path: root/static/f
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2009-10-03JS: Rewrote VN tagspoil & JS tabs and merged addClass and removeClassYorhel1-85/+79
2009-10-02JS: Rewrote release list dropdownYorhel1-55/+85
Abstacted a simple set of reusable functions for generating dropdown lists, as I'm likely going to need that more often.
2009-10-02JS: Wrote minimal JS library and converted image viewerYorhel1-52/+147
This *should* be more standards-compliant, and *should* work in all major browsers. But I really have to test that.
2009-10-02JS: Moved <script> tags to bottom of the page and removed DOMLoad()Yorhel2-64/+53
Time to clean up the javascript code a bit, this is a start...
2009-09-30Added Hungarian to the list of languagesYorhel1-0/+0
Mainly because someone offered to translate the interface into Hungarian, and interface languages are directly linked with database languages.
2009-09-26Converted VN relations to ENUM data type and made them translatableYorhel1-3/+4
OK, these are actually two separate things: to make the relations translatable they didn't necessarily have to be stored as enum, and I could've also converted them to enum but not have it translatable. Nevertheless, it was easier to just do both at the same time. Also note how I used the string "$____vnrel_<rel>____$" as identifier in the relation graphs while I could have used something a lot shorter ("$<rel>$" would have been fine, for example). This is done so that graphviz can make some space for those relations - the long identifier gives a slightly more realistic representation of the actual length of the relation titles.
2009-09-20Increased maximum medium quantity to 20Yorhel1-1/+1
2009-09-10Handler::Releases: Ingore some fields when the patch status is setYorhel1-0/+9
2009-09-07Added three new platforms (DOS, PC-98, Sega Saturn)Yorhel1-0/+0
Had to increase the size of icons.png a bit...
2009-08-18htmlForm(): Don't generate subform id from the titleYorhel2-6/+6
The subform id is now passed to htmlForm() as first formpart item. This way the id won't change even if the title does, which will be the case with the interface translation.
2009-08-16Fixed tagmod JS code to ignore submit button and disallow double tagsYorhel1-10/+10
Damn, my javascript code is pure crap...
2009-08-09Removed select.pngYorhel1-0/+0
That image hasn't been used for a while. Used to be a selection indicator for category filters.
2009-08-01Added Vietnamese to the language listYorhel1-0/+0
Now the last unused space in icons.png is used as well. Another icon and we'll need to enlarge it a bit.
2009-07-19Converted and renamed screenshots.status (int) to processed (bool)Yorhel1-1/+1
There were only two states, processed and unprocessed, so simply using a boolean column with correct naming is more clarifying.
2009-07-05Tag exclude filters on VN searchYorhel2-20/+22
2009-07-05Added spoiler options for tag filters on VN searchYorhel1-0/+10
2009-07-05Auto-complete the tag filters on VN searchYorhel2-5/+27
2009-07-04Separated VN search filters from search boxYorhel1-67/+8
It was a rather stupid and buggy idea...
2009-06-06Removed some leftover code of the category filters on /vYorhel1-17/+3
2009-05-31Option to expand/collapse edit summaries on history browserYorhel1-0/+26
Makes use of cookies to store the users' preference. Might be a good idea to store this in the DB for logged in users, together with the tagspoil cookie.
2009-05-21Implemented the date selector in JavaScriptYorhel1-0/+40
This way, we can just use our internal database date format for client-side communication as well. The calculation is now done in a centralized place in script.js, rather than all over the place in the Perl code. This'll also make it possible to make the date selector more interactive. But that doesn't have a very high priority at the moment, the good old three-selection-boxes-thing works fine. Current implementation has only been tested on FF3, though I doubt other browsers will complain.
2009-05-21Got rid of JS error on /rYorhel1-0/+2
2009-03-28Expandable tag summary on VN pagesYorhel1-12/+37
2009-03-27Don't delete all users tags on submitting votesYorhel1-1/+1
This is what you get when you write half-hearted code and end up having to change something afterward, you just always forget to update *something*.
2009-03-26Swapped "You" and "Others" columns on /v+/tagmodYorhel1-6/+6
2009-03-22Merge branch 'tagging' into betaYorhel2-54/+202
Conflicts: lib/VNDB/DB/ util/updates/update_2.3.sql
2009-03-21Remember tag spoiler preference and use it as defaultYorhel1-17/+47
2009-03-21Partly removed the category systemYorhel2-53/+0
The categories are still available for viewing and editing to aid in the transition to the tagging system, but editing has been removed.
2009-03-21Show/hide spoiler tags on VN pagesYorhel1-0/+26
2009-03-14Improved styling of meta tags in dropdown searchYorhel1-1/+1
2009-03-14The dropdown search box shouldn't show results of the previous query on ↵Yorhel1-1/+3
second search
2009-03-14Added tag states for pending/deleted/acceptedYorhel1-2/+4
2009-03-08Added user taglistYorhel1-0/+2
2009-02-28Voting on spoilerness of a tag worksYorhel1-5/+15
(interface is somewhat on the half-hearted side, but oh well)
2009-02-28Improvements in vntagmod table layout, and saving votes in the DB worksYorhel1-1/+8
And a "Don't forget to submit" text, and various important bugfixes, and... geez, time for a coke with some cookies!
2009-02-28Tag vote selector improvements + serializingYorhel1-21/+28
2009-02-28Friendly and interactive interface for changing your tag voteYorhel1-1/+43
2009-02-22vntagmod: Adding tags using dropdown searchYorhel2-0/+73
The usual: it's still pretty much useless and unfinished, will polish up things later.
2009-02-21Move the "This is not VNDB" check to JavascriptYorhel1-0/+8
This'll make it possible to run the actual vndb in debug mode without displaying that "this is not VNDB" message. And non-VNDB sites can now properly run without debug mode while still displaying that message.
2009-01-17No page reload needed when changing rlist status from vn pageYorhel2-24/+36
2009-01-03Search dropdown calls the return function automatically on selectYorhel1-1/+3 less technical terms: producers/vns are automatically added when selecting them from the dropdown search, rather than having to press the return key a second time.
2008-12-29Merge branch 'beta'2.1Yorhel6-1117/+100
2008-12-27Re-added the release list dropdown to VN pagesYorhel1-0/+72
2008-12-27[spoiler] tag produces mouseover-style spoilers instead of ROT13Yorhel1-0/+8
2008-12-26Increased search dropdown hide timeoutYorhel1-1/+1
Fixes (or more accurately, masquerades) the following: 13:40:23 <EchoMateria_Work> it displays a list of candidates, I can point them alright, but when I click on any, it doesn't do anything other than closing that drop-down-menu 9/10 of the time
2008-12-26Selecting items in the search dropdown using the mouseYorhel1-2/+17
Only tested this using FF3 for now, so may not always work.
2008-12-26'All items' tab to multi-tab formsYorhel1-1/+2
2008-12-23CSS + skin generator fixesYorhel1-1/+1
The skin generator itself is now pretty much finished. Unless people want more control over what they can change, that is.
2008-12-23A DRY appreach to skins: there's only one main CSS file nowYorhel4-1110/+0
So, instead of using separate smaller CSS files to overwrite directives in the main (/static/f/style.css) file, I decided to generate one CSS file for each skin, which includes everything needed to render the page. The template for this skin is now /data/skingen/style.css. I just don't feel like maintaining two separate files when changing something to the CSS. Also converted the old layout into a skin directory (angel), since the default skin isn't in the CSS template anymore.
2008-12-23Added grey layout for testing purposes and fixed a few bugs with the skin ↵Yorhel1-3/+4