path: root/lib/VNDB/Util/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Util/')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Util/ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
index 5228b6eb..05bb1fd2 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Util/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
@@ -24,20 +24,26 @@ sub randomascii {
+# Fetches and parses the auth cookie.
+# Returns (uid, encrypted_token) on success, (0, '') on failure.
+sub parsecookie {
+ # Earlier versions of the auth cookie didn't have the dot separator, so that's optional.
+ return ($_[0]->reqCookie('auth')||'') =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9]{40})\.?(\d+)$/ ? ($2, sha1 pack 'H*', $1) : (0, '');
# initializes authentication information and checks the vndb_auth cookie
sub authInit {
my $self = shift;
- $self->{_auth} = undef;
- my $cookie = $self->reqCookie('auth');
- return 0 if !$cookie;
- return $self->resCookie(auth => undef) if length($cookie) < 41;
- my $token = substr($cookie, 0, 40);
- my $uid = substr($cookie, 40);
- $self->{_auth} = $uid =~ /^\d+$/ && $self->dbUserGet(uid => $uid, session => $token, what => 'extended notifycount prefs')->[0];
+ my($uid, $token_e) = parsecookie($self);
+ $self->{_auth} = $uid && $self->dbUserGet(uid => $uid, session => $token_e, what => 'extended notifycount prefs')->[0];
# update the sessions.lastused column if lastused < now()-'6 hours'
- $self->dbSessionUpdateLastUsed($uid, $token) if $self->{_auth} && $self->{_auth}{session_lastused} < time()-6*3600;
- return $self->resCookie(auth => undef) if !$self->{_auth};
+ $self->dbSessionUpdateLastUsed($uid, $token_e) if $self->{_auth} && $self->{_auth}{session_lastused} < time()-6*3600;
+ # Drop the cookie if it's not valid
+ $self->resCookie(auth => undef) if !$self->{_auth} && $self->reqCookie('auth');
@@ -50,9 +56,9 @@ sub authLogin {
my $to = shift;
if(_authCheck($self, $user, $pass)) {
- my $token = unpack 'H*', urandom(20);
- my $cookie = $token . $self->{_auth}{id};
- $self->dbSessionAdd($self->{_auth}{id}, $token);
+ my $token = urandom(20);
+ my $cookie = unpack('H*', $token).'.'.$self->{_auth}{id};
+ $self->dbSessionAdd($self->{_auth}{id}, sha1 $token);
$self->resRedirect($to, 'post');
$self->resCookie(auth => $cookie, expires => time + 31536000); # keep the cookie for 1 year
@@ -67,12 +73,8 @@ sub authLogin {
sub authLogout {
my $self = shift;
- my $cookie = $self->reqCookie('auth');
- if ($cookie && length($cookie) >= 41) {
- my $token = substr($cookie, 0, 40);
- my $uid = substr($cookie, 40);
- $self->dbSessionDel($uid, $token);
- }
+ my($uid, $token_e) = parsecookie($self);
+ $self->dbSessionDel($uid, $token_e) if $uid;
$self->resRedirect('/', 'temp');
$self->resCookie(auth => undef);