path: root/lib/VNDB/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-03-14Handling of g# in Multi and bb2html, and IRC notify on tag creationYorhel1-1/+1
2009-03-07Cute interface for displaying tag scoresYorhel1-2/+30
2009-02-06Made all BBCodes case-insensitiveYorhel1-7/+7
2009-01-15Fixed month display on VNBrowseYorhel1-1/+1
2008-12-29Added [quote] tag formatting, fixed URL parser, and updated d9Yorhel1-4/+21
2008-12-27[spoiler] tag produces mouseover-style spoilers instead of ROT13Yorhel1-4/+8
2008-12-17Moved age() to VNDB::FuncYorhel1-1/+16
2008-12-13FF2 style fixesYorhel1-1/+9
2008-12-11Basic userpage + recent votes to VN pages + long-object-float bugfixYorhel1-1/+8
2008-12-09VNList status indicator on VN pagesYorhel1-1/+16
2008-12-09Code cleanup: removed leading spaces and combined DB/{Votes,VNList,WishList}....Yorhel1-6/+6
2008-12-02Started on the release pagesYorhel1-1/+29
2008-11-30Added small VN browser + searchYorhel1-1/+12
2008-11-15Proper display of deleted usernamesYorhel1-1/+8
2008-11-15Wrote revision and diff viewerYorhel1-3/+5
2008-11-14Rewrote & fixed bb2html()Yorhel1-103/+65
2008-11-12Added bb2html() and proper handling of bbcode on the producer pagesYorhel1-1/+119
2008-11-12Added datestr() and fixed the release date display on producer pagesYorhel1-2/+23
2008-11-12Created VNDB::Func for a few small and often used functions, split CommonHTML...Yorhel1-0/+26