# The VNDB.org Source Code ## Quick and dirty setup using Docker Setup: ``` docker build -t vndb . ``` Run (will run on the foreground): ``` docker run -ti --name vndb -p 3000:3000 -v "`pwd`":/var/www --rm vndb ``` If you need another terminal into the container while it's running: ``` docker exec -ti vndb su -l devuser # development shell (files are at /var/www) docker exec -ti vndb psql -U vndb # postgres shell ``` To start Multi, the optional application server: ``` docker exec -ti vndb su -l devuser -c 'make -C /var/www multi-restart' ``` It will run in the background for as long as the container is alive. Logs are written to `data/log/multi.log`. The PostgreSQL database will be stored in `data/docker-pg/` and the uploaded files in `static/{ch,cv,sf,st}`. If you want to restart with a clean slate, you can stop the container and run: ``` # Might want to make a backup of these dirs first if you have any interesting data. rm -rf data/docker-pg static/{ch,cv,sf,st} ``` ## Requirements (when not using Docker) Global requirements: - Linux, or an OS that resembles Linux. Chances are VNDB won't run on Windows. - PostgreSQL 10 (older versions may work) - Perl 5.26+ - Elm 0.19 **Perl modules** (core modules are not listed): General: - Crypt::ScryptKDF - Crypt::URandom - DBD::Pg - DBI - Image::Magick - JSON::XS - PerlIO::gzip util/vndb.pl (the web backend): - Algorithm::Diff::XS - SQL::Interp - Text::MultiMarkdown - TUWF - HTTP::Server::Simple util/multi.pl (application server, optional): - AnyEvent - AnyEvent::HTTP - AnyEvent::IRC - AnyEvent::Pg - XML::Parser - graphviz (/usr/bin/dot is used by default) ## Manual setup - Make sure all the required dependencies (see above) are installed. Hint: See the Docker file for Ubuntu commands. For non-root setup: Use cpanm & local::lib. - Run the build system: ``` make ``` - Setup a PostgreSQL server and make sure you can login with some admin user - Initialize the VNDB database (assuming 'postgres' is a superuser): ``` # Create the database & roles psql -U postgres -f util/sql/superuser_init.sql # Set a password for each database role: echo "ALTER ROLE vndb LOGIN PASSWORD 'pwd1'" | psql -U postgres echo "ALTER ROLE vndb_site LOGIN PASSWORD 'pwd2'" | psql -U postgres echo "ALTER ROLE vndb_multi LOGIN PASSWORD 'pwd3'" | psql -U postgres # OPTION 1: Create an empty database: psql -U vndb -f util/sql/all.sql # OPTION 2: Import the development database (https://vndb.org/d8#3): curl -L https://dl.vndb.org/dump/vndb-dev-latest.tar.gz | tar -xzf- psql -U vndb -f dump.sql rm dump.sql ``` - Update `data/conf.pl` with the proper credentials for *vndb_site* and *vndb_multi*. - Now simply run: ``` util/vndb-dev-server.pl ``` - (Optional) To start Multi, the application server: ``` make multi-restart ``` # Rewrites, rewrites, rewrites The VNDB website is currently (like every project beyond a certain age) in a transitional state of rewrites. There are three "versions" and coding styles across this repository: **Version 2** This is the code that powers the actual website. It lives in `lib/VNDB/` and has `util/vndb.pl` as entry point. Front-end assets are in `data/js/`, `data/style.css`, `data/icons/`, `static/f/` and `static/s/`. **Version 2-rw** This is a (recently started) backend rewrite of version 2. It lives in `lib/VNWeb/` with Elm and Javascript code in `elm/`. Individual parts of the website are gradually being moved into this new coding style and structure. Version 2 and 2-rw run side-by-side in the same process and share a common route table and database connection, so the entry point is still `util/vndb.pl`. The primary goal of this rewrite is to make use of the clearer version 3 structure and to slowly migrate the brittle frontend Javascript parts to Elm and JSON APIs. **Version 3** This is (or was) an attempt at a full rewrite of the entire website, both backend and frontend. It lives in `lib/VN3/` and uses `util/vndb3.pl` as entry point. Its frontend assets live inside `css3/`, `elm3/` and `static/v3/`. Most of the ideas from version 3 will be gradually backported into version 2-rw. Version 3 also comes with a completely different and much better layout, which I hope will also be integrated in version 2-rw at some point. Version 3 is not actively maintained at this point and is more of a playground for the new layout. To run version 3 instead of 2: ``` # When not using Docker util/vndb-dev-server.pl 3 # Or when using Docker, start the container as follows: docker run -ti --name vndb -p 3000:3000 -v "`pwd`":/var/www --rm vndb /var/www/util/docker-init.sh 3 ``` **Non-rewrites** Some parts of this repository are not affected by these rewrites. These include the database structure, most of the scripts in `util/`, some common modules spread across `lib/` and Multi, which resides in `lib/Multi/`. That's not to say these are *final* or *stable*, but they're largely independent from the website code. # License GNU AGPL, see COPYING file for details.