path: root/lib/VNDB/Util/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Util/')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Util/ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
index 3c3c5efe..2e707eeb 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Util/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use Exporter 'import';
use TUWF ':html';
use VNDB::Func;
-our @EXPORT = qw|filFetchDB ieCheck bbSubstLinks|;
+our @EXPORT = qw|filFetchDB bbSubstLinks|;
my %filfields = (
@@ -99,52 +99,6 @@ sub _fil_vn_compat {
-sub ieCheck {
- my $self = shift;
- return 1 if !$self->reqHeader('User-Agent') ||
- $self->reqHeader('User-Agent') !~ /MSIE [67]/ || $self->reqCookie('ie_sucks');
- if($self->reqGet('i-still-want-access')) {
- my $b = $self->reqBaseURI();
- (my $ref = $self->reqHeader('Referer') || '/') =~ s/^\Q$b//;
- $self->resRedirect($ref, 'temp');
- $self->resCookie('ie_sucks' => 1);
- return;
- }
- html;
- head;
- title 'Your browser sucks';
- style type => 'text/css',
- q|body { background: black }|
- .q|div { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; width: 500px; margin-left: -250px; height: 180px; margin-top: -90px; background-color: #012; border: 1px solid #258; text-align: center; }|
- .q|p { color: #ddd; margin: 10px; font: 9pt "Tahoma"; }|
- .q|h1 { color: #258; font-size: 14pt; font-family: "Futura", "Century New Gothic", "Arial", Serif; font-weight: normal; margin: 10px 0 0 0; } |
- .q|a { color: #fff }|;
- end 'head';
- body;
- div;
- h1 'Oops, we were too lazy to support your browser!';
- p;
- lit qq|We decided to stop supporting Internet Explorer 6 and 7, as it's a royal pain in |
- .qq|the ass to make our site look good in a browser that doesn't want to cooperate with us.<br />|
- .qq|You can try one of the following free alternatives: |
- .qq|<a href="">Firefox</a>, |
- .qq|<a href="">Opera</a>, |
- .qq|<a href="">Safari</a>, or |
- .qq|<a href="">Chrome</a>.<br /><br />|
- .qq|If you're really stubborn about using Internet Explorer, upgrading to version 8 will also work.<br /><br />|
- .qq|...and if you're mad, you can also choose to ignore this warning and |
- .qq|<a href="/?i-still-want-access=1">open the site anyway</a>.|;
- end;
- end;
- end 'body';
- end 'html';
- return 0;
sub bbSubstLinks {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;