:TITLE:Adding/Editing a Visual Novel :INC:index :SUB:When to add a visual novel

To be included in this database, a game needs to use the novel narrative consistently for telling its story. Examples include describing visuals, events, character actions or thoughts.

This storytelling needs to be uninterrupted* for a significant length and employing one of the known Visual Novel presentation methods such as ADV, NVL and their variations.
*Uninterrupted by gameplay sequences, not by choices or simple map movement.

Note: In some special cases, a game may be added even if it does not adhere to the above points. However, this is the decision of the moderators. Do not add a game yourself expecting it to be an exception to the above rules.
See also the list of special games.

:SUB:General info
Title (romaji)
The title should be based upon the title of the original release.
If the title uses the Latin alphabet, use our capitalisation guidelines.
Otherwise, romanise according to our guidelines.
Original title
If the name is officially under a different title (usually because of different character sets), put the original title here.
Visual novels can be known under several names, use this field to add any aliases and acronyms used around the net. Official titles of releases should not be added here, as these are already listed in the releases.
Short description of the main story.
Very rough estimate of the time required to finish all endings of the visual novel. To determine the length of a game, it's often better to ignore this time indication and instead compare it with other games you've played. It's all relative, after all.
External links
Links to external resources about this visual novel. To get the URLs, go to the sites (Wikipedia, Novelnews.net, Renai.us and Visual-novels.net), search for a page about the game, and determine the ID or name of that page to fill out in the text boxes. Do not specify the full URL, we only need a small part of it!
Related anime
Some visual novels (e.g. Clannad and Utawarerumono) have anime adaptions, and some visual novels were adapted from an anime series. Use this field to specify these related anime for the visual novel.
Anime should be specified using AniDB IDs. To add an anime, just search for it on AniDB and add the numeric ID of the entry (found in the aid=xxx part of the URL) to the edit field. Multiple IDs should be seperated with a whitespace.
If the visual novel already has a relation with an other visual novel, and both games have an anime adaption, the same anime does not have to be added to both games. For example, Da Capo has two anime adaptions (837, 2832), and Da Capo II as well. (5419, 5652) But the relations for Da Capo II do not have to be added to Da Capo and vice versa - the internal visual novel relations will take care of that.
After submitting a new AniDB ID, VNDB will automatically fetch information about the anime and will present that on the site. This action can take a few minutes to - in the worst case - hours. In that time you will see the ID of the anime, but not the title and links to AnimeNFO and Anime News Network. It is not possible to manually add this information, this will be fetched automatically!
:SUB:Staff & Cast

It's possible to link VN entries to staff entries in the staff and cast tabs.

In both tabs, staff aliases can be selected by searching for their romanized or original names. To match an exact name instead of performing a search, prefix the name with '='. If the name is not in the database yet, you need to add it first.


The staff tab lists the people or groups involved in the creation of the visual novel. The following roles can be used:

Character design
Vocals used in the music. Not to be used for voice actors of characters, these should be listed under cast instead.
Used for any additional minor roles, use the "notes" field to indicate the staff's involvement.

A few guidelines:


The cast tab lists the voice actors for each character. This tab is only available when characters have been linked to the visual novel.


Every visual novel should have an image, preferably one of the official cover art of one of the releases. In some cases, especially with doujin games, if there is no official cover art available, a general image from the game's homepage or a screenshot of the game itself could be used instead.
Images can be uploaded in JPEG or PNG format, and should not be larger than 5 MiB. All images larger than 256x400px will automatically be resized to fit on the page.

The NSFW warning should be used in cases where the cover art is not safe for work. To determine what is safe for work and what is not, use the following guidelines:

Even with these guidelines it may not always be easy to determine whether an image is safe or not. When in doubt, it's often best to go for NSFW.


Visual novel relations can be used to indicate what games are related to each other.
When adding a relation, the reverse relation will automatically be added to the other visual novel. E.g. if you add game x as a sequel to game y, then game y will automatically be added as a prequel to game x. You do not have to edit both games.
Only specify direct relations. If one game 1 is listed to have a relation with game 2, and game 2 has a relation with game 3, then game 3 does not have to be added as a relation to game 1. This may sound a bit confusing at first, but you will understand when you look at the relation graphs. When editing relations, always try to think about the relations between all related games - as shown in the graph - instead of only looking at the specific visual novel you're editing.
The "official" checkbox can be used to indicate whether relation is an official one or not. A relation is official if both games were published by the same brand, or at least the publisher of the earlier game has given persmission to create the later game. In general: fandiscs and games of the same series are official, while fan fiction is not.
There is a static list of relations to choose from (as described below). As with many things, the relations between games can in reality be more complex than these options could describe. Simply choose the option you think is closest to describing the actual relation when you're not sure which one to choose.

Continuation of the story. <=>Prequel.
The story happens before the original story.<=>Sequel.
Same setting
Same universe, world, reality and timeline, but completely different characters. The definition of "setting" is not always easy to define, but usually it means that if places or items not existing in the real world described in one game also exist in the other game, you could use this relation.
Alternative version
Same setting, same characters, but the story is told differently.
Shares characters
Different story, but shares some characters.
Side story
The story takes place sometime during the parent storyline. <=>Parent story
Parent story
Opposite of Side story.
Same series
The games are part of the same series.
Original game
The opposite of fandisc.
:SUB:Screenshots Each visual novel entry can have at most 10 screenshots. Screenshots can be uploaded in JPEG and PNG format. The uploaded screenshots are strictly moderated to follow the guidelines listed below. It is highly recommended to follow our instructions on creating good screenshots if you don't want your efforts to go to waste.