path: root/lib/VNDB/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-01-08BBCode: Fix parsing of tags in [something[url=..]Yorhel1-5/+5 The old bb2html() blindly replaced [url=..] anywhere inside the matched token, and did not require that the [url=..] was itself the token. I've made the tag matching more strict to make sure that [something[url=..] is now properly tokenized. This also affects other tags, so it's likely that there's some input that the old bb2html() would still have handled differently.
2018-01-06BBCode: Fix word boundary check when dblink is the first tokenYorhel1-2/+2
2018-01-06Add bb2text() and use it for release notes & open graph tagsYorhel1-1/+24
2018-01-06Rewrite bb2html() to be more flexibleYorhel1-0/+229
This is based on the API that I described in It's mostly bug-compatible with the old bb2html(), main differences: - <br /> -> <br> for no reason - Doesn't sporadically add a wrong </div> - $rmwhitespace now also after [/code] Most of the test cases were contributed by flan <>