path: root/lib/VNDB/Util/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-05-16Add password dictionary checkYorhel1-2/+3
This affects the following: - API login with a weak password is disallowed, affected users will have to change their password through the website to continue using the API. - Registration, password reset or password change forms require the new password to not be in the dictionary. - Attempting to log in to the website with a weak password will force-redirect to a password change form, allowing a new password to be set (using the weak-but-still-valid password as check).
2016-11-27SQL: Use separate role for the website + disallow access to user dataYorhel1-70/+70
Previously the website was connected to the database with a "database owner" user, which has far too many permissions. Now there's a special vndb_site user with only the necessary permissions. The primary reason to do this is to decrease the impact if the site process is compromised. E.g. it's now no longer possible to delete or modify old entry revisions. An attacker can still do a lot of damage, however. Additionally (and this was the main reason to implement this change in the first place), the user sessions, passwords and email data is now not easily accessible anymore. Hopefully, the new user management abstractions will prevent email and password dumps in case of an SQL injection or RCE vulnerability in the site code. Of course, this only works if my implementation is fully correct and there's no privilige escalation vulnerability somewhere. Furthermore, changing your password now invalidates any existing sessions, and the password reset function is disabled for 'usermods' (because usermods can list email addresses from the database, and the password reset function could still allow an attacker to gain access to anyone's account). I also changed the format of the password reset tokens, as they totally don't need to be salted.
2016-01-20L10N: Intern all VNDB::Util::* stuffYorhel1-7/+3
With some related edits in other parts of the code, mostly due to interface changes to htmlRevision() and htmlFormError(). Trivial replacements were automated by a super awesome script.
2016-01-10Require current password on /u+/edit + only hash password once on /u+/setpassYorhel1-13/+22
2015-11-01Removed support for sha256-hashed passwordsYorhel1-21/+2
They had to be deleted from the database at some point, otherwise we still have thousands of easily-cracked password hashes in the database. Note that I could have opted to use scrypt on top of the sha256 hashes so the passwords would remain secure without needing to reset everything, but doing that after one year of switching to scrypt is likely not worth it. Everyone who still actively uses his account has already been converted to scrypt, everyone else should just reset their password whevener they decide to come back.
2015-09-20Use the new reqQuery() + update usage of reqPath() for TUWF 1.0Yorhel1-1/+1
2014-10-16Set httponly flag on auth cookieYorhel1-1/+1
2014-10-16Hash session tokens with SHA-1 when storing in DBYorhel1-19/+21
This ensures that, if an attacker evers gets read access to the database, he will not be able to compromise any accounts. SHA-1 suffices here, because the data being hashed is a random 20 byte string. The search space is so damn large that you can't sanely brute force it, nor are rainbow tables any use at that scale. They're not salted. The password reset tokens are also hashed in the database and do include salt, but I've no idea why we did that.
2014-10-15Use scrypt for new password hashesYorhel1-3/+27
I increased the N parameter to approximate about 500ms to generate the hash. This is quite a paranoid setting for a website, but login attempts are throttled so there's not much of a DoS factor. (Alright, password changing feature isn't throttled so the DoS factor still exists. But really, there's some pages with longer page generation times anyway.) I did lower the size of the salt a bit (Crypt::ScryptKDF uses 256 bits by default), because 64 bits of randomness should have low enough chance of collision with only ~100k users (even with a million users, seriously).
2014-10-15Auth: Use a proper CSPRNG for generating salt and tokensYorhel1-6/+10
2014-10-15SQL: Merge users.(passwd|salt) in one column + document valuesYorhel1-26/+17
It doesn't make a whole lot to separate the hashed password and the salt from each other, you need both to do anything with them, and from the database perspective they're both completely opaque strings only usable for direct comparison with other hashed strings. This change is mostly as preparation for switching to a proper key derivation function (sha256 isn't...) and to add support for longer and/or binary salt. Because the passwd field now needs to be interpreted in Perl, it's being passed around as a binary string rather than a hex-encoded value. API login is broken in this commit. I'll get to that.
2014-08-29API: Make sure to honor the new login throttleYorhel1-1/+1
2014-08-29Strengthen formcode for non-logged-in visitors + CSRF protect login formYorhel1-1/+1
formcode is strengthened by including the IP (-prefix) into the hash, ensuring that the code can't be obtained by someone on a different network. I also removed the login form of every page. Felt kinda pointless.
2011-08-23Re-structured password recovery featureYorhel1-3/+27
Rather than setting an automatically password, reset the password and send an email with a secure token instead. The password can then be set again using this token. This doesn't really have an advantage at this point, just makes the interface and code more consistent when I update the registration code to do something similar.
2011-08-22Removed support for pre-2.6 passwordsYorhel1-9/+1
Users who haven't logged in since 2009-08-09 will find that their passwords have been reset. They need to use the password recovery feature before logging in again.
2011-04-30Replaced user ranks with a permission systemYorhel1-3/+2
This is far more flexible.
2011-01-27TUWF: Replaced resHeader('Set-Cookie', ..) with resCookie()Yorhel1-13/+5
Way more convenient. This also fixes several bugs with the previous commit, since the cookie_prefix wasn't used for *all* cookies. Since it is now, the 'l10n' cookie now also respects the configured prefix, which means some people will have to set their default language again. Configuration changes: 'cookie_domain' option has been removed, the 'cookie_defaults' option of TUWF should now be used.
2011-01-27TUWF: Made use of the new cookie_prefix featureYorhel1-2/+2
Configuration change: Make sure you more the cookie_prefix option from %S to %O. (It's now a TUWF option rather than a VNDB one)
2011-01-25TUWF: Initial convert from YAWF to TUWFYorhel1-1/+1
There may still be some bugs present and I've only converted the points where TUWF is incompatible with YAWF. The new TUWF features are not in use yet, I'll do that later on. Note that, in order to run the new code, TUWF must be installed on your system. The configuration for the TransAdmin plugin has also changed. Other than that there shouldn't be any issues.
2010-12-23Store l10n preference in the database for logged-in usersYorhel1-0/+4
2010-12-23Converted the notify_announce and notify_dbedit preferencesYorhel1-4/+5
And renamed notify_dbedit to notify_nodbedit, since the default is to provide a notify on a database edit. Also fixed a few bugs along the way.
2010-12-23Added users_prefs table and removed users.(skin|customcss)Yorhel1-2/+10
Will convert the other preferences later.
2010-11-06Fixed cross-site request forgery vulnerabilitiesYorhel1-1/+55
2010-11-02Prefix all cookies with a configurable cookie_prefixYorhel1-4/+4
This replaces the "cookie_auth" setting, and applies to all cookies in use by VNDB.
2010-03-14Made name of the auth cookie configurableYorhel1-4/+4
Now it's finally possible to run multiple VNDB's with different databases on the same domain without constantly getting logged out.
2010-01-26SQL: Replaced sessions.expiration with sessions.addedYorhel1-3/+2
An expiration date doesn't make much sense if it's both not used and if it can't be configured by the user, so just make this a timestamp to indicate when the session has been added, which, while still not really used, is more valuable.
2010-01-26Keep track of when a session has last been usedYorhel1-0/+2
If we're going to automatically remove older sessions, it would make more sense to remove unused sessions, rather than old sessions that are still in use. But we first need to keep track of when a session has last been used to do so...
2010-01-26Made a start on the notification systemYorhel1-2/+2
The current setup should be able to handle all kinds of notifications, though only PMs are implemented at this point. More to come.
2009-11-27Util::Auth: Fixed 500 on invalid cookie formatYorhel1-1/+1
Caused by $self->{_auth} being set to an empty string when the uid part of the cookie doesn't match, and authCan() not properly checking for a positive value of $self->{_auth}
2009-11-15Auth: Combined dbSessionCheck into dbUserGetYorhel1-2/+2
This one query is a bit faster than the two queries executed seperately, and with a query that is executed on each pageview it does matter. Ideally, the dbUserMessageCount() is cached and fetched with the same query, this should save another 1-2ms. But this is probably not worth the extra code it would require.
2009-10-10Greatly reduced default number of columns returned by dbUserGetYorhel1-2/+2
Most of the columns are only used in some rare situations, so fetching all that information is unecessary. To fetch this information, a what => 'extended' is now required. This change should be most noticable for the user list (now less than half of the previous data is fetched from the database).
2009-10-10Get unread posts count in htmlHeader() instead of Util::AuthYorhel1-2/+2
This way the counter resets itself immediately when opening the unread thread page, which is more intuitive.
2009-08-17L10N: Converted user ranks and language namesYorhel1-1/+1
User ranks are easy... but the language names are used everywhere!
2009-08-08Improved handling of the timestamp columns in anime and session tablesYorhel1-1/+1
Anything fetched from the DB to Perl should be converted to a UNIX timestamp, and everything that goes from Perl to the DB should be converted from a UNIX timestamp to a timestamptz data type. Also, when creating a session, don't rely on the fact that the expiration default happens to be the same as the cookie expiration time calculated in Perl. It's cleaner to calculate the date at one place and then use that everywhere else.
2009-07-31Fetch hex hashes from dbUserGet() and do comparison in hexYorhel1-9/+7
For consistency, it's best to do everything related to hashes in hexadecimal notation in Perl.
2009-07-31Added encode_utf8() on $salt and $pass in _authEncryptPass()Yorhel1-3/+5
This forces $salt and $pass to be 'downgraded' to byte strings in case we are given unicode strings (i.e. when fetched from database or YAWF). This, in turn, prevents global_salt from 'upgrading', which allows binary data to be used for this string.
2009-07-30Util::Auth: check cookie for sanity and delete incorrect cookiesYorhel1-5/+14
This fixes a 500 error when the cookie was longer than 40 bytes but the characters after the 40th byte aren't a number. (i.e. the cookies of the previous auth system) This will also purge the cookie from the user's browser when dbSessionCheck() returns false. (There's no sense in keeping it in such a case)
2009-07-30Merge branch 'auth' of git:// into betaYorhel1-23/+63
Conflicts: util/dump.sql util/updates/update_2.6.sql Also updated ChangeLog and made some tiny style changes.
2009-07-29Changed sessions.expiration column to timestamp3dB1-1/+1
-- Updated SQL files to reflect column type change. -- Subroutine dbSessionAdd rewritten to accept an expiration timestap as an optional third argument.
2009-07-29Cleanup of Util/Auth.pm3dB1-13/+7
2009-07-28Rewrote cookie experation string generation to use POSIX::strftime3dB1-5/+3
2009-07-28Removed Crypt::Lite dependency3dB1-11/+8
-- Changed the way cookie data is handled and removed the need for Crypt::Lite -- Removed "cookie_key" configuration setting for Crypt::Lite
2009-07-28Multiple bugfixes to authorization system & sql tweaks3dB1-11/+12
This commit is tested to work.
2009-07-28Replaced _authGenerateSalt with a better one-liner.3dB1-21/+7
-- Removed _authGenerateSalt in favor of a one-liner in authPreparePassword. -- Fixed a self-inflicted "WTF" mistake in authInit caused by a stray paste.
2009-07-27Committing initial modification of authorization module.3dB1-21/+74
-- Changed the way cookies are handled to a database-backed system -- Changed the password hashing algorithm used -- Introduced a dual-salt method for increasing password encryption strength
2009-07-23Created subroutine to genrate password salts3dB1-0/+11
This is more of a test of the new git environment than anything else.
2009-07-07Display thread count in user menuYorhel1-1/+1
This adds a small performance penalty, but should make it a lot easier for people to notice that someone is asking for his/her attention. Ideally, this count would be the number of *unread* *posts*, rather than *total* number of *threads*, but we don't store read the state (yet).
2008-12-09Code cleanup: removed leading spaces and combined ↵Yorhel1-2/+2
DB/{Votes,VNList,WishList}.pm into
2008-10-31A few small fixes, working logout function and added a nonworking user menu ↵Yorhel1-1/+1
and login form
2008-10-31Added some authentication and user functionsYorhel1-0/+96