->{q}
- );
- $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Browse traits');
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 'Browse traits';
- form action => '/i/list', 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8', method => 'get';
- input type => 'hidden', name => 't', value => $f->{t};
- $self->htmlSearchBox('i', $f->{q});
- end;
- p class => 'browseopts';
- a href => "/i/list?q=$f->{q};t=-1", $f->{t} == -1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'All';
- a href => "/i/list?q=$f->{q};t=0", $f->{t} == 0 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Awaiting moderation';
- a href => "/i/list?q=$f->{q};t=1", $f->{t} == 1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Deleted';
- a href => "/i/list?q=$f->{q};t=2", $f->{t} == 2 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Accepted';
- end;
- if(!@$t) {
- p 'No results found';
- }
- end 'div';
- if(@$t) {
- $self->htmlBrowse(
- class => 'taglist',
- options => $f,
- nextpage => $np,
- items => $t,
- pageurl => "/i/list?t=$f->{t};q=$f->{q};s=$f->{s};o=$f->{o}",
- sorturl => "/i/list?t=$f->{t};q=$f->{q}",
- header => [
- [ 'Created', 'added' ],
- [ 'Trait', 'name' ],
- ],
- row => sub {
- my($s, $n, $l) = @_;
- Tr;
- td class => 'tc1', fmtage $l->{added};
- td class => 'tc3';
- if($l->{group}) {
- b class => 'grayedout', $l->{groupname}.' / ';
- }
- a href => "/i$l->{id}", $l->{name};
- if($f->{t} == -1) {
- b class => 'grayedout', ' awaiting moderation' if $l->{state} == 0;
- b class => 'grayedout', ' deleted' if $l->{state} == 1;
- }
- end;
- end 'tr';
- }
- );
- }
- $self->htmlFooter;
-sub traitindex {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Trait index');
- div class => 'mainbox';
- a class => 'addnew', href => "/i/new", 'Create new trait' if $self->authCan('edit');
- h1 'Search traits';
- form action => '/i/list', 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8', method => 'get';
- $self->htmlSearchBox('i', '');
- end;
- end;
- my $t = $self->dbTTTree(trait => 0, 2);
- childtags($self, 'Trait tree', 'i', {childs => $t}, 'order');
- table class => 'mainbox threelayout';
- Tr;
- # Recently added
- td;
- a class => 'right', href => '/i/list', 'Browse all traits';
- my $r = $self->dbTraitGet(sort => 'added', reverse => 1, results => 10);
- h1 'Recently added';
- ul;
- for (@$r) {
- li;
- txt fmtage $_->{added};
- txt ' ';
- b class => 'grayedout', $_->{groupname}.' / ' if $_->{group};
- a href => "/i$_->{id}", $_->{name};
- end;
- }
- end;
- end;
- # Popular
- td;
- h1 'Popular traits';
- ul;
- $r = $self->dbTraitGet(sort => 'items', reverse => 1, results => 10);
- for (@$r) {
- li;
- b class => 'grayedout', $_->{groupname}.' / ' if $_->{group};
- a href => "/i$_->{id}", $_->{name};
- txt " ($_->{c_items})";
- end;
- }
- end;
- end;
- # Moderation queue
- td;
- h1 'Awaiting moderation';
- $r = $self->dbTraitGet(state => 0, sort => 'added', reverse => 1, results => 10);
- ul;
- li 'Moderation queue empty! yay!' if !@$r;
- for (@$r) {
- li;
- txt fmtage $_->{added};
- txt ' ';
- b class => 'grayedout', $_->{groupname}.' / ' if $_->{group};
- a href => "/i$_->{id}", $_->{name};
- end;
- }
- li;
- br;
- a href => '/i/list?t=0;o=d;s=added', 'Moderation queue';
- txt ' - ';
- a href => '/i/list?t=1;o=d;s=added', 'Denied traits';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end 'tr';
- end 'table';
- $self->htmlFooter;
-sub traitxml {
- my $self = shift;
- my $f = $self->formValidate(
- { get => 'q', required => 0, maxlength => 500 },
- { get => 'id', required => 0, multi => 1, template => 'id' },
- { get => 'r', required => 0, default => 15, template => 'uint', min => 1, max => 200 },
- { get => 'searchable', required => 0, default => 0 },
- );
- return $self->resNotFound if $f->{_err} || (!$f->{q} && !$f->{id} && !$f->{id}[0]);
- my($list, $np) = $self->dbTraitGet(
- results => $f->{r},
- page => 1,
- sort => 'group',
- state => 2,
- $f->{searchable} ? (searchable => 1) : (),
- !$f->{q} ? () : $f->{q} =~ /^i([1-9]\d*)/ ? (id => $1) : (search => $f->{q}, sort => 'search'),
- $f->{id} && $f->{id}[0] ? (id => $f->{id}) : (),
- );
- $self->resHeader('Content-type' => 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
- xml;
- tag 'traits', more => $np ? 'yes' : 'no';
- for(@$list) {
- tag 'item', id => $_->{id}, searchable => $_->{searchable} ? 'yes' : 'no', applicable => $_->{applicable} ? 'yes' : 'no', group => $_->{group}||'',
- groupname => $_->{groupname}||'', state => $_->{state}, defaultspoil => $_->{defaultspoil}, $_->{name};
- }
- end;