path: root/util/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2021-01-17Use SASS for CSS + static asset reoganizationYorhel1-99/+0
Had been planning to use a more powerful preprocessor for CSS for a while, so that I can also reorganize and clean up the CSS a bit. The cleanup will come later, this is the first step to reorganize the build system a bit and remove I moved all generated static assets to static/g/ (for _g_enerated), including icons.png and js files. This simplifies management of static/f/ and static/s/, which are fully in git. Skins are now defined as sass files in css/skins/ with their images in static/s/ using plain directory structure.
2021-01-04refactor: Move & simplify SkinFile into VNDB::SkinsYorhel1-4/+3
VNDB::Skins now behaves the same way as VNDB::Config - it provides a single function that returns all the info you'll need. This removes the tuwf->{skins} global variable, making skin-querying code independent of the TUWF object, and, again, moving some library-related functionality out of
2019-09-09CSS/Build: Move minification and compression to "make prod"Yorhel1-17/+10
This rather significantly speeds up development builds. Also simplifies and its config a bit. The new compressed files are written to /s/*/style.min.css{,.gz}, it is up to the web server to serve those instead of /s/*/style.css.
2019-09-09CSS: Get rid of boxbg.png and Image::Magick dep in skingen.plYorhel1-20/+31
Should improve page loading time, reduce server load and speed up CSS generation by a totally insignificant amount. I did run into some trouble with the removal of boxbg.png, because apparently there was something magical about that image that made browsers render it in a different color than the one specified upon creation. I've adjusted the boxbg color of the 'angel' skin accordingly, but other skins may also have a slight color difference with this change. Some details are at
2016-01-10Use atomic replace when writing .gz assetsYorhel1-1/+4
2016-01-10Support zopfli/zopflipng for all static asset generatorsYorhel1-1/+7
Compresses a little better. I reduced the number of iterations required to find the optimal image size in, but generating the icons.png is *incredibly slow* when combining zopflipng with the 'slow' option. It's possible to parallelize the calculation and use multiple cores to speed it up, but that seems overkill. Some icons.png compression stats: METHOD SIZE RUNTIME default 18103 <1sec slow 17941 few secs pngcrush 15385 <1sec pngcrush+slow 15148 few mins zopflipng 14986 few secs zopflipng+slow 14898 ~1 hour
2015-05-11Generate icons.png and associated CSS automaticallyYorhel1-0/+8
It became a bit of a hassle to keep updating that file manually in Gimp. This script performs surprisingly well for our set of icons.
2010-02-17CSS: Refer to all external files with the version as query stringYorhel1-5/+12
This makes sure that these also get forced reloaded on a version change.
2010-01-24SkinFile: Abstracted access to the skin configuration filesYorhel1-46/+30
And updated and to make use of this abstraction.
2009-10-07L10N: Extracted strings for and improved release list selector on VN pagesYorhel1-1/+0
2009-10-07skingen: Used CSS::Minifier::XS instead of my crappy regexesYorhel1-12/+5
The minified and gzipped CSS file is now 0.7kB smaller than the non-minified but gzipped CSS file. That's significant enough on ~5kB.
2009-01-15Moving style.css to data/Yorhel1-1/+1
2009-01-02Added possibility to hide the main title in skinsYorhel1-0/+2
Simply set the 'maintitle' to '0'
2009-01-02Fixed skin generator bug with \r characters in the conf fileYorhel1-0/+1
2008-12-23Added simple CSS compressionYorhel1-1/+10 removing all newlines, whitespace and comments from the generated CSS file. None of the CSS sent to the browser is maintained by hand now, so adding some compression is easy. :-) This compression is disabled if the debug config flag is enabled, considering debugging an unreadable CSS file isn't fun.
2008-12-23Removed skin directory name from the config files, and renamed fullname to nameYorhel1-4/+5
2008-12-23A DRY appreach to skins: there's only one main CSS file nowYorhel1-197/+11
So, instead of using separate smaller CSS files to overwrite directives in the main (/static/f/style.css) file, I decided to generate one CSS file for each skin, which includes everything needed to render the page. The template for this skin is now /data/skingen/style.css. I just don't feel like maintaining two separate files when changing something to the CSS. Also converted the old layout into a skin directory (angel), since the default skin isn't in the CSS template anymore.
2008-12-23Added grey layout for testing purposes and fixed a few bugs with the skin ↵Yorhel1-2/+2
2008-12-21Made the category colors on VN edit changable in CSSYorhel1-0/+5
...but not yet in the skin generator, as I haven't really decided yet whether to generate those colors based on the other colors, or to make them configurable from the skin config (= more work for the people who create the skins)
2008-12-21Basic skin generator + example skin for testingYorhel1-0/+264
How it works: Create new directory in static/s/ Create a 'conf' file (see the test skin for a template) Run, which will generate a style.css and boxbg.png This process will probably be automated using a simple web interface or something... There's no skin selector yet, so Util/ has to be modified to view the generated skin.