path: root/lib/VNDB
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-11-15TransAdmin: CSS fix for doc page editorYorhel1-1/+1
2009-11-15Auth: Combined dbSessionCheck into dbUserGetYorhel2-16/+13
2009-11-14SQL: Allow NULL for vn.c_popularityYorhel2-3/+3
2009-11-14SQL: Cached bayesian VN rating and vote countsYorhel3-10/+16
2009-11-14Added bayesian rating info to VN pagesYorhel3-5/+9
2009-11-14Added bayesian rating and vote count to the VN listYorhel2-2/+11
2009-11-14Made external links on VN pages translatableYorhel1-4/+4
2009-11-14Added wikipedia links for producersYorhel2-6/+19
2009-11-14SQL/L10N: Allow NULL for releases_rev.minage and make the values translatableYorhel5-16/+32
2009-11-13docs: Updated d11 and added :SUBSUB: macroYorhel1-1/+6
2009-11-09bb2html: Added [code] tag and fixed a minor bugYorhel1-5/+18
2009-11-09Plugin::TransAdmin: CSS/doc fixes related to the APIYorhel1-3/+3
2009-10-29Handler::Users: Fixed password recovery email sending bugYorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-25Handler::Producers: Fixed perl warning on adding new producerYorhel1-7/+5
2009-10-25dbRevisionGet: Fixed 500 when using the 'Include edits of releases' optionYorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-24Merge branch 'beta'2.8Yorhel22-303/+868
2009-10-24Discussions: Don't allow bots to index user discussion indexesYorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-22TransAdmin: Added simple doc page translation interfaceYorhel1-24/+117
2009-10-22d+: Wrote more extensive credits page and moved link icons to the FAQYorhel1-0/+6
2009-10-22TransAdmin: Added intro pageYorhel1-0/+15
2009-10-22TransAdmin: Fixed comment about how to use itYorhel1-4/+6
2009-10-22Wrote a quick and dirty translation editor pluginYorhel1-0/+239
2009-10-21Added relation graphs for producersYorhel4-35/+66
2009-10-21SQL: Renamed vn_graphs to relgraphs and synced dbgraph.plYorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-21Handler::Tags: Increased tag dropdown search results to 15Yorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-21Wrote producer relation editor interfaceYorhel1-2/+28
2009-10-21Display producer relations on producer pagesYorhel1-0/+17
2009-10-21Display producer relations in revision browserYorhel1-3/+9
2009-10-21Started on the producer relationsYorhel2-16/+92
2009-10-21L10N-HU: Added code for Hungarian TL and minor code cleanupYorhel1-13/+22
2009-10-19L10N-CS: Added Czech quant()Yorhel1-1/+18
2009-10-19Use 'no spoilers' as default spoiler level for tagsYorhel3-5/+5
2009-10-18Handler::Misc: Fixed bug with unhiding a producer entryYorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-17SQL: Converted releases_rev.type to an ENUM data typeYorhel1-3/+3
2009-10-17Handler::ULists: Add secundary order by title when ordered by voteYorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-12htmlSearchBox: Copy over search query when switching search typeYorhel1-5/+12
2009-10-12SQL: Converted changes.type to an ENUMYorhel6-24/+22
2009-10-10List all known languages on /r and /v/all instead of only those in useYorhel3-17/+3
2009-10-10Greatly reduced default number of columns returned by dbUserGetYorhel3-6/+10
2009-10-10Get unread posts count in htmlHeader() instead of Util::AuthYorhel3-13/+20
2009-10-10Make "My Messages (n)" stand out when n>0Yorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-10Display number of unread posts in user menuYorhel3-2/+23
2009-10-10Updated Producer and VN pages with developer/publisher informationYorhel3-16/+34
2009-10-09Handler::Releases: Display producer role on release pagesYorhel1-11/+16
2009-10-09Added producer role (developer/publisher) to DB and release editorYorhel2-11/+19
2009-10-09Handler::Releases: Fixed display of media in filtersYorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-09SQL: Converted releases_media.medium to an ENUM typeYorhel1-1/+1
2009-10-07Changed language selector into a Javascript dropdownYorhel1-6/+2
2009-10-07L10N: Extracted last bits of JavascriptYorhel1-2/+2
2009-10-07L10N: Extracted VN screenshot uploaderYorhel1-2/+1