path: root/lib/VNDB
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-01-05Add info icons for each release in vn page.TigerShark1-1/+64
2017-12-16Fix query debugging output with new TUWFYorhel1-4/+6
2017-11-17Fix display of char measurements when only weight is knownYorhel1-1/+1
2017-06-15Fixup variable rename in last commitYorhel1-2/+2
2017-06-15Handler::Chars: Hide instances block when hidden by spoiler settingsYorhel1-2/+5
2017-06-05Fix "All except characters" to show staffYorhel1-1/+1
2017-03-26Multi::RG: Remove unofficial relations from graph if #vns > 30Yorhel1-0/+1
2017-03-05Fix 500 when editing character entry without traitsYorhel1-1/+1
2017-03-03Add date filters to VN searchYorhel2-2/+7
2017-03-03VNBrowse: Remember sort options when changing query or filtersYorhel1-2/+2
2017-03-03Don't allow deleted or unapproved traits to be linked to char entriesYorhel2-0/+4
2017-01-25Ignore duplicate board IDs in threat editYorhel1-1/+1
2017-01-25Disable links to AnimeNFO for the momentYorhel1-4/+5
2017-01-21Don't omit metadata with a value of '0'flan1-1/+1
2017-01-19Add Open Graph tags for the main page and vrspcflan7-10/+70
2016-11-27SQL: Use separate role for the website + disallow access to user dataYorhel3-135/+170
2016-11-03List deleted releases when adding a new releaseYorhel2-5/+29
2016-11-03Add duplicate check to producer entryYorhel3-12/+76
2016-10-16Support more than 100 characters per VNYorhel2-2/+2
2016-10-16VNPage: Add gender icons to character summaryYorhel1-0/+1
2016-09-18Suppress silly Perl 5.22 warnings about extra sprintf argsYorhel2-0/+2
2016-07-31Handler::VNEdit: Fix bug with new staff/cast being removed on form errorYorhel1-6/+5
2016-07-03Generalize substring search relevance + apply to most dropdown searchesYorhel8-51/+40
2016-07-03DB::Tags::dbTTTree: Use hash lookup for parent IDsYorhel1-3/+4
2016-07-03Charedit/traits: Prioritize exact match when finding traitsYorhel2-2/+15
2016-07-03Various staff search improvementsYorhel3-19/+25
2016-07-02JS: Use alias ID in dropdown search to fix selectionYorhel1-1/+1
2016-07-02Util::ValidateTemplates: Fix forgotten import of kv_validateYorhel1-0/+1
2016-07-02Validate release dates + move validation out of vndb.plYorhel3-1/+104
2016-06-05Fix typo on release page.Albin Bernhardsson1-1/+1
2016-04-11Handler::Discussions: Increase boards limitYorhel1-1/+1
2016-02-12Minor fixes / behaviour reverts related to the removal of L10NYorhel4-7/+7
2016-01-26Handler::Misc: Fix perl warning on 404 */histYorhel1-1/+1
2016-01-23L10N: Remove all remaining traces of the interface translation featureYorhel2-410/+0
2016-01-23L10N: Intern all VNDB::Handler::* stuffYorhel14-812/+911
2016-01-20L10N: Intern all VNDB::Util::* stuffYorhel16-269/+309
2016-01-19Move some VNDB::L10N stuff to VNDB::Func + intern VNDB::FuncYorhel15-102/+104
2016-01-18Fix display of spoiler in chartraits.js + warning in Handler/Chars.pmYorhel1-1/+1
2016-01-17L10N: Intern all Javascript strings and rename main JS fileYorhel1-1/+1
2016-01-17L10N: Intern blood_types/genders/(char|staff)_roles/discussion_boardsYorhel7-46/+41
2016-01-17Use Tie::IxHash for some listsYorhel7-19/+20
2016-01-17L10N: Intern VN/producer relations + update relation graphsYorhel3-12/+6
2016-01-17L10N: Intern tag_cats/voiced/animated/*_statusYorhel7-57/+54
2016-01-16L10N: Intern languages/platforms/resolutions/media/ptype/rtype/vnlengthYorhel10-108/+100
2016-01-16L10N: Remove all translationsYorhel2-96/+3
2016-01-14Handler::Discussions: Some search query normalization fixesYorhel1-0/+3
2016-01-10Add 'more'/'less' buttons to staff/character boxes on VN pagesYorhel1-2/+2
2016-01-10DB::Users: Perform case-insensitive email matchingYorhel1-1/+1
2016-01-10Require current password on /u+/edit + only hash password once on /u+/setpassYorhel2-14/+31
2016-01-10DB::(VN|Producers): Don't decode_utf8() xml valuesYorhel2-4/+0