path: root/lib/VNDB/Handler/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-04-12Handler::Chars: "Gender" -> "Sex"Yorhel1-2/+2
2018-01-13Handler::Chars: Fix setting of og:image tagYorhel1-1/+1
2018-01-06Add bb2text() and use it for release notes & open graph tagsYorhel1-1/+1
2017-11-17Fix display of char measurements when only weight is knownYorhel1-1/+1
2017-06-15Fixup variable rename in last commitYorhel1-2/+2
2017-06-15Handler::Chars: Hide instances block when hidden by spoiler settingsYorhel1-2/+5
2017-03-05Fix 500 when editing character entry without traitsYorhel1-1/+1
2017-03-03Don't allow deleted or unapproved traits to be linked to char entriesYorhel1-0/+3
2017-01-19Add Open Graph tags for the main page and vrspcflan1-1/+7
2016-02-12Minor fixes / behaviour reverts related to the removal of L10NYorhel1-3/+3
- Fix mouse-over text of language flag on homepage - Capitalize release types in edit form - Use plural form of character roles on VN page listing
2016-01-23L10N: Intern all VNDB::Handler::* stuffYorhel1-67/+68
Most of these replacements were automated. This ended up being less work than I had anticipated. I also fixed a few minor bugs along the way, but probably introduced more than I fixed.
2016-01-20L10N: Intern all VNDB::Util::* stuffYorhel1-24/+26
With some related edits in other parts of the code, mostly due to interface changes to htmlRevision() and htmlFormError(). Trivial replacements were automated by a super awesome script.
2016-01-18Fix display of spoiler in chartraits.js + warning in Handler/Chars.pmYorhel1-1/+1
2016-01-17L10N: Intern blood_types/genders/(char|staff)_roles/discussion_boardsYorhel1-12/+12
I definitely needed the Tie::IxHash thing for these.
2015-12-30Add release filters to VN browserYorhel1-2/+4
2015-10-21SQL: Fix editing + func.sql + triggers.sql + autocreate editing funcsYorhel1-2/+2
This changes quite a bit to the way the editing functions work. Because these functions are very repetitive and it's easy to keep things out of sync, I created a script to generate them automatically. I had to rename a few function and table names for consistency to make this work. Since database entries don't have a 'latest' column anymore, and since the order in which tables are updated doesn't have to be fixed, I dropped many of the SQL triggers and replaced them with a edit_committed() function which is called from edit_*_commit() and checks for stuff to be done. Don't forget to run 'make' before importing the update script.
2015-10-17SQL: Fix all browsing queries to use the new schemaYorhel1-5/+6
This basically makes VNDB browsable again, but editing entries is still broken. I split off the get-old-revision functionality from the db*Get() methods into db*GetRev(). This split makes sense even with the old SQL schema: db*Get() had to special-case some joins/filters when fetching an older revision, and none of the other filters would work in that case. This split does cause some code duplication in that all db*GetRev() methods look very much alike, and that the columns they fetch is almost identical to the db*Get() methods. Not sure yet how to avoid the duplication elegantly. I didn't do a whole lot of query optimization yet (most issues require extra indices, I'll investigate later which indices will make a big difference), but I did fix some low hanging fruit whenever I encountered something. I don't think I've worsened anything, performance-wise.
2015-09-20formValidate: Created templates for gtin and editsum fieldsYorhel1-2/+1
2015-09-20Update usage kv_validate() to upcoming TUWF 1.0Yorhel1-9/+9
And added new 'page' and 'id' templates for more strict validation.
2015-08-08Char page: Dynamically show/hide trait groups depending on visible traitsYorhel1-7/+1
2015-08-08Hide sexual traits by default + Add profile option to change defaultYorhel1-3/+3
2015-08-08Add sexual trait toggle to character informationYorhel1-16/+21
It's not a preference yet and the sexual traits are still visible by default. I'll fix that later.
2015-07-21Add profile option for the default spoiler settingYorhel1-4/+5
This fixes the unexpected behaviour that changing the spoiler setting on one page will change it for all pages. All manual spoiler changing options are temporary now.
2015-07-21L10N: Combine spoiler setting stringsYorhel1-3/+3
2015-07-20L10N: Support plural forms for charrolesYorhel1-3/+3
Used /v+/chars, other occurrences just use singular.
2015-07-18Handler::(VNEdit|Chars): Fix removal of alpha layer in imagesYorhel1-1/+2
Apparently, imagemagick's Flatten() has some odd corner cases where it seems to do more than just remove the alpha layer. The current approach is the one recommended by the official docs:
2015-07-01Handler::Chars: Use better image resizing algorithmYorhel1-1/+5
As suggested at I also like how the 'amount' option isn't documented for UnsharpMask(). All documentation says 'gain' instead, but that option throws an error.
2015-02-27Handler::Chars: Flatten uploaded images to better handle transparencymorkt1-2/+2
2015-02-21chars: Display seiyuu on char instancesmorkt1-3/+3
2015-01-28Apply bbSubstLinks to database description fieldsYorhel1-0/+1
2014-12-29staff: Some bug fixes and styling improvementsmorkt1-2/+4
2014-12-28More progress on the staff + cast DBmorkt1-5/+5
2014-12-22Initial implementation of a staff/seiyuu databasemorkt1-1/+15
2014-10-16Completely get rid of the old charedit perm flagYorhel1-1/+1
2013-01-21I18N: Merge all translation strings that eval to "Unknown"Yorhel1-3/+3
A generic '_unknown' is more easily usable.
2013-01-05Don't use Multi for processing character imagesYorhel1-9/+14
2012-09-22Handler::Chars: Include filter string in paginationYorhel1-1/+1
2012-03-28Handler::Chars: Added noindex tag to char revision pagesYorhel1-1/+1
Consistent with VN/release/producer revision pages.
2012-01-25Do most of the table striping in CSSYorhel1-19/+22
Using CSS3 selectors. This is a more elegant approach, and since browser support for CSS3 selectors isn't as crap as it used to be I can finally make use of them.
2011-08-27Added filters to character browse page and trait pageQCyph1-7/+13
2011-08-22Use generic imgurl() and imgpath() functions to generate image URLs/pathsYorhel1-6/+5
2011-08-21Bugfix: Keep image id on failed (vn|char)add + validate image idYorhel1-3/+8
2011-04-30Cleaned up permissionsYorhel1-1/+1
- Removed 'hist' and 'mod', weren't used at all - Merged 'del' and 'lock' into a single 'dbmod'
2011-04-30Added "Add character" link to VN pagesYorhel1-0/+4
2011-04-08Toggle [spoiler] tag visibility with global setting rather than mouse-overYorhel1-1/+1
2011-04-08Update traits_chars cache daily using Multi::MaintenanceYorhel1-4/+0
I'd really prefer incremental updates, but I'll first need to find a proper algorithm...
2011-04-06Bugfix: Hide pointless groups and commas on spoiler-hidden trait displayYorhel1-5/+13
2011-04-06Use same browsing-table on trait pages and char browserYorhel1-6/+13
2011-04-03Bugfix: allow adding/copying a char with instance field setYorhel1-2/+2
2011-03-30Got rid of Perl start-up warning in Handler::CharsYorhel1-1/+1