path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-10-21Handler::Tags: Increased tag dropdown search results to 15Yorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-21Started on the producer relationsYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-21L10N-HU: Added code for Hungarian TL and minor code cleanupYorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-19L10N-CS: Added Czech quant()Yorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-19Use 'no spoilers' as default spoiler level for tagsYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-18Handler::Misc: Fixed bug with unhiding a producer entryYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-18SQL: Fixed calculation of tags_vn_bayesian.spoilerYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-17SQL: Converted releases_rev.type to an ENUM data typeYorhel1-0/+3
2009-10-17Handler::ULists: Add secundary order by title when ordered by voteYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-12htmlSearchBox: Copy over search query when switching search typeYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-10List all known languages on /r and /v/all instead of only those in useYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-10Greatly reduced default number of columns returned by dbUserGetYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-10Display number of unread posts in user menuYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-09Added producer role (developer/publisher) to DB and release editorYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-07Changed language selector into a Javascript dropdownYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-07L10N: Extracted strings for and improved release list selector on VN pagesYorhel1-0/+1
2009-10-07L10N: Extracted some common Javascript stringsYorhel1-0/+2
2009-10-05JS: Moved, split and rewrote release <-> VN & producer linkingYorhel1-0/+5
2009-09-30Added Hungarian to the list of languagesYorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-27Converted anime.type to ENUM and made them translatableYorhel1-2/+4
2009-09-26Display full release dates in relation graphsYorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-26Converted VN relations to ENUM data type and made them translatableYorhel1-0/+2
2009-09-25Use inline SVG for relation graphsYorhel1-0/+4
2009-09-24Merge branch 'beta'2.7Yorhel1-0/+23
2009-09-20Increased maximum medium quantity to 20Yorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-18Fixed bug with excluding AVG(vote) < 0 VNs from tag pagesYorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-13Removed link from the interfaceYorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-12Handler::Discussions: Full reply button + larger textareaYorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-12Added reminders to write English to several form fieldsYorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-10Batch edit downloadable trial releases to add freeware statusYorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-10Handler::Releases: Ingore some fields when the patch status is setYorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-08Added random VN link in menuYorhel1-0/+1
2009-09-07Handler::Misc: Made box titles on the homepage click-ableYorhel1-0/+2
2009-09-07Added three new platforms (DOS, PC-98, Sega Saturn)Yorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-16Allow empty VN descriptionsYorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-15Improved VN relationsYorhel1-0/+5
2009-08-15More sensible placing of the submit button on /v+/tagmodYorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-12Allow a usermod to browse a users' list even when it's hiddenYorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-12Added global user votes ignore listYorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-11Improved styling of the threeboxes layoutYorhel1-0/+3
2009-08-09ChangeLog version bump to 2.62.6Yorhel1-1/+1
2009-08-09Converted changes.added to timestamptzYorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-08Removed last traces of the category systemYorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-08Merge branch '3dev' of git:// into betaYorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-08css: Converted all pt units to pxYorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-06Added OpenSearch plugin + autodetectionYorhel1-0/+1
2009-08-05Multi::Core: Got rid of 'undefined' warning in pg_error + ChangeLog updateYorhel1-0/+6
2009-08-01Added Vietnamese to the language listYorhel1-0/+1
2009-07-30Merge branch 'auth' of git:// into betaYorhel1-0/+1
2009-07-19Added 1024x600 and 1600x1200 screen resolutionsYorhel1-0/+3