:TITLE:Discussion board :INC:index :SUB:Introduction

VNDB has a nicely integrated discussion board which can be used for, well, discussions. As we're not using any popular and freely available forum software and have instead written something by ourselves, this discussion board has a few slight differences with the popular boards you're used to.


To make sure interested people can find your post, all threads have 'tags' that define what the discussion is about. It's possible to add more than one tag to a thread. The following tags can be used:

VNDB Discussions. This is a general tag for threads not about any specific entry in the database.
For discussions about a particular visual novel. The tag v17, for example, is used for all threads related to v17.
Same as v#, but for producers.
The u# tag can be used to notify a user on this site about something he/she must see or to discuss about an edit he/she has made. This is similar to the 'private message' feature of most sites, except it's not 'private'...
Used for site announcements. Limited to moderators.

The following codes can be used to format your message:

X# or X#.#
A 'VNDBID', as we call them. These are numbers starting with a character (d, p, r, u or v), and are optionally followed by a period and a second number. VNDBIDs will automatically be converted into links to the page on the website. For example, typing 'v4.4' will result in 'v4.4'.
Any URL (without the use of the [url]-tag, see below) will be converted into a link, similar to the VNDBIDs. Example: 'http://vndb.org/' will be formatted as 'link'.
The classic BBCode [url]-tag. Can only be used in the form of [url=link]link title[/url].
E.g. '[url=/v]List of visual novels[/url] and [url=http://blicky.net/]some external website[/url]' will be displayed as 'List of visual novels and some external website'
The [spoiler]-tag should be used to hide information that could spoil the enjoyment of playing the visual novel for people who haven't done so yet.
When quoting other people, put the quoted message inside a [quote] .. [/quote] block. Please note that the popular [quote=source]-syntax doesn't work on VNDB. (yet)
Show off your formatting code skills by putting anything you don't want to have formatted in a [raw] tag. Any of the formatting codes mentioned above are ignored within a [raw] .. [/raw] block.

There is no [img]-tag and there won't likely ever be one, if you want to include screenshots or other images, please upload them to an external hosting service (e.g. TinyPic) and link to them in your post.