path: root/util/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2114b7fc..00000000
--- a/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-use v5.12;
-use warnings;
-use Cwd 'abs_path';
-our($ROOT, %S);
-BEGIN { ($ROOT = abs_path $0) =~ s{/util/skingen\.pl$}{}; }
-use lib "$ROOT/lib";
-use VNDB::Skins;
-my $iconcss = do {
- open my $F, '<', "$ROOT/data/icons/icons.css" or die $!;
- local $/=undef;
- <$F>;
-sub imgsize {
- open my $IMG, '<', $_[0] or die $!;
- sysread $IMG, my $buf, 1024 or die $!;
- $buf =~ /\xFF\xC0...(....)/s ? unpack('nn', $1) : $buf =~ /IHDR(.{8})/s ? unpack('NN', $1) : die;
-sub rdcolor {
- length $_[0] == 4 ? map hex($_)/15, $_[0] =~ /#(.)(.)(.)/ : #RGB
- length $_[0] == 7 ? map hex($_)/255, $_[0] =~ /#(..)(..)(..)/ : #RRGGBB
- length $_[0] == 9 ? map hex($_)/255, $_[0] =~ /#(..)(..)(..)(..)/ : #RRGGBBAA
- die;
-sub blend {
- my($f, $b) = @_;
- my @f = rdcolor $f;
- my @b = rdcolor $b;
- $f[3] //= 1;
- sprintf '#%02x%02x%02x',
- ($f[0] * $f[3] + $b[0] * (1 - $f[3]))*255,
- ($f[1] * $f[3] + $b[1] * (1 - $f[3]))*255,
- ($f[2] * $f[3] + $b[2] * (1 - $f[3]))*255;
-sub mtime($) { [stat("$ROOT/static$_[0]")]->[9] }
-sub writeskin { # $name
- my $name = shift;
- my %o = skins->{$name}->%*;
- $o{iconcss} = $iconcss;
- # get the right top image
- if($o{imgrighttop}) {
- my $path = "/s/$name/$o{imgrighttop}";
- my($h, $w) = imgsize "$ROOT/static$path";
- $o{_bgright} = sprintf 'background: url(%s?%s) no-repeat; width: %dpx; height: %dpx', $path, mtime $path, $w, $h;
- } else {
- $o{_bgright} = 'display: none';
- }
- # body background
- if($o{imglefttop}) {
- my $path = "/s/$name/$o{imglefttop}";
- $o{_bodybg} = sprintf 'background: %s url(%s?%s) no-repeat', $o{bodybg}, $path, mtime $path;
- } else {
- $o{_bodybg} = sprintf 'background-color: %s', $o{bodybg};
- }
- # boxbg blended with bodybg
- $o{_blendbg} = blend $o{boxbg}, $o{bodybg};
- # version
- $o{icons_version} = mtime '/f/icons.png';
- # write the CSS
- open my $CSS, '<', "$ROOT/data/style.css" or die $!;
- local $/=undef;
- my $css = <$CSS>;
- close $CSS;
- my $f = "$ROOT/static/s/$name/style.css";
- open my $SKIN, '>', "$f~" or die $!;
- print $SKIN $css =~ s{\$([a-z_]+)\$}{$o{$1} // die "Unknown variable $1"}egr;
- close $SKIN;
- rename "$f~", $f;
-if(@ARGV) {
- writeskin($_) for (@ARGV);
-} else {
- writeskin($_) for (keys skins->%*);