2.13 - ? - Added 'formcode' parameter to all modification requests to fix all cross-site request forgery vulnerabilities - URL change: /u/logout => /u$id/logout - Bugfix: delete/update all references when deleting a user - Optimized SQL queries: - dbScreenshotRandom() - dbVNGet() with random ordering - dbRevisionGet() (in most cases) 2.12 - 2010-11-03 - !scr command for Multi::IRC - API: Added 'image' field to get vn - API: Slightly improved error messages - Re-added /g/debug (for moderators) - Improved search - Display friendly message in the VN edit scr tab when no release is known - Added 1024x576 and 1280x800 screen resolutions - Added more comparison VNs for the length field - Automatically remove read notifications after a month - Added Apple iProduct platform - Removed XML sitemap - Added image dimensions to screenshot thumbail tags - Prefix all cookies with a configurable cookie_prefix - Automatically read L10N keys from script.js - Compressed the thread listing into one row per thread (instead of two) - Use newlines to separate aliases (except when displayed on VN pages) - Automatically remove duplicate aliases on /v+/edit - Increased maxlength of tag descriptions - Bugfix: only redirect VN search to VN page if page=1 - Bugfix: remove duplicate votes when merging tags (fixes a 500) - Bugfix: Multi::Anime: don't crash when anidb returns an invalid or empty year - Bugfix: properly order the relations listed on producer pages - Bugfix: Various gtintype() related issues - Bugfix: background image issue in Opera 10.50 2.11 - 2010-02-06 - Added Slovak to the language list - Centered the thumbnails on the screenshots viewer - Improved date selector - Made the release date a required field - Versioned the deleting and locking of database entries - Multi's announcements are colored in blue - Abstracted parsing skin config files into a SkinFile module - Automatically generate the skin credits on d7, by reading the skin files - Only tagmods can create top-level tags - Notification system for - PMs - Notifying users of a deletion of an entry they contributed to - Notifying users of a deletion they have in their (wish)list - Notifying users of an edit of an entry they contributed to - Notifying users of site announcements - Removed the ?l10n= paremeter - Remove sessions that haven't been used for more than a month - Properly copy over search string on switching with the searchtabs - Converted language columns in SQL to an ENUM type - Differentiate between pt-PT and pt-BR - Added Dutch translation of the user interface 2.10 - 2010-01-10 - VN score on tag pages use plain averages instead of bayesian rating - Display VN ratings on tag pages as well - Split browse functions from CommonHTML.pm into BrowseHTML.pm - Abstracted all ORDER BY clauses in the DB abstraction layer - Show language flags on release lists on the homepage - Allow hiding of NSFW cover even if NSFW warning is disabled - Removed /g/debug - Replaced recursive stored procedures with WITH .. SELECT queries - Merged db[VN|Producer|Release][Edit|Add] into dbItemEdit and dbItemAdd - Removed the use of CONSTRAINT TRIGGERs - Added maxlength check on the website fields for releases and producers - Removed changes.causedby - Fixed minor JS dropdown issue when trigger objects are close to each other - Allow earlier selecting of release on screenshot upload - Fixed bug with zero strings ("0") in the diff viewer - Rewrote POE::Filter::VNDBAPI to be more generic - Highlight opened VN/producer in relation graphs - Added revision insertion abstraction functions in SQL - Determine interface language from Accept-Language header 2.9 - 2009-11-16 - Fixed another bug with the calculation of tags_vn_bayesian.spoiler - Implemented proper daemonizing and error handling for Multi - Added basic Makefile - Added public database API - Added [code] tag to bb2html() - Tweaked Multi's idlequote timings - Added :SUBSUB: macro to the doc pages - Allow NULL values for releases_rev.minage - Made age ratings and external VN link titles translatable - Added wikipedia link for producers - Added bayesian rating for VNs - Improved popularity sorting on VN list 2.8 - 2009-10-24 - Converted relation graphs to use inline SVG - Relation graphs now use the color scheme of selected skin - VN relations are translatable in both the interface and the graphs - Full date is displayed in graphs instead of only month/year - Converted to ENUM data type: - vn_relations.relation - anime.type - changes.type - releases_rev.type - releases_media.medium - New language: Hungarian - Complete rewrite of the Javascript code: - Intended to be less error prone, more maintainable, and easier to make 'XHTML compliant' in the future (currently still has some issues here). - Improved spoiler selection on /v+/tagmod - Everything merged into one file. - Optionally minified (using JavaScript::Minifier::XS) - Language strings are translatable - Information is automatically synchronised with data/global.pl - Changed language selector into a Javascript dropdown - Added producer role (developer/publisher) to releases - Display number of unread posts in "My messages" (instead of total threads) - Optimized dbUserGet (mostly for the user list) - All languages are listed on /r and /v/all instead of only those in use - Copy over search query when switching search type (htmlSearchBox) - Fixed obscure sorting bug on user VN list - Fixed calculation of tags_vn_bayesian.spoiler - Fixed bug with unhiding a producer entry - Set 'no spoilers' as default spoiler level for tags - Added Czech and Hungarian interface translation - Producer relations - Increased tag dropdown search results to 15 2.7 - 2009-09-24 - Improved styling of the threeboxes layout - Blacklist a users' votes from the VN vote statistics - usermods can browse a users' votes and list even when they are hidden - More sensible placing of the submit button on /v+/tagmod - Improved VN relations: - Removed: summary, full story - Added: same series, fandisc, original game - Renamed: same characters to shares characters - Merged: alternative setting into alternative version, and other into same series - Allow empty VN descriptions - New platforms: DOS, PC-98, Sega Saturn - Box titles on homepage are click-able - Russian translation of the interface - Random VN link in menu - Ignore some release fields when the patch status is checked - Batch edit downloadable trial releases to add freeware status - Remind the user to type English in several form fields - Full reply button in Quick reply box + larger textarea in post form - Removed visual-novels.net link from the interface - Fixed bug with excluding AVG(vote) < 0 VNs from tag pages - Allow media quantity up to 20 instead of 10 2.6 - 2009-08-09 - New screen resolutions: 1024x600 and 1600x1200 - Rewritten authentication system - New language: Vietnamese - Complete rewrite of Multi - Asynchronous communication with PostgreSQL - Got rid of the shared memory - No more $self->multiCmd in the VNDB code - Extended IRC bot functionality - Tag cache regenerated daily rather than hourly - Added OpenSearch plugin + autodetection - Converted font size units to px in the css - Added double-post prevention - Converted old categories to tags and removed last traces of the category system - Converted all date/time columns to timestamptz 2.5 - 2009-07-09 - Hide NSFW images in diff viewer (unless NSFW warnings are disabled) - Display related boards in recent posts tooltip op homepage - Added search box on user list - Proper support for multilingual releases - Copy-add release feature - Automatically fill out title & original title when adding a release - Separated VN search filters from search box - Tag filers on VN search - Posts browser on user pages - Keep track of the user who created a tag 2.4 - 2009-06-07 - Release search + browser + filters - Javascript date input - More release information: - Screen resolution - Voiced - Freeware/doujin - Animated - Show comparable CERO ratings on /r+/edit input field - Allow search queries with only one character - Removed category filter from /v/all - Added expand/collapse feature to the history browser - Added tabs on v/r/p/g search fields 2.3 - 2009-04-01 - No page reload needed when changing rlist status from vn page - Random VN quotes to the footer of every page - Fixed case-sensitivity for BBCode - Homepage shows platform icons for releases - Don't show deleted items on /u+ recent changes - Catalog number field to release entries - Aliases field to producers - Various small improvements to the BBcode - Various bugfixes - Experimental tagging system - Renamed thread tags to boards - Tiny skin fixes - Tagging system 2.2 - 2009-01-16 - Additional custom CSS field to user profile - Search dropdown calls the return function automatically on select - Revised the media list - Added a checkbox to releases to indicate a patch - VN popularity ranking - Limit account creation to one account in 24 hours per IP address - Fixed error message when uploading VN images larger than 500kB - Fixed 3 grammar mistakes related to singular/plural - Don't show hidden release relations on producer pages - Hide the vote dropdown on v+ pages when the VN is already on the wishlist - Don't search for the ADV category when searching for the Game Boy Advance - Keep VN relations on r+ pages ordered by title - VN search doesn't match on titles of older release revisions anymore - Don't forget to update the vn.c_* columns when hiding/unhiding a release - Fixed month display on VNBrowse - VN search also matches on original title field of the vn entry 2.1 - 2008-12-29 - Skin support - 'show all items' tab to large forms - Allow items to be selected using the mouse on the dropdown search - [spoiler] tag produces mouseover-style spoilers instead of ROT13 - Fixed tiny timezone-related bug - Re-added release list dropdown on VN pages - Added [quote] tag to bb2html - fixed URL parser in bb2html 2.0 - 2008-12-20 - New layout - Massive code rewrite: - Switched to YAWF - Removed template system - Split DB functions in several files - Converted absolute paths to be relative to the root directory - Database changes: - Added caching of edit and vote counts in users.c_votes and .c_changes - Split users.flags into users.show_nsfw and .show_list (boolean type) - Global statistics are cached in stats_cache - URL changes: - /p and /v don't work anymore, use /[pv]/all - /u/list/* -> /u/* and /u/list -> /u/all - Revert URL changed from /x99/edit?rev=1 to /x99.1/edit - /v+/stats and /v+/scr moved into /v+ - Functionality changes: - Ability to sort the userlist on vote and change counts - Added threads and posts counts to the global statistics - Improved diff calculation - Whitespace around input fields are removed - Automated edits filter to history browser - Number of threads is shown in the discussion tab for each item - Boardmods can edit threads without updating the last edited field - No more RSS feeds for changes (will be replaced with a notification system in the future) - Improved formsub interface - Improved VN relation editor interface - Voted/non-voted filter to user's VNLists - VNList status can only be changed from release pages - More stats + recent changes on user pages 1.23 - 2008-10-22 (r117) - Removed redirects for old revision URLs (the code wasn't very secure...) - Fixed bug when using unicode in the AJAX vn/producers/release search box - Added original title field to VN entries - Fixed incorrect quoting in producer select form - Improved display of original titles 1.22 - 2008-08-29 (r106) - Inverted vote graph - Relation graph image maps are now stored in the DB - Properly fixed the command synchronisation issues with Multi - Fixed display of wrong ID in the screenshot diff - Fixed bug with the infinite thumbnail generation message when the server doesn't respond within one second. - Rewrote VNDB::Util::DB::sqlprint to use server-side prepared statements - Added two new foreign key constraints: changes (causedby) -> changes (id) threads (id, count) -> threads_posts (tid, num) - Converted relation graphs to PNG - Added link between screenshots and releases 1.21 - 2008-08-16 (r90) - Added !vn and !uptime commands to Multi::IRC - Added realtime IRC notifications for actions on the site - Added screenshots to VNs - Rewrote Multi::Image - Renamed the 'anime check' command to 'anime' for consistency - Moved to PostgreSQL's boolean data type to store boolean data 1.20 - 2008-08-06 (r79) - Admins can change someone's username - Fixed the automatic relogin after changing password - Added lock indicator when browsing threads on a tag - Re-added the vote stats to VN pages - Searching for 'Chinese' doesn't select 'NES' - Place/time category order on VN pages is now consistent - Admins can delete users from the DB - Added small NSFW indication for users who have disabled the warning - Added noindex tag to iid-ttag browser - Replaced last poster with age of last post on home page - Added release list feature and removed the old VNList - Merged user vote list into the new release list (and removed 'hide my votes' option) - Merged Votes.pm into VNLists.pm - Auto-expand edit summary form when adding a release - Added wishlist 1.19 - 2008-07-08 (r62) - Integrated discussion board - Colored diff for alies field - 'ttabs' for user entries - Removed the rating system 1.18 - 2008-07-02 (r51) - Releases, producers and visual novel items can't be fully deleted anymore - Hidden vote and vnlist items from the 'recent' lists on VN stat pages for users who don't want that to be seen - Added warnings for empty edit summary and extreme votes - Changed earliest release date to 1980 - Added NES and MSX platforms - All revision numbers are now local to their item ID - Rewrote Multi's VNDBID matching 1.17 - 2008-06-21 (r33) - Added PS3 and Xbox 360 to platforms - Relation graph generation improvements: Unicode, anti-aliassing, async - Removed all passwords from the main code, and created a seperate config file to override all options - not available on SVN - Dynamic loading, several bugfixes, and code cleanup for Multi - Added 'School Life' and 'Protagonist' categories - Time and Place categories are now boolean - Added GTIN field to releases - Added links to encubed and renai.us 1.16 - 2008-05-22 - Release dates in the current year or month without a specified day will be considered as not yet released - Added platform and language icons to the VN browser - Grouped producers, user stats and general information on the VN page - Added language icons to producer browser - A little CSS cleanup - Grouped category browser and search into one advanced search - Updated sitemap generator - Pattern matching bug fixes in Multi::IRC, and better handling of commands - Added .xml extention to all RSS URLs 1.15 - 2008-05-04 - Relation graph now also updated on VN title change - Anime relations - [js] Position of the dropdown box is now relative to the link element - Used inline-block for icon image sprites (to avoid stupid float hacks) - Used icons to indicate the release status type on VN pages - Give a 'not logged in' dropdown edit box when the user isn't logged in - Fixed the redirects for old URLs - Designed a better system to handle documentation - Created a centralised system for site errors within the same layout - Wrote some more documentation - Multi::IRC now also handles d[0-9] IDs - Multi::Maintenance automatically rotates Multi's logs 1.14 - 2008-04-26 - Removed the ID gap prevention method - Moved static content to static.vndb.org (and rely on lighty for js/css compression) - relation graphs and cover images now get an ID instead of MD5-sum - Added Nintendo Wii to platforms - Added 'hidden' flag, which should now be used instead of the delete option - Fixed the ordering of nodes in the relation graphs - Used global.pl as the central location of the PgSQL login info - Wrote a daemon which handles several tasks: - Generation of relation graphs - Generation of the sitemap.xml.gz - The IRC bot - scaling/compressing of cover images - General maintenance - Fixed bug with categories not being re-selected after an error submitting a new VN - Relation graphs are now automatically updated when a change in a related release causes information in the graph to be outdated 1.13 - 2008-04-04 - Fixed update_prev - Split revision insert queries into a seperate function for code reuse - Fixed wiki links - Fixed search for VN's without releases - Fixed bug with accepting zero-padded VNDB ID's - Fixed bug with V-N.net link getting lost after reverse relation update - Added .xml extension to AJAX requests - Switched to ';' seperator instead of '&' for some URL's (=cleaner) - Added language filter to category browser - Stored release dates as integers and added NOT NULL constraint - Used a newline to seperate multiple relations on a VN page - Multi will get credits for a reverse relation edit - Going to an edit-page without logging in will redirect - Added rankings to the categories - Fixed automated relation graph updates - Added /nospam page - Changed vote treshold to 3 1.12 - 2008-03-09 - Color coded diffs - Added noindex on ?ref= pages - Added TBA to release dates - Possibility to change vote without revoking first - Added VN/ADV categories - Replaced the Release summary with Producers on VN pages - Added foreign key constrains 1.11 - 2008-02-29 - [bug] Home page layout got screwed up when line wrapping occurs - [bug] Multiple revisions got counted at the category browser - Added GBA platform - Added Gameplay and Plot categories - Added link to V-N.net review - Added vote count to the global statistics in the main menu - [hidden] Added language filter to category browser - Created user pages - Redirect to VN page if someone visits an rX page from google/yahoo - Added link to latest revision in the diff-browser - Renamed "comments" to "Personal note" at VN List 1.10 - 2008-02-09 - [bug] Long revision summaries incorrectly chopped - Added GD-ROM and Blu-ray disk to media - Platform icons will be kept in a consistent order - ?rev= pages now show information about the change + diffs + links to previous/next revisions - Removed diff and revert links on history pages - Added rel="nofollow" to edit links - Changed lowest selectable year at releases to 1990 - Use Bayesian ratings and added extra char to c_votes - A few small internal DB changes - Allowed [url]-tag in edit summary, and used same function to parse vn/p/r descriptions - Added line wrapping on long words at diff-viewer - VN search matches on release titles again - Added producer search - [bug] Releases in the future don't count as new language - Release dates in the future are now red - multiple vns for releases - Redirect to specific revision after editing - Redirect to the page you were at after logging in - Added "Other" status and "comments" field to VN lists 1.9 - 2008-02-01 - Redirect to VN when changing VN List status - [bug] All ages was not automatically selected - [bug] Description field ignored when adding or requesting edit of producer - Rewrote diff calculation - Added wildcard support to URI-mappings - Changed some URI's: /vn/* -> /v/* /u/_* -> /u/* /u/[username] -> /u[uid] - id-gaps for producers and releases are now also filled automatically - Switched producers name and romaji - Added visitor as rank for non-logged in visitors, and losers for banned users - Added history pages & feeds - Removed everything related to "pending changes" - Producers are lockable - Combined DBGetVN and DBGetVNs - Moved code for releases from VN.pm to Releases.pm - Denormalized vn_categories - Added "tabs" to visual novels, releases & producers - Made several changes to the visual novel page layout - Added mass-change/delete option to vnlists - Renamed vnr* to releases* - Fixed relation graphs generator to work with the new DB structure, and to delete graphs for VN's where the relation was deleted - Removed option to hide a user from the userlist - ResDenied will show the regiser-new-account-page - Usernames linkified at history and vn-stats pages - Added noindex tag on pages that include usernames - Swapped title <-> romaji for releases - Removed relation field and added type field for releases - Also allow [url]-bbcode tag for the notes field for releases and producers - [bug] Self-refering vn relations are not possible anymore - Wrote update_vncache as a plpgsql function - Updated homepage layout: added a few lists - Added filters to recent changes pages - Added platform icons to releases - Added user menu to vn pages - De-JS'ed the platform select form, used checkboxes instead - Updated FAQ 1.8 - 2007-12-05 - Added [url]-tag to vn description field - Changed category input to checkboxes - Used image sprites for category browser icons - Fixed bug with media-select-form - Fixed bug with pending producer changes showing up in the producer search - Added hack to exclude trial versions in the release dates - Removed audience category and added age rating field to releases - Fixed typo: "game hes either" -> "game has either" - Added Wikipedia & CISVisual link - Added small vertical padding between releases - Added length of visual novel - Renamed continues back to Sequel/Prequel 1.7 - 2007-11-25 - Bugfix: The visual novel itself is now also listed at the Pending Changes under the releases - Bugfix: Comments and Moderation subforms cannot be automatically hidden - Made release and vn-links in the edit-dropdown clickable, to edit all - Added "show all pending changes" option for moderators - Removed official (japanese) titles from producer list - Added description field for producers - Added a red asterisk for fields that are required - Combined 4 flag-columns in the users table to one - Added cronjob to delete unused relation graphs 1.6 - 2007-11-11 - vnr.released accepts NULL - vn.c_years renamed to vn.c_released, and only stores year+month of first release - Removed vn_releases.lastmod - Fixed CSS bug in releases layout - Renamed Sequel/Prequel to Continuation/continues... - Added relation graphs (/vX/rg) 1.5 - 2007-11-04 - Automatically hiding form parts is now done server-side - Release id's are hidden for not logged in visitors - Added cron job to compress images and remove Exif information - Possibility to add planned releases to 5 years in the future - Bugfix: When editing a VN that's waiting for moderation, the 'added' column won't be updated - Added NSFW-option to VN-images - Added small edit-dropdown when clicked on release-id - Pending changes tab for VN removed and contents moved to relations tab - Added Visual Novel Relations 1.4 - 2007-10-28 - 'Mina' category renamed to 'All Ages' - Added 'Clear selection' button to the category browser - New visual novels will get unused/lower ID's - Added notes-field to releases - Subforms can be dynamically hidden/shown - Bugfix: user stats will always stay under the votes at /vX/stats - Bugfix: syntax error in dyna.js in Opera - Combined all the add/edit/del-buttons into one menu - Changed VN page layout: description moved to relations page and categories have their own sub-item 1.3 - 2007-10-21 - Bugfix: checkbox at producer-search now works - VN ratings don't count of only one user has voted - Added VN list size and number of votes to user list - Added categories 'Drama' & 'Mystery' - Added exclude filters to the category browser - Added a few statistics to the right bottom of the page 1.2 - 2007-10-14 - Bugfix: vnr_producers rows weren't deleted when deleting a release - Added number of pending changes at "Pending changes" menu item - Long items (>30 chars) at the top 5's (right bottom) will be shortened - Added visual novel descriptions to the RSS feed - Bugfix: fixed msg when browsing votes of someone who hasn't voted yet - Bugfix: Voting now also works when viewing the vote stats of a VN - Added user VN lists - Added profile option to hide VN list - Changed 'votes' tab on VN page to 'stats' and added user stats. 1.1 - 2007-10-07 - Bugfix: you can now empty columns of the vn table - Japanese is automatically selected when adding a release or producer - User list has been made public - Possible to browse other people's votes - Added two options to "my account" to hide in user list and votes - Bugfix: username is now shown when accepting a producer - Bugfix: variable typo in tpl->pedit - Bugfix: c_*-update-function wasn't called correctly when changing/deleting releases - Bugfix: 'added' column in releases, vn and vnr is now updated at accepting - Added "Most Popular" vns to every page, and added "More..."-links. - Added RSS feed for recent additions - Changes visual novel page layout - Added vote graph + latest votes to the visual novel pages - Added compression on javascript files - Replaced relation-selection-box with an input field 1.0 - 2007-09-30 - First release