path: root/lib/VNDB/Handler/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-08-26Display shop+price info on VN pages + delete old affiliate codeYorhel1-152/+0
The current affiliate links format doesn't display as much information as before but it's also a lot less messy.
2016-01-19Move some VNDB::L10N stuff to VNDB::Func + intern VNDB::FuncYorhel1-1/+1
2015-09-20Update usage kv_validate() to upcoming TUWF 1.0Yorhel1-2/+2
And added new 'page' and 'id' templates for more strict validation.
2012-01-25Do most of the table striping in CSSYorhel1-1/+1
Using CSS3 selectors. This is a more elegant approach, and since browser support for CSS3 selectors isn't as crap as it used to be I can finally make use of them.
2011-05-03affiliates: Expose some columns and allow price without lastfetchYorhel1-1/+7
This allows the price info to be manually set without worrying about the lastfetch. Would be useful with MangaGamer.
2011-04-30Cleaned up permissionsYorhel1-2/+2
- Removed 'hist' and 'mod', weren't used at all - Merged 'del' and 'lock' into a single 'dbmod'
2011-04-30affiliates: Improved default version infoYorhel1-1/+1
2011-04-29affiliates: +data column, hide hidden links, better browser, Multi fixesYorhel1-9/+32
2011-04-09affiliates: Added simple admin interface + default_prioYorhel1-0/+123
The lastfetch/price columns can't be modified at the moment.