package VNDB; # options for TUWF our %O = ( db_login => [ 'dbi:Pg:dbname=vndb', 'vndb', 'passwd' ], debug => 1, logfile => $ROOT.'/data/log/vndb.log', cookie_prefix => 'vndb_', cookie_defaults => { domain => '', path => '/', }, ); # VNDB-specific options (object_data) our %S; %S = (%S, version => `cd $VNDB::ROOT; git describe` =~ /^(.+)$/ && $1, url => '', # Only used by Multi, web pages infer their own address url_static => '', skin_default => 'angel', global_salt => 'any-private-string-here', form_salt => 'a-different-private-string-here', scrypt_args => [ 65536, 8, 1 ], # N, r, p scrypt_salt => 'another-random-string', regen_static => 0, source_url => '', admin_email => '', login_throttle => [ 24*3600/10, 24*3600 ], # interval between attempts, max burst (10 a day) scr_size => [ 136, 102 ], # w*h of screenshot thumbnails ch_size => [ 256, 300 ], # max. w*h of char images cv_size => [ 256, 400 ], # max. w*h of cover images # bit flags (Flag 8 was used for staffedit, now free to re-use) permissions => {qw| board 1 boardmod 2 edit 4 tag 16 dbmod 32 tagmod 64 usermod 128 affiliate 256 |}, default_perm => 1+4+16, # Keep synchronised with the default value of users.perm default_tags_cat=> 'cont,tech', languages => [qw|ar ca cs da de en es fi fr he hu id it ja ko nl no pl pt-br pt-pt ro ru sk sv tr uk vi zh|], producer_types => [qw|co in ng|], discussion_boards => [qw|an db ge v p u|], # <- note that some properties of these boards are hard-coded vn_lengths => [ 0..5 ], anime_types => [qw|tv ova mov oth web spe mv|], board_edit_time => 7*24*3600, vn_relations => { # id => [ order, reverse ] seq => [ 0, 'preq' ], preq => [ 1, 'seq' ], set => [ 2, 'set' ], alt => [ 3, 'alt' ], char => [ 4, 'char' ], side => [ 5, 'par' ], par => [ 6, 'side' ], ser => [ 7, 'ser' ], fan => [ 8, 'orig' ], orig => [ 9, 'fan' ], }, prod_relations => { 'old' => [ 0, 'new' ], 'new' => [ 1, 'old' ], 'spa' => [ 2, 'ori' ], 'ori' => [ 3, 'spa' ], 'sub' => [ 4, 'par' ], 'par' => [ 5, 'sub' ], 'imp' => [ 6, 'ipa' ], 'ipa' => [ 7, 'imp' ], }, age_ratings => [-1, 0, 6..18], release_types => [qw|complete partial trial|], # The 'unk' platform and medium are reserved for "unknown". platforms => [qw|win dos lin mac ios and dvd bdp fmt gba gbc msx nds nes p88 p98 pce pcf psp ps1 ps2 ps3 ps4 psv drc sat sfc wii n3d x68 xb1 xb3 xbo web oth|], media => { #DB qty? cd => 1, dvd => 1, gdr => 1, blr => 1, flp => 1, mrt => 1, mem => 1, umd => 1, nod => 1, in => 0, otc => 0 }, resolutions => [ [ '_scrres_unknown', '' ], [ '_scrres_nonstandard', '' ], [ '640x480', '4:3' ], [ '800x600', '4:3' ], [ '1024x768', '4:3' ], [ '1280x960', '4:3' ], [ '1600x1200', '4:3' ], [ '640x400', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '960x600', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1024x576', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1024x600', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1024x640', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1280x720', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1280x800', '_scrres_ws' ], [ '1920x1080', '_scrres_ws' ], ], tag_categories => [ qw|cont ero tech| ], voiced => [ 0..4 ], animated => [ 0..4 ], wishlist_status => [ 0..3 ], rlist_status => [ 0..4 ], # 0 = hardcoded "unknown", 2 = hardcoded 'OK'. List must not have gaps vnlist_status => [ 0..4 ], blood_types => [qw| unknown o a b ab |], genders => [qw| unknown m f b |], char_roles => [qw| main primary side appears |], atom_feeds => { # num_entries, title, id announcements => [ 10, 'VNDB Site Announcements', '/t/an' ], changes => [ 25, 'VNDB Recent Changes', '/hist' ], posts => [ 25, 'VNDB Recent Posts', '/t' ], }, staff_roles => [qw|scenario chardesign art music songs director staff|], ); # Multi-specific options (Multi also uses some options in %S and %O) our %M = ( log_dir => $ROOT.'/data/log', log_level => 'trace', modules => { #API => {}, # disabled by default, not really needed #APIDump => {}, Feed => {}, RG => {}, #Anime => {}, # disabled by default, requires AniDB username/pass Maintenance => {}, #IRC => {}, # disabled by default, no need to run an IRC bot when debugging }, ); # Options for our %JSGEN = ( compress => undef, ); # Options for our %SPRITEGEN = ( slow => 0, pngcrush => undef, ); # allow the settings to be overwritten in require $ROOT.'/data/' if -f $ROOT.'/data/'; 1;