path: root/util
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util')
5 files changed, 289 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index 31c1f415..0ac0aca1 100755
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ pg_start() {
read -p "Choice: " opt
if [[ $opt =~ ^[Yy] ]]
- curl | tar -xzf-
+ curl -L | tar -xzf-
psql -U vndb -f dump.sql
rm dump.sql
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ pg_start() {
# Should run as devuser
devshell() {
cd /var/www
- util/
+ util/ $1
@@ -94,10 +94,15 @@ case "$1" in
su devuser -c '/var/www/util/ pg_start'
exec su devuser -c '/var/www/util/ devshell'
+ 3)
+ mkdevuser
+ su devuser -c '/var/www/util/ pg_start'
+ exec su devuser -c '/var/www/util/ devshell 3'
+ ;;
- devshell
+ devshell $2
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d95aba58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Cwd 'abs_path';
+my $ROOT;
+BEGIN { ($ROOT = abs_path $0) =~ s{/util/elmgen\.pl$}{}; }
+use lib $ROOT.'/lib';
+use TUWF;
+use VN3::Validation;
+use VN3::Auth;
+use VN3::Types;
+use VN3::VN::Edit;
+use VN3::Release::Edit;
+use VN3::Producer::Edit;
+use VN3::Char::Edit;
+use VN3::Staff::Edit;
+use VN3::Docs::Edit;
+use VN3::User::Settings;
+my $conf = require $ROOT.'/data/';
+sub indent($) { $_[0] =~ s/\n/\n /gr }
+sub list { indent "[ ".join("\n, ", @_)."\n]" }
+sub string($) { '"'.($_[0] =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/gr).'"' }
+sub tuple { '('.join(', ', @_).')' }
+sub to_camel($) { (ucfirst $_[0]) =~ s/_([a-z])/'_'.uc $1/egr; }
+sub nested_type {
+ my($prefix, $obj) = @_;
+ my @keys = $obj->{keys} ? grep $obj->{keys}{$_}{keys}||($obj->{keys}{$_}{values}&&$obj->{keys}{$_}{values}{keys}), sort keys %{$obj->{keys}} : ();
+ nested_type($prefix . to_camel $_, $obj->{keys}{$_}{values} || $obj->{keys}{$_}) for @keys;
+ printf "type alias %s = %s\n\n", $prefix, $obj->elm_type(
+ keys => +{ map +($_, ($obj->{keys}{$_}{values} ? 'List ' : '') . $prefix . to_camel $_), @keys }
+ );
+sub encoder {
+ my($name, $type, $obj) = @_;
+ printf "%s : %s -> JE.Value\n", $name, $type;
+ printf "%s = %s\n\n", $name, $obj->elm_encoder(json_encode => 'JE.');
+my $perms = VN3::Auth::listPerms();
+my $vn_lengths = list map tuple($_, string vn_length_display $_), 0..$#VN_LENGTHS;
+my $vn_relations = list map tuple(string $_, string vn_relation_display $_), vn_relations;
+my $producer_relations=list map tuple(string $_, string producer_relation_display $_), keys %PRODUCER_RELATIONS;
+my $staff_roles = list map tuple(string $_, string $STAFF_ROLES{$_}), keys %STAFF_ROLES;
+my $user_perms = list map tuple($perms->{$_}, string $_), sort keys %$perms;
+my $languages = list map tuple(string $_, string $LANG{$_}), sort { $LANG{$a} cmp $LANG{$b} } keys %LANG;
+my $platforms = list map tuple(string $_, string $PLATFORMS{$_}), keys %PLATFORMS;
+my $release_types= list map string($_), release_types;
+my $producer_types=list map tuple(string $_, string $PRODUCER_TYPES{$_}), keys %PRODUCER_TYPES;
+my $minages = list map tuple($_, string minage_display_full $_), @MINAGE;
+my $resolutions = list map tuple(string $_, string resolution_display_full $_), keys %RESOLUTIONS;
+my $voiced = list map string($_), @VOICED;
+my $animated = list map string($_), @ANIMATED;
+my $gender = list map tuple(string $_, string gender_display $_), keys %GENDERS;
+my $bloodt = list map tuple(string $_, string blood_type_display $_), keys %BLOOD_TYPES;
+my $charroles = list map tuple(string $_, string char_role_display $_), keys %CHAR_ROLES;
+my $media = list map tuple(string($_), sprintf('{ qty = %s, single = %s, plural = %s }',
+ $MEDIA{$_}{qty} ? 'True' : 'False',
+ string($MEDIA{$_}{single}), string($MEDIA{$_}{plural}))), keys %MEDIA;
+my $vnlist_status= list map tuple($_, string $VNLIST_STATUS[$_]), 0..$#VNLIST_STATUS;
+my $email = string { tuwf->compile({ email => 1 })->analyze->html5_validation() }->{pattern};
+my $weburl = string { tuwf->compile({ weburl => 1 })->analyze->html5_validation() }->{pattern};
+my $vnvote = string { tuwf->compile({ vnvote => 1 })->analyze->html5_validation() }->{pattern};
+print <<"EOF";
+-- This file is automatically generated from util/
+module Lib.Gen exposing (..)
+import Json.Encode as JE
+urlStatic : String
+urlStatic = "$conf->{url_static}"
+vnLengths : List (Int, String)
+vnLengths =
+ $vn_lengths
+vnRelations : List (String, String)
+vnRelations =
+ $vn_relations
+producerRelations : List (String, String)
+producerRelations =
+ $producer_relations
+staffRoles : List (String, String)
+staffRoles =
+ $staff_roles
+userPerms : List (Int, String)
+userPerms =
+ $user_perms
+languages : List (String, String)
+languages =
+ $languages
+platforms : List (String, String)
+platforms =
+ $platforms
+releaseTypes : List String
+releaseTypes =
+ $release_types
+producerTypes : List (String, String)
+producerTypes =
+ $producer_types
+minAges : List (Int, String)
+minAges =
+ $minages
+resolutions : List (String, String)
+resolutions =
+ $resolutions
+voiced : List String
+voiced =
+ $voiced
+animated : List String
+animated =
+ $animated
+genders : List (String, String)
+genders =
+ $gender
+bloodTypes : List (String, String)
+bloodTypes =
+ $bloodt
+charRoles : List (String, String)
+charRoles =
+ $charroles
+type alias Medium =
+ { qty : Bool
+ , single : String
+ , plural : String
+ }
+media : List (String, Medium)
+media =
+ $media
+vnlistStatus : List (Int, String)
+vnlistStatus =
+ $vnlist_status
+emailPattern : String
+emailPattern = $email
+weburlPattern : String
+weburlPattern = $weburl
+vnvotePattern : String
+vnvotePattern = $vnvote
+nested_type VNEdit => $VN3::VN::Edit::FORM_OUT->analyze;
+nested_type VNEditSend => $VN3::VN::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+encoder vneditSendEncode => VNEditSend => $VN3::VN::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+nested_type RelEdit => $VN3::Release::Edit::FORM_OUT->analyze;
+nested_type RelEditSend => $VN3::Release::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+encoder releditSendEncode => RelEditSend => $VN3::Release::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+nested_type ProdEdit => $VN3::Producer::Edit::FORM_OUT->analyze;
+nested_type ProdEditSend => $VN3::Producer::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+encoder prodeditSendEncode => ProdEditSend => $VN3::Producer::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+nested_type CharEdit => $VN3::Char::Edit::FORM_OUT->analyze;
+nested_type CharEditSend => $VN3::Char::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+encoder chareditSendEncode => CharEditSend => $VN3::Char::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+nested_type StaffEdit => $VN3::Staff::Edit::FORM_OUT->analyze;
+nested_type StaffEditSend => $VN3::Staff::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+encoder staffeditSendEncode => StaffEditSend => $VN3::Staff::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+nested_type DocEdit => $VN3::Docs::Edit::FORM_OUT->analyze;
+nested_type DocEditSend => $VN3::Docs::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+encoder doceditSendEncode => DocEditSend => $VN3::Docs::Edit::FORM_IN->analyze;
+nested_type UserEdit => $VN3::User::Settings::FORM_OUT->analyze;
+nested_type UserEditSend => $VN3::User::Settings::FORM_IN->analyze;
+encoder usereditSendEncode => UserEditSend => $VN3::User::Settings::FORM_IN->analyze;
diff --git a/util/sql/schema.sql b/util/sql/schema.sql
index b62b33a8..c76fc88a 100644
--- a/util/sql/schema.sql
+++ b/util/sql/schema.sql
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ CREATE TABLE anime (
ann_id integer, -- [pub]
nfo_id varchar(200), -- [pub]
type anime_type, -- [pub]
- title_romaji varchar(250) -- [pub]
+ title_romaji varchar(250), -- [pub]
title_kanji varchar(250), -- [pub]
lastfetch timestamptz
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index 763748b6..bc23997a 100755
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ use Cwd 'abs_path';
my $listen_port = $ENV{TUWF_HTTP_SERVER_PORT} || 3000;
$ENV{TUWF_HTTP_SERVER_PORT} = $listen_port+1;
+my $script = $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '3' ? '' : '';
my($pid, $prog, $killed);
sub prog_start {
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ sub prog_start {
print $d;
- $prog = run_cmd "$ROOT/util/",
+ $prog = run_cmd "$ROOT/util/$script",
'$$' => \$pid,
'>' => $output,
'2>' => $output;
@@ -102,7 +104,9 @@ sub checkmod {
chdir $ROOT;
$check->($_) for (qw{
+ util/
+ data/
@@ -150,6 +154,6 @@ while(1) {
my $prog_conn = AE::cv;
tcp_connect '', $ENV{TUWF_HTTP_SERVER_PORT}, sub { $prog_conn->send(shift); };
- my $prog_fh = $prog_conn->recv || die "Unable to connect to $!";
+ my $prog_fh = $prog_conn->recv || die "Unable to connect to $script? $!";
pipe_fhs($serv_fh, $prog_fh);
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d2f18833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use TUWF;
+use Cwd 'abs_path';
+my $ROOT;
+BEGIN { ($ROOT = abs_path $0) =~ s{/util/vndb3\.pl$}{}; }
+use lib $ROOT.'/lib';
+use PWLookup;
+$|=1; # Disable buffering on STDOUT, otherwise won't pick up our readyness notification.
+my $conf = require $ROOT.'/data/';
+# Make the configuration available as tuwf->conf
+sub TUWF::Object::conf { $conf }
+# Make our root path available as tuwf->root
+# Optionally accepts other path components to assemble a file path:
+# tuwf->root('static/sf/01/1.jpg')
+sub TUWF::Object::root { shift; join '/', $ROOT, @_ }
+# tuwf->imgpath(cg => $image_id)
+sub TUWF::Object::imgpath {
+ tuwf->root(static => $_[1] => sprintf '%02d/%d.jpg', $_[2]%100, $_[2]);
+# tuwf->imgurl(cv => $image_id)
+sub TUWF::Object::imgurl {
+ sprintf '%s/%s/%02d/%d.jpg', $_[0]->conf->{url_static}, $_[1], $_[2]%100, $_[2];
+# tuwf->resDenied
+sub TUWF::Object::resDenied {
+ TUWF::_very_simple_page(403, '403 - Permission Denied', 'You do not have the permission to access this page.');
+# tuwf->isUnsafePass($pass)
+sub TUWF::Object::isUnsafePass {
+ $_[0]->conf->{password_db} && PWLookup::lookup($_[0]->conf->{password_db}, $_[1])
+TUWF::set %{ $conf->{tuwf} || {} };
+TUWF::set import_modules => 0;
+# If we're running standalone, serve www/ and static/ too.
+TUWF::hook before => sub {
+ my $static = tuwf->{_TUWF}{http} &&
+ ( tuwf->resFile(tuwf->root('www'), tuwf->reqPath)
+ || tuwf->resFile(tuwf->root('static'), tuwf->reqPath)
+ );
+ if($static) {
+ tuwf->resHeader('Cache-Control' => 'max-age=31536000');
+ tuwf->done;
+ }
+require VN3::Validation; # Load this early, to ensure the custom_validations are available
+TUWF::load_recursive 'VN3';