package VNDB; our(%O, %S, $ROOT); # options for YAWF our %O = ( db_login => [ 'dbi:Pg:dbname=vndb', 'vndb', 'passwd' ], debug => 1, logfile => $ROOT.'/data/log/vndb.log', cookie_prefix => 'vndb_', cookie_defaults => { domain => '', path => '/', }, ); # VNDB-specific options (object_data) our %S = (%S, version => `cd $VNDB::ROOT; git describe` =~ /^(.+)$/ && $1, url => '', url_static => '', skin_default => 'angel', global_salt => 'any-private-string-here', form_salt => 'a-different-private-string-here', regen_static => 0, source_url => '', admin_email => '', scr_size => [ 136, 102 ], # w*h of screenshot thumbnails ch_size => [ 256, 300 ], # max. w*h of char images cv_size => [ 256, 400 ], # max. w*h of cover images # bit flags permissions => {qw| board 1 boardmod 2 edit 4 charedit 8 tag 16 dbmod 32 tagmod 64 usermod 128 affiliate 256 |}, languages => [qw|cs da de en es fi fr hu it ja ko nl no pl pt-br pt-pt ru sk sv tr vi zh|], producer_types => [qw|co in ng|], discussion_boards => [qw|an db ge v p u|], # <- note that some properties of these boards are hard-coded vn_lengths => [ 0..5 ], anime_types => [qw|tv ova mov oth web spe mv|], vn_relations => { # id => [ order, reverse ] seq => [ 0, 'preq' ], preq => [ 1, 'seq' ], set => [ 2, 'set' ], alt => [ 3, 'alt' ], char => [ 4, 'char' ], side => [ 5, 'par' ], par => [ 6, 'side' ], ser => [ 7, 'ser' ], fan => [ 8, 'orig' ], orig => [ 9, 'fan' ], }, prod_relations => { 'old' => [ 0, 'new' ], 'new' => [ 1, 'old' ], 'spa' => [ 2, 'ori' ], 'ori' => [ 3, 'spa' ], 'sub' => [ 4, 'par' ], 'par' => [ 5, 'sub' ], 'imp' => [ 6, 'ipa' ], 'ipa' => [ 7, 'imp' ], }, age_ratings => [-1, 0, 6..18], release_types => [qw|complete partial trial|], platforms => [qw|win dos lin mac ios dvd gba msx nds nes p98 psp ps1 ps2 ps3 drc sat sfc wii xb3 oth|], media => { #DB qty? cd => 1, dvd => 1, gdr => 1, blr => 1, flp => 1, mrt => 1, mem => 1, umd => 1, nod => 1, in => 0, otc => 0 }, resolutions => [ [ '_scrres_unknown', '' ], [ '_scrres_nonstandard', '' ], [ '640x480', '4:3' ], [ '800x600', '4:3' ], [ '1024x768', '4:3' ], [ '1600x1200', '4:3' ], [ '640x400', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1024x576', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1024x600', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1024x640', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1280x720', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1280x800', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1920x1080', '_scrres_ws' ], ], tag_categories => [ qw|cont ero tech| ], voiced => [ 0..4 ], animated => [ 0..4 ], wishlist_status => [ 0..3 ], rlist_status => [ 0..4 ], # 2 = hardcoded 'OK' vnlist_status => [ 0..4 ], blood_types => [qw| unknown a b ab o |], genders => [qw| unknown m f b |], char_roles => [qw| main primary side appears |], atom_feeds => { # num_entries, title, id announcements => [ 10, 'VNDB Site Announcements', '/t/an' ], changes => [ 25, 'VNDB Recent Changes', '/hist' ], posts => [ 25, 'VNDB Recent Posts', '/t' ], }, ); # Multi-specific options (Multi also uses some options in %S and %O) our %M = ( log_dir => $ROOT.'/data/log', modules => { #API => {}, # disabled by default, not really needed Feed => {}, RG => {}, Image => {}, #Anime => {}, # disabled by default, requires AniDB username/pass Maintenance => {}, #IRC => {}, # disabled by default, no need to run an IRC bot when debugging }, ); # allow the settings to be overwritten in require $ROOT.'/data/' if -f $ROOT.'/data/'; 1;