path: root/static
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'static')
2 files changed, 251 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/static/f/forms.js b/static/f/forms.js
index 7fdcadf5..d490b0d8 100644
--- a/static/f/forms.js
+++ b/static/f/forms.js
@@ -5,258 +5,6 @@ function qq(v) {
- /*********************************\
- * V N S C R E E N S H O T S *
- \*********************************/
-var scrRel = [ [ 0, '-- select release --' ] ];
-var scrStaticURL;
-function scrLoad() {
- // load the releases
- scrStaticURL = x('scr_rel').className;
- var l = x('scr_rel').options;
- for(var i=0;i<l.length;i++)
- scrRel[i+1] = [ l[i].value, l[i].text ];
- x('scr_rel').parentNode.removeChild(x('scr_rel'));
- // load the current screenshots
- l = x('screenshots').value.split(' ');
- for(i=0;i<l.length;i++)
- if(l[i].length > 2) {
- var r = l[i].split(',');
- scrAdd(r[0], r[1], r[2]);
- }
- scrLast();
- scrCheckStatus();
- scrSetSubmit();
-// give an error when submitting the form while still uploading an image
-function scrSetSubmit() {
- var o=x('screenshots');
- while(o.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form')
- o = o.parentNode;
- oldfunc = o.onsubmit;
- o.onsubmit = function() {
- var c=0;var r=0;
- var l = x('scr_table').getElementsByTagName('tr');
- for(var i=0;i<l.length-1;i++) {
- if(l[i].scrStatus > 0)
- c=1;
- else if(l[i].getElementsByTagName('select')[0].selectedIndex == 0)
- r=1;
- }
- if(c) {
- alert('Please wait for the screenshots to be uploaded before submitting the form.');
- return false;
- } else if(r) {
- alert('Please select the appropriate release for every screenshot');
- return false;
- } else if(oldfunc)
- return oldfunc();
- };
-function scrURL(id, t) {
- return scrStaticURL+'/s'+t+'/'+(id%100<10?'0':'')+(id%100)+'/'+id+'.jpg';
-function scrAdd(id, nsfw, rel) {
- var tr = document.createElement('tr');
- tr.scrId = id;
- tr.scrStatus = id ? 2 : 1; // 0: done, 1: uploading, 2: waiting for thumbnail
- tr.scrRel = rel;
- tr.scrNSFW = nsfw;
- var td = document.createElement('td');
- td.className = 'thumb';
- td.innerHTML = 'loading...';
- tr.appendChild(td);
- td = document.createElement('td');
- if(id)
- td.innerHTML = '<b>Generating thumbnail...</b><br />'
- +'Note: if this takes longer than 30 seconds, there\'s probably something wrong on our side.'
- +'Please try again later or report a bug if that is the case.';
- else
- td.innerHTML = '<b>Uploading screenshot...</b><br />'
- +'This can take a while, depending on the file size and your upload speed.<br />'
- +'<a href="#" onclick="return scrDel(this)">cancel</a>';
- tr.appendChild(td);
- x('scr_table').appendChild(tr);
- scrStripe();
- return tr;
-function scrLast() {
- if(x('scr_last'))
- x('scr_table').removeChild(x('scr_last'));
- var full = x('scr_table').getElementsByTagName('tr').length >= 10;
- var tr = document.createElement('tr');
- tr.setAttribute('id', 'scr_last');
- var td = document.createElement('td');
- td.className = 'thumb';
- tr.appendChild(td);
- var td = document.createElement('td');
- if(full)
- td.innerHTML = '<b>Enough screenshots</b><br />'
- +'The limit of 10 screenshots per visual novel has been reached. '
- +'If you want to add a new screenshot, please remove an existing one first.';
- else
- td.innerHTML = '<b>Add screenshot</b><br />'
- +'Image must be smaller than 5MB and in PNG or JPEG format.<br />'
- +'<input name="scr_upload" id="scr_upload" type="file" class="text" /><br />'
- +'<input type="button" value="Upload!" class="submit" onclick="scrUpload()" />';
- tr.appendChild(td);
- x('scr_table').appendChild(tr);
- scrStripe();
-function scrStripe() {
- var l = x('scr_table').getElementsByTagName('tr');
- for(var i=0;i<l.length;i++)
- l[i].className = i%2==0 ? 'odd' : '';
-function scrCheckStatus() {
- var ids = '';
- var l = x('scr_table').getElementsByTagName('tr');
- for(var i=0;i<l.length-1;i++)
- if(l[i].scrStatus == 2)
- ids += (ids ? ';' : '?')+'id='+l[i].scrId;
- if(!ids)
- return setTimeout(scrCheckStatus, 1000);
- var ti = setTimeout(scrCheckStatus, 10000);
- ajax('/xml/screenshots.xml'+ids, function(hr) {
- var ls = hr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('item');
- var l = x('scr_table').getElementsByTagName('tr');
- var tr;
- for(var s=0;s<ls.length;s++) {
- for(i=0;i<l.length-1;i++)
- if(l[i].scrId == ls[s].getAttribute('id') && ls[s].getAttribute('processed') == "1")
- tr = l[i];
- if(!tr)
- continue;
- tr.scrStatus = 0;
- tr.getElementsByTagName('td')[0].innerHTML =
- '<a href="'+scrURL(tr.scrId, 'f')+'" rel="iv:'+ls[s].getAttribute('width')+'x'+ls[s].getAttribute('height')+':edit">'
- +'<img src="'+scrURL(tr.scrId, 't')+'" style="margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0" /></a>';
- var opt='';
- for(var o=0;o<scrRel.length;o++)
- opt += '<option value="'+scrRel[o][0]+'"'+(tr.scrRel && tr.scrRel == scrRel[o][0] ? ' selected="selected"' : '')+'>'+scrRel[o][1]+'</option>';
- tr.getElementsByTagName('td')[1].innerHTML = '<b>Screenshot #'+tr.scrId+'</b>'
- +' (<a href="#" onclick="return scrDel(this)">remove</a>)<br />'
- +'Full size: '+ls[s].getAttribute('width')+'x'+ls[s].getAttribute('height')+'<br /><br />'
- +'<input type="checkbox" onclick="scrSerialize()" id="scr_ser_'+tr.scrId+'" name="scr_ser_'+tr.scrId+'"'
- +' '+(tr.scrNSFW > 0 ? 'checked = "checked"' : '')+' />'
- +'<label for="scr_ser_'+tr.scrId+'">This screenshot is NSFW</label><br />'
- +'<select onchange="scrSerialize()">'+opt+'</select>';
- }
- scrSerialize();
- ivInit();
- clearTimeout(ti);
- setTimeout(scrCheckStatus, 1000);
- });
-function scrDel(what) {
- while(what.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'tr')
- what = what.parentNode;
- what.scrStatus = 3;
- x('scr_table').removeChild(what);
- scrSerialize();
- scrLast();
- return false;
-var scrUplNr=0;
-function scrUpload() {
- scrUplNr++;
- // create temporary form
- var d = document.createElement('div');
- = 'visibility: hidden; overflow: hidden; width: 1px; height: 1px; position: absolute; left: -500px; top: -500px';
- d.innerHTML = '<iframe id="scr_upl_'+scrUplNr+'" name="scr_upl_'+scrUplNr+'" style="height: 0px; width: 0px; visibility: hidden"'
- +' src="about:blank" onload="scrUploadComplete(this)"></iframe>'
- +'<form method="post" action="/xml/screenshots.xml" target="scr_upl_'+scrUplNr+'" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="scr_frm_'+scrUplNr+'"></form>';
- document.body.appendChild(d);
- // submit form and delete it
- d = x('scr_frm_'+scrUplNr);
- d.appendChild(x('scr_upload'));
- d.submit();
- d.parentNode.removeChild(d);
- d = scrAdd(0, 0, 0);
- x('scr_upl_'+scrUplNr).theTR = d;
- scrLast();
- return false;
-function scrUploadComplete(what) {
- var f = window.frames[];
- if(f.location.href.indexOf('screenshots') < 0)
- return;
- var tr = what.theTR;
- if(!tr || tr.scrStatus == 3)
- return;
- try {
- tr.scrId = f.window.document.getElementsByTagName('image')[0].getAttribute('id');
- } catch(e) {
- tr.scrId = -10;
- }
- if(tr.scrId < 0) {
- alert(
- tr.scrId == -10 ?
- 'Oops! Seems like something went wrong...\n'
- +'Make sure the file you\'re uploading doesn\'t exceed 5MB in size.\n'
- +'If that isn\'t the problem, then please report a bug.' :
- tr.scrId == -1 ?
- 'Upload failed!\nOnly JPEG or PNG images are accepted.' :
- 'Upload failed!\nNo file selected, or an empty file?'
- );
- return scrDel(tr);
- }
- tr.scrStatus = 2;
- tr.getElementsByTagName('td')[1].innerHTML =
- '<b>Generating thumbnail...</b><br />'
- +'Note: if this takes longer than 30 seconds, there\'s probably something wrong on our side.'
- +'Please try again later or report a bug if that is the case.';
- // remove the <div> in a timeout, otherwise some browsers think the page is still loading
- setTimeout(function() { document.body.removeChild(what.parentNode) }, 100);
-function scrSerialize() {
- var r = '';
- var l = x('scr_table').getElementsByTagName('tr');
- for(var i=0;i<l.length-1;i++)
- if(l[i].scrStatus == 0)
- r += (r ? ' ' : '') + l[i].scrId + ','
- + (l[i].getElementsByTagName('input')[0].checked ? 1 : 0) + ','
- + scrRel[l[i].getElementsByTagName('select')[0].selectedIndex][0];
- x('screenshots').value = r;
* V I S U A L N O V E L S / P R O D U C E R S *
@@ -508,8 +256,6 @@ function tglSerialize() {
// load
- scrLoad();
diff --git a/static/f/script.js b/static/f/script.js
index 31225a6c..a6c5499c 100644
--- a/static/f/script.js
+++ b/static/f/script.js
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ function tag() {
if(attr == 'style')
el.setAttribute(attr, arguments[i][attr]);
- el[ attr == 'class' ? 'className' : attr ] = arguments[i][attr];
+ el[ attr == 'class' ? 'className' : attr == 'for' ? 'htmlFor' : attr ] = arguments[i][attr];
} else
@@ -96,9 +96,10 @@ function addBody(el) {
else if(document.appendChild)
-function setContent(el, content) {
- setText(el, '');
- el.appendChild(content);
+function setContent() {
+ setText(arguments[0], '');
+ for(var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++)
+ arguments[0].appendChild(tag(arguments[i]));
function getText(obj) {
return obj.textContent || obj.innerText || '';
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ function ivView(what) {
var ol = byName('a');
var l=[];
- if(ol[i].rel.substr(0,3) == 'iv:' && ol[i].rel.indexOf(':'+opt[2]) > 4 && !hasClass(l[i], 'hidden') && ol[i].id != 'ivprev' && ol[i].id != 'ivnext')
+ if(ol[i].rel.substr(0,3) == 'iv:' && ol[i].rel.indexOf(':'+opt[2]) > 4 && !hasClass(ol[i], 'hidden') && ol[i].id != 'ivprev' && ol[i].id != 'ivnext')
l[l.length] = ol[i];
if(l[i].href == u) {
@@ -876,6 +877,251 @@ if(byId('jt_box_rel_format'))
+/* V I S U A L N O V E L S C R E E N S H O T U P L O A D E R (/v+/edit) */
+var scrRel = [ [ 0, '-- select release --' ] ];
+var scrStaticURL;
+var scrUplNr = 0;
+function scrLoad() {
+ // get scrRel and scrStaticURL
+ var rel = byId('scr_rel');
+ scrStaticURL = rel.className;
+ for(var i=0; i<rel.options.length; i++)
+ scrRel[scrRel.length] = [ rel.options[i].value, getText(rel.options[i]) ];
+ rel.parentNode.removeChild(rel);
+ // load the current screenshots
+ var scr = byId('screenshots').value.split(' ');
+ for(i=0; i<scr.length && scr[i].length>1; i++) {
+ var r = scr[i].split(',');
+ scrAdd(r[0], r[1], r[2]);
+ }
+ scrLast();
+ scrCheckStatus();
+ scrSetSubmit();
+function scrSetSubmit() {
+ var frm = byId('screenshots');
+ while(frm.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form')
+ frm = frm.parentNode;
+ oldfunc = frm.onsubmit;
+ frm.onsubmit = function() {
+ var loading = 0;
+ var norelease = 0;
+ var l = byName(byId('scr_table'), 'tr');
+ for(var i=0; i<l.length-1; i++) {
+ if(l[i].scr_status > 0)
+ loading = 1;
+ else if(byName(l[i], 'select')[0].selectedIndex == 0)
+ norelease = 1;
+ }
+ if(loading) {
+ alert('Please wait for the screenshots to be uploaded before submitting the form.');
+ return false;
+ } else if(norelease) {
+ alert('Please select the appropriate release for every screenshot');
+ return false;
+ } else if(oldfunc)
+ return oldfunc();
+ };
+function scrURL(id, t) {
+ return scrStaticURL+'/s'+t+'/'+(id%100<10?'0':'')+(id%100)+'/'+id+'.jpg';
+function scrAdd(id, nsfw, rel) {
+ // tr.scr_status = 0: done, 1: uploading, 2: waiting for thumbnail, 3: deleted
+ var tr = tag('tr', { id:'scr_tr_'+id, scr_id: id, scr_status: id?2:1, scr_rel: rel, scr_nsfw: nsfw},
+ tag('td', { class: 'thumb'}, 'loading...'),
+ tag('td',
+ tag('b', id ? 'Fetching thumbnail...' : 'Uploading screenshot'),
+ tag('br', null),
+ id ? null : 'This can take a while, depending on the file size and your upload speed.',
+ tag('br', null),
+ id ? null : tag('a', {href:'#', onclick:scrDel}, 'cancel')
+ )
+ );
+ byId('scr_table').appendChild(tr);
+ scrStripe();
+ return tr;
+function scrLast() {
+ if(byId('scr_last'))
+ byId('scr_table').removeChild(byId('scr_last'));
+ var full = byName(byId('scr_table'), 'tr').length >= 10;
+ byId('scr_table').appendChild(tag('tr', {id:'scr_last'},
+ tag('td', {class: 'thumb'}),
+ full ? tag('td',
+ tag('b', 'Enough screenshots'),
+ tag('br', null),
+ 'The limit of 10 screenshots per visual novel has been reached. ',
+ 'If you want to add a new screenshot, please remove an existing one first.'
+ ) : tag('td',
+ tag('b', 'Add screenshot'),
+ tag('br', null),
+ 'Image must be smaller than 5MB and in PNG or JPEG format.',
+ tag('br', null),
+ tag('input', {name:'scr_upload', id:'scr_upload', type:'file', class:'text'}),
+ tag('br', null),
+ tag('input', {type:'button', value:'Upload!', class:'submit', onclick:scrUpload})
+ )
+ ));
+ scrStripe();
+function scrStripe() {
+ var l = byName(byId('scr_table'), 'tr');
+ for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++)
+ setClass(l[i], 'odd', i%2==0);
+function scrCheckStatus() {
+ var ids = [];
+ var trs = byName(byId('scr_table'), 'tr');
+ for(var i=0; i<trs.length-1; i++)
+ if(trs[i].scr_status == 2)
+ ids[ids.length] = 'id='+trs[i].scr_id;
+ if(!ids.length)
+ return setTimeout(scrCheckStatus, 1000);
+ var ti = setTimeout(scrCheckStatus, 10000);
+ ajax('/xml/screenshots.xml?'+ids.join(';'), function(hr) {
+ var ls = hr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('item');
+ for(var i=0; i<ls.length; i++) {
+ var tr = byId('scr_tr_'+ls[i].getAttribute('id'));
+ if(!tr || ls[i].getAttribute('processed') != '1')
+ continue;
+ tr.scr_status = 0; // ready
+ // image
+ var dim = ls[i].getAttribute('width')+'x'+ls[i].getAttribute('height');
+ setContent(byName(tr, 'td')[0],
+ tag('a', {href: scrURL(tr.scr_id, 'f'), rel:'iv:'+dim+':edit'},
+ tag('img', {src: scrURL(tr.scr_id, 't')})
+ )
+ );
+ // content
+ var rel = tag('select', {onchange: scrSerialize, class:'scr_relsel'});
+ for(var j=0; j<scrRel.length; j++)
+ rel.appendChild(tag('option', {value: scrRel[j][0], selected: tr.scr_rel == scrRel[j][0]}, scrRel[j][1]));
+ var nsfwid = 'scr_sfw_'+tr.scr_id;
+ setContent(byName(tr, 'td')[1],
+ tag('b', 'Screenshot #'+tr.scr_id),
+ ' (', tag('a', {href: '#', onclick:scrDel}, 'remove'), ')',
+ tag('br', null),
+ 'Full size: '+dim,
+ tag('br', null),
+ tag('br', null),
+ tag('input', {type:'checkbox', onclick:scrSerialize, id:nsfwid, name:nsfwid, checked: tr.scr_nsfw>0, class:'scr_nsfw'}),
+ tag('label', {for:nsfwid}, 'This screenshot is NSFW'),
+ tag('br', null),
+ rel
+ );
+ }
+ scrSerialize();
+ ivInit();
+ clearTimeout(ti);
+ setTimeout(scrCheckStatus, 1000);
+ });
+function scrDel(what) {
+ var tr = what && what.scr_status != null ? what : this;
+ while(tr.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'tr')
+ tr = tr.parentNode;
+ tr.scr_status = 3;
+ byId('scr_table').removeChild(tr);
+ scrSerialize();
+ scrLast();
+ return false;
+function scrUpload() {
+ scrUplNr++;
+ // create temporary form
+ var ifid = 'scr_upl_'+scrUplNr;
+ var frm = tag('form', {method: 'post', action:'/xml/screenshots.xml', target: ifid, enctype:'multipart/form-data'});
+ var ifr = tag('iframe', {id:ifid, name:ifid, src:'about:blank', onload:scrUploadComplete});
+ addBody(tag('div', {class:'scr_uploader'}, ifr, frm));
+ // submit form and delete it
+ frm.appendChild(byId('scr_upload'));
+ frm.submit();
+ frm.parentNode.removeChild(frm);
+ ifr.scr_tr = scrAdd(0, 0, 0);
+ scrLast();
+ return false;
+function scrUploadComplete() {
+ var ifr = this;
+ var fr = window.frames[];
+ if(fr.location.href.indexOf('screenshots') < 0)
+ return;
+ var tr = ifr.scr_tr;
+ if(!tr || tr.scr_status == 3)
+ return;
+ try {
+ tr.scr_id = fr.window.document.getElementsByTagName('image')[0].getAttribute('id');
+ } catch(e) {
+ tr.scr_id = -10;
+ }
+ if(tr.scr_id < 0) {
+ alert(
+ tr.scr_id == -10 ?
+ 'Oops! Seems like something went wrong...\n'
+ +'Make sure the file you\'re uploading doesn\'t exceed 5MB in size.\n'
+ +'If that isn\'t the problem, then please report a bug.' :
+ tr.scr_id == -1 ?
+ 'Upload failed!\nOnly JPEG or PNG images are accepted.' :
+ 'Upload failed!\nNo file selected, or an empty file?'
+ );
+ return scrDel(tr);
+ }
+ = 'scr_tr_'+tr.scr_id;
+ tr.scr_status = 2;
+ setContent(byName(tr, 'td')[1],
+ tag('b', 'Generating thumbnail...'),
+ tag('br', null),
+ 'Note: if this takes longer than 30 seconds, there\'s probably something wrong on our side. ',
+ 'Please try again later or report a bug if that is the case.'
+ );
+ // remove the <div> in a timeout, otherwise some browsers think the page is still loading
+ setTimeout(function() { ifr.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(ifr.parentNode) }, 100);
+function scrSerialize() {
+ var r = [];
+ var l = byName(byId('scr_table'), 'tr');
+ for(var i=0; i<l.length-1; i++)
+ if(l[i].scr_status == 0)
+ r[r.length] = [
+ l[i].scr_id,
+ byClass(l[i], 'input', 'scr_nsfw')[0].checked ? 1 : 0,
+ scrRel[byClass(l[i], 'select', 'scr_relsel')[0].selectedIndex][0]
+ ].join(',');
+ byId('screenshots').value = r.join(' ');
+ scrLoad();
/* M I S C S T U F F */
// search box