path: root/lib/VNWeb/Images/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNWeb/Images/')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/Images/ b/lib/VNWeb/Images/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..113ef9c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/Images/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+package VNWeb::Misc::ImageUpload;
+use VNWeb::Prelude;
+use VNWeb::Images::Lib;
+use AnyEvent::Util;
+TUWF::post qr{/elm/ImageUpload.json}, sub {
+ # Have to require the samesite cookie here as CSRF protection, because this API can be triggered as a regular HTML form post.
+ return elm_Unauth if !samesite || !(auth->permDbmod || (auth->permEdit && !global_settings->{lockdown_edit}));
+ my $type = tuwf->validate(post => type => { enum => [qw/cv ch sf/] })->data;
+ my $imgdata = tuwf->reqUploadRaw('img');
+ my $fmt =
+ $imgdata =~ /^\xff\xd8/ ? 'jpg' :
+ $imgdata =~ /^\x89\x50/ ? 'png' :
+ $imgdata =~ /^RIFF....WEBP/s ? 'webp' :
+ $imgdata =~ /^....ftyp/s ? 'avif' : # Considers every heif file to be AVIF, not entirely correct but works fine.
+ $imgdata =~ /^\xff\x0a/ ? 'jxl' :
+ $imgdata =~ /^\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0CJXL / ? 'jxl' : undef;
+ return elm_ImgFormat if !$fmt;
+ my $seq = {qw/sf screenshots_seq cv covers_seq ch charimg_seq/}->{$type}||die;
+ my $id = tuwf->dbVali('INSERT INTO images', {
+ id => sql_func(vndbid => \$type, sql(sql_func(nextval => \$seq), '::int')),
+ uploader => \auth->uid,
+ width => 0,
+ height => 0
+ }, 'RETURNING id');
+ my $fno = imgpath($id, 'orig', $fmt);
+ my $fn0 = imgpath($id);
+ my $fn1 = imgpath($id, 't');
+ {
+ open my $F, '>', $fno or die $!;
+ print $F $imgdata;
+ }
+ my $rc = run_cmd(
+ [
+ config->{imgproc_path},
+ $type eq 'ch' ? (fit => config->{ch_size}->@*, size => jpeg => 1) :
+ $type eq 'cv' ? (fit => config->{cv_size}->@*, size => jpeg => 1) :
+ $type eq 'sf' ? (size => jpeg => 1 => fit => config->{scr_size}->@*, jpeg => 3) : die
+ ],
+ '<', \$imgdata,
+ '>', $fn0,
+ '2>', \my $err,
+ $type eq 'sf' ? ('3>', $fn1) : (),
+ close_all => 1,
+ on_prepare => sub { %ENV = () },
+ )->recv;
+ chomp($err);
+ if($rc || !-s $fn0 || $err !~ /^([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)$/) {
+ warn "imgproc: $err\n" if $err;
+ warn "Failed to run imgproc for $id\n";
+ # keep original for troubleshooting
+ rename $fno, config->{var_path}."/tmp/error-${id}.${fmt}";
+ unlink $fn0;
+ unlink $fn1;
+ tuwf->dbRollBack;
+ return elm_ImgFormat;
+ }
+ my($w,$h) = ($1,$2);
+ tuwf->dbExeci('UPDATE images SET', { width => $w, height => $h }, 'WHERE id =', \$id);
+ chmod 0666, $fno;
+ chmod 0666, $fn0;
+ chmod 0666, $fn1;
+ my $l = [{id => $id}];
+ enrich_image 1, $l;
+ elm_ImageResult $l;
+elm_api Image => undef, { id => { vndbid => [qw/ch cv sf/] } }, sub {
+ my($data) = @_;
+ my $l = tuwf->dbAlli('SELECT id FROM images WHERE id =', \$data->{id});
+ enrich_image 0, $l;
+ elm_ImageResult $l;