:TITLE:Adding/Editing a Producer :INC:index :SUB:When to add a producer

A producer entry should be created when adding a release of a visual novel made by a producer not yet listed in the database. Producers that don't have any releases listed in the database may be deleted after a while, so only create an entry if you're going to link it to a release. For a producer to be listed, they're required to have at least released one completed product. Which means that for translation projects, only add the group as a producer when they've actually finished a project.

:SUB:General info
The type of producer.
Name (romaji)
The name of the producer in the Latin alphabet, using romanisation in case the original name isn't in the Latin alphabet already. Capitalization is also important for this field.
Original name
If the Name (above) has been romanised, make sure to mention the original (most likely the Japanese) name here.
Primary language
The language the the producer works in most of the time. By default, it is Japanese.
Official homepage of the producer.
A history of the producer, or a description of what type of games they make.