path: root/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Util/ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
index 6a6496b3..efecbb64 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Util/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
use TUWF ':html';
use VNDB::Func;
+use VNDB::BBCode ();
our @EXPORT = qw|filFetchDB bbSubstLinks|;
@@ -102,14 +103,19 @@ sub _fil_vn_compat {
sub bbSubstLinks {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
- # pre-parse vndb links within message body
- my (%lookup, %links);
- while ($msg =~ m/(?:^|\s)\K([vcpgis])([1-9][0-9]*)\b/g) {
- $lookup{$1}{$2} = 1;
- }
+ # Parse a message and create an index of links to resolve
+ my %lookup;
+ VNDB::BBCode::parse $msg, sub {
+ my($code, $tag) = @_;
+ $lookup{$1}{$2} = 1 if $tag eq 'dblink' && $code =~ /^(.)(\d+)/;
+ 1;
+ };
return $msg unless %lookup;
+ # Now resolve the links
+ my %links;
my @opt = (results => 50);
- # lookup parsed links
if ($lookup{v}) {
$links{"v$_->{id}"} = $_->{title} for (@{$self->dbVNGet(id => [keys %{$lookup{v}}], @opt)});
@@ -129,45 +135,16 @@ sub bbSubstLinks {
$links{"s$_->{id}"} = $_->{name} for (@{$self->dbStaffGet(id => [keys %{$lookup{s}}], @opt)});
return $msg unless %links;
- my($result, @open) = ('', 'first');
- while($msg =~ m{
- (?:\b([tdvprcugis][1-9]\d*)(?:\.[1-9]\d*)?\b) | # 1. id
- (\[[^\s\]]+\]) | # 2. tag
- ((?:https?|ftp)://[^><"\n\s\]\[]+[\d\w=/-]) # 3. url
- }x) {
- my($match, $id, $tag) = ($&, $1, $2);
- $result .= $`;
- $msg = $';
- if($open[$#open] ne 'raw' && $open[$#open] ne 'code') {
- # handle tags
- if($tag) {
- $tag = lc $tag;
- if($tag eq '[raw]') {
- push @open, 'raw';
- } elsif($tag eq '[quote]') {
- push @open, 'quote';
- } elsif($tag eq '[code]') {
- push @open, 'code';
- } elsif($tag eq '[/quote]' && $open[$#open] eq 'quote') {
- pop @open;
- } elsif($match =~ m{\[url=((https?://|/)[^\]>]+)\]}i) {
- push @open, 'url';
- } elsif($tag eq '[/url]' && $open[$#open] eq 'url') {
- pop @open;
- }
- } elsif($id && !grep(/^(?:quote|url)/, @open) && $links{$id}) {
- $match = sprintf '[url=/%s]%s[/url]', $match, $links{$id};
- }
- }
- pop @open if($tag && $open[$#open] eq 'raw' && lc$tag eq '[/raw]');
- pop @open if($tag && $open[$#open] eq 'code' && lc$tag eq '[/code]');
- $result .= $match;
- }
- $result .= $msg;
+ # Now substitute
+ my $result = '';
+ VNDB::BBCode::parse $msg, sub {
+ my($code, $tag) = @_;
+ $result .= $tag eq 'dblink' && $links{$code}
+ ? sprintf '[url=/%s]%s[/url]', $code, $links{$code}
+ : $code;
+ 1;
+ };
return $result;