path: root/lib
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2009-08-17L10N: Converted user ranks and language namesYorhel9-30/+30
User ranks are easy... but the language names are used everywhere!
2009-08-17L10N: Converted homepage and history pagesYorhel2-37/+28
There are a few things left hardcoded, though: The 'expand' link is also in Javascript, that will probably need some mechanism for TL as well. The format of the items on the homepage might need to change depending on the language, I can imagine that not every language uses the 'title by name' construct. Especially the age() function needs a localized version.
2009-08-17L10N: Converted everything in Util::LayoutHTML and use non-English keysYorhel1-37/+29
I just can't believe using the English text as keys actually works, English is useless without context.
2009-08-17L10N: Russian TL for site title and main menuYorhel3-14/+21
Things are looking good so far.
2009-08-17Added language switcher to the main menuYorhel2-1/+14
2009-08-17Started on a framework for interface I18NYorhel2-1/+94
You can ignore the entries in lang.txt, those are simply for testing purposes.
2009-08-16Allow empty VN descriptionsYorhel1-1/+1
2009-08-16Fixed typo in DB::UlistsYorhel1-1/+1
2009-08-15More sensible placing of the submit button on /v+/tagmodYorhel2-18/+19
2009-08-12Allow a usermod to browse a users' list even when it's hiddenYorhel3-5/+5
To make sure we can still see a troll if he marks his list as hidden. Only admins have this usermod privilege, and admins are assumed to have raw SQL access anyway.
2009-08-12Added global user votes ignore listYorhel5-5/+14
2009-08-11Improved styling of the threeboxes layoutYorhel2-137/+150
It's still not perfect, though: - New version is table-based - meh. - Uses negative margins more than once - meh! - Only works if any of the columns has enough content to wrap. If all content fits in the columns without wrapping, the total table width falls back to the "min-width: 100%" statement - which, with the negative margins, isn't really 100%. MEH! Still... it looks better than the previous solution. So far tested on FF3.5, Opera 9.something, and some semi-recent version of webkit. Reported to work fine on IE7 as well.
2009-08-09Multi::IRC: Proper fix of the new notify detection codeYorhel1-16/+33
This is how I should have done it in the first place. Don't use stupid hacks if you know it's likely going to result in strange behaviour...
2009-08-09Don't perform username regex validation on loginYorhel1-1/+1
No need to, this will be cached in the DB, anyway.
2009-08-09Multi::IRC: Got rid of crash in the throttle functionYorhel1-1/+1
2009-08-09Multi::IRC: Fix double-notify bugYorhel1-0/+1
timestamptz data types have sub-second precision, but we use time() with second precision for comparing, resulting in false positives. Using Time::HiRes::time should give the same precision as PostgreSQL's NOW(), so things should be working fine now. It's still a bad idea to use Multi's time instead of a PostgreSQL value for comparing... should really think of a clean way of fixing this.
2009-08-09Don't check for double post when editing a postYorhel1-1/+1
There's no need to disallow someone to edit their post within 30 seconds after posting...
2009-08-09Multi::IRC: Fixed authentication level checking bugYorhel1-3/+4
Everyone had access to the commands with the |8 flag enabled. Oops!
2009-08-09Multi::Maintenance: Added logging of important statisticsYorhel1-8/+11
Requires the new PoCo-Pg
2009-08-09Multi::Core: Actually log to file instead of stdoutYorhel1-1/+1
2009-08-09Converted changes.added to timestamptzYorhel6-17/+19
That was the last one. I hope I haven't forgotten to update anything.
2009-08-08Don't show hidden VN items on g+ pagesYorhel1-0/+1
Ideally, all tag relations should be removed when hiding a VN, but that would make hiding a destructive action, while currently it can still be reverted easilily.
2009-08-08Converted tags.added to timestamptzYorhel2-3/+4
2009-08-08Converted users.registered to timestamptzYorhel1-5/+5
Just a few more to go...
2009-08-08Converted to timestamptz and use NOW() as defaultYorhel1-3/+3
2009-08-08Converted and edited to timestamptzYorhel2-6/+6
Everything still seems to be working fine so far.
2009-08-08Converted wlists.added and rlists.added to timestamptzYorhel1-1/+1
I like how the rlists.added column isn't used anywhere in the code, makes the conversion a lot easier. :-)
2009-08-08Improved handling of the timestamp columns in anime and session tablesYorhel3-9/+4
Anything fetched from the DB to Perl should be converted to a UNIX timestamp, and everything that goes from Perl to the DB should be converted from a UNIX timestamp to a timestamptz data type. Also, when creating a session, don't rely on the fact that the expiration default happens to be the same as the cookie expiration time calculated in Perl. It's cleaner to calculate the date at one place and then use that everywhere else.
2009-08-08Added note on g+ pages about cachingYorhel1-0/+1
Ideally, that shouldn't be necessary, but I can't think of a way to keep the tags_vn_bayesian table up-to-date without a huge performance penalty.
2009-08-08Removed last traces of the category systemYorhel3-70/+8
2009-08-08Merge branch '3dev' of git:// into betaYorhel3-1/+8
+ ChangeLog update
2009-08-06More logical naming of dbGetPost date filter3dB2-4/+4
2009-08-06Post checking now alows one new thread in 30s3dB1-1/+1
2009-08-06Added OpenSearch plugin + autodetectionYorhel2-1/+22
2009-08-05Removed unnecessary export.3dB1-1/+1
-- Removed unneeded export of previously deleted subroutine dbPostCheckDouble
2009-08-05Reworked double post checking to use existing code3dB2-22/+5
-- Removed dbPostCheckDouble -- Added more filters to dbPostGet to serve similar purpose
2009-08-05Multi::Core: Got rid of 'undefined' warning in pg_error + ChangeLog updateYorhel1-1/+1
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Added !p producer search and fixed tiny bug in !vnYorhel1-5/+31
2009-08-05Removed last traces of the shared memory processing queueYorhel6-44/+0
Everything has now finally been converted to use the PgSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY feature. This commit removes the last Tie::ShareLite dependency.
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Reimplemented notifications using PgSQL LISTEN/NOTIFYYorhel1-22/+66
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Spam random quotes in idle channelsYorhel1-1/+15
'idle' is currently defined as 60+rand(300) minutes, so it'll only occur in *very* idle channels... might be an idea to lower these numbers later on.
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Wrote generic throttle function and put a limit on !vn usageYorhel1-12/+40
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Added !quote command to reply with a random quote from the DBYorhel1-2/+13
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Re-added the !vn commandYorhel1-36/+36
Works as it did before. But maybe it's time to add a small throttle to prevent misuse?
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Don't listen to unaddressed commands without the ! triggerYorhel1-2/+2
Tiny bug introduced in a recent commit.
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Allow commands to be called by addressing the botYorhel1-10/+13
And force this for some commands. Calling !die in a channel with multiple bots isn't a good idea, after all...
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Display edit summary on edit linksYorhel1-3/+9
2009-08-05Multi::IRC: Display board titles in thread linkingYorhel1-2/+19
Nothing beats seeing a: <Multi> [t2.7] Reply to Alias: added Japanese title Posted in db, u:retardsrox, u:nacchi, v:Natsu, Semi, Shoujo, v:Dal-eu Jajang-ga By applehq @
2009-08-04Started on Multi::IRC rewriteYorhel1-254/+246
Most of the functionality of the old IRC bot should be present again, with notifications and the !vn command being the only exceptions. I'll reimplement those later. The configuration has changed a little: - 'user' variable renamed to 'nick' - 'channel' renamed to 'channels' (it's an arrayref, after all) - the 'masters' variable now uses IRC masks rather than nicks This new version also has three user levels rather than two: regular users, OPs in the first channel, and 'masters'. This way #vndb OPs can get control over some useful functions as well. The 'master' functions are far too powerful and as such should only be used by the person operating the bot.
2009-08-04Implemented double-post prevention3dB3-1/+25
-- Created a subroutine to check for any recent posts made by a user -- Added double-post checking and error messages to the form handler & html generator