path: root/lib/VNWeb/Releases/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNWeb/Releases/')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/Releases/ b/lib/VNWeb/Releases/
index 29042c56..de25258a 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/Releases/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/Releases/
@@ -3,10 +3,21 @@ package VNWeb::Releases::Lib;
use VNWeb::Prelude;
use Exporter 'import';
-our @EXPORT = qw/release_extlinks_/;
+our @EXPORT = qw/enrich_release release_row_/;
+# Enrich a list of releases so that it's suitable for release_row_().
+# Assumption: Each release already has id, type, patch, released, gtin and enrich_extlinks().
+sub enrich_release {
+ my($r) = @_;
+ enrich_merge id => 'SELECT id, title, original, notes, minage, freeware, doujin, resolution, voiced, ani_story, ani_ero, uncensored FROM releases WHERE id IN', $r;
+ enrich_merge id => sql('SELECT rid as id, status as rlist_status FROM rlists WHERE uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND rid IN'), $r if auth;
+ enrich_flatten lang => id => id => sub { sql 'SELECT id, lang FROM releases_lang WHERE id IN', $_, 'ORDER BY id, lang' }, $r;
+ enrich_flatten platforms => id => id => sub { sql 'SELECT id, platform FROM releases_platforms WHERE id IN', $_, 'ORDER BY id, platform' }, $r;
+ enrich media => id => id => sub { 'SELECT id, medium, qty FROM releases_media WHERE id IN', $_, 'ORDER BY id, medium' }, $r;
-# Generate the html for an 'external links' dropdown, assumes enrich_extlinks() has already been called on this object.
sub release_extlinks_ {
my($r, $id) = @_;
return if !$r->{extlinks}->@*;
@@ -38,4 +49,57 @@ sub release_extlinks_ {
+sub release_row_ {
+ my($r, $id, $prodpage) = @_;
+ my sub icon_ {
+ my($img, $label, $class) = @_;
+ $class = $class ? " release_icon_$class" : '';
+ img_ src => config->{url_static}."/f/$img.svg", class => "release_icons$class", title => $label;
+ }
+ my sub icons_ {
+ my($r) = @_;
+ icon_ 'voiced', $VOICED{$r->{voiced}}{txt}, "voiced$r->{voiced}" if $r->{voiced};
+ icon_ 'story_animated', "Story: $ANIMATED{$r->{ani_story}}{txt}", "anim$r->{ani_story}" if $r->{ani_story};
+ icon_ 'ero_animated', "Ero: $ANIMATED{$r->{ani_ero}}{txt}", "anim$r->{ani_ero}" if $r->{ani_ero};
+ icon_ 'free', 'Freeware' if $r->{freeware};
+ icon_ 'nonfree', 'Non-free' if !$r->{freeware};
+ icon_ 'doujin', 'Doujin' if !$r->{patch} && $r->{doujin};
+ icon_ 'commercial', 'Commercial' if !$r->{patch} && !$r->{doujin};
+ if($r->{resolution} ne 'unknown') {
+ my $type = $r->{resolution} eq 'nonstandard' ? 'custom' : $RESOLUTION{$r->{resolution}}{cat} eq 'widescreen' ? '16-9' : '4-3';
+ # Ugly workaround: PC-98 has non-square pixels, thus not widescreen
+ $type = '4-3' if $type eq '16-9' && grep $_ eq 'p98', $r->{platforms}->@*;
+ icon_ "resolution_$type", $RESOLUTION{$r->{resolution}}{txt};
+ }
+ icon_ $MEDIUM{ $r->{media}[0]{medium} }{icon}, join ', ', map fmtmedia($_->{medium}, $_->{qty}), $r->{media}->@* if $r->{media}->@*;
+ icon_ 'uncensor', 'Uncensored' if $r->{uncensored};
+ icon_ 'notes', bb2text $r->{notes} if $r->{notes};
+ }
+ tr_ sub {
+ td_ class => 'tc1', sub { rdate_ $r->{released} };
+ td_ class => 'tc2', $r->{minage} < 0 ? '' : minage $r->{minage};
+ td_ class => 'tc3', sub {
+ abbr_ class => "icons $_", title => $PLATFORM{$_}, '' for grep $_ ne 'oth', $r->{platforms}->@*;
+ if($prodpage) {
+ abbr_ class => "icons lang $_", title => $LANGUAGE{$_}, '' for $r->{lang}->@*;
+ }
+ abbr_ class => "icons rt$r->{type}", title => $r->{type}, '';
+ };
+ td_ class => 'tc4', sub {
+ a_ href => "/r$r->{id}", title => $r->{original}||$r->{title}, $r->{title};
+ b_ class => 'grayedout', ' (patch)' if $r->{patch};
+ };
+ td_ class => 'tc_icons', sub { icons_ $r };
+ td_ class => 'tc_prod', join ' & ', $r->{publisher} ? 'Pub' : (), $r->{developer} ? 'Dev' : () if $prodpage;
+ td_ class => 'tc5 elm_dd_left', sub {
+ elm_ 'UList.ReleaseEdit', $VNWeb::User::Lists::RLIST_STATUS, { rid => $r->{id}, uid => auth->uid, status => $r->{rlist_status}, empty => '--' } if auth;
+ };
+ td_ class => 'tc6', sub { release_extlinks_ $r, "${id}_$r->{id}" };
+ }