package VNDB; # This file is used to override config options in # You can override anything you want. %O = ( %O, db_login => [ 'dbi:Pg:dbname=vndb', 'vndb_site', 'vndb_site' ], logfile => $ROOT.'/err.log', xml_pretty => 0, log_queries => 0, debug => 1, cookie_defaults => { domain => 'localhost', path => '/' }, mail_sendmail => 'log', ); %S = ( %S, url => 'http://localhost:3000', url_static => 'http://localhost:3000', form_salt => '', scrypt_salt => '', ); # Uncomment to enable certain features of Multi #$M{modules}{API} = {}; #$M{modules}{APIDump} = {}; #$M{modules}{IRC} = { # nick => 'MyVNDBBot', # server => '', # channels => [ '#vndb' ], # pass => '', # masters => [ 'yorhel!~Ayo@your.hell' ], #}; # Uncomment the compression method to use for the generated Javascript (or just leave as-is to disable compression) #$JSGEN{compress} = 'JavaScript::Minifier::XS'; #$JSGEN{compress} = "|/usr/bin/uglifyjs --compress --mangle"; # Uncomment to create pre-compressed css and js files using zopfli #$JSGEN{gzip} = $SKINGEN{gzip} = "/usr/bin/zopfli"; # Uncomment to generate an extra small icons.png # (note: using zopflipng or pngcrush with the slow option is *really* slow, but compresses awesomely) #$SPRITEGEN{crush} = '/usr/bin/pngcrush -q'; #$SPRITEGEN{crush} = '/usr/bin/zopflipng -m --lossy_transparent'; #$SPRITEGEN{slow} = 1;