path: root/lib/VNDB/Util/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Util/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 477 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Util/ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
deleted file mode 100644
index e8561e3c..00000000
--- a/lib/VNDB/Util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-package VNDB::Util::CommonHTML;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use TUWF ':html', 'xml_escape', 'html_escape';
-use Exporter 'import';
-use Algorithm::Diff::XS 'compact_diff';
-use Encode 'encode_utf8', 'decode_utf8';
-use VNDB::Func;
-use POSIX 'ceil';
-our @EXPORT = qw|
- htmlMainTabs htmlDenied htmlHiddenMessage htmlRevision
- htmlEditMessage htmlItemMessage htmlVoteStats htmlSearchBox htmlRGHeader
-# generates the "main tabs". These are the commonly used tabs for
-# 'objects', i.e. VN/producer/release entries and users
-# Arguments: u/v/r/p/g/i/c, object, currently selected item (empty=main)
-sub htmlMainTabs {
- my($self, $type, $obj, $sel) = @_;
- $sel ||= '';
- my $id = $type.$obj->{id};
- return if $type eq 'g' && !$self->authCan('tagmod');
- ul class => 'maintabs';
- if($type =~ /[uvrpcs]/) {
- li $sel eq 'hist' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/hist", 'history';
- end;
- }
- if($type =~ /[uvp]/) {
- my $cnt = $self->dbThreadCount($type, $obj->{id});
- li $sel eq 'disc' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/t/$id", "discussions ($cnt)";
- end;
- }
- if($type eq 'u') {
- li $sel eq 'posts' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/posts", 'posts';
- end;
- }
- if($type eq 'u' && (!($obj->{hide_list} || $obj->{prefs}{hide_list}) || ($self->authInfo->{id} && $self->authInfo->{id} == $obj->{id}) || $self->authCan('usermod'))) {
- li $sel eq 'wish' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/wish", 'wishlist';
- end;
- li $sel eq 'votes' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/votes", 'votes';
- end;
- li $sel eq 'list' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/list", 'list';
- end;
- }
- if($type eq 'v' && $self->authCan('tag') && !$obj->{hidden}) {
- li $sel eq 'tagmod' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/tagmod", 'modify tags';
- end;
- }
- if(($type =~ /[rc]/ && $self->authCan('edit')) && $self->authInfo->{c_changes} > 0) {
- li $sel eq 'copy' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/copy", 'copy';
- end;
- }
- if( $type eq 'u' && ($self->authInfo->{id} && $obj->{id} == $self->authInfo->{id} || $self->authCan('usermod'))
- || $type =~ /[vrpcs]/ && $self->authCan('edit') && ((!$obj->{locked} && !$obj->{hidden}) || $self->authCan('dbmod'))
- || $type =~ /[gi]/ && $self->authCan('tagmod')
- ) {
- li $sel eq 'edit' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/edit", 'edit';
- end;
- }
- if($type eq 'u' && $self->authCan('usermod')) {
- li $sel eq 'del' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/del", 'remove';
- end;
- }
- if($type eq 'v') {
- li $sel eq 'releases' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/releases", 'releases';
- end;
- }
- if($type =~ /[vp]/ && $obj->{rgraph}) {
- li $sel eq 'rg' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id/rg", 'relations';
- end;
- }
- li !$sel ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
- a href => "/$id", $id;
- end;
- end 'ul';
-# generates a full error page, including header and footer
-sub htmlDenied {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Access Denied');
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 'Access Denied';
- div class => 'warning';
- if(!$self->authInfo->{id}) {
- h2 'You need to be logged in to perform this action.';
- p; lit 'Please <a href="/u/login">login</a>, or <a href="/u/register">create an account</a> if you don\'t have one yet.'; end;
- } else {
- h2 'You are not allowed to perform this action.';
- p 'It seems you don\'t have the proper rights to perform the action you wanted to perform...';
- }
- end;
- end 'div';
- $self->htmlFooter;
-# Generates message saying that the current item has been deleted,
-# Arguments: [pvrc], obj
-# Returns 1 if the use doesn't have access to the page, 0 otherwise
-sub htmlHiddenMessage {
- my($self, $type, $obj) = @_;
- return 0 if !$obj->{hidden};
- my $board = $type =~ /[cs]/ ? 'db' : $type eq 'r' ? 'v'.$obj->{vn}[0]{vid} : $type.$obj->{id};
- # fetch edit summary (not present in $obj, requires the db*GetRev() methods)
- my $editsum = $type eq 'v' ? $self->dbVNGetRev(id => $obj->{id})->[0]{comments}
- : $type eq 'r' ? $self->dbReleaseGetRev(id => $obj->{id})->[0]{comments}
- : $type eq 'c' ? $self->dbCharGetRev(id => $obj->{id})->[0]{comments}
- : $type eq 's' ? $self->dbStaffGetRev(id => $obj->{id})->[0]{comments}
- : $self->dbProducerGetRev(id => $obj->{id})->[0]{comments};
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 $obj->{title}||$obj->{name};
- div class => 'warning';
- h2 'Item deleted';
- p;
- lit 'This item has been deleted from the database. File a request on the <a href="/t/'.$board.'">discussion board</a> to undelete this page.';
- br; br;
- lit bb2html $editsum;
- end;
- end;
- end 'div';
- return $self->htmlFooter() || 1 if !$self->authCan('dbmod');
- return 0;
-# Shows a revision, including diff if there is a previous revision.
-# Arguments: v|p|r|c, old revision, new revision, @fields
-# Where @fields is a list of fields as arrayrefs with:
-# [ shortname, displayname, %options ],
-# Where %options:
-# diff => 1/0/regex, whether to show a diff on this field, and what to split it with (1 = character-level diff)
-# serialize => coderef, should convert the field into a readable string, no HTML allowed
-# htmlize => same as serialize, but HTML is allowed and this can't be diff'ed
-# split => coderef, should return an array of HTML strings that can be diff'ed. (implies diff => 1)
-# join => used in combination with split, specifies the string used for joining the HTML strings
-sub htmlRevision {
- my($self, $type, $old, $new, @fields) = @_;
- div class => 'mainbox revision';
- h1 "Revision $new->{rev}";
- # character information may be rather spoilerous
- if($type eq 'c') {
- div class => 'warning';
- lit 'This revision page may contain major spoilers. You may want to view the <a href="/c'.$new->{id}.'">final page</a> instead.';
- end;
- br;br;
- }
- # previous/next revision links
- a class => 'prev', href => sprintf('/%s%d.%d', $type, $new->{id}, $new->{rev}-1), '<- earlier revision' if $new->{rev} > 1;
- a class => 'next', href => sprintf('/%s%d.%d', $type, $new->{id}, $new->{rev}+1), 'later revision ->' if !$new->{lastrev};
- p class => 'center';
- a href => "/$type$new->{id}", "$type$new->{id}";
- end;
- # no previous revision, just show info about the revision itself
- if(!$old) {
- div class => 'rev';
- revheader($self, $type, $new);
- br;
- b 'Edit summary';
- br; br;
- lit bb2html($new->{comments})||'-';
- end;
- }
- # otherwise, compare the two revisions
- else {
- table class => 'stripe';
- thead;
- Tr;
- td; lit '&#xa0;'; end;
- td; revheader($self, $type, $old); end;
- td; revheader($self, $type, $new); end;
- end;
- Tr;
- td; lit '&#xa0;'; end;
- td colspan => 2;
- b "Edit summary of revision $new->{rev}:";
- br; br;
- lit bb2html($new->{comments})||'-';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- revdiff($type, $old, $new, @$_) for (
- [ ihid => 'Deleted', serialize => sub { $_[0] ? 'Yes' : 'No' } ],
- [ ilock => 'Locked', serialize => sub { $_[0] ? 'Yes' : 'No' } ],
- @fields
- );
- end 'table';
- }
- end 'div';
-sub revheader { # type, obj
- my($self, $type, $obj) = @_;
- b "Revision $obj->{rev}";
- txt ' (';
- a href => "/$type$obj->{id}.$obj->{rev}/edit", 'edit';
- txt ')';
- br;
- txt 'By ';
- lit fmtuser $obj;
- txt ' on ';
- txt fmtdate $obj->{added}, 'full';
-sub revdiff {
- my($type, $old, $new, $short, $display, %o) = @_;
- $o{serialize} ||= $o{htmlize};
- $o{diff} = 1 if $o{split};
- $o{join} ||= '';
- my $ser1 = $o{serialize} ? $o{serialize}->($old->{$short}, $old) : $old->{$short};
- my $ser2 = $o{serialize} ? $o{serialize}->($new->{$short}, $new) : $new->{$short};
- return if $ser1 eq $ser2;
- if($o{diff} && $ser1 && $ser2) {
- my $sep = ref $o{diff} ? qr/($o{diff})/ : qr//;
- my @ser1 = map encode_utf8($_), $o{split} ? $o{split}->($ser1) : map html_escape($_), split $sep, $ser1;
- my @ser2 = map encode_utf8($_), $o{split} ? $o{split}->($ser2) : map html_escape($_), split $sep, $ser2;
- return if $o{split} && $#ser1 == $#ser2 && !grep $ser1[$_] ne $ser2[$_], 0..$#ser1;
- $ser1 = $ser2 = '';
- my @d = compact_diff(\@ser1, \@ser2);
- for my $i (0..($#d-2)/2) {
- # $i % 2 == 0 -> equal, otherwise it's different
- my $a = join($o{join}, @ser1[ $d[$i*2] .. $d[$i*2+2]-1 ]);
- my $b = join($o{join}, @ser2[ $d[$i*2+1] .. $d[$i*2+3]-1 ]);
- $ser1 .= ($ser1?$o{join}:'').($i % 2 ? qq|<b class="diff_del">$a</b>| : $a) if $a ne '';
- $ser2 .= ($ser2?$o{join}:'').($i % 2 ? qq|<b class="diff_add">$b</b>| : $b) if $b ne '';
- }
- $ser1 = decode_utf8($ser1);
- $ser2 = decode_utf8($ser2);
- } elsif(!$o{htmlize}) {
- $ser1 = html_escape $ser1;
- $ser2 = html_escape $ser2;
- }
- $ser1 = '[empty]' if !$ser1 && $ser1 ne '0';
- $ser2 = '[empty]' if !$ser2 && $ser2 ne '0';
- Tr;
- td $display;
- td class => 'tcval'; lit $ser1; end;
- td class => 'tcval'; lit $ser2; end;
- end;
-# Generates a generic message to show as the header of the edit forms
-# Arguments: v/r/p, obj
-sub htmlEditMessage {
- my($self, $type, $obj, $title, $copy) = @_;
- my $typename = {v => 'visual novel', r => 'release', p => 'producer', c => 'character', s => 'person'}->{$type};
- my $guidelines = {v => 2, r => 3, p => 4, c => 12, 's' => 16}->{$type};
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 $title;
- if($copy) {
- div class => 'warning';
- h2 'You\'re not editing an entry!';
- p;
- txt 'You\'re about to insert a new entry into the database with information based on ';
- a href => "/$type$obj->{id}", $obj->{title}||$obj->{name};
- txt '.';
- br;
- txt 'Hit the \'edit\' tab on the right-top if you intended to edit the entry instead of creating a new one.';
- end;
- end;
- }
- div class => 'notice';
- h2 'Before editing:';
- ul;
- li;
- txt "Read the ";
- a href=> "/d$guidelines", 'guidelines';
- txt '!';
- end;
- if($obj) {
- li;
- txt 'Check for any existing discussions on the ';
- a href => $type =~ /[cs]/ ? '/t/db' : $type eq 'r' ? "/t/v$obj->{vn}[0]{vid}" : "/t/$type$obj->{id}", 'discussion board';
- end;
- li;
- txt 'Browse the ';
- a href => "/$type$obj->{id}/hist", 'edit history';
- txt ' for any recent changes related to what you want to change.';
- end;
- } elsif($type ne 'r') {
- li;
- a href => "/$type/all", 'Search the database';
- txt " to see if we already have information about this $typename.";
- end;
- }
- end;
- end;
- if($obj && !$obj->{lastrev}) {
- div class => 'warning';
- h2 'Reverting';
- p "You are editing an old revision of this $typename. If you save it, all changes made after this revision will be reverted!";
- end;
- }
- end 'div';
-# Generates a small message when the user can't edit the item,
-# or the item is locked.
-# Arguments: v/r/p/c, obj
-sub htmlItemMessage {
- my($self, $type, $obj) = @_;
- # $type isn't being used at all... oh well.
- if($obj->{locked}) {
- p class => 'locked', 'Locked for editing';
- } elsif($self->authInfo->{id} && !$self->authCan('edit')) {
- p class => 'locked', 'You are not allowed to edit this page';
- }
-# generates two tables, one with a vote graph, other with recent votes
-sub htmlVoteStats {
- my($self, $type, $obj, $stats) = @_;
- my($max, $count, $total) = (0, 0, 0);
- for (0..$#$stats) {
- $max = $stats->[$_][0] if $stats->[$_][0] > $max;
- $count += $stats->[$_][0];
- $total += $stats->[$_][1];
- }
- div class => 'votestats';
- table class => 'votegraph';
- thead; Tr;
- td colspan => 2, 'Vote stats';
- end; end;
- tfoot; Tr;
- td colspan => 2, sprintf '%d vote%s total, average %.2f%s', $count, $count == 1 ? '' : 's', $total/$count/10,
- $type eq 'v' ? ' ('.fmtrating(ceil($total/$count/10-1)||1).')' : '';
- end; end;
- for (reverse 0..$#$stats) {
- Tr;
- td class => 'number', $_+1;
- td class => 'graph';
- div style => 'width: '.($stats->[$_][0]/$max*250).'px', ' ';
- txt $stats->[$_][0];
- end;
- end;
- }
- end 'table';
- my $recent = $self->dbVoteGet(
- $type.'id' => $obj->{id},
- results => 8,
- what => $type eq 'v' ? 'user' : 'vn',
- hide => $type eq 'v',
- hide_ign => $type eq 'v',
- );
- if(@$recent) {
- table class => 'recentvotes stripe';
- thead; Tr;
- td colspan => 3;
- txt 'Recent votes';
- b;
- txt '(';
- a href => "/$type$obj->{id}/votes", 'show all';
- txt ')';
- end;
- end;
- end; end;
- for (@$recent) {
- Tr;
- td;
- if($type eq 'u') {
- a href => "/v$_->{vid}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 40;
- } else {
- a href => "/u$_->{uid}", $_->{username};
- }
- end;
- td fmtvote $_->{vote};
- td fmtdate $_->{date};
- end;
- }
- end 'table';
- }
- clearfloat;
- if($type eq 'v' && $obj->{c_votecount}) {
- div;
- h3 'Ranking';
- p sprintf 'Popularity: ranked #%d with a score of %.2f', $obj->{p_ranking}, ($obj->{c_popularity}||0)*100;
- p sprintf 'Bayesian rating: ranked #%d with a rating of %.2f', $obj->{r_ranking}, $obj->{c_rating}/10;
- end;
- }
- end 'div';
-sub htmlSearchBox {
- my($self, $sel, $v) = @_;
- fieldset class => 'search';
- p id => 'searchtabs';
- a href => '/v/all', $sel eq 'v' ? (class => 'sel') : (), 'Visual novels';
- a href => '/r', $sel eq 'r' ? (class => 'sel') : (), 'Releases';
- a href => '/p/all', $sel eq 'p' ? (class => 'sel') : (), 'Producers';
- a href => '/s/all', $sel eq 's' ? (class => 'sel') : (), 'Staff';
- a href => '/c/all', $sel eq 'c' ? (class => 'sel') : (), 'Characters';
- a href => '/g', $sel eq 'g' ? (class => 'sel') : (), 'Tags';
- a href => '/i', $sel eq 'i' ? (class => 'sel') : (), 'Traits';
- a href => '/u/all', $sel eq 'u' ? (class => 'sel') : (), 'Users';
- end;
- input type => 'text', name => 'q', id => 'q', class => 'text', value => $v;
- input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Search!';
- end 'fieldset';
-sub htmlRGHeader {
- my($self, $title, $type, $obj) = @_;
- # This used to be a good test for inline SVG support, but I'm not sure it is nowadays.
- if(($self->reqHeader('Accept')||'') !~ /application\/xhtml\+xml/) {
- $self->htmlHeader(title => $title);
- $self->htmlMainTabs($type, $obj, 'rg');
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 $title;
- div class => 'warning';
- h2 'Not supported';
- p 'Your browser sucks, it doesn\'t have the functionality to render our nice relation graphs.';
- end;
- end;
- $self->htmlFooter;
- return 1;
- }
- $self->htmlHeader(title => $title);
- $self->htmlMainTabs($type, $obj, 'rg');
- return 0;