/* Filter box definition: * [ , * [ <category_name>, * [ <fieldcode>, <fieldname>, <fieldcontents>, <fieldreadfunc>, <fieldwritefunc>, <fieldshowfunc> ], .. * ], .. * ] * Where: * <title> human-readable title of the filter box * <category_name> human-readable name of the category. ignored if there's only one category * <fieldcode> code of this field, refers to the <field> in the filter format. Empty string for just a <tr> * <fieldname> human-readanle name of the field. Empty to not display a label. Space for always-enabled items (without checkbox) * <fieldcontents> tag() object, or an array of tag() objects * <fieldreadfunc> function reference. argument: <fieldcontents>; must return data to be used in the filter format * <fieldwritefunc> function reference, argument: <fieldcontents>, data from filter format; must update the contents with the passed data * <fieldshowfunc> function reference, argument: <fieldcontents>, called when the field is displayed * * Filter string format: * <field>-<value1>~<value2>.<field2>-<value>.<field3>-<value1>~<value2> * Where: * <field> = [a-z0-9]+ * <value> = [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ and any UTF-8 characters not in the ASCII range * Escaping of the <value>: * "_<two-number-code>" * Where <two-number-code> is the decimal index to the following array: * _ <space> ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~ * For boolean fields, the <value> is either 0 or 1. */ var fil_escape = "_ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~".split(''); var fil_objs = []; function getObj(obj) { while(!obj.fil_fields) obj = obj.parentNode; return obj; } function filLoad(lnk, serobj) { var type = lnk.href.match(/#r$/) ? 'r' : lnk.href.match(/#c$/) ? 'c' : lnk.href.match(/#s$/) ? 's' : 'v'; var l = {r: filReleases, c: filChars, s: filStaff, v: filVN}[type](); var fields = {}; var cats = []; var p = tag('p', {'class':'browseopts'}); var c = tag('div', null); var idx = 0; for(var i=1; i<l.length; i++) { if(!l[i]) continue; // category link var a = tag('a', { href: '#', onclick: selectCat, fil_onshow:[] }, l[i][0]); cats.push(a); p.appendChild(a); p.appendChild(tag(' ')); // category contents var t = tag('table', {'class':'formtable hidden', fil_a: a}, null); a.fil_t = t; for(var j=1; j<l[i].length; j++) { var fd = l[i][j]; var lab = typeof fd[1] == 'object' ? fd[1][0] : fd[1]; var name = 'fil_check_'+type+'_'+fd[0]; var f = tag('tr', {'class':'newfield', fil_code: fd[0], fil_readfunc: fd[3], fil_writefunc: fd[4]}, // Checkbox fd[0] ? tag('td', {'class':'check'}, tag('input', {type:'checkbox', id:name, name:name, 'class': 'enabled_check'+(fd[1]==' '?' hidden':''), onclick: selectField })) : tag('td', null), // Label fd[1] ? tag('td', {'class':'label'}, tag('label', {'for':name}, lab), typeof fd[1] == 'object' ? tag('b', fd[1][1]) : null ) : null, // Contents tag('td', {'class':'cont' }, fd[2])); if(fd[0]) fields[fd[0]] = f; if(fd[5]) a.fil_onshow.push([ fd[5], fd[2] ]); t.appendChild(f); } c.appendChild(t); idx++; } var savenote = tag('p', {'class':'hidden'}, '') var obj = tag('div', { 'class': 'fil_div hidden', fil_fields: fields, fil_cats: cats, fil_savenote: savenote, fil_serobj: serobj, fil_lnk: lnk, fil_type: type }, tag('a', {href:'#', onclick:show, 'class':'close'}, 'close'), tag('h3', l[0]), p, tag('b', {'class':'ruler'}, null), c, tag('b', {'class':'ruler'}, null), tag('input', {type:'button', 'class':'submit', value: 'Apply', onclick:function () { var f = serobj; while(f.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form') f = f.parentNode; f.submit(); }}), tag('input', {type:'button', 'class':'submit', value: 'Reset', onclick:function () { serobj.value = ''; deSerialize(obj) } }), byId('pref_code') && lnk.id != 'rfilselect' ? tag('input', {type:'button', 'class':'submit', value: 'Save as default', onclick:saveDefault }) : null, savenote ); lnk.fil_obj = obj; lnk.onclick = show; addBody(obj); fil_objs.push(obj); deSerialize(obj); selectCat(obj.fil_cats[0]); } function saveDefault() { var but = this; var obj = getObj(this); var note = obj.fil_savenote; setText(note, 'Loading...'); but.enabled = false; setClass(note, 'hidden', false); var type = obj.fil_type == 'r' ? 'release' : 'vn'; ajax('/xml/prefs.xml?formcode='+byId('pref_code').title+';key=filter_'+type+';value='+obj.fil_serobj.value, function (hr) { setText(note, 'Your saved filters will be applied automatically to several other parts of the site as well, such as the homepage.'+ ' To change these filters, come back to this page and use the "Save as default" button again.'+ ' To remove your saved filters, hit "Reset" and then save.'); but.enable = true; }); } function selectCat(n) { var lnk = n.fil_onshow ? n : this; var obj = getObj(lnk); setClass(obj.fil_savenote, 'hidden', true); for(var i=0; i<obj.fil_cats.length; i++) { var n = obj.fil_cats[i]; setClass(n, 'optselected', n == lnk); setClass(n.fil_t, 'hidden', n != lnk); } for(var i=0; i<lnk.fil_onshow.length; i++) lnk.fil_onshow[i][0](lnk.fil_onshow[i][1]); return false } function selectField(f) { if(!f.parentNode) f = this; setClass(getObj(f).fil_savenote, 'hidden', true); // update checkbox and label var o = f; while(o.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'tr') o = o.parentNode; var c = byClass(o, 'enabled_check')[0]; if(c != f) c.checked = true; if(hasClass(c, 'hidden')) // When there's no label (e.g. tagspoil selector) c.checked = true; var l = byName(o, 'label')[0]; if(l) setClass(l, 'active', c.checked); // update category link while(o.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'table') o = o.parentNode; var l = byName(o, 'tr'); var n=0; for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++) { var ch = byClass(l[i], 'enabled_check')[0]; if(ch && !hasClass(ch, 'hidden') && ch.checked) n++; } setClass(o.fil_a, 'active', n>0); // serialize serialize(getObj(o)); return true; } function escapeVal(val) { var r = []; for(var h=0; h<val.length; h++) { var vs = (''+val[h]).split(''); r[h] = ''; // this isn't a very fast escaping method, blame JavaScript for inflexible search/replace support for(var i=0; i<vs.length; i++) { for(var j=0; j<fil_escape.length; j++) if(vs[i] == fil_escape[j]) break; r[h] += j == fil_escape.length ? vs[i] : '_'+(j<10?'0'+j:j); } } return r[0] == '' ? '' : r.join('~'); } function serialize(obj) { if(!obj.fil_fields) obj = getObj(this); var num = 0; var values = {}; for(var f in obj.fil_fields) { var fo = obj.fil_fields[f]; var ch = byClass(fo, 'enabled_check')[0]; if(!ch || !ch.checked) continue; if(!hasClass(ch, 'hidden')) num++; var v = escapeVal(fo.fil_readfunc(byClass(fo, 'cont')[0].childNodes[0])); if(v != '') values[fo.fil_code] = v; } if(!values['tag_inc'] && !values['trait_inc']) delete values['tagspoil']; var l = []; for(var f in values) l.push(f+'-'+values[f]); obj.fil_serobj.value = l.join('.'); setText(byName(obj.fil_lnk, 'i')[1], num > 0 ? ' ('+num+')' : ''); } function deSerialize(obj) { var d = obj.fil_serobj.value; var fs = d.split('.'); var f = {}; for(var i=0; i<fs.length; i++) { var v = fs[i].split('-'); if(obj.fil_fields[v[0]]) f[v[0]] = v[1]; } for(var fn in obj.fil_fields) if(!f[fn]) f[fn] = ''; for(var fn in f) { var c = byClass(obj.fil_fields[fn], 'enabled_check')[0]; if(!c) continue; c.checked = f[fn] != ''; var v = f[fn].split('~'); for(var i=0; i<v.length; i++) v[i] = v[i].replace(/_([0-9]{2})/g, function (a, e) { return fil_escape[Math.floor(e)] }); obj.fil_fields[fn].fil_writefunc(byClass(obj.fil_fields[fn], 'cont')[0].childNodes[0], v); // not very efficient: selectField() does a lot of things that can be // batched after all fields have been updated, and in some cases the // writefunc() triggers the same selectField() as well selectField(c); } } function show() { var obj = this.fil_obj || getObj(this); // Hide other filter objects for(var i=0; i<fil_objs.length; i++) if(fil_objs[i] != obj) { setClass(fil_objs[i], 'hidden', true); setText(byName(fil_objs[i].fil_lnk, 'i')[0], collapsed_icon); } var hid = !hasClass(obj, 'hidden'); setClass(obj, 'hidden', hid); setText(byName(obj.fil_lnk, 'i')[0], hid ? collapsed_icon : expanded_icon); setClass(obj.fil_savenote, 'hidden', true); var o = obj.fil_lnk; ddx = ddy = 0; do { ddx += o.offsetLeft; ddy += o.offsetTop; } while(o = o.offsetParent); ddy += obj.fil_lnk.offsetHeight+2; ddx += (obj.fil_lnk.offsetWidth-obj.offsetWidth)/2; obj.style.left = ddx+'px'; obj.style.top = ddy+'px'; return false; } var curSlider = null; function filFSlider(c, n, min, max, def, unit) { var bw = 200; var pw = 1; // slidebar width and pointer width var s = tag('p', {fil_val:def, 'class':'slider'}); var b = tag('div', {style:'width:'+(bw-2)+'px;', s:s}); var p = tag('div', {style:'width:'+pw+'px;', s:s}); var v = tag('span', def+' '+unit); s.appendChild(b); b.appendChild(p); s.appendChild(v); var set = function (e, v) { var w = bw-pw-6; var s,x; if(v) { s = e; x = v[0] == '' ? def : parseInt(v[0]); x = (x-min)*w/(max-min); } else { s = curSlider; if(!e) e = window.event; x = (!e) ? (def-min)*w/(max-min) : (e.pageX || e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft)-5; var o = s.childNodes[0]; while(o.offsetParent) { x -= o.offsetLeft; o = o.offsetParent; } } if(x<0) x = 0; if(x>w) x = w; s.fil_val = min + Math.floor(x*(max-min)/w); s.childNodes[1].innerHTML = s.fil_val+' '+unit; s.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].style.left = x+'px'; return false; } b.onmousedown = p.onmousedown = function (e) { curSlider = this.s; if(!curSlider.oldmousemove) curSlider.oldmousemove = document.onmousemove; if(!curSlider.oldmouseup) curSlider.oldmouseup = document.onmouseup; document.onmouseup = function () { document.onmousemove = curSlider.oldmousemove; curSlider.oldmousemove = null; document.onmouseup = curSlider.oldmouseup; curSlider.oldmouseup = null; selectField(curSlider); return false; } document.onmousemove = set; return set(e); } return [c, n, s, function (c) { return [ c.fil_val ]; }, set ]; } function filFSelect(c, n, lines, opts) { var s = tag('select', {onfocus: selectField, onchange: serialize, multiple: lines > 1, size: lines}); for(var i=0; i<opts.length; i++) { if(typeof opts[i][1] != 'object') s.appendChild(tag('option', {name: opts[i][0]}, opts[i][1])); else { var g = tag('optgroup', {label: opts[i][0]}); for(var j=1; j<opts[i].length; j++) g.appendChild(tag('option', {name: opts[i][j][0]}, opts[i][j][1])); s.appendChild(g); } } return [ c, lines > 1 ? [ n, 'Boolean or, selecting more gives more results' ] : n, s, function (c) { var l = []; for(var i=0; i<c.options.length; i++) if(c.options[i].selected) l.push(c.options[i].name); return l; }, function (c, f) { for(var i=0; i<c.options.length; i++) { for(var j=0; j<f.length; j++) if(c.options[i].name+'' == f[j]+'') // beware of JS logic: 0 == '', but '0' != '' break; c.options[i].selected = j != f.length; } } ]; } function filFOptions(c, n, opts) { var p = tag('p', {'class':'opts', fil_val:opts[0][0]}); var sel = function (e) { var o = typeof e == 'string' ? e : this.fil_n; var l = byName(p, 'a'); for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++) setClass(l[i], 'tsel', l[i].fil_n+'' == o+''); p.fil_val = o; if(typeof e != 'string') selectField(p); return false }; for(var i=0; i<opts.length; i++) { p.appendChild(tag('a', {href:'#', fil_n: opts[i][0], onclick:sel}, opts[i][1])); if(i<opts.length-1) p.appendChild(tag('b', '|')); } return [ c, n, p, function (c) { return [ c.fil_val ] }, function (c, v) { sel(v[0]) } ]; } function filFTagInput(name, label, type) { var src = type=='tag' ? '/xml/tags.xml' : '/xml/traits.xml'; var visible = false; var addtag = function(ul, id, name, group) { ul.appendChild( tag('li', { fil_id: id }, type=='trait' && group ? tag('b', {'class':'grayedout'}, group+' / ') : null, type=='tag' ? tag('a', {href:'/g'+id}, name||'g'+id) : tag('a', {href:'/i'+id}, name||'i'+id), ' (', tag('a', {href:'#', onclick:function () { // a -> li -> ul -> div var ul = this.parentNode.parentNode; ul.removeChild(this.parentNode); selectField(ul.parentNode); return false } }, 'remove'), ')' )); } var fetch = function(c) { var v = c.fil_val; var ul = byName(c, 'ul')[0]; var txt = byName(c, 'input')[0]; if(v == null) return; if(!v[0]) { setText(ul, ''); txt.disabled = false; txt.value = ''; return; } if(!visible) setText(ul, ''); var q = []; for(var i=0; i<v.length; i++) { q.push('id='+v[i]); if(!visible) addtag(ul, v[i]); } txt.value = 'Loading...'; txt.disabled = true; if(visible) ajax(src+'?'+q.join(';'), function (hr) { var items = hr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('item'); setText(ul, ''); for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++) addtag(ul, items[i].getAttribute('id'), items[i].firstChild.nodeValue, items[i].getAttribute('groupname')); txt.value = ''; txt.disabled = false; c.fil_val = null; }, 1); }; var input = tag('input', {type:'text', 'class':'text', style:'width:300px', onfocus:selectField}); var list = tag('ul', null); dsInit(input, src+'?q=', function(item, tr) { var g = item.getAttribute('groupname'); tr.appendChild(tag('td', type=='trait' && g ? tag('b', {'class':'grayedout'}, g+' / ') : null, shorten(item.firstChild.nodeValue, 40), item.getAttribute('meta') == 'yes' ? tag('b', {'class': 'grayedout'}, ' meta') : null, item.getAttribute('state') == 0 ? tag('b', {'class': 'grayedout'}, ' awaiting moderation') : null )); }, function(item, obj) { if(item.getAttribute('meta') == 'yes') alert('Can\'t use meta '+type+'s here!'); else { addtag(byName(obj.parentNode, 'ul')[0], item.getAttribute('id'), item.firstChild.nodeValue, item.getAttribute('groupname')); selectField(obj); } return ''; }, function(o) { selectField(o) } ); return [ name, label, tag('div', list, input), function(c) { var v = []; var l = byName(c, 'li'); for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++) v.push(l[i].fil_id); return v; }, function(c,v) { c.fil_val = v; fetch(c) }, function(c) { visible = true; fetch(c); } ]; } function filChars() { var ontraitpage = location.pathname.indexOf('/c/') < 0; return [ 'Character filters', [ 'General', filFSelect('gender', 'Gender', 4, VARS.genders), filFSelect('bloodt', 'Blood type', 5, VARS.blood_types), '', filFSlider('bust_min', 'Bust min', 20, 120, 40, 'cm'), filFSlider('bust_max', 'Bust max', 20, 120, 100, 'cm'), filFSlider('waist_min', 'Waist min', 20, 120, 40, 'cm'), filFSlider('waist_max', 'Waist max', 20, 120, 100, 'cm'), filFSlider('hip_min', 'Hips min', 20, 120, 40, 'cm'), filFSlider('hip_max', 'Hips max', 20, 120, 100, 'cm'), '', filFSlider('height_min', 'Height min', 0, 300, 60, 'cm'), filFSlider('height_max', 'Height max', 0, 300, 240, 'cm'), filFSlider('weight_min', 'Weight min', 0, 400, 80, 'kg'), filFSlider('weight_max', 'Weight max', 0, 400, 320, 'kg'), ], ontraitpage ? [ 'Traits', [ '', ' ', tag('Additional trait filters are not available on this page. Use the character browser instead (available from the main menu -> characters).') ], ] : [ 'Traits', [ '', ' ', tag('Boolean and, selecting more gives less results') ], filFTagInput('trait_inc', 'Traits to include', 'trait'), filFTagInput('trait_exc', 'Traits to exclude', 'trait'), filFOptions('tagspoil', ' ', [[0, 'Hide spoilers'],[1, 'Show minor spoilers'],[2, 'Spoil me!']]), ], [ 'Roles', filFSelect('role', 'Roles', 4, VARS.char_roles) ] ]; } function filReleases() { var plat = VARS.platforms; plat.splice(0, 0, [ 'unk', 'Unknown' ]); var med = VARS.media; med.splice(0, 0, [ 'unk', 'Unknown' ]); return [ 'Release filters', [ 'General', filFOptions('type', 'Release type', VARS.release_types), filFOptions('patch', 'Patch status', [ [1, 'Patch'], [0, 'Standalone'] ]), filFOptions('freeware', 'Freeware', [ [1, 'Only freeware'], [0, 'Only non-free releases'] ]), filFOptions('doujin', 'Doujin', [ [1, 'Only doujin releases'], [0, 'Only commercial releases'] ]), [ 'date_after', 'Released after', dateLoad(null, selectField), function (c) { return [c.date_val] }, function(o,v) { o.dateSet(v) } ], [ 'date_before', 'Released before', dateLoad(null, selectField), function (c) { return [c.date_val] }, function(o,v) { o.dateSet(v) } ], filFOptions('released', 'Release date', [ [1, 'Past (already released)'], [0, 'Future (to be released)'] ]) ], [ 'Age rating', filFSelect('minage', 'Age rating', 15, VARS.age_ratings) ], [ 'Language', filFSelect('lang', 'Language', 20, VARS.languages) ], byId('rfilselect') ? null : [ 'Original language', filFSelect('olang', 'Original language', 20, VARS.languages) ], [ 'Screen resolution', filFSelect('resolution', 'Screen resolution', 15, VARS.resolutions) ], [ 'Platform', filFSelect('plat', 'Platform', 20, plat) ], [ 'Misc', filFSelect('med', 'Medium', 10, med), filFSelect('voiced', 'Voiced', 5, VARS.voiced), filFSelect('ani_story', 'Story animation', 5, VARS.animated), filFSelect('ani_ero', 'Ero animation', 5, VARS.animated) ] ]; } function filVN() { var ontagpage = location.pathname.indexOf('/v/') < 0; return [ 'Visual Novel Filters', [ 'General', filFSelect( 'length', 'Length', 6, VARS.vn_lengths), filFOptions('hasani', 'Anime', [[1, 'Has anime'], [0, 'Does not have anime']]), filFOptions('hasshot','Screenshots', [[1, 'Has screenshot'],[0, 'Does not have a screenshot']]), [ 'date_after', 'Released after', dateLoad(null, selectField), function (c) { return [c.date_val] }, function(o,v) { o.dateSet(v) } ], [ 'date_before', 'Released before', dateLoad(null, selectField), function (c) { return [c.date_val] }, function(o,v) { o.dateSet(v) } ], filFOptions('released', 'Release date', [ [1, 'Past (already released)'], [0, 'Future (to be released)'] ]) ], ontagpage ? [ 'Tags', [ '', ' ', tag('Additional tag filters are not available on this page. Use the visual novel browser instead (available from the main menu -> visual novels).') ], ] : [ 'Tags', [ '', ' ', tag('Boolean and, selecting more gives less results') ], [ '', ' ', byId('pref_code') ? tag('These filters are ignored on tag pages (when set as default).') : null ], filFTagInput('tag_inc', 'Tags to include', 'tag'), filFTagInput('tag_exc', 'Tags to exclude', 'tag'), filFOptions('tagspoil', ' ', [[0, 'Hide spoilers'],[1, 'Show minor spoilers'],[2, 'Spoil me!']]) ], [ 'Language', filFSelect('lang', 'Language', 20, VARS.languages) ], [ 'Original language', filFSelect('olang','Original language', 20, VARS.languages) ], [ 'Platform', filFSelect('plat', 'Platform', 20, VARS.platforms) ], !byId('pref_code') ? null : [ 'My lists', filFOptions('ul_notblack', 'Blacklist', [[1, 'Exclude VNs on my blacklist']]), filFOptions('ul_onwish', 'Wishlist', [[0, 'Not on my wishlist'],[1, 'On my wishlist']]), filFOptions('ul_voted', 'Voted', [[0, 'Not voted on'], [1, 'Voted on' ]]), filFOptions('ul_onlist', 'VN list', [[0, 'Not on my VN list'],[1, 'On my VN list']]) ], ]; } function filStaff() { var gend = VARS.genders.slice(0, 3); // Insert seiyuu into the list of roles, before the "staff" role. var roles = VARS.staff_roles; roles.splice(-1, 0, ['seiyuu', 'Voice actor']); return [ 'Staff filters', [ 'General', filFOptions('truename', 'Names', [[1, 'Primary names only'],[0, 'Include aliases']]), filFSelect('role', 'Roles', roles.length, roles), '', filFSelect('gender', 'Gender', gend.length, gend), ], [ 'Language', filFSelect('lang', 'Language', 20, VARS.languages) ], ]; } if(byId('filselect')) filLoad(byId('filselect'), byId('fil')); if(byId('rfilselect')) filLoad(byId('rfilselect'), byId('rfil'));